diff --git a/LNUnit.Tests/AbcLightningFixture.cs b/LNUnit.Tests/AbcLightningFixture.cs
index 663383b..10035cf 100644
--- a/LNUnit.Tests/AbcLightningFixture.cs
+++ b/LNUnit.Tests/AbcLightningFixture.cs
@@ -114,6 +114,21 @@ public async Task SetupNetwork(string image = "lightninglabs/lnd", string tag =
+ new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
+ {
+ ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
+ RemoteName = "bob"
+ },
+ new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
+ {
+ ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
+ RemoteName = "bob"
+ },
+ new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
+ {
+ ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
+ RemoteName = "bob"
+ },
new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
@@ -135,6 +150,24 @@ public async Task SetupNetwork(string image = "lightninglabs/lnd", string tag =
+ new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
+ {
+ ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
+ RemotePushOnStart = 1_000_000, // 1MSat
+ RemoteName = "bob"
+ },
+ new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
+ {
+ ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
+ RemotePushOnStart = 1_000_000, // 1MSat
+ RemoteName = "bob"
+ },
+ new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
+ {
+ ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
+ RemotePushOnStart = 1_000_000, // 1MSat
+ RemoteName = "bob"
+ },
new LNUnitNetworkDefinition.Channel
ChannelSize = 10_000_000, //10MSat
@@ -442,6 +475,77 @@ public async Task SuccessfulKeysend()
Assert.That(payment.Status, Is.EqualTo(Payment.Types.PaymentStatus.Succeeded));
+ ///
+ /// Keysend from Alice and Carol to Bob, see how many can clear in 10s.
+ ///
+ ///
+ [Test]
+ [Category("Payment")]
+ [NonParallelizable]
+ [Timeout(60000)]
+ [TestCase(2)]
+ [TestCase(4)]
+ [TestCase(8)]
+ [TestCase(16)]
+ [TestCase(32)]
+ public async Task Keysend_To_Bob_PaymentsPerSecondMax_Threaded(int threads)
+ {
+ Builder.CancelAllInterceptors();
+ var aliceSettings = await Builder.GetLNDSettingsFromContainer("alice", _lndRoot);
+ var bobSettings = await Builder.GetLNDSettingsFromContainer("bob", _lndRoot);
+ var carolSettings = await Builder.GetLNDSettingsFromContainer("carol", _lndRoot);
+ var alice = new LNDNodeConnection(aliceSettings);
+ var bob = new LNDNodeConnection(bobSettings);
+ var carol = new LNDNodeConnection(carolSettings);
+ await Task.Delay(1000); //TODO: why? we are not checking channels are up
+ var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
+ var success_count = 0;
+ var fail_count = 0;
+ var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds <= 10_000)
+ {
+ Task.WaitAll(
+ Parallel.ForAsync(0, threads, cts.Token, async (i, token) =>
+ {
+ var payment = await alice.KeysendPayment(bob.LocalNodePubKey, 1, 100000000, "Hello World", 6,
+ new Dictionary { { 99999, new byte[] { 11, 11, 11 } } });
+ if (payment.Status == Payment.Types.PaymentStatus.Succeeded)
+ {
+ Interlocked.Increment(ref success_count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Interlocked.Increment(ref fail_count);
+ }
+ }),
+ Parallel.ForAsync(0, threads, cts.Token, async (i, token) =>
+ {
+ var payment = await carol.KeysendPayment(bob.LocalNodePubKey, 1, 100000000, "Hello World", 6,
+ new Dictionary { { 99999, new byte[] { 11, 11, 11 } } });
+ if (payment.Status == Payment.Types.PaymentStatus.Succeeded)
+ {
+ Interlocked.Increment(ref success_count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Interlocked.Increment(ref fail_count);
+ }
+ Interlocked.Increment(ref success_count);
+ }));
+ }
+ sw.Stop();
+ var attempted_pps = (fail_count + success_count) / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
+ $"Attempted Payments: {fail_count + success_count}".Print();
+ $"Successful: {success_count}".Print();
+ $"Failed : {fail_count}".Print();
+ var successful_pps = success_count / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
+ $"Successful Payments per second: {successful_pps}".Print();
+ }