Create modern clean looking blog with ease.
- MDX powered blog content, allowing interactive content creation.
- Fully IAC with azure and terraform.
- SSR with Next.js and CDN acceleration for all static assets.
- Persisted Graphql API calls, efficient and secure client/server communication.
- Fully containerized, easy deploy to any environment with ease.
- Easy images upload, optimization with local preview and easy markdown insert.
- Light and dark theme support with css variables to avoid flickering when hydrating.
- Bundle size, SEO optimization applied, RSS feed supported.
- OAuth2.0 Model for permission control, multiple 3rd party oauth logins supported.
- Instant search for all blog content.
- Email templates built with mjml provided to allow easy email marketing.
I know this is a bit overkill for a blog. My main goal with this code is to learn all the tech by DIY.