diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
index 53b93d07fcb..ccb75083bbf 100644
--- a/.vscode/launch.json
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -75,6 +75,16 @@
"justMyCode": true,
"enableStepFiltering": false,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "FCS-Fable Test",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/artifacts/bin/fcs-fable-test/Debug/net6.0/fcs-fable-test.dll",
+ "args": [],
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/fcs/fcs-fable/test",
+ "console": "internalConsole",
+ "stopAtEntry": false
diff --git a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
index d82763ddc2e..d396c055fec 100644
--- a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- net7.0
+ net6.0
diff --git a/buildtools/buildtools.targets b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
index 86346fc2a15..8332b53a237 100644
--- a/buildtools/buildtools.targets
+++ b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\Bootstrap\fslex\fslex.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net6.0\fslex.dll
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\Bootstrap\fsyacc\fsyacc.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net6.0\fsyacc.dll
diff --git a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
index 8577bf4e3af..fe737d00331 100644
--- a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- net7.0
+ net6.0
diff --git a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
index e3a4b88a3a0..839c919617d 100644
--- a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- net7.0
+ net6.0
diff --git a/fcs/build.sh b/fcs/build.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8eca34a882
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/build.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# cd to root
+cd $(dirname $0)/..
+# build fslex/fsyacc tools
+dotnet build -c Release buildtools
+# build FSharp.Compiler.Service (to make sure it's not broken)
+dotnet build -c Release src/Compiler
+# build FCS-Fable codegen
+cd fcs/fcs-fable/codegen
+dotnet build -c Release
+dotnet run -c Release -- ../../../src/Compiler/FSComp.txt FSComp.fs
+dotnet run -c Release -- ../../../src/Compiler/Interactive/FSIstrings.txt FSIstrings.fs
+# cleanup comments
+files="FSComp.fs FSIstrings.fs"
+for file in $files; do
+ echo "Delete comments in $file"
+ sed -i '1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//' $file # remove BOM
+ sed -i '/^ *\/\//d' $file # delete all comment lines
+# replace all #line directives with comments
+files="lex.fs pplex.fs illex.fs ilpars.fs pars.fs pppars.fs"
+for file in $files; do
+ echo "Replace #line directives with comments in $file"
+ sed -i 's/^# [0-9]/\/\/\0/' $file # comment all #line directives
+ sed -i 's/^\(\/\/# [0-9]\{1,\} "\).*\/codegen\/\(\.\.\/\)*/\1/' $file # cleanup #line paths
+# build FCS-Fable
+cd ..
+dotnet build -c Release
+# run some tests
+cd test
+npm test
+# npm run bench
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/.gitignore b/fcs/fcs-fable/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..db7b2bd5665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Codegen
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/FSStrings.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/FSStrings.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d53f0601514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/FSStrings.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
+module internal SR.Resources
+let resources =
+ dict [
+ ( "SeeAlso",
+ ". See also {0}."
+ );
+ ( "ConstraintSolverTupleDiffLengths",
+ "The tuples have differing lengths of {0} and {1}"
+ );
+ ( "ConstraintSolverInfiniteTypes",
+ "The types '{0}' and '{1}' cannot be unified."
+ );
+ ( "ConstraintSolverMissingConstraint",
+ "A type parameter is missing a constraint '{0}'"
+ );
+ ( "ConstraintSolverTypesNotInEqualityRelation1",
+ "The unit of measure '{0}' does not match the unit of measure '{1}'"
+ );
+ ( "ConstraintSolverTypesNotInEqualityRelation2",
+ "The type '{0}' does not match the type '{1}'"
+ );
+ ( "ConstraintSolverTypesNotInSubsumptionRelation",
+ "The type '{0}' is not compatible with the type '{1}'{2}"
+ );
+ ( "ErrorFromAddingTypeEquation1",
+ "This expression was expected to have type\n '{1}' \nbut here has type\n '{0}' {2}"
+ );
+ ( "ErrorFromAddingTypeEquation2",
+ "Type mismatch. Expecting a\n '{0}' \nbut given a\n '{1}' {2}\n"
+ );
+ ( "ErrorFromApplyingDefault1",
+ "Type constraint mismatch when applying the default type '{0}' for a type inference variable. "
+ );
+ ( "ErrorFromApplyingDefault2",
+ " Consider adding further type constraints"
+ );
+ ( "ErrorsFromAddingSubsumptionConstraint",
+ "Type constraint mismatch. The type \n '{0}' \nis not compatible with type\n '{1}' {2}\n"
+ );
+ ( "UpperCaseIdentifierInPattern",
+ "Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name."
+ );
+ ( "NotUpperCaseConstructor",
+ "Discriminated union cases and exception labels must be uppercase identifiers"
+ );
+ ( "FunctionExpected",
+ "This function takes too many arguments, or is used in a context where a function is not expected"
+ );
+ ( "BakedInMemberConstraintName",
+ "Member constraints with the name '{0}' are given special status by the F# compiler as certain .NET types are implicitly augmented with this member. This may result in runtime failures if you attempt to invoke the member constraint from your own code."
+ );
+ ( "BadEventTransformation",
+ "A definition to be compiled as a .NET event does not have the expected form. Only property members can be compiled as .NET events."
+ );
+ ( "ParameterlessStructCtor",
+ "Implicit object constructors for structs must take at least one argument"
+ );
+ ( "InterfaceNotRevealed",
+ "The type implements the interface '{0}' but this is not revealed by the signature. You should list the interface in the signature, as the interface will be discoverable via dynamic type casts and/or reflection."
+ );
+ ( "TyconBadArgs",
+ "The type '{0}' expects {1} type argument(s) but is given {2}"
+ );
+ ( "IndeterminateType",
+ "Lookup on object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. A type annotation may be needed prior to this program point to constrain the type of the object. This may allow the lookup to be resolved."
+ );
+ ( "NameClash1",
+ "Duplicate definition of {0} '{1}'"
+ );
+ ( "NameClash2",
+ "The {0} '{1}' can not be defined because the name '{2}' clashes with the {3} '{4}' in this type or module"
+ );
+ ( "Duplicate1",
+ "Two members called '{0}' have the same signature"
+ );
+ ( "Duplicate2",
+ "Duplicate definition of {0} '{1}'"
+ );
+ ( "UndefinedName2",
+ " A construct with this name was found in FSharp.PowerPack.dll, which contains some modules and types that were implicitly referenced in some previous versions of F#. You may need to add an explicit reference to this DLL in order to compile this code."
+ );
+ ( "FieldNotMutable",
+ "This field is not mutable"
+ );
+ ( "FieldsFromDifferentTypes",
+ "The fields '{0}' and '{1}' are from different types"
+ );
+ ( "VarBoundTwice",
+ "'{0}' is bound twice in this pattern"
+ );
+ ( "Recursion",
+ "A use of the function '{0}' does not match a type inferred elsewhere. The inferred type of the function is\n {1}. \nThe type of the function required at this point of use is\n {2} {3}\nThis error may be due to limitations associated with generic recursion within a 'let rec' collection or within a group of classes. Consider giving a full type signature for the targets of recursive calls including type annotations for both argument and return types."
+ );
+ ( "InvalidRuntimeCoercion",
+ "Invalid runtime coercion or type test from type {0} to {1}\n{2}"
+ );
+ ( "IndeterminateRuntimeCoercion",
+ "This runtime coercion or type test from type\n {0} \n to \n {1} \ninvolves an indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. Runtime type tests are not allowed on some types. Further type annotations are needed."
+ );
+ ( "IndeterminateStaticCoercion",
+ "The static coercion from type\n {0} \nto \n {1} \n involves an indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. Static coercions are not allowed on some types. Further type annotations are needed."
+ );
+ ( "StaticCoercionShouldUseBox",
+ "A coercion from the value type \n {0} \nto the type \n {1} \nwill involve boxing. Consider using 'box' instead"
+ );
+ ( "TypeIsImplicitlyAbstract",
+ "This type is 'abstract' since some abstract members have not been given an implementation. If this is intentional then add the '[]' attribute to your type."
+ );
+ ( "NonRigidTypar1",
+ "This construct causes code to be less generic than indicated by its type annotations. The type variable implied by the use of a '#', '_' or other type annotation at or near '{0}' has been constrained to be type '{1}'."
+ );
+ ( "NonRigidTypar2",
+ "This construct causes code to be less generic than indicated by the type annotations. The unit-of-measure variable '{0} has been constrained to be measure '{1}'."
+ );
+ ( "NonRigidTypar3",
+ "This construct causes code to be less generic than indicated by the type annotations. The type variable '{0} has been constrained to be type '{1}'."
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.IDENT",
+ "identifier"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INT",
+ "integer literal"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.FLOAT",
+ "floating point literal"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DECIMAL",
+ "decimal literal"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.CHAR",
+ "character literal"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.BASE",
+ "keyword 'base'"
+ );
+ "symbol '(*)'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DOLLAR",
+ "symbol '$'"
+ );
+ "infix operator"
+ );
+ "infix operator"
+ );
+ "symbol ':>'"
+ );
+ "symbol '::'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.PERCENT.OP",
+ "symbol '{0}"
+ );
+ "infix operator"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INFIX.BAR.OP",
+ "infix operator"
+ );
+ "infix operator"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.PREFIX.OP",
+ "prefix operator"
+ );
+ "symbol ':?>'"
+ );
+ "infix operator"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INFIX.AMP.OP",
+ "infix operator"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.AMP",
+ "symbol '&'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.AMP.AMP",
+ "symbol '&&'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.BAR.BAR",
+ "symbol '||'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LESS",
+ "symbol '<'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.GREATER",
+ "symbol '>'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.QMARK",
+ "symbol '?'"
+ );
+ "symbol '??'"
+ );
+ "symbol ':?'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INT32.DOT.DOT",
+ "integer.."
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DOT.DOT",
+ "symbol '..'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DOT.DOT.HAT",
+ "symbol '..^'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.QUOTE",
+ "quote symbol"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.STAR",
+ "symbol '*'"
+ );
+ "type application "
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.COLON",
+ "symbol ':'"
+ );
+ "symbol ':='"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LARROW",
+ "symbol '<-'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.EQUALS",
+ "symbol '='"
+ );
+ "symbol '>|]'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.MINUS",
+ "symbol '-'"
+ );
+ "prefix operator"
+ );
+ "operator name"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.COMMA",
+ "symbol ','"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DOT",
+ "symbol '.'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.BAR",
+ "symbol '|'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.HASH",
+ "symbol #"
+ );
+ "symbol '_'"
+ );
+ "symbol ';'"
+ );
+ "symbol ';;'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LPAREN",
+ "symbol '('"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.RPAREN",
+ "symbol ')'"
+ );
+ "symbol 'splice'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LQUOTE",
+ "start of quotation"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LBRACK",
+ "symbol '['"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LBRACE.BAR",
+ "symbol '{|'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LBRACK.BAR",
+ "symbol '[|'"
+ );
+ "symbol '[<'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LBRACE",
+ "symbol '{'"
+ );
+ "symbol '{<'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.BAR.RBRACK",
+ "symbol '|]'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.BAR.RBRACE",
+ "symbol '|}'"
+ );
+ "symbol '>}'"
+ );
+ "symbol '>]'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.RQUOTE",
+ "end of quotation"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.RBRACK",
+ "symbol ']'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.RBRACE",
+ "symbol '}'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.PUBLIC",
+ "keyword 'public'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.PRIVATE",
+ "keyword 'private'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INTERNAL",
+ "keyword 'internal'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.FIXED",
+ "keyword 'fixed'"
+ );
+ "interpolated string"
+ );
+ "interpolated string (first part)"
+ );
+ "interpolated string (part)"
+ );
+ "interpolated string (final part)"
+ );
+ "keyword 'constraint'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INSTANCE",
+ "keyword 'instance'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DELEGATE",
+ "keyword 'delegate'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INHERIT",
+ "keyword 'inherit'"
+ );
+ "keyword 'constructor'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DEFAULT",
+ "keyword 'default'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OVERRIDE",
+ "keyword 'override'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ABSTRACT",
+ "keyword 'abstract'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.CLASS",
+ "keyword 'class'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.MEMBER",
+ "keyword 'member'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.STATIC",
+ "keyword 'static'"
+ );
+ "keyword 'namespace'"
+ );
+ "start of structured construct"
+ );
+ "incomplete structured construct at or before this point"
+ );
+ ( "BlockEndSentence",
+ "Incomplete structured construct at or before this point"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OTHEN",
+ "keyword 'then'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OELSE",
+ "keyword 'else'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OLET",
+ "keyword 'let' or 'use'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.BINDER",
+ "binder keyword"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ODO",
+ "keyword 'do'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.CONST",
+ "keyword 'const'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OWITH",
+ "keyword 'with'"
+ );
+ "keyword 'function'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OFUN",
+ "keyword 'fun'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ORESET",
+ "end of input"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ODUMMY",
+ "internal dummy token"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ODO.BANG",
+ "keyword 'do!'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.YIELD",
+ "yield"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.YIELD.BANG",
+ "yield!"
+ );
+ "keyword 'interface'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ELIF",
+ "keyword 'elif'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.RARROW",
+ "symbol '->'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.SIG",
+ "keyword 'sig'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.STRUCT",
+ "keyword 'struct'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.UPCAST",
+ "keyword 'upcast'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DOWNCAST",
+ "keyword 'downcast'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.NULL",
+ "keyword 'null'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.RESERVED",
+ "reserved keyword"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.MODULE",
+ "keyword 'module'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.AND",
+ "keyword 'and'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.AND.BANG",
+ "keyword 'and!'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.AS",
+ "keyword 'as'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ASSERT",
+ "keyword 'assert'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.ASR",
+ "keyword 'asr'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DOWNTO",
+ "keyword 'downto'"
+ );
+ "keyword 'exception'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.FALSE",
+ "keyword 'false'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.FOR",
+ "keyword 'for'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.FUN",
+ "keyword 'fun'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.FUNCTION",
+ "keyword 'function'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.FINALLY",
+ "keyword 'finally'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.LAZY",
+ "keyword 'lazy'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.MATCH",
+ "keyword 'match'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.MATCH.BANG",
+ "keyword 'match!'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.MUTABLE",
+ "keyword 'mutable'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.NEW",
+ "keyword 'new'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OF",
+ "keyword 'of'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OPEN",
+ "keyword 'open'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.OR",
+ "keyword 'or'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.VOID",
+ "keyword 'void'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.EXTERN",
+ "keyword 'extern'"
+ );
+ "keyword 'interface'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.REC",
+ "keyword 'rec'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.TO",
+ "keyword 'to'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.TRUE",
+ "keyword 'true'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.TRY",
+ "keyword 'try'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.TYPE",
+ "keyword 'type'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.VAL",
+ "keyword 'val'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.INLINE",
+ "keyword 'inline'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.WHEN",
+ "keyword 'when'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.WHILE",
+ "keyword 'while'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.WITH",
+ "keyword 'with'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.IF",
+ "keyword 'if'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DO",
+ "keyword 'do'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.GLOBAL",
+ "keyword 'global'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.DONE",
+ "keyword 'done'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.IN",
+ "keyword 'in'"
+ );
+ "symbol '('"
+ );
+ "symbol'['"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.BEGIN",
+ "keyword 'begin'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.END",
+ "keyword 'end'"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.HASH.ENDIF",
+ "directive"
+ );
+ "inactive code"
+ );
+ "lex failure"
+ );
+ "whitespace"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.COMMENT",
+ "comment"
+ );
+ "line comment"
+ );
+ "string text"
+ );
+ "compiler generated literal"
+ );
+ "byte array literal"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.STRING",
+ "string literal"
+ );
+ ( "Parser.TOKEN.EOF",
+ "end of input"
+ );
+ ( "UnexpectedEndOfInput",
+ "Unexpected end of input"
+ );
+ ( "Unexpected",
+ "Unexpected {0}"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.interaction",
+ " in interaction"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.hashDirective",
+ " in directive"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.fieldDecl",
+ " in field declaration"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.unionCaseRepr",
+ " in discriminated union case declaration"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.localBinding",
+ " in binding"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.hardwhiteLetBindings",
+ " in binding"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.classDefnMember",
+ " in member definition"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.defnBindings",
+ " in definitions"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.classMemberSpfn",
+ " in member signature"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.valSpfn",
+ " in value signature"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.tyconSpfn",
+ " in type signature"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.anonLambdaExpr",
+ " in lambda expression"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.attrUnionCaseDecl",
+ " in union case"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.cPrototype",
+ " in extern declaration"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.objectImplementationMembers",
+ " in object expression"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.ifExprCases",
+ " in if/then/else expression"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.openDecl",
+ " in open declaration"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.fileModuleSpec",
+ " in module or namespace signature"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.patternClauses",
+ " in pattern matching"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.beginEndExpr",
+ " in begin/end expression"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.recdExpr",
+ " in record expression"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.tyconDefn",
+ " in type definition"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.exconCore",
+ " in exception definition"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.typeNameInfo",
+ " in type name"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.attributeList",
+ " in attribute list"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.quoteExpr",
+ " in quotation literal"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.typeConstraint",
+ " in type constraint"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.Category.ImplementationFile",
+ " in implementation file"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.Category.Definition",
+ " in definition"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.Category.SignatureFile",
+ " in signature file"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.Category.Pattern",
+ " in pattern"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.Category.Expr",
+ " in expression"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.Category.Type",
+ " in type"
+ );
+ ( "NONTERM.typeArgsActual",
+ " in type arguments"
+ );
+ ( "FixKeyword",
+ "keyword "
+ );
+ ( "FixSymbol",
+ "symbol "
+ );
+ ( "FixReplace",
+ " (due to indentation-aware syntax)"
+ );
+ ( "TokenName1",
+ ". Expected {0} or other token."
+ );
+ ( "TokenName1TokenName2",
+ ". Expected {0}, {1} or other token."
+ );
+ ( "TokenName1TokenName2TokenName3",
+ ". Expected {0}, {1}, {2} or other token."
+ );
+ ( "RuntimeCoercionSourceSealed1",
+ "The type '{0}' cannot be used as the source of a type test or runtime coercion"
+ );
+ ( "RuntimeCoercionSourceSealed2",
+ "The type '{0}' does not have any proper subtypes and cannot be used as the source of a type test or runtime coercion."
+ );
+ ( "CoercionTargetSealed",
+ "The type '{0}' does not have any proper subtypes and need not be used as the target of a static coercion"
+ );
+ ( "UpcastUnnecessary",
+ "This upcast is unnecessary - the types are identical"
+ );
+ ( "TypeTestUnnecessary",
+ "This type test or downcast will always hold"
+ );
+ ( "OverrideDoesntOverride1",
+ "The member '{0}' does not have the correct type to override any given virtual method"
+ );
+ ( "OverrideDoesntOverride2",
+ "The member '{0}' does not have the correct type to override the corresponding abstract method."
+ );
+ ( "OverrideDoesntOverride3",
+ " The required signature is '{0}'."
+ );
+ ( "OverrideDoesntOverride4",
+ "The member '{0}' is specialized with 'unit' but 'unit' can't be used as return type of an abstract method parameterized on return type."
+ );
+ ( "UnionCaseWrongArguments",
+ "This constructor is applied to {0} argument(s) but expects {1}"
+ );
+ ( "UnionPatternsBindDifferentNames",
+ "The two sides of this 'or' pattern bind different sets of variables"
+ );
+ ( "ValueNotContained",
+ "Module '{0}' contains\n {1} \nbut its signature specifies\n {2} \n{3}."
+ );
+ ( "RequiredButNotSpecified",
+ "Module '{0}' requires a {1} '{2}'"
+ );
+ ( "UseOfAddressOfOperator",
+ "The use of native pointers may result in unverifiable .NET IL code"
+ );
+ ( "DefensiveCopyWarning",
+ "{0}"
+ );
+ ( "DeprecatedThreadStaticBindingWarning",
+ "Thread static and context static 'let' bindings are deprecated. Instead use a declaration of the form 'static val mutable : ' in a class. Add the 'DefaultValue' attribute to this declaration to indicate that the value is initialized to the default value on each new thread."
+ );
+ ( "FunctionValueUnexpected",
+ "This expression is a function value, i.e. is missing arguments. Its type is {0}."
+ );
+ ( "UnitTypeExpected",
+ "The result of this expression has type '{0}' and is implicitly ignored. Consider using 'ignore' to discard this value explicitly, e.g. 'expr |> ignore', or 'let' to bind the result to a name, e.g. 'let result = expr'."
+ );
+ ( "UnitTypeExpectedWithEquality",
+ "The result of this equality expression has type '{0}' and is implicitly discarded. Consider using 'let' to bind the result to a name, e.g. 'let result = expression'."
+ );
+ ( "UnitTypeExpectedWithPossiblePropertySetter",
+ "The result of this equality expression has type '{0}' and is implicitly discarded. Consider using 'let' to bind the result to a name, e.g. 'let result = expression'. If you intended to set a value to a property, then use the '<-' operator e.g. '{1}.{2} <- expression'."
+ );
+ ( "UnitTypeExpectedWithPossibleAssignment",
+ "The result of this equality expression has type '{0}' and is implicitly discarded. Consider using 'let' to bind the result to a name, e.g. 'let result = expression'. If you intended to mutate a value, then mark the value 'mutable' and use the '<-' operator e.g. '{1} <- expression'."
+ );
+ ( "UnitTypeExpectedWithPossibleAssignmentToMutable",
+ "The result of this equality expression has type '{0}' and is implicitly discarded. Consider using 'let' to bind the result to a name, e.g. 'let result = expression'. If you intended to mutate a value, then use the '<-' operator e.g. '{1} <- expression'."
+ );
+ ( "RecursiveUseCheckedAtRuntime",
+ "This recursive use will be checked for initialization-soundness at runtime. This warning is usually harmless, and may be suppressed by using '#nowarn \"21\"' or '--nowarn:21'."
+ );
+ ( "LetRecUnsound1",
+ "The value '{0}' will be evaluated as part of its own definition"
+ );
+ ( "LetRecUnsound2",
+ "This value will be eventually evaluated as part of its own definition. You may need to make the value lazy or a function. Value '{0}'{1}."
+ );
+ ( "LetRecUnsoundInner",
+ " will evaluate '{0}'"
+ );
+ ( "LetRecEvaluatedOutOfOrder",
+ "Bindings may be executed out-of-order because of this forward reference."
+ );
+ ( "LetRecCheckedAtRuntime",
+ "This and other recursive references to the object(s) being defined will be checked for initialization-soundness at runtime through the use of a delayed reference. This is because you are defining one or more recursive objects, rather than recursive functions. This warning may be suppressed by using '#nowarn \"40\"' or '--nowarn:40'."
+ );
+ ( "SelfRefObjCtor1",
+ "Recursive references to the object being defined will be checked for initialization soundness at runtime through the use of a delayed reference. Consider placing self-references in members or within a trailing expression of the form ' then '."
+ );
+ ( "SelfRefObjCtor2",
+ "Recursive references to the object being defined will be checked for initialization soundness at runtime through the use of a delayed reference. Consider placing self-references within 'do' statements after the last 'let' binding in the construction sequence."
+ );
+ ( "VirtualAugmentationOnNullValuedType",
+ "The containing type can use 'null' as a representation value for its nullary union case. Invoking an abstract or virtual member or an interface implementation on a null value will lead to an exception. If necessary add a dummy data value to the nullary constructor to avoid 'null' being used as a representation for this type."
+ );
+ ( "NonVirtualAugmentationOnNullValuedType",
+ "The containing type can use 'null' as a representation value for its nullary union case. This member will be compiled as a static member."
+ );
+ ( "NonUniqueInferredAbstractSlot1",
+ "The member '{0}' doesn't correspond to a unique abstract slot based on name and argument count alone"
+ );
+ ( "NonUniqueInferredAbstractSlot2",
+ ". Multiple implemented interfaces have a member with this name and argument count"
+ );
+ ( "NonUniqueInferredAbstractSlot3",
+ ". Consider implementing interfaces '{0}' and '{1}' explicitly."
+ );
+ ( "NonUniqueInferredAbstractSlot4",
+ ". Additional type annotations may be required to indicate the relevant override. This warning can be disabled using '#nowarn \"70\"' or '--nowarn:70'."
+ );
+ ( "Failure1",
+ "parse error"
+ );
+ ( "Failure2",
+ "parse error: unexpected end of file"
+ );
+ ( "Failure3",
+ "{0}"
+ );
+ ( "Failure4",
+ "internal error: {0}"
+ );
+ ( "FullAbstraction",
+ "{0}"
+ );
+ ( "MatchIncomplete1",
+ "Incomplete pattern matches on this expression."
+ );
+ ( "MatchIncomplete2",
+ " For example, the value '{0}' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s)."
+ );
+ ( "MatchIncomplete3",
+ " For example, the value '{0}' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s). However, a pattern rule with a 'when' clause might successfully match this value."
+ );
+ ( "MatchIncomplete4",
+ " Unmatched elements will be ignored."
+ );
+ ( "EnumMatchIncomplete1",
+ "Enums may take values outside known cases."
+ );
+ ( "RuleNeverMatched",
+ "This rule will never be matched"
+ );
+ ( "ValNotMutable",
+ "This value is not mutable. Consider using the mutable keyword, e.g. 'let mutable {0} = expression'."
+ );
+ ( "ValNotLocal",
+ "This value is not local"
+ );
+ ( "Obsolete1",
+ "This construct is deprecated"
+ );
+ ( "Obsolete2",
+ ". {0}"
+ );
+ ( "Experimental",
+ "{0}. This warning can be disabled using '--nowarn:57' or '#nowarn \"57\"'."
+ );
+ ( "PossibleUnverifiableCode",
+ "Uses of this construct may result in the generation of unverifiable .NET IL code. This warning can be disabled using '--nowarn:9' or '#nowarn \"9\"'."
+ );
+ ( "Deprecated",
+ "This construct is deprecated: {0}"
+ );
+ ( "LibraryUseOnly",
+ "This construct is deprecated: it is only for use in the F# library"
+ );
+ ( "MissingFields",
+ "The following fields require values: {0}"
+ );
+ ( "ValueRestriction1",
+ "Value restriction. The value '{0}' has generic type\n {1} \nEither make the arguments to '{2}' explicit or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation."
+ );
+ ( "ValueRestriction2",
+ "Value restriction. The value '{0}' has generic type\n {1} \nEither make '{2}' into a function with explicit arguments or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation."
+ );
+ ( "ValueRestriction3",
+ "Value restriction. This member has been inferred to have generic type\n {0} \nConstructors and property getters/setters cannot be more generic than the enclosing type. Add a type annotation to indicate the exact types involved."
+ );
+ ( "ValueRestriction4",
+ "Value restriction. The value '{0}' has been inferred to have generic type\n {1} \nEither make the arguments to '{2}' explicit or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation."
+ );
+ ( "ValueRestriction5",
+ "Value restriction. The value '{0}' has been inferred to have generic type\n {1} \nEither define '{2}' as a simple data term, make it a function with explicit arguments or, if you do not intend for it to be generic, add a type annotation."
+ );
+ ( "RecoverableParseError",
+ "syntax error"
+ );
+ ( "ReservedKeyword",
+ "{0}"
+ );
+ ( "IndentationProblem",
+ "{0}"
+ );
+ ( "OverrideInIntrinsicAugmentation",
+ "Override implementations in augmentations are now deprecated. Override implementations should be given as part of the initial declaration of a type."
+ );
+ ( "OverrideInExtrinsicAugmentation",
+ "Override implementations should be given as part of the initial declaration of a type."
+ );
+ ( "IntfImplInIntrinsicAugmentation",
+ "Interface implementations in augmentations are now deprecated. Interface implementations should be given on the initial declaration of a type."
+ );
+ ( "IntfImplInExtrinsicAugmentation",
+ "Interface implementations should be given on the initial declaration of a type."
+ );
+ ( "UnresolvedReferenceNoRange",
+ "A required assembly reference is missing. You must add a reference to assembly '{0}'."
+ );
+ ( "UnresolvedPathReferenceNoRange",
+ "The type referenced through '{0}' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly '{1}'."
+ );
+ ( "HashIncludeNotAllowedInNonScript",
+ "#I directives may only occur in F# script files (extensions .fsx or .fsscript). Either move this code to a script file, add a '-I' compiler option for this reference or delimit the directive with delimit it with '#if INTERACTIVE'/'#endif'."
+ );
+ ( "HashReferenceNotAllowedInNonScript",
+ "#r directives may only occur in F# script files (extensions .fsx or .fsscript). Either move this code to a script file or replace this reference with the '-r' compiler option. If this directive is being executed as user input, you may delimit it with '#if INTERACTIVE'/'#endif'."
+ );
+ ( "HashDirectiveNotAllowedInNonScript",
+ "This directive may only be used in F# script files (extensions .fsx or .fsscript). Either remove the directive, move this code to a script file or delimit the directive with '#if INTERACTIVE'/'#endif'."
+ );
+ ( "FileNameNotResolved",
+ "Unable to find the file '{0}' in any of\n {1}"
+ );
+ ( "AssemblyNotResolved",
+ "Assembly reference '{0}' was not found or is invalid"
+ );
+ ( "HashLoadedSourceHasIssues0",
+ "One or more informational messages in loaded file.\n"
+ );
+ ( "HashLoadedSourceHasIssues1",
+ "One or more warnings in loaded file.\n"
+ );
+ ( "HashLoadedSourceHasIssues2",
+ "One or more errors in loaded file.\n"
+ );
+ ( "HashLoadedScriptConsideredSource",
+ "Loaded files may only be F# source files (extension .fs). This F# script file (.fsx or .fsscript) will be treated as an F# source file"
+ );
+ ( "InvalidInternalsVisibleToAssemblyName1",
+ "Invalid assembly name '{0}' from InternalsVisibleTo attribute in {1}"
+ );
+ ( "InvalidInternalsVisibleToAssemblyName2",
+ "Invalid assembly name '{0}' from InternalsVisibleTo attribute (assembly filename not available)"
+ );
+ ( "LoadedSourceNotFoundIgnoring",
+ "Could not load file '{0}' because it does not exist or is inaccessible"
+ );
+ ( "MSBuildReferenceResolutionError",
+ "{0} (Code={1})"
+ );
+ ( "TargetInvocationExceptionWrapper",
+ "internal error: {0}"
+ );
+ ( "NotUpperCaseConstructorWithoutRQA",
+ "Lowercase discriminated union cases are only allowed when using RequireQualifiedAccess attribute"
+ );
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/SR.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/SR.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..39ca804f113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/SR.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// From SR.fs
+namespace FSharp.Compiler
+module SR =
+ let GetString(name: string) =
+ match SR.Resources.resources.TryGetValue(name) with
+ | true, value -> value
+ | _ -> "Missing FSStrings error message for: " + name
+module DiagnosticMessage =
+ type ResourceString<'T>(sfmt: string, fmt: string) =
+ member x.Format =
+ let a = fmt.Split('%')
+ |> Array.filter (fun s -> String.length s > 0)
+ |> Array.map (fun s -> box("%" + s))
+ let tmp = System.String.Format(sfmt, a)
+ let fmt = Printf.StringFormat<'T>(tmp)
+ sprintf fmt
+ let postProcessString (s: string) =
+ s.Replace("\\n","\n").Replace("\\t","\t")
+ let DeclareResourceString (messageID: string, fmt: string) =
+ let messageString = SR.GetString(messageID) |> postProcessString
+ ResourceString<'T>(messageString, fmt)
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/System.Collections.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/System.Collections.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..105aa5fc8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/System.Collections.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// shims for things not yet implemented in Fable
+namespace System.Collections
+module Generic =
+ type Queue<'T> =
+ inherit ResizeArray<'T>
+ new () = Queue<'T>()
+ member x.Enqueue (item: 'T) =
+ x.Add(item)
+ member x.Dequeue () =
+ let item = x.Item(0)
+ x.RemoveAt(0)
+ item
+module Immutable =
+ open System.Collections.Generic
+ // not actually immutable, just a ResizeArray
+ type ImmutableArray<'T> =
+ static member CreateBuilder() = ResizeArray<'T>()
+ // not actually immutable, just a Dictionary
+ type ImmutableDictionary<'Key, 'Value>(comparer: IEqualityComparer<'Key>) =
+ inherit Dictionary<'Key, 'Value>(comparer)
+ static member Create(comparer) = ImmutableDictionary<'Key, 'Value>(comparer)
+ static member Empty = ImmutableDictionary<'Key, 'Value>(EqualityComparer.Default)
+ member x.Add (key: 'Key, value: 'Value) = x[key] <- value; x
+ member x.SetItem (key: 'Key, value: 'Value) = x[key] <- value; x
+module Concurrent =
+ open System.Collections.Generic
+ // not actually thread safe, just a Dictionary
+ []
+ type ConcurrentDictionary<'Key, 'Value>(comparer: IEqualityComparer<'Key>) =
+ inherit Dictionary<'Key, 'Value>(comparer)
+ new () =
+ ConcurrentDictionary<'Key, 'Value>(EqualityComparer.Default)
+ new (_concurrencyLevel: int, _capacity: int) =
+ ConcurrentDictionary<'Key, 'Value>()
+ new (_concurrencyLevel: int, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'Key>) =
+ ConcurrentDictionary<'Key, 'Value>(comparer)
+ new (_concurrencyLevel: int, _capacity: int, comparer: IEqualityComparer<'Key>) =
+ ConcurrentDictionary<'Key, 'Value>(comparer)
+ member x.TryAdd (key: 'Key, value: 'Value): bool =
+ if x.ContainsKey(key)
+ then false
+ else x.Add(key, value); true
+ member x.TryRemove (key: 'Key): bool * 'Value =
+ match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ | true, v -> (x.Remove(key), v)
+ | _ as res -> res
+ member x.GetOrAdd (key: 'Key, valueFactory: 'Key -> 'Value): 'Value =
+ match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ | true, v -> v
+ | _ -> let v = valueFactory(key) in x.Add(key, v); v
+ // member x.GetOrAdd (key: 'Key, value: 'Value): 'Value =
+ // match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ // | true, v -> v
+ // | _ -> let v = value in x.Add(key, v); v
+ // member x.GetOrAdd<'Arg> (key: 'Key, valueFactory: 'Key * 'Arg -> 'Value, arg: 'Arg): 'Value =
+ // match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ // | true, v -> v
+ // | _ -> let v = valueFactory(key, arg) in x.Add(key, v); v
+ // member x.TryUpdate (key: 'Key, value: 'Value, comparisonValue: 'Value): bool =
+ // match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ // | true, v when v = comparisonValue -> x.[key] <- value; true
+ // | _ -> false
+ // member x.AddOrUpdate (key: 'Key, value: 'Value, updateFactory: 'Key * 'Value -> 'Value): 'Value =
+ // match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ // | true, v -> let v = updateFactory(key, v) in x.[key] <- v; v
+ // | _ -> let v = value in x.Add(key, v); v
+ // member x.AddOrUpdate (key: 'Key, valueFactory: 'Key -> 'Value, updateFactory: 'Key * 'Value -> 'Value): 'Value =
+ // match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ // | true, v -> let v = updateFactory(key, v) in x.[key] <- v; v
+ // | _ -> let v = valueFactory(key) in x.Add(key, v); v
+ // member x.AddOrUpdate (key: 'Key, valueFactory: 'Key * 'Arg -> 'Value, updateFactory: 'Key * 'Arg * 'Value -> 'Value, arg: 'Arg): 'Value =
+ // match x.TryGetValue(key) with
+ // | true, v -> let v = updateFactory(key, arg, v) in x.[key] <- v; v
+ // | _ -> let v = valueFactory(key, arg) in x.Add(key, v); v
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/System.IO.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/System.IO.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b3cc17b134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/System.IO.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// shims for things not yet implemented in Fable
+namespace System.IO
+module Path =
+ let Combine (path1: string, path2: string) = //TODO: proper xplat implementation
+ let path1 =
+ if (String.length path1) = 0 then path1
+ else (path1.TrimEnd [|'\\';'/'|]) + "/"
+ path1 + (path2.TrimStart [|'\\';'/'|])
+ let ChangeExtension (path: string, ext: string) =
+ let i = path.LastIndexOf(".")
+ if i < 0 then path
+ else path.Substring(0, i) + ext
+ let HasExtension (path: string) =
+ let i = path.LastIndexOf(".")
+ i >= 0
+ let GetExtension (path: string) =
+ let i = path.LastIndexOf(".")
+ if i < 0 then ""
+ else path.Substring(i)
+ let GetInvalidPathChars () = //TODO: proper xplat implementation
+ Seq.toArray "<>\"|?*\b\t"
+ let GetInvalidFileNameChars () = //TODO: proper xplat implementation
+ Seq.toArray "<>:\"|\\/?*\b\t"
+ let GetFileName (path: string) =
+ let normPath = path.Replace("\\", "/").TrimEnd('/')
+ let i = normPath.LastIndexOf("/")
+ normPath.Substring(i + 1)
+ let GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path: string) =
+ let filename = GetFileName path
+ let i = filename.LastIndexOf(".")
+ if i < 0 then filename
+ else filename.Substring(0, i)
+ let GetDirectoryName (path: string) = //TODO: proper xplat implementation
+ let normPath = path.Replace("\\", "/")
+ let i = normPath.LastIndexOf("/")
+ if i <= 0 then ""
+ else normPath.Substring(0, i)
+ let DirectorySeparatorChar = '/'
+ let AltDirectorySeparatorChar = '/'
+module Directory =
+ let GetCurrentDirectory() = //TODO: proper xplat implementation
+ "."
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/System.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/System.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..366111b1520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/System.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// shims for things not yet implemented in Fable
+namespace System
+type Environment() =
+ static member ProcessorCount = 1
+ static member Exit(_exitcode) = ()
+module Diagnostics =
+ type Trace() =
+ static member TraceInformation(_s) = () //TODO: proper implementation
+module Reflection =
+ type AssemblyName(assemblyName: string) =
+ member x.Name = assemblyName //TODO: proper implementation
+type WeakReference<'T>(v: 'T) =
+ member x.TryGetTarget () = (true, v)
+type StringComparer(comp: System.StringComparison) =
+ static member Ordinal = StringComparer(System.StringComparison.Ordinal)
+ static member OrdinalIgnoreCase = StringComparer(System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ interface System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer with
+ member x.Equals(a,b) = System.String.Compare(a, b, comp) = 0
+ member x.GetHashCode(a) =
+ match comp with
+ | System.StringComparison.Ordinal -> hash a
+ | System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase -> hash (a.ToLowerInvariant())
+ | _ -> failwithf "Unsupported StringComparison: %A" comp
+ interface System.Collections.Generic.IComparer with
+ member x.Compare(a,b) = System.String.Compare(a, b, comp)
+type ArraySegment<'T>(arr: 'T[]) =
+ member _.Array = arr
+ member _.Count = arr.Length
+ member _.Offset = 0
+ new (arr: 'T[], offset: int, count: int) =
+ ArraySegment<'T>(Array.sub arr offset count)
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/TcImports_shim.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/TcImports_shim.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b1d322fd7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/TcImports_shim.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+namespace FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open Internal.Utilities.Collections
+open Internal.Utilities.Library
+open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
+open FSharp.Compiler
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILBinaryReader
+open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
+open FSharp.Compiler.CheckExpressions
+open FSharp.Compiler.CheckDeclarations
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerConfig
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerDiagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerGlobalState
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerImports
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerOptions
+open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
+open FSharp.Compiler.IO
+open FSharp.Compiler.NameResolution
+open FSharp.Compiler.ParseAndCheckInputs
+open FSharp.Compiler.ScriptClosure
+open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
+open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
+open FSharp.Compiler.TcGlobals
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range
+open FSharp.Compiler.Tokenization
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTree
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeBasics
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeOps
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreePickle
+// TcImports shim
+module TcImports =
+ let internal BuildTcImports (tcConfig: TcConfig, references: string[], readAllBytes: string -> byte[]) =
+ let tcImports = TcImports ()
+ let sigDataReaders ilModule =
+ [ for resource in ilModule.Resources.AsList() do
+ if IsSignatureDataResource resource then
+ let _ccuName, getBytes = GetResourceNameAndSignatureDataFunc resource
+ getBytes() ]
+ let optDataReaders ilModule =
+ [ for resource in ilModule.Resources.AsList() do
+ if IsOptimizationDataResource resource then
+ let _ccuName, getBytes = GetResourceNameAndOptimizationDataFunc resource
+ getBytes() ]
+ let LoadMod (ccuName: string) =
+ let fileName =
+ if ccuName.EndsWith(".dll", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ then ccuName
+ else ccuName + ".dll"
+ let bytes = readAllBytes fileName
+ let opts: ILReaderOptions =
+ { metadataOnly = MetadataOnlyFlag.Yes
+ reduceMemoryUsage = ReduceMemoryFlag.Yes
+ pdbDirPath = None
+ tryGetMetadataSnapshot = (fun _ -> None) }
+ let reader = ILBinaryReader.OpenILModuleReaderFromBytes fileName bytes opts
+ reader.ILModuleDef //, reader.ILAssemblyRefs
+ let GetSignatureData (fileName:string, ilScopeRef, ilModule:ILModuleDef option, bytes: ReadOnlyByteMemory) =
+ unpickleObjWithDanglingCcus fileName ilScopeRef ilModule unpickleCcuInfo bytes
+ let GetOptimizationData (fileName:string, ilScopeRef, ilModule:ILModuleDef option, bytes: ReadOnlyByteMemory) =
+ unpickleObjWithDanglingCcus fileName ilScopeRef ilModule Optimizer.u_CcuOptimizationInfo bytes
+ let memoize_mod = new MemoizationTable<_,_> (LoadMod, keyComparer=HashIdentity.Structural)
+ let LoadSigData ccuName =
+ let ilModule = memoize_mod.Apply ccuName
+ let ilShortAssemName = ilModule.ManifestOfAssembly.Name
+ let ilScopeRef = ILScopeRef.Assembly (mkSimpleAssemblyRef ilShortAssemName)
+ let fileName = ilModule.Name //TODO: try with ".sigdata" extension
+ match sigDataReaders ilModule with
+ | [] -> None
+ | bytes::_ -> Some (GetSignatureData (fileName, ilScopeRef, Some ilModule, bytes))
+ let LoadOptData ccuName =
+ let ilModule = memoize_mod.Apply ccuName
+ let ilShortAssemName = ilModule.ManifestOfAssembly.Name
+ let ilScopeRef = ILScopeRef.Assembly (mkSimpleAssemblyRef ilShortAssemName)
+ let fileName = ilModule.Name //TODO: try with ".optdata" extension
+ match optDataReaders ilModule with
+ | [] -> None
+ | bytes::_ -> Some (GetOptimizationData (fileName, ilScopeRef, Some ilModule, bytes))
+ let memoize_sig = new MemoizationTable<_,_> (LoadSigData, keyComparer=HashIdentity.Structural)
+ let memoize_opt = new MemoizationTable<_,_> (LoadOptData, keyComparer=HashIdentity.Structural)
+ let GetCustomAttributesOfILModule (ilModule: ILModuleDef) =
+ (match ilModule.Manifest with Some m -> m.CustomAttrs | None -> ilModule.CustomAttrs).AsList()
+ let GetAutoOpenAttributes ilModule =
+ ilModule |> GetCustomAttributesOfILModule |> List.choose TryFindAutoOpenAttr
+ let GetInternalsVisibleToAttributes ilModule =
+ ilModule |> GetCustomAttributesOfILModule |> List.choose TryFindInternalsVisibleToAttr
+ let HasAnyFSharpSignatureDataAttribute ilModule =
+ let attrs = GetCustomAttributesOfILModule ilModule
+ List.exists IsSignatureDataVersionAttr attrs
+ let mkCcuInfo ilScopeRef ilModule ccu : ImportedAssembly =
+ { ILScopeRef = ilScopeRef
+ FSharpViewOfMetadata = ccu
+ AssemblyAutoOpenAttributes = GetAutoOpenAttributes ilModule
+ AssemblyInternalsVisibleToAttributes = GetInternalsVisibleToAttributes ilModule
+ IsProviderGenerated = false
+ TypeProviders = []
+ FSharpOptimizationData = notlazy None }
+ let GetCcuIL m ccuName =
+ let auxModuleLoader = function
+ | ILScopeRef.Local -> failwith "Unsupported reference"
+ | ILScopeRef.Module x -> memoize_mod.Apply x.Name
+ | ILScopeRef.Assembly x -> memoize_mod.Apply x.Name
+ | ILScopeRef.PrimaryAssembly -> failwith "Unsupported reference"
+ let ilModule = memoize_mod.Apply ccuName
+ let ilShortAssemName = ilModule.ManifestOfAssembly.Name
+ let ilScopeRef = ILScopeRef.Assembly (mkSimpleAssemblyRef ilShortAssemName)
+ let fileName = ilModule.Name
+ let invalidateCcu = new Event<_>()
+ let ccu = Import.ImportILAssembly(
+ tcImports.GetImportMap, m, auxModuleLoader, tcConfig.xmlDocInfoLoader, ilScopeRef,
+ tcConfig.implicitIncludeDir, Some fileName, ilModule, invalidateCcu.Publish)
+ let ccuInfo = mkCcuInfo ilScopeRef ilModule ccu
+ ccuInfo, None
+ let GetCcuFS m ccuName =
+ let sigdata = memoize_sig.Apply ccuName
+ let ilModule = memoize_mod.Apply ccuName
+ let ilShortAssemName = ilModule.ManifestOfAssembly.Name
+ let ilScopeRef = ILScopeRef.Assembly (mkSimpleAssemblyRef ilShortAssemName)
+ let fileName = ilModule.Name
+ let GetRawTypeForwarders ilModule =
+ match ilModule.Manifest with
+ | Some manifest -> manifest.ExportedTypes
+ | None -> mkILExportedTypes []
+ let invalidateCcu = new Event<_>()
+ let minfo: PickledCcuInfo = sigdata.Value.RawData //TODO: handle missing sigdata
+ let codeDir = minfo.compileTimeWorkingDir
+ let ccuData: CcuData =
+ { ILScopeRef = ilScopeRef
+ Stamp = newStamp()
+ FileName = Some fileName
+ QualifiedName = Some (ilScopeRef.QualifiedName)
+ SourceCodeDirectory = codeDir
+ IsFSharp = true
+ Contents = minfo.mspec
+ InvalidateEvent=invalidateCcu.Publish
+ IsProviderGenerated = false
+ ImportProvidedType = (fun ty -> Import.ImportProvidedType (tcImports.GetImportMap()) m ty)
+ UsesFSharp20PlusQuotations = minfo.usesQuotations
+ MemberSignatureEquality = (fun ty1 ty2 -> typeEquivAux EraseAll (tcImports.GetTcGlobals()) ty1 ty2)
+ TryGetILModuleDef = (fun () -> Some ilModule)
+ TypeForwarders = Import.ImportILAssemblyTypeForwarders(tcImports.GetImportMap, m, GetRawTypeForwarders ilModule)
+ XmlDocumentationInfo = None
+ }
+ let optdata = lazy (
+ match memoize_opt.Apply ccuName with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some data ->
+ let findCcuInfo name = tcImports.FindCcu (m, name)
+ Some (data.OptionalFixup findCcuInfo) )
+ let ccu = CcuThunk.Create(ilShortAssemName, ccuData)
+ let ccuInfo = mkCcuInfo ilScopeRef ilModule ccu
+ let ccuOptInfo = { ccuInfo with FSharpOptimizationData = optdata }
+ ccuOptInfo, sigdata
+ let rec GetCcu m ccuName =
+ let ilModule = memoize_mod.Apply ccuName
+ if HasAnyFSharpSignatureDataAttribute ilModule then
+ GetCcuFS m ccuName
+ else
+ GetCcuIL m ccuName
+ let fixupCcuInfo refCcusUnfixed =
+ let refCcus = refCcusUnfixed |> List.map fst
+ let findCcuInfo name =
+ refCcus
+ |> List.tryFind (fun (x: ImportedAssembly) -> x.FSharpViewOfMetadata.AssemblyName = name)
+ |> Option.map (fun x -> x.FSharpViewOfMetadata)
+ let fixup (data: PickledDataWithReferences<_>) =
+ data.OptionalFixup findCcuInfo |> ignore
+ refCcusUnfixed |> List.choose snd |> List.iter fixup
+ refCcus
+ let m = range.Zero
+ let fsharpCoreAssemblyName = "FSharp.Core"
+ let primaryAssemblyName = PrimaryAssembly.Mscorlib.Name
+ let refCcusUnfixed = List.ofArray references |> List.map (GetCcu m)
+ let refCcus = fixupCcuInfo refCcusUnfixed
+ let sysCcuInfos = refCcus |> List.filter (fun x -> x.FSharpViewOfMetadata.AssemblyName <> fsharpCoreAssemblyName)
+ let fslibCcuInfo = refCcus |> List.find (fun x -> x.FSharpViewOfMetadata.AssemblyName = fsharpCoreAssemblyName)
+ let primaryCcuInfo = refCcus |> List.find (fun x -> x.FSharpViewOfMetadata.AssemblyName = primaryAssemblyName)
+ let ccuInfos = [fslibCcuInfo] @ sysCcuInfos
+ let ccuMap = ccuInfos |> List.map (fun ccuInfo -> ccuInfo.FSharpViewOfMetadata.AssemblyName, ccuInfo) |> Map.ofList
+ // search over all imported CCUs for each cached type
+ let ccuHasType (ccu: CcuThunk) (nsname: string list) (tname: string) =
+ let findEntity (entityOpt: Entity option) n =
+ match entityOpt with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some entity -> entity.ModuleOrNamespaceType.AllEntitiesByCompiledAndLogicalMangledNames.TryFind n
+ let entityOpt = (Some ccu.Contents, nsname) ||> List.fold findEntity
+ match entityOpt with
+ | Some ns ->
+ match Map.tryFind tname ns.ModuleOrNamespaceType.TypesByMangledName with
+ | Some _ -> true
+ | None -> false
+ | None -> false
+ // Search for a type
+ let tryFindSysTypeCcu nsname typeName =
+ let search = sysCcuInfos |> List.tryFind (fun ccuInfo -> ccuHasType ccuInfo.FSharpViewOfMetadata nsname typeName)
+ match search with
+ | Some x -> Some x.FSharpViewOfMetadata
+ | None ->
+#if DEBUG
+ printfn "Cannot find type %s.%s" (String.concat "." nsname) typeName
+ None
+ let primaryScopeRef = primaryCcuInfo.ILScopeRef
+ let fsharpCoreScopeRef = fslibCcuInfo.ILScopeRef
+ let assembliesThatForwardToPrimaryAssembly = []
+ let ilGlobals = mkILGlobals (primaryScopeRef, assembliesThatForwardToPrimaryAssembly, fsharpCoreScopeRef)
+ let tcGlobals =
+ TcGlobals(
+ tcConfig.compilingFSharpCore,
+ ilGlobals,
+ fslibCcuInfo.FSharpViewOfMetadata,
+ tcConfig.implicitIncludeDir,
+ tcConfig.mlCompatibility,
+ tcConfig.isInteractive,
+ tcConfig.useReflectionFreeCodeGen,
+ tryFindSysTypeCcu,
+ tcConfig.emitDebugInfoInQuotations,
+ tcConfig.noDebugAttributes,
+ tcConfig.pathMap,
+ tcConfig.langVersion
+ )
+#if DEBUG
+ // the global_g reference cell is used only for debug printing
+ do global_g <- Some tcGlobals
+ // do this prior to parsing, since parsing IL assembly code may refer to mscorlib
+ do tcImports.SetCcuMap(ccuMap)
+ do tcImports.SetTcGlobals(tcGlobals)
+ tcGlobals, tcImports
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/ast_print.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/ast_print.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc89d332c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/ast_print.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+module AstPrint
+open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
+// AstPrint
+let attribsOfSymbol (s: FSharpSymbol) =
+ [ match s with
+ | :? FSharpField as v ->
+ yield "field"
+ if v.IsCompilerGenerated then yield "compgen"
+ if v.IsDefaultValue then yield "default"
+ if v.IsMutable then yield "mutable"
+ if v.IsVolatile then yield "volatile"
+ if v.IsStatic then yield "static"
+ if v.IsLiteral then yield sprintf "%A" v.LiteralValue.Value
+ | :? FSharpEntity as v ->
+ v.TryFullName |> ignore // check there is no failure here
+ match v.BaseType with
+ | Some t when t.HasTypeDefinition && t.TypeDefinition.TryFullName.IsSome ->
+ yield sprintf "inherits %s" t.TypeDefinition.FullName
+ | _ -> ()
+ if v.IsNamespace then yield "namespace"
+ if v.IsFSharpModule then yield "module"
+ if v.IsByRef then yield "byref"
+ if v.IsClass then yield "class"
+ if v.IsDelegate then yield "delegate"
+ if v.IsEnum then yield "enum"
+ if v.IsFSharpAbbreviation then yield "abbrev"
+ if v.IsFSharpExceptionDeclaration then yield "exception"
+ if v.IsFSharpRecord then yield "record"
+ if v.IsFSharpUnion then yield "union"
+ if v.IsInterface then yield "interface"
+ if v.IsMeasure then yield "measure"
+ if v.IsProvided then yield "provided"
+ if v.IsStaticInstantiation then yield "static_inst"
+ if v.IsProvidedAndErased then yield "erased"
+ if v.IsProvidedAndGenerated then yield "generated"
+ if v.IsUnresolved then yield "unresolved"
+ if v.IsValueType then yield "valuetype"
+ | :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as v ->
+ yield "owner: " + match v.DeclaringEntity with | Some e -> e.CompiledName | _ -> ""
+ if v.IsActivePattern then yield "active_pattern"
+ if v.IsDispatchSlot then yield "dispatch_slot"
+ if v.IsModuleValueOrMember && not v.IsMember then yield "val"
+ if v.IsMember then yield "member"
+ if v.IsProperty then yield "property"
+ if v.IsExtensionMember then yield "extension_member"
+ if v.IsPropertyGetterMethod then yield "property_getter"
+ if v.IsPropertySetterMethod then yield "property_setter"
+ if v.IsEvent then yield "event"
+ if v.EventForFSharpProperty.IsSome then yield "property_event"
+ if v.IsEventAddMethod then yield "event_add"
+ if v.IsEventRemoveMethod then yield "event_remove"
+ if v.IsTypeFunction then yield "type_func"
+ if v.IsCompilerGenerated then yield "compiler_gen"
+ if v.IsImplicitConstructor then yield "implicit_ctor"
+ if v.IsMutable then yield "mutable"
+ if v.IsOverrideOrExplicitInterfaceImplementation then yield "override_impl"
+ if not v.IsInstanceMember then yield "static"
+ if v.IsInstanceMember && not v.IsInstanceMemberInCompiledCode && not v.IsExtensionMember then yield "funky"
+ if v.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation then yield "interface_impl"
+ yield sprintf "%A" v.InlineAnnotation
+ // if v.IsConstructorThisValue then yield "ctorthis"
+ // if v.IsMemberThisValue then yield "this"
+ // if v.LiteralValue.IsSome then yield "literal"
+ | _ -> () ]
+let rec printFSharpDecls prefix decls = seq {
+ let mutable i = 0
+ for decl in decls do
+ i <- i + 1
+ match decl with
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.Entity (e, sub) ->
+ yield sprintf "%s%i) ENTITY: %s %A" prefix i e.CompiledName (attribsOfSymbol e)
+ if not (Seq.isEmpty e.Attributes) then
+ yield sprintf "%sattributes: %A" prefix (Seq.toList e.Attributes)
+ if not (Seq.isEmpty e.DeclaredInterfaces) then
+ yield sprintf "%sinterfaces: %A" prefix (Seq.toList e.DeclaredInterfaces)
+ yield ""
+ yield! printFSharpDecls (prefix + "\t") sub
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.MemberOrFunctionOrValue (meth, args, body) ->
+ yield sprintf "%s%i) METHOD: %s %A" prefix i meth.CompiledName (attribsOfSymbol meth)
+ yield sprintf "%stype: %A" prefix meth.FullType
+ yield sprintf "%sargs: %A" prefix args
+ // if not meth.IsCompilerGenerated then
+ yield sprintf "%sbody: %A" prefix body
+ yield ""
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.InitAction (expr) ->
+ yield sprintf "%s%i) ACTION" prefix i
+ yield sprintf "%s%A" prefix expr
+ yield ""
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/codegen.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/codegen.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..670e1085cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/codegen.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ artifacts
+ $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/../../../src/Compiler
+ Exe
+ net6.0
+ --unicode --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
+ AbstractIL/illex.fsl
+ --module FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.AsciiParser --open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL --internal --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --parslib Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing
+ AbstractIL/ilpars.fsy
+ --unicode --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
+ SyntaxTree/pplex.fsl
+ --module FSharp.Compiler.PPParser --open FSharp.Compiler --open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax --internal --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --parslib Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing
+ SyntaxTree/pppars.fsy
+ --unicode --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing
+ SyntaxTree/lex.fsl
+ --module FSharp.Compiler.Parser --open FSharp.Compiler --open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax --internal --lexlib Internal.Utilities.Text.Lexing --parslib Internal.Utilities.Text.Parsing
+ SyntaxTree/pars.fsy
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/fssrgen.fsx b/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/fssrgen.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..529a0a1d543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/fssrgen.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+module FsSrGen
+open System
+open System.IO
+let PrintErr(filename, line, msg) =
+ printfn "%s(%d): error : %s" filename line msg
+let Err(filename, line, msg) =
+ PrintErr(filename, line, msg)
+ printfn "Note that the syntax of each line is one of these three alternatives:"
+ printfn "# comment"
+ printfn "ident,\"string\""
+ printfn "errNum,ident,\"string\""
+ failwith (sprintf "there were errors in the file '%s'" filename)
+let xmlBoilerPlateString = @"
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+type HoleType = string
+// The kinds of 'holes' we can do
+let ComputeHoles filename lineNum (txt:string) : ResizeArray * string =
+ // takes in a %d%s kind of string, returns array of HoleType and {0}{1} kind of string
+ let mutable i = 0
+ let mutable holeNumber = 0
+ let mutable holes = ResizeArray() // order
+ let sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ let AddHole holeType =
+ sb.Append(sprintf "{%d}" holeNumber) |> ignore
+ holeNumber <- holeNumber + 1
+ holes.Add(holeType)
+ while i < txt.Length do
+ if txt.[i] = '%' then
+ if i+1 = txt.Length then
+ Err(filename, lineNum, "(at end of string) % must be followed by d, f, s, or %")
+ else
+ match txt.[i+1] with
+ | 'd' -> AddHole "System.Int32"
+ | 'f' -> AddHole "System.Double"
+ | 's' -> AddHole "System.String"
+ | '%' -> sb.Append('%') |> ignore
+ | c -> Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "'%%%c' is not a valid sequence, only %%d %%f %%s or %%%%" c)
+ i <- i + 2
+ else
+ match txt.[i] with
+ | '{' -> sb.Append "{{" |> ignore
+ | '}' -> sb.Append "}}" |> ignore
+ | c -> sb.Append c |> ignore
+ i <- i + 1
+ //printfn "holes.Length = %d, lineNum = %d" holes.Length //lineNum txt
+ (holes, sb.ToString())
+let Unquote (s : string) =
+ if s.StartsWith "\"" && s.EndsWith "\"" then s.Substring(1, s.Length - 2)
+ else failwith "error message string should be quoted"
+let ParseLine filename lineNum (txt:string) =
+ let mutable errNum = None
+ let identB = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ let mutable i = 0
+ // parse optional error number
+ if i < txt.Length && System.Char.IsDigit txt.[i] then
+ let numB = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ while i < txt.Length && System.Char.IsDigit txt.[i] do
+ numB.Append txt.[i] |> ignore
+ i <- i + 1
+ errNum <- Some(int (numB.ToString()))
+ if i = txt.Length || not(txt.[i] = ',') then
+ Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "After the error number '%d' there should be a comma" errNum.Value)
+ // Skip the comma
+ i <- i + 1
+ // parse short identifier
+ if i < txt.Length && not(System.Char.IsLetter(txt.[i])) then
+ Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "The first character in the short identifier should be a letter, but found '%c'" txt.[i])
+ while i < txt.Length && System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit txt.[i] do
+ identB.Append txt.[i] |> ignore
+ i <- i + 1
+ let ident = identB.ToString()
+ if ident.Length = 0 then
+ Err(filename, lineNum, "Did not find the short identifier")
+ else
+ if i = txt.Length || not(txt.[i] = ',') then
+ Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "After the identifier '%s' there should be a comma" ident)
+ else
+ // Skip the comma
+ i <- i + 1
+ if i = txt.Length then
+ Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "After the identifier '%s' and comma, there should be the quoted string resource" ident)
+ else
+ let str =
+ try
+ System.String.Format(Unquote(txt.Substring i)) // Format turns e.g '\n' into that char, but also requires that we 'escape' curlies in the original .txt file, e.g. "{{"
+ with
+ e -> Err(filename, lineNum, sprintf "Error calling System.String.Format (note that curly braces must be escaped, and there cannot be trailing space on the line): >>>%s<<< -- %s" (txt.Substring i) e.Message)
+ let holes, netFormatString = ComputeHoles filename lineNum str
+ (lineNum, (errNum,ident), str, holes.ToArray(), netFormatString)
+let stringBoilerPlatePrefix = @"
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicOperators
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
+open System.Reflection
+// (namespaces below for specific case of using the tool to compile FSharp.Core itself)
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Text
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
+open Printf
+let StringBoilerPlate filename =
+ @"
+ static let getCurrentAssembly () =
+ typeof.GetTypeInfo().Assembly
+ #else
+ System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
+ #endif
+ static let getTypeInfo (t: System.Type) =
+ t.GetTypeInfo()
+ #else
+ t
+ #endif
+ static let resources = lazy (new System.Resources.ResourceManager(""" + filename + @""", getCurrentAssembly()))
+ static let GetString(name:string) =
+ let s = resources.Value.GetString(name, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)
+ #if DEBUG
+ if null = s then
+ System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf ""**RESOURCE ERROR**: Resource token %s does not exist!"" name)
+ #endif
+ s
+ static let mkFunctionValue (tys: System.Type[]) (impl:obj->obj) =
+ FSharpValue.MakeFunction(FSharpType.MakeFunctionType(tys.[0],tys.[1]), impl)
+ static let funTyC = typeof<(obj -> obj)>.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
+ static let isNamedType(ty:System.Type) = not (ty.IsArray || ty.IsByRef || ty.IsPointer)
+ static let isFunctionType (ty1:System.Type) =
+ isNamedType(ty1) && getTypeInfo(ty1).IsGenericType && (ty1.GetGenericTypeDefinition()).Equals(funTyC)
+ static let rec destFunTy (ty:System.Type) =
+ if isFunctionType ty then
+ ty, ty.GetGenericArguments()
+ else
+ match getTypeInfo(ty).BaseType with
+ | null -> failwith ""destFunTy: not a function type""
+ | b -> destFunTy b
+ static let buildFunctionForOneArgPat (ty: System.Type) impl =
+ let _,tys = destFunTy ty
+ let rty = tys.[1]
+ // PERF: this technique is a bit slow (e.g. in simple cases, like 'sprintf ""%x""')
+ mkFunctionValue tys (fun inp -> impl rty inp)
+ static let capture1 (fmt:string) i args ty (go : obj list -> System.Type -> int -> obj) : obj =
+ match fmt.[i] with
+ | '%' -> go args ty (i+1)
+ | 'd'
+ | 'f'
+ | 's' -> buildFunctionForOneArgPat ty (fun rty n -> go (n::args) rty (i+1))
+ | _ -> failwith ""bad format specifier""
+ // newlines and tabs get converted to strings when read from a resource file
+ // this will preserve their original intention
+ static let postProcessString (s : string) =
+ s.Replace(""\\n"",""\n"").Replace(""\\t"",""\t"").Replace(""\\r"",""\r"").Replace(""\\\"""", ""\"""")
+ static let createMessageString (messageString : string) (fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>) : 'T =
+ let fmt = fmt.Value // here, we use the actual error string, as opposed to the one stored as fmt
+ let len = fmt.Length
+ /// Function to capture the arguments and then run.
+ let rec capture args ty i =
+ if i >= len || (fmt.[i] = '%' && i+1 >= len) then
+ let b = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ b.AppendFormat(messageString, [| for x in List.rev args -> x |]) |> ignore
+ box(b.ToString())
+ // REVIEW: For these purposes, this should be a nop, but I'm leaving it
+ // in incase we ever decide to support labels for the error format string
+ // E.g., ""%s%d""
+ elif System.Char.IsSurrogatePair(fmt,i) then
+ capture args ty (i+2)
+ else
+ match fmt.[i] with
+ | '%' ->
+ let i = i+1
+ capture1 fmt i args ty capture
+ | _ ->
+ capture args ty (i+1)
+ (unbox (capture [] (typeof<'T>) 0) : 'T)
+ static let mutable swallowResourceText = false
+ static let GetStringFunc((messageID : string),(fmt : Printf.StringFormat<'T>)) : 'T =
+ if swallowResourceText then
+ sprintf fmt
+ else
+ let mutable messageString = GetString(messageID)
+ messageString <- postProcessString messageString
+ createMessageString messageString fmt
+ /// If set to true, then all error messages will just return the filled 'holes' delimited by ',,,'s - this is for language-neutral testing (e.g. localization-invariant baselines).
+ static member SwallowResourceText with get () = swallowResourceText
+ and set (b) = swallowResourceText <- b
+let RunMain(filename:string, outFilename, outXmlFilenameOpt, projectNameOpt) =
+ try
+ let justfilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)
+ if justfilename |> Seq.exists (fun c -> not(System.Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c))) then
+ Err(filename, 0, sprintf "The filename '%s' is not allowed; only letters and digits can be used, as the filename also becomes the namespace for the SR class" justfilename)
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Reading %s" filename
+ let lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename)
+ |> Array.mapi (fun i s -> i,s) // keep line numbers
+ |> Array.filter (fun (i,s) -> not(s.StartsWith "#")) // filter out comments
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Parsing %s" filename
+ let stringInfos = lines |> Array.map (fun (i,s) -> ParseLine filename i s)
+ // now we have array of (lineNum, ident, str, holes, netFormatString) // str has %d, netFormatString has {0}
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Validating %s" filename
+ // validate that all the idents are unique
+ let allIdents = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary()
+ for (line,(_,ident),_,_,_) in stringInfos do
+ if allIdents.ContainsKey(ident) then
+ Err(filename,line,sprintf "Identifier '%s' is already used previously on line %d - each identifier must be unique" ident allIdents.[ident])
+ allIdents.Add(ident,line)
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Validating uniqueness of %s" filename
+ // validate that all the strings themselves are unique
+ let allStrs = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary()
+ for (line,(_,ident),str,_,_) in stringInfos do
+ if allStrs.ContainsKey(str) then
+ let prevLine,prevIdent = allStrs.[str]
+ Err(filename,line,sprintf "String '%s' already appears on line %d with identifier '%s' - each string must be unique" str prevLine prevIdent)
+ allStrs.Add(str,(line,ident))
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Generating %s" outFilename
+ use out = new System.IO.StringWriter()
+ fprintfn out "// This is a generated file; the original input is '%s'" filename
+ fprintfn out "namespace %s" justfilename
+ if Option.isNone outXmlFilenameOpt then
+ fprintfn out "type internal SR private() ="
+ else
+ fprintfn out "%s" stringBoilerPlatePrefix
+ fprintfn out "type internal SR private() ="
+ let theResourceName = match projectNameOpt with Some p -> sprintf "%s.%s" p justfilename | None -> justfilename
+ fprintfn out "%s" (StringBoilerPlate theResourceName)
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Generating resource methods for %s" outFilename
+ // gen each resource method
+ stringInfos |> Seq.iter (fun (lineNum, (optErrNum,ident), str, holes, netFormatString) ->
+ let formalArgs = System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ let actualArgs = System.Text.StringBuilder()
+ let firstTime = ref true
+ let n = ref 0
+ formalArgs.Append "(" |> ignore
+ for hole in holes do
+ if !firstTime then
+ firstTime := false
+ else
+ formalArgs.Append ", " |> ignore
+ actualArgs.Append " " |> ignore
+ formalArgs.Append(sprintf "a%d : %s" !n hole) |> ignore
+ actualArgs.Append(sprintf "a%d" !n) |> ignore
+ n := !n + 1
+ formalArgs.Append ")" |> ignore
+ fprintfn out " /// %s" str
+ fprintfn out " /// (Originally from %s:%d)" filename (lineNum+1)
+ let justPercentsFromFormatString =
+ (holes |> Array.fold (fun acc holeType ->
+ acc + match holeType with
+ | "System.Int32" -> ",,,%d"
+ | "System.Double" -> ",,,%f"
+ | "System.String" -> ",,,%s"
+ | _ -> failwith "unreachable") "") + ",,,"
+ let errPrefix = match optErrNum with
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some n -> sprintf "%d, " n
+ if Option.isNone outXmlFilenameOpt then
+ fprintfn out " static member %s%s = (%ssprintf \"%s\" %s)" ident (formalArgs.ToString()) errPrefix str (actualArgs.ToString())
+ else
+ fprintfn out " static member %s%s = (%sGetStringFunc(\"%s\",\"%s\") %s)" ident (formalArgs.ToString()) errPrefix ident justPercentsFromFormatString (actualArgs.ToString())
+ )
+ if Option.isSome outXmlFilenameOpt then
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Generating .resx for %s" outFilename
+ fprintfn out ""
+ // gen validation method
+ fprintfn out " /// Call this method once to validate that all known resources are valid; throws if not"
+ fprintfn out " static member RunStartupValidation() ="
+ stringInfos |> Seq.iter (fun (lineNum, (optErrNum,ident), str, holes, netFormatString) ->
+ fprintfn out " ignore(GetString(\"%s\"))" ident
+ )
+ fprintfn out " ()" // in case there are 0 strings, we need the generated code to parse
+ let outFileNewText = out.ToString()
+ let nothingChanged = try File.Exists(outFilename) && File.ReadAllText(outFilename) = outFileNewText with _ -> false
+ if not nothingChanged then
+ File.WriteAllText(outFilename, outFileNewText, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
+ if Option.isSome outXmlFilenameOpt then
+ // gen resx
+ let xd = new System.Xml.XmlDocument()
+ xd.LoadXml(xmlBoilerPlateString)
+ stringInfos |> Seq.iter (fun (lineNum, (optErrNum,ident), str, holes, netFormatString) ->
+ let xn = xd.CreateElement("data")
+ xn.SetAttribute("name",ident) |> ignore
+ xn.SetAttribute("xml:space","preserve") |> ignore
+ let xnc = xd.CreateElement "value"
+ xn.AppendChild xnc |> ignore
+ xnc.AppendChild(xd.CreateTextNode netFormatString) |> ignore
+ xd.LastChild.AppendChild xn |> ignore
+ )
+ let outXmlFileNewText =
+ use outXmlStream = new System.IO.StringWriter()
+ xd.Save outXmlStream
+ outXmlStream.ToString()
+ let outXmlFile = outXmlFilenameOpt.Value
+ let nothingChanged = try File.Exists(outXmlFile) && File.ReadAllText(outXmlFile) = outXmlFileNewText with _ -> false
+ if not nothingChanged then
+ File.WriteAllText(outXmlFile, outXmlFileNewText, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode)
+ printfn "fssrgen.fsx: Done %s" outFilename
+ 0
+ with e ->
+ PrintErr(filename, 0, sprintf "An exception occurred when processing '%s'\n%s" filename (e.ToString()))
+ 1
+let Main args =
+ match args |> List.ofArray with
+ | [ inputFile; outFile; ] ->
+ let filename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(inputFile)
+ let outFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(outFile)
+ RunMain(filename, outFilename, None, None)
+ | [ inputFile; outFile; outXml ] ->
+ let filename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath inputFile
+ let outFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath outFile
+ let outXmlFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath outXml
+ RunMain(filename, outFilename, Some outXmlFilename, None)
+ | [ inputFile; outFile; outXml; projectName ] ->
+ let filename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath inputFile
+ let outFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath outFile
+ let outXmlFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath outXml
+ RunMain(filename, outFilename, Some outXmlFilename, Some projectName)
+ | _ ->
+ printfn "Error: invalid arguments."
+ printfn "Usage: "
+ 1
+printfn "fssrgen: args = %A" fsi.CommandLineArgs
+Main (fsi.CommandLineArgs |> Seq.skip 1 |> Seq.toArray)
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/fssrgen.targets b/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/fssrgen.targets
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c28706b5d6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/codegen/fssrgen.targets
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ ProcessFsSrGen;$(PrepareForBuildDependsOn)
+ false
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/fcs-fable.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-fable/fcs-fable.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0838086cda8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/fcs-fable.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/../../src/Compiler
+ $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)/codegen
+ netstandard2.0
+ $(DefineConstants);FABLE_COMPILER
+ $(DefineConstants);FX_NO_WEAKTABLE
+ $(DefineConstants);NO_TYPEPROVIDERS
+ $(DefineConstants);NO_INLINE_IL_PARSER
+ $(DefineConstants);USE_SHIPPED_FSCORE
+ $(OtherFlags) --warnon:1182 --nowarn:57
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/service_slim.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/service_slim.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09a30702cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/service_slim.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+namespace FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open System
+open System.Collections.Concurrent
+open System.IO
+open System.Threading
+open Internal.Utilities.Collections
+open Internal.Utilities.Library
+open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
+open FSharp.Compiler
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILBinaryReader
+open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
+open FSharp.Compiler.CheckBasics
+open FSharp.Compiler.CheckDeclarations
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerConfig
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerDiagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerGlobalState
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerImports
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerOptions
+// open FSharp.Compiler.DependencyManager
+open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
+// open FSharp.Compiler.Driver
+open FSharp.Compiler.NameResolution
+open FSharp.Compiler.ParseAndCheckInputs
+open FSharp.Compiler.ScriptClosure
+open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
+open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
+open FSharp.Compiler.TcGlobals
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range
+open FSharp.Compiler.Tokenization
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTree
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeBasics
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeOps
+open FSharp.Compiler.BuildGraph
+// InteractiveChecker
+type internal TcResult = TcEnv * TopAttribs * CheckedImplFile option * ModuleOrNamespaceType
+type internal TcErrors = FSharpDiagnostic[]
+type internal CompilerState = {
+ tcConfig: TcConfig
+ tcGlobals: TcGlobals
+ tcImports: TcImports
+ tcInitialState: TcState
+ projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions
+ parseCache: ConcurrentDictionary
+ checkCache: ConcurrentDictionary
+// Cache to store current compiler state.
+// In the case of type provider invalidation,
+// compiler state needs to be reset to recognize TP changes.
+type internal CompilerStateCache(readAllBytes: string -> byte[], projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions)
+ as this =
+ =
+ let initializeCompilerState() =
+ let references =
+ projectOptions.OtherOptions
+ |> Array.filter (fun s -> s.StartsWith("-r:"))
+ |> Array.map (fun s -> s.Replace("-r:", ""))
+ let tcConfig =
+ let tcConfigB =
+ TcConfigBuilder.CreateNew(
+ LegacyReferenceResolver.getResolver(),
+ defaultFSharpBinariesDir = FSharpCheckerResultsSettings.defaultFSharpBinariesDir,
+ reduceMemoryUsage = ReduceMemoryFlag.Yes,
+ implicitIncludeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectOptions.ProjectFileName),
+ isInteractive = false,
+ isInvalidationSupported = true,
+ isInvalidationSupported = false,
+ defaultCopyFSharpCore = CopyFSharpCoreFlag.No,
+ tryGetMetadataSnapshot = (fun _ -> None),
+ sdkDirOverride = None,
+ rangeForErrors = range0
+ )
+ let sourceFiles = projectOptions.SourceFiles |> Array.toList
+ let argv = projectOptions.OtherOptions |> Array.toList
+ let _sourceFiles = ApplyCommandLineArgs(tcConfigB, sourceFiles, argv)
+ TcConfig.Create(tcConfigB, validate=false)
+ // let tcConfigP = TcConfigProvider.Constant(tcConfig)
+ // let ctok = CompilationThreadToken()
+ // let dependencyProvider = new DependencyProvider()
+ let tcGlobals, tcImports =
+ // TcImports.BuildTcImports (ctok, tcConfigP, dependencyProvider)
+ // |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
+ TcImports.BuildTcImports (tcConfig, references, readAllBytes)
+ // Handle type provider invalidation by resetting compiler state
+ tcImports.GetCcusExcludingBase()
+ |> Seq.iter (fun ccu ->
+ ccu.Deref.InvalidateEvent.Add(fun _ -> this.Reset())
+ )
+ let niceNameGen = NiceNameGenerator()
+ let assemblyName = projectOptions.ProjectFileName |> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
+ let tcInitial, openDecls0 = GetInitialTcEnv (assemblyName, rangeStartup, tcConfig, tcImports, tcGlobals)
+ let tcInitialState = GetInitialTcState (rangeStartup, assemblyName, tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcImports, niceNameGen, tcInitial, openDecls0)
+ // parse cache, keyed on file name and source hash
+ let parseCache = ConcurrentDictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
+ // type check cache, keyed on file name
+ let checkCache = ConcurrentDictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
+ {
+ tcConfig = tcConfig
+ tcGlobals = tcGlobals
+ tcImports = tcImports
+ tcInitialState = tcInitialState
+ projectOptions = projectOptions
+ parseCache = parseCache
+ checkCache = checkCache
+ }
+ // Lazily evaluated in case multiple TP invalidations are triggered before next compilation requested
+ let mutable compilerStateLazy = lazy initializeCompilerState()
+ // let lockObj = obj()
+ member x.Get() =
+ // lock lockObj (fun () -> compilerStateLazy.Value)
+ compilerStateLazy.Value
+ member x.Reset() =
+ // lock lockObj (fun () -> compilerStateLazy <- lazy initializeCompilerState())
+ compilerStateLazy <- lazy initializeCompilerState()
+module internal ParseAndCheck =
+ let userOpName = "Unknown"
+ let suggestNamesForErrors = true
+ let MakeProjectResults (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState: TcState, errors: FSharpDiagnostic[],
+ topAttrsOpt: TopAttribs option, tcImplFilesOpt: CheckedImplFile list option, compilerState) =
+ let assemblyRef = mkSimpleAssemblyRef "stdin"
+ let access = tcState.TcEnvFromImpls.AccessRights
+ let symbolUses = Choice2Of2 TcSymbolUses.Empty
+ let dependencyFiles = parseResults |> Seq.map (fun x -> x.DependencyFiles) |> Array.concat
+ let getAssemblyData () = None
+ let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, symbolUses, topAttrsOpt,
+ getAssemblyData, assemblyRef, access, tcImplFilesOpt, dependencyFiles, compilerState.projectOptions)
+ let keepAssemblyContents = true
+ FSharpCheckProjectResults (projectFileName, Some compilerState.tcConfig, keepAssemblyContents, errors, Some details)
+ let ClearStaleCache (fileName: string, parsingOptions: FSharpParsingOptions, compilerState) =
+ let fileIndex = parsingOptions.SourceFiles |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
+ let filesAbove = parsingOptions.SourceFiles |> Array.take fileIndex
+ // backup all cached typecheck entries above file
+ let cachedAbove = filesAbove |> Array.choose (fun key ->
+ match compilerState.checkCache.TryGetValue(key) with
+ | true, value -> Some (key, value)
+ | false, _ -> None)
+ // remove all parse cache entries with the same file name
+ let staleParseKeys = compilerState.parseCache.Keys |> Seq.filter (fun (n,_) -> n = fileName) |> Seq.toArray
+ staleParseKeys |> Array.iter (fun key -> compilerState.parseCache.TryRemove(key) |> ignore)
+ compilerState.checkCache.Clear(); // clear all typecheck cache
+ // restore all cached typecheck entries above file
+ cachedAbove |> Array.iter (fun (key, value) -> compilerState.checkCache.TryAdd(key, value) |> ignore)
+ let ParseFile (fileName: string, source: string, parsingOptions: FSharpParsingOptions, compilerState) =
+ let parseCacheKey = fileName, hash source
+ compilerState.parseCache.GetOrAdd(parseCacheKey, fun _ ->
+ ClearStaleCache(fileName, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ let sourceText = SourceText.ofString source
+ let parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors = ParseAndCheckFile.parseFile (sourceText, fileName, parsingOptions, userOpName, suggestNamesForErrors)
+ let dependencyFiles = [||] // interactions have no dependencies
+ FSharpParseFileResults (parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors, dependencyFiles) )
+ let TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcSink: TcResultsSink, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
+ let input = parseResults.ParseTree
+ let diagnosticsOptions = compilerState.tcConfig.diagnosticsOptions
+ let capturingLogger = CompilationDiagnosticLogger("TypeCheckFile", diagnosticsOptions)
+ let diagnosticsLogger = GetDiagnosticsLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas(false, GetScopedPragmasForInput(input), diagnosticsOptions, capturingLogger)
+ use _scope = new CompilationGlobalsScope (diagnosticsLogger, BuildPhase.TypeCheck)
+ let checkForErrors () = parseResults.ParseHadErrors || diagnosticsLogger.ErrorCount > 0
+ let prefixPathOpt = None
+ let input, moduleNamesDict = input |> DeduplicateParsedInputModuleName moduleNamesDict
+ let tcResult, tcState =
+ CheckOneInput (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input, false)
+ |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
+ let fileName = parseResults.FileName
+ let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (diagnosticsOptions, false, fileName, (capturingLogger.GetDiagnostics()), suggestNamesForErrors)
+ (tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict)
+ let CheckFile (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
+ let sink = TcResultsSinkImpl(compilerState.tcGlobals)
+ let tcSink = TcResultsSink.WithSink sink
+ let (tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
+ TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseResults, tcSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ let fileName = parseResults.FileName
+ compilerState.checkCache.[fileName] <- ((tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict))
+ let loadClosure = None
+ let keepAssemblyContents = true
+ let tcEnvAtEnd, _topAttrs, implFile, ccuSigForFile = tcResult
+ let errors = Array.append parseResults.Diagnostics tcErrors
+ let scope = TypeCheckInfo (compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcGlobals, ccuSigForFile, tcState.Ccu, compilerState.tcImports, tcEnvAtEnd.AccessRights,
+ projectFileName, fileName, compilerState.projectOptions, sink.GetResolutions(), sink.GetSymbolUses(), tcEnvAtEnd.NameEnv,
+ loadClosure, implFile, sink.GetOpenDeclarations())
+ FSharpCheckFileResults (fileName, errors, Some scope, parseResults.DependencyFiles, None, keepAssemblyContents)
+ let TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState, compilerState) =
+ let cachedTypeCheck (tcState, moduleNamesDict) (parseRes: FSharpParseFileResults) =
+ let checkCacheKey = parseRes.FileName
+ let typeCheckOneInput _fileName =
+ TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseRes, TcResultsSink.NoSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ compilerState.checkCache.GetOrAdd(checkCacheKey, typeCheckOneInput)
+ let results, (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
+ ((tcState, Map.empty), parseResults) ||> Array.mapFold cachedTypeCheck
+ let tcResults, tcErrors = Array.unzip results
+ let (tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, topAttrs, implFiles, _ccuSigsForFiles), tcState =
+ CheckMultipleInputsFinish(tcResults |> Array.toList, tcState)
+ let tcState, declaredImpls, ccuContents = CheckClosedInputSetFinish (implFiles, tcState)
+ tcState.Ccu.Deref.Contents <- ccuContents
+ tcState, topAttrs, declaredImpls, tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors
+ /// Errors grouped by file, sorted by line, column
+ let ErrorsByFile (fileNames: string[], errorList: FSharpDiagnostic[] list) =
+ let errorMap = errorList |> Array.concat |> Array.groupBy (fun x -> x.FileName) |> Map.ofArray
+ let errors = fileNames |> Array.choose errorMap.TryFind
+ errors |> Array.iter (Array.sortInPlaceBy (fun x -> x.StartLine, x.StartColumn))
+ errors |> Array.concat
+type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
+ static member Create(references: string[], readAllBytes: string -> byte[], defines: string[], optimize: bool) =
+ let otherOptions = [|
+ for d in defines do yield "-d:" + d
+ yield "--optimize" + (if optimize then "+" else "-")
+ |]
+ InteractiveChecker.Create(references, readAllBytes, otherOptions)
+ static member Create(references: string[], readAllBytes: string -> byte[], otherOptions: string[]) =
+ let projectFileName = "Project"
+ let toRefOption (fileName: string) =
+ if fileName.EndsWith(".dll", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+ then "-r:" + fileName
+ else "-r:" + fileName + ".dll"
+ let otherOptions = references |> Array.map toRefOption |> Array.append otherOptions
+ let projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions = {
+ ProjectFileName = projectFileName
+ ProjectId = None
+ SourceFiles = [| |]
+ OtherOptions = otherOptions
+ ReferencedProjects = [| |]
+ IsIncompleteTypeCheckEnvironment = false
+ UseScriptResolutionRules = false
+ LoadTime = System.DateTime.MaxValue
+ UnresolvedReferences = None
+ OriginalLoadReferences = []
+ Stamp = None
+ }
+ InteractiveChecker.Create(readAllBytes, projectOptions)
+ static member Create(readAllBytes: string -> byte[], projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) =
+ InteractiveChecker(CompilerStateCache(readAllBytes, projectOptions))
+ /// Clears parse and typecheck caches.
+ member _.ClearCache () =
+ let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ compilerState.parseCache.Clear()
+ compilerState.checkCache.Clear()
+ /// Parses and checks the whole project, good for compilers (Fable etc.)
+ /// Does not retain name resolutions and symbol uses which are quite memory hungry (so no intellisense etc.).
+ /// Already parsed files will be cached so subsequent compilations will be faster.
+ member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sources: string[]) =
+ let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ // parse files
+ let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
+ let parseFile (fileName, source) = ParseFile (fileName, source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ let parseResults = Array.zip fileNames sources |> Array.map parseFile
+ // type check files
+ let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ // make project results
+ let parseErrors = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
+ let typedErrors = tcErrors |> Array.concat
+ let errors = ErrorsByFile (fileNames, [ parseErrors; typedErrors ])
+ let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
+ projectResults
+ /// Parses and checks file in project, will compile and cache all the files up to this one
+ /// (if not already done before), or fetch them from cache. Returns partial project results,
+ /// up to and including the file requested. Returns parse and typecheck results containing
+ /// name resolutions and symbol uses for the file requested only, so intellisense etc. works.
+ member _.ParseAndCheckFileInProject (fileName: string, projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sources: string[]) =
+ let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ // get files before file
+ let fileIndex = fileNames |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
+ let fileNamesBeforeFile = fileNames |> Array.take fileIndex
+ let sourcesBeforeFile = sources |> Array.take fileIndex
+ // parse files before file
+ let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
+ let parseFile (fileName, source) = ParseFile (fileName, source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ let parseResults = Array.zip fileNamesBeforeFile sourcesBeforeFile |> Array.map parseFile
+ // type check files before file
+ let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ // parse and type check file
+ let parseFileResults = parseFile (fileName, sources.[fileIndex])
+ let checkFileResults = CheckFile (projectFileName, parseFileResults, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ let (tcResult, _tcErrors), (tcState, _moduleNamesDict) = compilerState.checkCache.[fileName]
+ let _tcEnvAtEndFile, topAttrsFile, implFile, _ccuSigForFile = tcResult
+ // collect errors
+ let parseErrorsBefore = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
+ let typedErrorsBefore = tcErrors |> Array.concat
+ let newErrors = checkFileResults.Diagnostics
+ let errors = ErrorsByFile (fileNames, [ parseErrorsBefore; typedErrorsBefore; newErrors ])
+ // make partial project results
+ let parseResults = Array.append parseResults [| parseFileResults |]
+ let tcImplFiles = List.append tcImplFiles (Option.toList implFile)
+ let topAttrs = CombineTopAttrs topAttrsFile topAttrs
+ let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
+ parseFileResults, checkFileResults, projectResults
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/.gitignore b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..66d36d51d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Output
+# Node
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/Metadata.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/Metadata.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ad926feaed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/Metadata.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+module Metadata
+let references_core = [|
+ "Fable.Core"
+ "FSharp.Core"
+ "mscorlib"
+ "netstandard"
+ "System.Collections"
+ "System.Collections.Concurrent"
+ "System.ComponentModel"
+ "System.ComponentModel.Primitives"
+ "System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter"
+ "System.Console"
+ "System.Core"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Debug"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Tools"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Tracing"
+ "System.Globalization"
+ "System"
+ "System.IO"
+ "System.Net.Requests"
+ "System.Net.WebClient"
+ "System.Numerics"
+ "System.Reflection"
+ "System.Reflection.Extensions"
+ "System.Reflection.Metadata"
+ "System.Reflection.Primitives"
+ "System.Reflection.TypeExtensions"
+ "System.Runtime"
+ "System.Runtime.Extensions"
+ "System.Runtime.Numerics"
+ "System.Text.Encoding"
+ "System.Text.Encoding.Extensions"
+ "System.Text.RegularExpressions"
+ "System.Threading"
+ "System.Threading.Tasks"
+ "System.Threading.Thread"
+ "System.ValueTuple"
+ |]
+let references_net45 = [|
+ "Fable.Core"
+ "Fable.Import.Browser"
+ "FSharp.Core"
+ "mscorlib"
+ "System"
+ "System.Core"
+ "System.Data"
+ "System.IO"
+ "System.Xml"
+ "System.Numerics"
+ |]
+let references_full = [|
+ "Fable.Core"
+ "FSharp.Core"
+ "mscorlib"
+ "netstandard"
+ "Microsoft.CSharp"
+ "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core"
+ "Microsoft.VisualBasic"
+ "Microsoft.Win32.Primitives"
+ "Microsoft.Win32.Registry"
+ "System.AppContext"
+ "System.Buffers"
+ "System.Collections.Concurrent"
+ "System.Collections.Immutable"
+ "System.Collections.NonGeneric"
+ "System.Collections.Specialized"
+ "System.Collections"
+ "System.ComponentModel.Annotations"
+ "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations"
+ "System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync"
+ "System.ComponentModel.Primitives"
+ "System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter"
+ "System.ComponentModel"
+ "System.Configuration"
+ "System.Console"
+ "System.Core"
+ "System.Data.Common"
+ "System.Data.DataSetExtensions"
+ "System.Data"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Contracts"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Debug"
+ "System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource"
+ "System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Process"
+ "System.Diagnostics.StackTrace"
+ "System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Tools"
+ "System.Diagnostics.TraceSource"
+ "System.Diagnostics.Tracing"
+ "System.Drawing.Primitives"
+ "System.Drawing"
+ "System.Dynamic.Runtime"
+ "System.Formats.Asn1"
+ "System.Globalization.Calendars"
+ "System.Globalization.Extensions"
+ "System.Globalization"
+ "System.IO.Compression.Brotli"
+ "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem"
+ "System.IO.Compression.ZipFile"
+ "System.IO.Compression"
+ "System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl"
+ "System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo"
+ "System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives"
+ "System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher"
+ "System.IO.FileSystem"
+ "System.IO.IsolatedStorage"
+ "System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles"
+ "System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl"
+ "System.IO.Pipes"
+ "System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream"
+ "System.IO"
+ "System.Linq.Expressions"
+ "System.Linq.Parallel"
+ "System.Linq.Queryable"
+ "System.Linq"
+ "System.Memory"
+ "System.Net.Http.Json"
+ "System.Net.Http"
+ "System.Net.HttpListener"
+ "System.Net.Mail"
+ "System.Net.NameResolution"
+ "System.Net.NetworkInformation"
+ "System.Net.Ping"
+ "System.Net.Primitives"
+ "System.Net.Requests"
+ "System.Net.Security"
+ "System.Net.ServicePoint"
+ "System.Net.Sockets"
+ "System.Net.WebClient"
+ "System.Net.WebHeaderCollection"
+ "System.Net.WebProxy"
+ "System.Net.WebSockets.Client"
+ "System.Net.WebSockets"
+ "System.Net"
+ "System.Numerics.Vectors"
+ "System.Numerics"
+ "System.ObjectModel"
+ "System.Reflection.DispatchProxy"
+ "System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration"
+ "System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight"
+ "System.Reflection.Emit"
+ "System.Reflection.Extensions"
+ "System.Reflection.Metadata"
+ "System.Reflection.Primitives"
+ "System.Reflection.TypeExtensions"
+ "System.Reflection"
+ "System.Resources.Reader"
+ "System.Resources.ResourceManager"
+ "System.Resources.Writer"
+ "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe"
+ "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.VisualC"
+ "System.Runtime.Extensions"
+ "System.Runtime.Handles"
+ "System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation"
+ "System.Runtime.InteropServices"
+ "System.Runtime.Intrinsics"
+ "System.Runtime.Loader"
+ "System.Runtime.Numerics"
+ "System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters"
+ "System.Runtime.Serialization.Json"
+ "System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives"
+ "System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml"
+ "System.Runtime.Serialization"
+ "System.Runtime"
+ "System.Security.AccessControl"
+ "System.Security.Claims"
+ "System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms"
+ "System.Security.Cryptography.Cng"
+ "System.Security.Cryptography.Csp"
+ "System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding"
+ "System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl"
+ "System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives"
+ "System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates"
+ "System.Security.Principal.Windows"
+ "System.Security.Principal"
+ "System.Security.SecureString"
+ "System.Security"
+ "System.ServiceModel.Web"
+ "System.ServiceProcess"
+ "System.Text.Encoding.CodePages"
+ "System.Text.Encoding.Extensions"
+ "System.Text.Encoding"
+ "System.Text.Encodings.Web"
+ "System.Text.Json"
+ "System.Text.RegularExpressions"
+ "System.Threading.Channels"
+ "System.Threading.Overlapped"
+ "System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow"
+ "System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions"
+ "System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel"
+ "System.Threading.Tasks"
+ "System.Threading.Thread"
+ "System.Threading.ThreadPool"
+ "System.Threading.Timer"
+ "System.Threading"
+ "System.Transactions.Local"
+ "System.Transactions"
+ "System.ValueTuple"
+ "System.Web.HttpUtility"
+ "System.Web"
+ "System.Windows"
+ "System.Xml.Linq"
+ "System.Xml.ReaderWriter"
+ "System.Xml.Serialization"
+ "System.Xml.XDocument"
+ "System.Xml.XPath.XDocument"
+ "System.Xml.XPath"
+ "System.Xml.XmlDocument"
+ "System.Xml.XmlSerializer"
+ "System.Xml"
+ "System"
+ "WindowsBase"
+ |]
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/Platform.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/Platform.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b4efa099d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/Platform.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+module Fable.Compiler.Platform
+open System.IO
+let readAllBytes (filePath: string) = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath)
+let readAllText (filePath: string) = File.ReadAllText(filePath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
+let writeAllText (filePath: string) (text: string) = File.WriteAllText(filePath, text)
+let measureTime (f: 'a -> 'b) x =
+ let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
+ let res = f x
+ sw.Stop()
+ sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, res
+let normalizeFullPath (path: string) =
+ let path = if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace path then "." else path
+ Path.GetFullPath(path).Replace('\\', '/')
+let getRelativePath (path: string) (pathTo: string) =
+ let path = if System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace path then "." else path
+ Path.GetRelativePath(path, pathTo).Replace('\\', '/')
+let getHomePath () =
+ System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)
+open Fable.Core.JsInterop
+module JS =
+ type IFileSystem =
+ abstract readFileSync: string -> byte[]
+ abstract readFileSync: string * string -> string
+ abstract writeFileSync: string * string -> unit
+ type IProcess =
+ abstract hrtime: unit -> float []
+ abstract hrtime: float[] -> float[]
+ type IPath =
+ abstract resolve: string -> string
+ abstract relative: string * string -> string
+ type IOperSystem =
+ abstract homedir: unit -> string
+ abstract tmpdir: unit -> string
+ abstract platform: unit -> string
+ abstract arch: unit -> string
+ let fs: IFileSystem = importAll "fs"
+ let os: IOperSystem = importAll "os"
+ let proc: IProcess = importAll "process"
+ let path: IPath = importAll "path"
+let readAllBytes (filePath: string) = JS.fs.readFileSync(filePath)
+let readAllText (filePath: string) = JS.fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8").TrimStart('\uFEFF')
+let writeAllText (filePath: string) (text: string) = JS.fs.writeFileSync(filePath, text)
+let measureTime (f: 'a -> 'b) x =
+ let startTime = JS.proc.hrtime()
+ let res = f x
+ let elapsed = JS.proc.hrtime(startTime)
+ int64 (elapsed.[0] * 1e3 + elapsed.[1] / 1e6), res
+let normalizeFullPath (path: string) =
+ JS.path.resolve(path).Replace('\\', '/')
+let getRelativePath (path: string) (pathTo: string) =
+ JS.path.relative(path, pathTo).Replace('\\', '/')
+let getHomePath () =
+ JS.os.homedir()
+module Path =
+ let Combine (path1: string, path2: string) =
+ let path1 =
+ if path1.Length = 0 then path1
+ else (path1.TrimEnd [|'\\';'/'|]) + "/"
+ path1 + (path2.TrimStart [|'\\';'/'|])
+ let ChangeExtension (path: string, ext: string) =
+ let i = path.LastIndexOf(".")
+ if i < 0 then path
+ else path.Substring(0, i) + ext
+ let GetFileName (path: string) =
+ let normPath = path.Replace("\\", "/").TrimEnd('/')
+ let i = normPath.LastIndexOf("/")
+ normPath.Substring(i + 1)
+ let GetFileNameWithoutExtension (path: string) =
+ let path = GetFileName path
+ let i = path.LastIndexOf(".")
+ path.Substring(0, i)
+ let GetDirectoryName (path: string) =
+ let normPath = path.Replace("\\", "/")
+ let i = normPath.LastIndexOf("/")
+ if i < 0 then ""
+ else normPath.Substring(0, i)
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/ProjectParser.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/ProjectParser.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..991e68c5af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/ProjectParser.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+module Fable.Compiler.ProjectParser
+open Fable.Compiler.Platform
+open System.Collections.Generic
+open System.Text.RegularExpressions
+type ReferenceType =
+ | ProjectReference of string
+ | PackageReference of string * string
+let (|Regex|_|) (pattern: string) (input: string) =
+ let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern)
+ if m.Success then Some [for x in m.Groups -> x.Value]
+ else None
+let getXmlWithoutComments xml =
+ Regex.Replace(xml, @"", "")
+let getXmlTagContents tag xml =
+ let pattern = sprintf @"<%s[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/%s[^>]*>" tag tag
+ Regex.Matches(xml, pattern)
+ |> Seq.map (fun m -> m.Groups.[1].Value.Trim())
+let getXmlTagContentsFirstOrDefault tag defaultValue xml =
+ defaultArg (getXmlTagContents tag xml |> Seq.tryHead) defaultValue
+let getXmlTagAttributes1 tag attr1 xml =
+ let pattern = sprintf """<%s\s+[^>]*%s\s*=\s*("[^"]*|'[^']*)""" tag attr1
+ Regex.Matches(xml, pattern)
+ |> Seq.map (fun m -> m.Groups.[1].Value.TrimStart('"').TrimStart(''').Trim())
+let getXmlTagAttributes2 tag attr1 attr2 xml =
+ let pattern = sprintf """<%s\s+[^>]*%s\s*=\s*("[^"]*|'[^']*)[^>]*%s\s*=\s*("[^"]*|'[^']*)""" tag attr1 attr2
+ Regex.Matches(xml, pattern)
+ |> Seq.map (fun m ->
+ m.Groups.[1].Value.TrimStart('"').TrimStart(''').Trim(),
+ m.Groups.[2].Value.TrimStart('"').TrimStart(''').Trim())
+let isSystemPackage (pkgName: string) =
+ pkgName.StartsWith("System.")
+ || pkgName.StartsWith("Microsoft.")
+ || pkgName.StartsWith("runtime.")
+ || pkgName = "NETStandard.Library"
+ || pkgName = "FSharp.Core"
+ || pkgName = "Fable.Core"
+let parsePackageSpec nuspecPath =
+ // get package spec xml
+ let packageXml = readAllText nuspecPath
+ // get package dependencies
+ let references =
+ packageXml
+ |> getXmlWithoutComments
+ |> getXmlTagAttributes2 "dependency" "id" "version"
+ |> Seq.map PackageReference
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ references
+// let resolvePackage (pkgName, pkgVersion) =
+// if not (isSystemPackage pkgName) then
+// let homePath = getHomePath().Replace('\\', '/')
+// let nugetPath = sprintf ".nuget/packages/%s/%s" pkgName pkgVersion
+// let pkgPath = Path.Combine(homePath, nugetPath.ToLowerInvariant())
+// let libPath = Path.Combine(pkgPath, "lib")
+// let fablePath = Path.Combine(pkgPath, "fable")
+// let binaryPaths = getDirFiles libPath ".dll"
+// let nuspecPaths = getDirFiles pkgPath ".nuspec"
+// let fsprojPaths = getDirFiles fablePath ".fsproj"
+// if Array.isEmpty nuspecPaths then
+// printfn "ERROR: Cannot find package %s" pkgPath
+// let binaryOpt = binaryPaths |> Array.tryLast
+// let dependOpt = nuspecPaths |> Array.tryLast |> Option.map parsePackageSpec
+// let fsprojOpt = fsprojPaths |> Array.tryLast |> Option.map ProjectReference
+// let pkgRefs, dllPaths =
+// match binaryOpt, dependOpt, fsprojOpt with
+// | _, _, Some projRef ->
+// [| projRef |], [||]
+// | Some dllRef, Some dependencies, _ ->
+// dependencies, [| dllRef |]
+// | _, _, _ -> [||], [||]
+// pkgRefs, dllPaths
+// else [||], [||]
+let parseCompilerOptions projectXml =
+ // get project settings,
+ let target = projectXml |> getXmlTagContentsFirstOrDefault "OutputType" ""
+ let langVersion = projectXml |> getXmlTagContentsFirstOrDefault "LangVersion" ""
+ let warnLevel = projectXml |> getXmlTagContentsFirstOrDefault "WarningLevel" ""
+ let treatWarningsAsErrors = projectXml |> getXmlTagContentsFirstOrDefault "TreatWarningsAsErrors" ""
+ // get conditional defines
+ let defines =
+ projectXml
+ |> getXmlTagContents "DefineConstants"
+ |> Seq.collect (fun s -> s.Split(';'))
+ |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim())
+ |> Seq.distinct
+ |> Seq.except ["$(DefineConstants)"; ""]
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ // get disabled warnings
+ let nowarns =
+ projectXml
+ |> getXmlTagContents "NoWarn"
+ |> Seq.collect (fun s -> s.Split(';'))
+ |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim())
+ |> Seq.distinct
+ |> Seq.except ["$(NoWarn)"; ""]
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ // get warnings as errors
+ let warnAsErrors =
+ projectXml
+ |> getXmlTagContents "WarningsAsErrors"
+ |> Seq.collect (fun s -> s.Split(';'))
+ |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim())
+ |> Seq.distinct
+ |> Seq.except ["$(WarningsAsErrors)"; ""]
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ // get other flags
+ let otherFlags =
+ projectXml
+ |> getXmlTagContents "OtherFlags"
+ |> Seq.collect (fun s -> s.Split(' '))
+ |> Seq.map (fun s -> s.Trim())
+ |> Seq.distinct
+ |> Seq.except ["$(OtherFlags)"; ""]
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ let otherOptions = [|
+ if target.Length > 0 then
+ yield "--target:" + target
+ if langVersion.Length > 0 then
+ yield "--langversion:" + langVersion
+ if warnLevel.Length > 0 then
+ yield "--warn:" + warnLevel
+ if treatWarningsAsErrors = "true" then
+ yield "--warnaserror+"
+ for d in defines do yield "-d:" + d
+ for n in nowarns do yield "--nowarn:" + n
+ for e in warnAsErrors do yield "--warnaserror:" + e
+ for o in otherFlags do yield o
+ |]
+ otherOptions
+let makeFullPath projectFileDir (path: string) =
+ let path = path.Replace('\\', '/')
+ let isAbsolutePath (path: string) =
+ path.StartsWith('/') || path.IndexOf(':') = 1
+ if isAbsolutePath path then path
+ else Path.Combine(projectFileDir, path)
+ |> normalizeFullPath
+let parseProjectScript projectFilePath =
+ let projectXml = readAllText projectFilePath
+ let projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName projectFilePath
+ let dllRefs, srcFiles =
+ (([||], [||]), projectXml.Split('\n'))
+ ||> Array.fold (fun (dllRefs, srcFiles) line ->
+ match line.Trim() with
+ | Regex @"^#r\s+""(.*?)""$" [_;path]
+ when not(path.EndsWith("Fable.Core.dll")) ->
+ Array.append [| Path.Combine(projectDir, path) |] dllRefs, srcFiles
+ | Regex @"^#load\s+""(.*?)""$" [_;path] ->
+ dllRefs, Array.append [| Path.Combine(projectDir, path) |] srcFiles
+ | _ -> dllRefs, srcFiles)
+ let projectRefs = [||]
+ let sourceFiles = Array.append srcFiles [| Path.GetFileName projectFilePath |]
+ let otherOptions = [| "--define:FABLE_COMPILER"; "--define:FABLE_COMPILER_JS" |]
+ (projectRefs, dllRefs, sourceFiles, otherOptions)
+let parseProjectFile projectFilePath =
+ // get project xml without any comments
+ let projectXml = readAllText projectFilePath |> getXmlWithoutComments
+ let projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName projectFilePath
+ // get package references
+ let packageRefs =
+ projectXml
+ |> getXmlTagAttributes2 "PackageReference" "Include" "Version"
+ |> Seq.map PackageReference
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ // get project references
+ let projectRefs =
+ projectXml
+ |> getXmlTagAttributes1 "ProjectReference" "Include"
+ |> Seq.map (makeFullPath projectDir >> ProjectReference)
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ // replace some variables
+ let projectXml = projectXml.Replace("$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)", ".")
+ let sourceRoot = projectXml |> getXmlTagContentsFirstOrDefault "FSharpSourcesRoot" ""
+ let projectXml = projectXml.Replace("$(FSharpSourcesRoot)", sourceRoot.Replace('\\', '/'))
+ let yaccOutput = projectXml |> getXmlTagContentsFirstOrDefault "FsYaccOutputFolder" ""
+ let projectXml = projectXml.Replace("$(FsYaccOutputFolder)", yaccOutput.Replace('\\', '/'))
+ // get source files
+ let sourceFiles =
+ projectXml
+ |> getXmlTagAttributes1 "Compile" "Include"
+ |> Seq.map (makeFullPath projectDir)
+ // |> Seq.collect getGlobFiles
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ let dllRefs = [||]
+ let projectRefs = Array.append projectRefs packageRefs
+ let otherOptions = parseCompilerOptions projectXml
+ (projectRefs, dllRefs, sourceFiles, otherOptions)
+let makeHashSetIgnoreCase () =
+ let equalityComparerIgnoreCase =
+ { new IEqualityComparer with
+ member __.Equals(x, y) = x.ToLowerInvariant() = y.ToLowerInvariant()
+ member __.GetHashCode(x) = hash (x.ToLowerInvariant()) }
+ HashSet(equalityComparerIgnoreCase)
+let dedupReferences (refSet: HashSet) references =
+ let refName = function
+ | ProjectReference path -> path
+ | PackageReference (pkgName, pkgVersion) -> pkgName + "," + pkgVersion
+ let newRefs = references |> Array.filter (refName >> refSet.Contains >> not)
+ refSet.UnionWith(newRefs |> Array.map refName)
+ newRefs
+let parseProject projectFilePath =
+ let rec parseProject (refSet: HashSet) (projectRef: ReferenceType) =
+ let projectRefs, dllPaths, sourcePaths, otherOptions =
+ match projectRef with
+ | ProjectReference path ->
+ if path.EndsWith(".fsx")
+ then parseProjectScript path
+ else parseProjectFile path
+ | PackageReference (pkgName, pkgVersion) ->
+ // let pkgRefs, dllPaths = resolvePackage (pkgName, pkgVersion)
+ // pkgRefs, dllPaths, [||], [||]
+ [||], [||], [||], [||]
+ // parse and combine all referenced projects into one big project
+ let parseResult = projectRefs |> dedupReferences refSet |> Array.map (parseProject refSet)
+ let dllPaths = dllPaths |> Array.append (parseResult |> Array.collect (fun (x,_,_) -> x))
+ let sourcePaths = sourcePaths |> Array.append (parseResult |> Array.collect (fun (_,x,_) -> x))
+ let otherOptions = otherOptions |> Array.append (parseResult |> Array.collect (fun (_,_,x) -> x))
+ (dllPaths, sourcePaths, otherOptions)
+ let refSet = makeHashSetIgnoreCase ()
+ let projectRef = ProjectReference projectFilePath
+ let dllPaths, sourcePaths, otherOptions = parseProject refSet projectRef
+ (dllPaths |> Array.distinct,
+ sourcePaths |> Array.distinct,
+ otherOptions |> Array.distinct)
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/bench/bench.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/bench/bench.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c21093f434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/bench/bench.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+module Fable.Compiler.App
+open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open Fable.Compiler.Platform
+open Fable.Compiler.ProjectParser
+let references = Metadata.references_core
+let metadataPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../../../../../Fable/src/fable-metadata/lib/" // .NET BCL binaries
+let printErrors showWarnings (errors: FSharpDiagnostic[]) =
+ let isWarning (e: FSharpDiagnostic) =
+ e.Severity = FSharpDiagnosticSeverity.Warning
+ let printError (e: FSharpDiagnostic) =
+ let errorType = (if isWarning e then "Warning" else "Error")
+ printfn "%s (%d,%d): %s: %s" e.FileName e.StartLine e.StartColumn errorType e.Message
+ let warnings, errors = errors |> Array.partition isWarning
+ let hasErrors = not (Array.isEmpty errors)
+ if showWarnings then
+ warnings |> Array.iter printError
+ if hasErrors then
+ errors |> Array.iter printError
+ failwith "Too many errors."
+let parseFiles projectFileName outDir optimize =
+ // parse project
+ let (dllRefs, fileNames, otherOptions) = parseProject projectFileName
+ let sources = fileNames |> Array.map readAllText
+ // create checker
+ let readAllBytes dllName = readAllBytes (metadataPath + dllName)
+ let optimizeFlag = "--optimize" + (if optimize then "+" else "-")
+ let otherOptions = otherOptions |> Array.append [| optimizeFlag |]
+ let createChecker () = InteractiveChecker.Create(references, readAllBytes, otherOptions)
+ let ms0, checker = measureTime createChecker ()
+ printfn "--------------------------------------------"
+ printfn "InteractiveChecker created in %d ms" ms0
+ // parse F# files to AST
+ let parseFSharpProject () = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projectFileName, fileNames, sources)
+ let ms1, projectResults = measureTime parseFSharpProject ()
+ printfn "Project: %s, FCS time: %d ms" projectFileName ms1
+ printfn "--------------------------------------------"
+ let showWarnings = false // supress warnings for clarity
+ projectResults.Diagnostics |> printErrors showWarnings
+ // // modify last file
+ // sources.[sources.Length - 1] <- sources.[sources.Length - 1] + "\n"
+ // let parseFSharpProject () = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projectFileName, fileNames, sources)
+ // let ms1, projectResults = measureTime parseFSharpProject ()
+ // printfn "Project: %s, FCS time: %d ms (modified last file)" projectFileName ms1
+ // // modify middle file
+ // sources.[sources.Length / 2] <- sources.[sources.Length / 2] + "\n"
+ // let parseFSharpProject () = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projectFileName, fileNames, sources)
+ // let ms1, projectResults = measureTime parseFSharpProject ()
+ // printfn "Project: %s, FCS time: %d ms (modified middle file)" projectFileName ms1
+ // // modify first file
+ // sources.[0] <- sources.[0] + "\n"
+ // let parseFSharpProject () = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projectFileName, fileNames, sources)
+ // let ms1, projectResults = measureTime parseFSharpProject ()
+ // printfn "Project: %s, FCS time: %d ms (modified first file)" projectFileName ms1
+ // // clear cache
+ // checker.ClearCache()
+ // // after clear cache
+ // sources.[0] <- sources.[0] + "\n"
+ // let parseFSharpProject () = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projectFileName, fileNames, sources)
+ // let ms1, projectResults = measureTime parseFSharpProject ()
+ // printfn "Project: %s, FCS time: %d ms (after clear cache)" projectFileName ms1
+ // exclude signature files
+ let fileNames = fileNames |> Array.filter (fun x -> not (x.EndsWith(".fsi")))
+ // this is memory intensive, only do it once
+ let implFiles = if optimize
+ then projectResults.GetOptimizedAssemblyContents().ImplementationFiles
+ else projectResults.AssemblyContents.ImplementationFiles
+ let fileCount = Seq.length implFiles
+ printfn "Typechecked %d files" fileCount
+ // // for each file
+ // for implFile in implFiles do
+ // printfn "%s" implFile.FileName
+ // // printfn "--------------------------------------------"
+ // // let fsAst = implFile.Declarations |> AstPrint.printFSharpDecls "" |> String.concat "\n"
+ // // printfn "%s" fsAst
+let parseArguments (argv: string[]) =
+ let usage = "Usage: bench [--options]"
+ let opts, args = argv |> Array.partition (fun s -> s.StartsWith("--"))
+ match args with
+ | [| projectFileName |] ->
+ let outDir = "./out-test"
+ let optimize = opts |> Array.contains "--optimize"
+ parseFiles projectFileName outDir optimize
+ | _ -> printfn "%s" usage
+let main argv =
+ try
+ parseArguments argv
+ with ex ->
+ printfn "Error: %A" ex.Message
+ 0
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/bench/fcs-fable-bench.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/bench/fcs-fable-bench.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc0b691e21a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/bench/fcs-fable-bench.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Exe
+ net6.0
+ $(DefineConstants);DOTNET_FILE_SYSTEM
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/fcs-fable-test.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/fcs-fable-test.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b2d6d836fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/fcs-fable-test.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Exe
+ net6.0
+ $(DefineConstants);DOTNET_FILE_SYSTEM
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/package.json b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab5e66d407d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "private": true,
+ "type": "module",
+ "scripts": {
+ "build-test": "dotnet build -c Release",
+ "build-bench": "dotnet build -c Release bench",
+ "build-node": "fable fcs-fable-test.fsproj out-test",
+ "test": "dotnet run -c Release",
+ "test-node": "node out-test/test",
+ "bench": "dotnet run -c Release --project bench ../fcs-fable.fsproj"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "fable-compiler-js": "^3.0.0"
+ }
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/test.fs b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/test.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2405c6958b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/test.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+module Fable.Compiler.App
+open FSharp.Compiler
+open FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices
+open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open Fable.Compiler.Platform
+// let references = Metadata.references_full
+// let metadataPath = "../../../../temp/metadata/" // .NET BCL binaries
+let references = Metadata.references_core
+let metadataPath = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/../../../../Fable/src/fable-metadata/lib/" // .NET BCL binaries
+let main _argv =
+ printfn "Parsing begins..."
+ let defines = [||]
+ let optimize = false
+ let readAllBytes dllName = readAllBytes (metadataPath + dllName)
+ let checker = InteractiveChecker.Create(references, readAllBytes, defines, optimize)
+ let projectFileName = "project"
+ let fileName = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/test_script.fsx"
+ let source = readAllText fileName
+ let parseResults, typeCheckResults, projectResults =
+ checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(fileName, projectFileName, [|fileName|], [|source|])
+ // print errors
+ projectResults.Diagnostics |> Array.iter (fun e -> printfn "%A: %A" (e.Severity) e)
+ printfn "Typed AST (optimize=%A):" optimize
+ // let implFiles = typeCheckResults.ImplementationFile |> Option.toArray
+ let implFiles =
+ let assemblyContents =
+ if not optimize then projectResults.AssemblyContents
+ else projectResults.GetOptimizedAssemblyContents()
+ assemblyContents.ImplementationFiles
+ let decls = implFiles
+ |> Seq.collect (fun file -> AstPrint.printFSharpDecls "" file.Declarations)
+ |> String.concat "\n"
+ decls |> printfn "%s"
+ // writeAllText (fileName + ".ast.txt") decls
+ let inputLines = source.Split('\n')
+ // Get tool tip at the specified location
+ let tip = typeCheckResults.GetToolTip(4, 7, inputLines.[3], ["foo"], Tokenization.FSharpTokenTag.IDENT)
+ (sprintf "%A" tip).Replace("\n","") |> printfn "\n---> ToolTip Text = %A" // should be "FSharpToolTipText [...]"
+ // Get declarations (autocomplete) for msg
+ let partialName = { QualifyingIdents = []; PartialIdent = "msg"; EndColumn = 17; LastDotPos = None }
+ let decls = typeCheckResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, 6, inputLines.[5], partialName, (fun _ -> []))
+ [ for item in decls.Items -> item.NameInList ] |> printfn "\n---> msg AutoComplete = %A" // should be string methods
+ // Get declarations (autocomplete) for canvas
+ let partialName = { QualifyingIdents = []; PartialIdent = "canvas"; EndColumn = 10; LastDotPos = None }
+ let decls = typeCheckResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, 8, inputLines.[7], partialName, (fun _ -> []))
+ [ for item in decls.Items -> item.NameInList ] |> printfn "\n---> canvas AutoComplete = %A"
+ 0
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-fable/test/test_script.fsx b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/test_script.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6474447f926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-fable/test/test_script.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+open System
+//open Fable.Import
+let foo() =
+ let msg = String.Concat("Hello"," ","world")
+ let len = msg.Length
+ // let canvas = Browser.document.createElement_canvas ()
+ // canvas.width <- 1000.
+ ()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/global.json b/global.json
index 8c6f61284da..7a6e25f1be4 100644
--- a/global.json
+++ b/global.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"sdk": {
- "version": "7.0.100-rc.2.22477.23",
+ "version": "7.0.100",
"allowPrerelease": true,
"rollForward": "latestPatch"
"tools": {
- "dotnet": "7.0.100-rc.2.22477.23",
+ "dotnet": "7.0.100",
"vs": {
"version": "17.2",
"components": [
diff --git a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fs b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fs
index e0a5bb576aa..5fb7ee16c74 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fs
@@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open System.Collections.ObjectModel
open System.Linq
open System.Reflection
open System.Text
open System.Threading
@@ -496,6 +498,7 @@ type ILAssemblyRef(data) =
assemRefLocale = locale
static member FromAssemblyName(aname: AssemblyName) =
let locale = None
@@ -518,6 +521,7 @@ type ILAssemblyRef(data) =
let retargetable = aname.Flags = AssemblyNameFlags.Retargetable
ILAssemblyRef.Create(aname.Name, None, publicKey, retargetable, version, locale)
member aref.QualifiedName =
let b = StringBuilder(100)
@@ -2795,7 +2799,11 @@ and [] ILTypeDefs(f: unit -> ILPreTypeDef[]) =
let key = pre.Namespace, pre.Name
t[key] <- pre
+ t)
ReadOnlyDictionary t)
member x.AsArray() =
[| for pre in array.Value -> pre.GetTypeDef() |]
@@ -2841,8 +2849,13 @@ and [] ILPreTypeDefImpl(nameSpace: string list, name: string, metadataIn
| ILTypeDefStored.Given td ->
store <- td
+ | ILTypeDefStored.Computed f -> store <- f(); store
+ | ILTypeDefStored.Reader f -> store <- f metadataIndex; store
| ILTypeDefStored.Computed f -> LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(&store, Func<_>(fun () -> f ()))
| ILTypeDefStored.Reader f -> LazyInitializer.EnsureInitialized(&store, Func<_>(fun () -> f metadataIndex))
| _ -> store
and ILTypeDefStored =
@@ -2902,7 +2915,11 @@ type ILResourceAccess =
type ILResourceLocation =
+ | Local of ByteMemory
| Local of ByteStorage
| File of ILModuleRef * int32
| Assembly of ILAssemblyRef
@@ -2918,7 +2935,11 @@ type ILResource =
/// Read the bytes from a resource local to an assembly
member r.GetBytes() =
match r.Location with
+ | ILResourceLocation.Local bytes -> bytes.AsReadOnly()
| ILResourceLocation.Local bytes -> bytes.GetByteMemory()
| _ -> failwith "GetBytes"
member x.CustomAttrs = x.CustomAttrsStored.GetCustomAttrs x.MetadataIndex
@@ -3149,7 +3170,11 @@ let formatCodeLabel (x: int) = "L" + string x
// ++GLOBAL MUTABLE STATE (concurrency safe)
let codeLabelCount = ref 0
+let generateCodeLabel () = codeLabelCount.Value <- codeLabelCount.Value + 1; codeLabelCount.Value
let generateCodeLabel () = Interlocked.Increment codeLabelCount
let instrIsRet i =
match i with
@@ -4662,6 +4687,11 @@ let parseILVersion (vstr: string) =
versionComponents[3] <- defaultRevision.ToString()
vstr <- String.Join(".", versionComponents)
+ let parts = vstr.Split([|'.'|])
+ let versions = Array.append (Array.map uint16 parts) [|0us;0us;0us;0us|]
+ ILVersionInfo (versions.[0], versions.[1], versions.[2], versions.[3])
let version = Version vstr
let zero32 n = if n < 0 then 0us else uint16 n
// since the minor revision will be -1 if none is specified, we need to truncate to 0 to not break existing code
@@ -4672,6 +4702,7 @@ let parseILVersion (vstr: string) =
uint16 version.MinorRevision
ILVersionInfo(zero32 version.Major, zero32 version.Minor, zero32 version.Build, minorRevision)
let compareILVersions (version1: ILVersionInfo) (version2: ILVersionInfo) =
let c = compare version1.Major version2.Major
@@ -4988,7 +5019,11 @@ type ILTypeSigParser(tstring: string) =
|> String.concat ","
+ ILScopeRef.Assembly(mkSimpleAssemblyRef scope)
ILScopeRef.Assembly(ILAssemblyRef.FromAssemblyName(AssemblyName scope))
@@ -5160,7 +5195,11 @@ let decodeILAttribData (ca: ILAttribute) =
let scoref =
match rest with
+ | Some aname -> ILScopeRef.Assembly(mkSimpleAssemblyRef aname)
| Some aname -> ILScopeRef.Assembly(ILAssemblyRef.FromAssemblyName(AssemblyName aname))
| None -> PrimaryAssemblyILGlobals.primaryAssemblyScopeRef
let tref = mkILTyRef (scoref, unqualified_tname)
@@ -5531,11 +5570,19 @@ let computeILRefs ilg modul =
refsOfILModule s modul
+ AssemblyReferences = s.refsA |> Seq.toArray
+ ModuleReferences = s.refsM |> Seq.toArray
+ TypeReferences = s.refsTs |> Seq.toArray
+ MethodReferences = s.refsMs |> Seq.toArray
+ FieldReferences = s.refsFs |> Seq.toArray
AssemblyReferences = s.refsA.ToArray()
ModuleReferences = s.refsM.ToArray()
TypeReferences = s.refsTs.ToArray()
MethodReferences = s.refsMs.ToArray()
FieldReferences = s.refsFs.ToArray()
let unscopeILTypeRef (x: ILTypeRef) =
diff --git a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fsi b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fsi
index 3ea66ef5bf2..3cce5dcdcfb 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/il.fsi
@@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ type ILAssemblyRef =
locale: string option ->
static member FromAssemblyName: AssemblyName -> ILAssemblyRef
member Name: string
@@ -1623,7 +1625,11 @@ type internal ILResourceAccess =
type internal ILResourceLocation =
/// Represents a manifest resource that can be read or written to a PE file
+ | Local of ByteMemory
| Local of ByteStorage
/// Represents a manifest resource in an associated file
| File of ILModuleRef * int32
diff --git a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/illex.fsl b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/illex.fsl
index aad77eb806f..50cb2ef72fd 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/illex.fsl
+++ b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/illex.fsl
@@ -14,9 +14,25 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.AsciiParser
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.AsciiConstants
+let lexeme (lexbuf : LexBuffer<_>) = LexBuffer<_>.LexemeString lexbuf
+let lexemeChar (lexbuf : LexBuffer<_>) n = lexbuf.LexemeChar n |> char
+let lexemeTrimBoth (lexbuf : LexBuffer<_>) (n:int) (m:int) =
+ LexBuffer<_>.LexemeString(lexbuf).Substring(n, lexbuf.LexemeLength - (n+m))
let lexeme (lexbuf : LexBuffer) = LexBuffer.LexemeString lexbuf
let lexemeChar (lexbuf : LexBuffer) n = lexbuf.LexemeChar n
+let lexemeTrimBoth (lexbuf : LexBuffer<_>) (n:int) (m:int) =
+ let s = lexbuf.LexemeView
+ s.Slice(n, s.Length - (n+m)).ToString()
let unexpectedChar _lexbuf =
raise Parsing.RecoverableParseError ;;
@@ -113,8 +129,7 @@ rule token = parse
(* The problem is telling an integer-followed-by-ellipses from a floating-point-nubmer-followed-by-dots *)
| ((['0'-'9']) | (['0'-'9']['0'-'9']['0'-'9']+)) "..."
- { let b = lexbuf.LexemeView in
- VAL_INT32_ELIPSES(int32(b.Slice(0, (b.Length - 3)).ToString())) }
+ { VAL_INT32_ELIPSES(int32(lexemeTrimBoth lexbuf 0 3)) }
| ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f' ] ['0'-'9' 'A'-'F' 'a'-'f' ]
{ let c1 = (lexemeChar lexbuf 0) in
let c2 = (lexemeChar lexbuf 1) in
diff --git a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fs b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fs
index 06c50483a2e..af30435da35 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fs
@@ -21,13 +21,17 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.BinaryConstants
open Internal.Utilities.Library
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Support
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.IO
open FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range
open System.Reflection
open System.Reflection.PortableExecutable
open FSharp.NativeInterop
#nowarn "9"
@@ -38,6 +42,12 @@ let _ =
if checking then
dprintn "warning: ILBinaryReader.checking is on"
+let noStableFileHeuristic = false
+let alwaysMemoryMapFSC = false
+let stronglyHeldReaderCacheSizeDefault = 30
+let stronglyHeldReaderCacheSize = stronglyHeldReaderCacheSizeDefault
let noStableFileHeuristic =
(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FSharp_NoStableFileHeuristic") <> null)
@@ -60,6 +70,7 @@ let stronglyHeldReaderCacheSize =
| s -> int32 s)
with _ ->
let singleOfBits (x: int32) =
BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes x, 0)
@@ -148,6 +159,8 @@ type private BinaryView = ReadOnlyByteMemory
type BinaryFile =
abstract GetView: unit -> BinaryView
/// Gives views over a raw chunk of memory, for example those returned to us by the memory manager in Roslyn's
/// Visual Studio integration. 'obj' must keep the memory alive. The object will capture it and thus also keep the memory alive for
/// the lifetime of this object.
@@ -185,6 +198,8 @@ type ByteMemoryFile(fileName: string, view: ByteMemory) =
interface BinaryFile with
override _.GetView() = view.AsReadOnly()
/// A BinaryFile backed by an array of bytes held strongly as managed memory
type ByteFile(fileName: string, bytes: byte[]) =
@@ -195,6 +210,8 @@ type ByteFile(fileName: string, bytes: byte[]) =
interface BinaryFile with
override bf.GetView() = view
type PEFile(fileName: string, peReader: PEReader) as this =
// We store a weak byte memory reference so we do not constantly create a lot of byte memory objects.
@@ -260,6 +277,8 @@ type WeakByteFile(fileName: string, chunk: (int * int) option) =
let seekReadByte (mdv: BinaryView) addr = mdv[addr]
let seekReadBytes (mdv: BinaryView) addr len = mdv.ReadBytes(addr, len)
let seekReadInt32 (mdv: BinaryView) addr = mdv.ReadInt32 addr
@@ -1215,13 +1234,19 @@ type ILMetadataReader =
type ISeekReadIndexedRowReader<'RowT, 'KeyT, 'T when 'RowT: struct> =
- abstract GetRow: int * byref<'RowT> -> unit
- abstract GetKey: byref<'RowT> -> 'KeyT
+ abstract GetRow: int * ref<'RowT> -> unit
+ abstract GetKey: ref<'RowT> -> 'KeyT
abstract CompareKey: 'KeyT -> int
- abstract ConvertRow: byref<'RowT> -> 'T
+ abstract ConvertRow: ref<'RowT> -> 'T
+type CustomAttributeRow =
+ val mutable parentIndex: TaggedIndex
+ val mutable typeIndex: TaggedIndex
+ val mutable valueIndex: int
-let seekReadIndexedRowsRange numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedRowReader<'RowT, _, _>) =
- let mutable row = Unchecked.defaultof<'RowT>
+let seekReadIndexedRowsRange numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedRowReader) =
+ let mutable row = ref Unchecked.defaultof
let mutable startRid = -1
let mutable endRid = -1
@@ -1237,8 +1262,8 @@ let seekReadIndexedRowsRange numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedRowRead
fin <- true
let mid = (low + high) / 2
- reader.GetRow(mid, &row)
- let c = reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(&row))
+ reader.GetRow(mid, row)
+ let c = reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(row))
if c > 0 then low <- mid
elif c < 0 then high <- mid
@@ -1258,9 +1283,9 @@ let seekReadIndexedRowsRange numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedRowRead
if curr = 0 then
fin <- true
- reader.GetRow(curr, &row)
+ reader.GetRow(curr, row)
- if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(&row)) = 0 then
+ if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(row)) = 0 then
startRid <- curr
fin <- true
@@ -1275,9 +1300,9 @@ let seekReadIndexedRowsRange numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedRowRead
if curr > numRows then
fin <- true
- reader.GetRow(curr, &row)
+ reader.GetRow(curr, row)
- if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(&row)) = 0 then
+ if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(row)) = 0 then
endRid <- curr
fin <- true
@@ -1288,9 +1313,9 @@ let seekReadIndexedRowsRange numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedRowRead
let mutable rid = 1
while rid <= numRows && startRid = -1 do
- reader.GetRow(rid, &row)
+ reader.GetRow(rid, row)
- if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(&row)) = 0 then
+ if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(row)) = 0 then
startRid <- rid
endRid <- rid
@@ -1299,9 +1324,9 @@ let seekReadIndexedRowsRange numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedRowRead
let mutable fin = false
while rid <= numRows && not fin do
- reader.GetRow(rid, &row)
+ reader.GetRow(rid, row)
- if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(&row)) = 0 then
+ if reader.CompareKey(reader.GetKey(row)) = 0 then
endRid <- rid
fin <- true
@@ -1314,114 +1339,110 @@ let seekReadIndexedRowsByInterface numRows binaryChop (reader: ISeekReadIndexedR
if startRid <= 0 || endRid < startRid then
Array.init (endRid - startRid + 1) (fun i ->
let mutable row = Unchecked.defaultof<'RowT>
- reader.GetRow(startRid + i, &row)
- reader.ConvertRow(&row))
+ reader.GetRow(startRid + i, row)
+ reader.ConvertRow(row))
-type CustomAttributeRow =
- val mutable parentIndex: TaggedIndex
- val mutable typeIndex: TaggedIndex
- val mutable valueIndex: int
+let inline rowAddr (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) (tn: TableName) (idx: int) =
+ ref (ctxt.rowAddr tn idx)
-let seekReadUInt16Adv mdv (addr: byref) =
- let res = seekReadUInt16 mdv addr
- addr <- addr + 2
+let seekReadUInt16Adv mdv (addr: ref) =
+ let res = seekReadUInt16 mdv addr.Value
+ addr.Value <- addr.Value + 2
-let seekReadInt32Adv mdv (addr: byref) =
- let res = seekReadInt32 mdv addr
- addr <- addr + 4
+let seekReadInt32Adv mdv (addr: ref) =
+ let res = seekReadInt32 mdv addr.Value
+ addr.Value <- addr.Value + 4
-let seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv (addr: byref) =
- let res = seekReadUInt16AsInt32 mdv addr
- addr <- addr + 2
+let seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv (addr: ref) =
+ let res = seekReadUInt16AsInt32 mdv addr.Value
+ addr.Value <- addr.Value + 2
-let inline seekReadTaggedIdx f nbits big mdv (addr: byref) =
+let inline seekReadTaggedIdx f nbits big mdv (addr: ref) =
let tok =
if big then
- seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
+ seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
- seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
+ seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
tokToTaggedIdx f nbits tok
-let seekReadIdx big mdv (addr: byref) =
+let seekReadIdx big mdv (addr: ref) =
if big then
- seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
+ seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
- seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
+ seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
-let seekReadUntaggedIdx (tab: TableName) (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadIdx ctxt.tableBigness[tab.Index] mdv &addr
+let seekReadUntaggedIdx (tab: TableName) (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadIdx ctxt.tableBigness[tab.Index] mdv addr
-let seekReadResolutionScopeIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkResolutionScopeTag 2 ctxt.rsBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadResolutionScopeIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkResolutionScopeTag 2 ctxt.rsBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkTypeDefOrRefOrSpecTag 2 ctxt.tdorBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkTypeDefOrRefOrSpecTag 2 ctxt.tdorBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadTypeOrMethodDefIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkTypeOrMethodDefTag 1 ctxt.tomdBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadTypeOrMethodDefIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkTypeOrMethodDefTag 1 ctxt.tomdBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadHasConstantIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasConstantTag 2 ctxt.hcBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadHasConstantIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasConstantTag 2 ctxt.hcBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadHasCustomAttributeIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasCustomAttributeTag 5 ctxt.hcaBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadHasCustomAttributeIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasCustomAttributeTag 5 ctxt.hcaBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadHasFieldMarshalIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasFieldMarshalTag 1 ctxt.hfmBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadHasFieldMarshalIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasFieldMarshalTag 1 ctxt.hfmBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadHasDeclSecurityIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasDeclSecurityTag 2 ctxt.hdsBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadHasDeclSecurityIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasDeclSecurityTag 2 ctxt.hdsBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadMemberRefParentIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkMemberRefParentTag 3 ctxt.mrpBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadMemberRefParentIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkMemberRefParentTag 3 ctxt.mrpBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadHasSemanticsIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasSemanticsTag 1 ctxt.hsBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadHasSemanticsIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkHasSemanticsTag 1 ctxt.hsBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkMethodDefOrRefTag 1 ctxt.mdorBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkMethodDefOrRefTag 1 ctxt.mdorBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadMemberForwardedIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkMemberForwardedTag 1 ctxt.mfBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadMemberForwardedIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkMemberForwardedTag 1 ctxt.mfBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadImplementationIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkImplementationTag 2 ctxt.iBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadImplementationIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkImplementationTag 2 ctxt.iBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadCustomAttributeTypeIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadTaggedIdx mkILCustomAttributeTypeTag 3 ctxt.catBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadCustomAttributeTypeIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadTaggedIdx mkILCustomAttributeTypeTag 3 ctxt.catBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadStringIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) =
- seekReadIdx ctxt.stringsBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadStringIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) =
+ seekReadIdx ctxt.stringsBigness mdv addr
-let seekReadGuidIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) = seekReadIdx ctxt.guidsBigness mdv &addr
-let seekReadBlobIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: byref) = seekReadIdx ctxt.blobsBigness mdv &addr
+let seekReadGuidIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) = seekReadIdx ctxt.guidsBigness mdv addr
+let seekReadBlobIdx (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (addr: ref) = seekReadIdx ctxt.blobsBigness mdv addr
let seekReadModuleRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
if idx = 0 then
failwith "cannot read Module table row 0"
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Module idx
- let generation = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let mvidIdx = seekReadGuidIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let encidIdx = seekReadGuidIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let encbaseidIdx = seekReadGuidIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Module idx
+ let generation = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let mvidIdx = seekReadGuidIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let encidIdx = seekReadGuidIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let encbaseidIdx = seekReadGuidIdx ctxt mdv addr
(generation, nameIdx, mvidIdx, encidIdx, encbaseidIdx)
/// Read Table ILTypeRef.
let seekReadTypeRefRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.TypeRef idx
- let scopeIdx = seekReadResolutionScopeIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let namespaceIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.TypeRef idx
+ let scopeIdx = seekReadResolutionScopeIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let namespaceIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
(scopeIdx, nameIdx, namespaceIdx)
/// Read Table ILTypeDef.
@@ -1430,55 +1451,55 @@ let seekReadTypeDefRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) idx = ctxt.seekReadTypeDefRow id
let seekReadTypeDefRowUncached ctxtH idx =
let (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) = getHole ctxtH
let mdv = ctxt.mdfile.GetView()
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.TypeDef idx
- let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let namespaceIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let extendsIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let fieldsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Field ctxt mdv &addr
- let methodsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Method ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.TypeDef idx
+ let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let namespaceIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let extendsIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let fieldsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Field ctxt mdv addr
+ let methodsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Method ctxt mdv addr
(flags, nameIdx, namespaceIdx, extendsIdx, fieldsIdx, methodsIdx)
/// Read Table Field.
let seekReadFieldRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Field idx
- let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Field idx
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(flags, nameIdx, typeIdx)
/// Read Table Method.
let seekReadMethodRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Method idx
- let codeRVA = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let implflags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let paramIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Param ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Method idx
+ let codeRVA = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let implflags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let paramIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Param ctxt mdv addr
(codeRVA, implflags, flags, nameIdx, typeIdx, paramIdx)
/// Read Table Param.
let seekReadParamRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Param idx
- let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let seq = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Param idx
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let seq = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
(flags, seq, nameIdx)
/// Read Table InterfaceImpl.
let seekReadInterfaceImplRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.InterfaceImpl idx
- let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv &addr
- let intfIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.InterfaceImpl idx
+ let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv addr
+ let intfIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv addr
(tidx, intfIdx)
/// Read Table MemberRef.
let seekReadMemberRefRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.MemberRef idx
- let mrpIdx = seekReadMemberRefParentIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.MemberRef idx
+ let mrpIdx = seekReadMemberRefParentIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(mrpIdx, nameIdx, typeIdx)
/// Read Table Constant.
@@ -1487,83 +1508,85 @@ let seekReadConstantRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) idx = ctxt.seekReadConstantRow
let seekReadConstantRowUncached ctxtH idx =
let (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) = getHole ctxtH
let mdv = ctxt.mdfile.GetView()
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Constant idx
- let kind = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let parentIdx = seekReadHasConstantIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let valIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Constant idx
+ let kind = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let parentIdx = seekReadHasConstantIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let valIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(kind, parentIdx, valIdx)
/// Read Table CustomAttribute.
-let seekReadCustomAttributeRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx (attrRow: byref) =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.CustomAttribute idx
- attrRow.parentIndex <- seekReadHasCustomAttributeIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- attrRow.typeIndex <- seekReadCustomAttributeTypeIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- attrRow.valueIndex <- seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+let seekReadCustomAttributeRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx (attrRow: ref) =
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.CustomAttribute idx
+ let mutable row = attrRow.Value
+ row.parentIndex <- seekReadHasCustomAttributeIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ row.typeIndex <- seekReadCustomAttributeTypeIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ row.valueIndex <- seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ attrRow.Value <- row
/// Read Table FieldMarshal.
let seekReadFieldMarshalRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.FieldMarshal idx
- let parentIdx = seekReadHasFieldMarshalIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.FieldMarshal idx
+ let parentIdx = seekReadHasFieldMarshalIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(parentIdx, typeIdx)
/// Read Table Permission.
let seekReadPermissionRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Permission idx
- let action = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let parentIdx = seekReadHasDeclSecurityIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Permission idx
+ let action = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let parentIdx = seekReadHasDeclSecurityIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let typeIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(action, parentIdx, typeIdx)
/// Read Table ClassLayout.
let seekReadClassLayoutRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.ClassLayout idx
- let pack = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let size = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.ClassLayout idx
+ let pack = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let size = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv addr
(pack, size, tidx)
/// Read Table FieldLayout.
let seekReadFieldLayoutRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.FieldLayout idx
- let offset = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let fidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Field ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.FieldLayout idx
+ let offset = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let fidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Field ctxt mdv addr
(offset, fidx)
//// Read Table StandAloneSig.
let seekReadStandAloneSigRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.StandAloneSig idx
- let sigIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.StandAloneSig idx
+ let sigIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
/// Read Table EventMap.
let seekReadEventMapRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.EventMap idx
- let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv &addr
- let eventsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Event ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.EventMap idx
+ let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv addr
+ let eventsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Event ctxt mdv addr
(tidx, eventsIdx)
/// Read Table Event.
let seekReadEventRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Event idx
- let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let typIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Event idx
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let typIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv addr
(flags, nameIdx, typIdx)
/// Read Table PropertyMap.
let seekReadPropertyMapRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.PropertyMap idx
- let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv &addr
- let propsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Property ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.PropertyMap idx
+ let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv addr
+ let propsIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Property ctxt mdv addr
(tidx, propsIdx)
/// Read Table Property.
let seekReadPropertyRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Property idx
- let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let typIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Property idx
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let typIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(flags, nameIdx, typIdx)
/// Read Table MethodSemantics.
@@ -1572,101 +1595,101 @@ let seekReadMethodSemanticsRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) idx = ctxt.seekReadMetho
let seekReadMethodSemanticsRowUncached ctxtH idx =
let (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) = getHole ctxtH
let mdv = ctxt.mdfile.GetView()
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.MethodSemantics idx
- let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let midx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Method ctxt mdv &addr
- let assocIdx = seekReadHasSemanticsIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.MethodSemantics idx
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let midx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Method ctxt mdv addr
+ let assocIdx = seekReadHasSemanticsIdx ctxt mdv addr
(flags, midx, assocIdx)
/// Read Table MethodImpl.
let seekReadMethodImplRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.MethodImpl idx
- let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv &addr
- let mbodyIdx = seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let mdeclIdx = seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.MethodImpl idx
+ let tidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv addr
+ let mbodyIdx = seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let mdeclIdx = seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx ctxt mdv addr
(tidx, mbodyIdx, mdeclIdx)
/// Read Table ILModuleRef.
let seekReadModuleRefRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.ModuleRef idx
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.ModuleRef idx
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
/// Read Table ILTypeSpec.
let seekReadTypeSpecRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.TypeSpec idx
- let blobIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.TypeSpec idx
+ let blobIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
/// Read Table ImplMap.
let seekReadImplMapRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.ImplMap idx
- let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let forwrdedIdx = seekReadMemberForwardedIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let scopeIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.ModuleRef ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.ImplMap idx
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16AsInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let forwrdedIdx = seekReadMemberForwardedIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let scopeIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.ModuleRef ctxt mdv addr
(flags, forwrdedIdx, nameIdx, scopeIdx)
/// Read Table FieldRVA.
let seekReadFieldRVARow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.FieldRVA idx
- let rva = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let fidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Field ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.FieldRVA idx
+ let rva = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let fidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.Field ctxt mdv addr
(rva, fidx)
/// Read Table Assembly.
let seekReadAssemblyRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Assembly idx
- let hash = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let v1 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let v2 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let v3 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let v4 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let publicKeyIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let localeIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Assembly idx
+ let hash = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let v1 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let v2 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let v3 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let v4 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let publicKeyIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let localeIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
(hash, v1, v2, v3, v4, flags, publicKeyIdx, nameIdx, localeIdx)
/// Read Table ILAssemblyRef.
let seekReadAssemblyRefRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.AssemblyRef idx
- let v1 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let v2 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let v3 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let v4 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let publicKeyOrTokenIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let localeIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let hashValueIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.AssemblyRef idx
+ let v1 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let v2 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let v3 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let v4 = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let publicKeyOrTokenIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let localeIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let hashValueIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(v1, v2, v3, v4, flags, publicKeyOrTokenIdx, nameIdx, localeIdx, hashValueIdx)
/// Read Table File.
let seekReadFileRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.File idx
- let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let hashValueIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.File idx
+ let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let hashValueIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(flags, nameIdx, hashValueIdx)
/// Read Table ILExportedTypeOrForwarder.
let seekReadExportedTypeRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.ExportedType idx
- let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let tok = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let namespaceIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let implIdx = seekReadImplementationIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.ExportedType idx
+ let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let tok = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let namespaceIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let implIdx = seekReadImplementationIdx ctxt mdv addr
(flags, tok, nameIdx, namespaceIdx, implIdx)
/// Read Table ManifestResource.
let seekReadManifestResourceRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.ManifestResource idx
- let offset = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let implIdx = seekReadImplementationIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.ManifestResource idx
+ let offset = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let flags = seekReadInt32Adv mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let implIdx = seekReadImplementationIdx ctxt mdv addr
(offset, flags, nameIdx, implIdx)
/// Read Table Nested.
@@ -1675,32 +1698,32 @@ let seekReadNestedRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) idx = ctxt.seekReadNestedRow idx
let seekReadNestedRowUncached ctxtH idx =
let (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) = getHole ctxtH
let mdv = ctxt.mdfile.GetView()
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.Nested idx
- let nestedIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv &addr
- let enclIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.Nested idx
+ let nestedIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv addr
+ let enclIdx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.TypeDef ctxt mdv addr
(nestedIdx, enclIdx)
/// Read Table GenericParam.
let seekReadGenericParamRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.GenericParam idx
- let seq = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let flags = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv &addr
- let ownerIdx = seekReadTypeOrMethodDefIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.GenericParam idx
+ let seq = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let flags = seekReadUInt16Adv mdv addr
+ let ownerIdx = seekReadTypeOrMethodDefIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let nameIdx = seekReadStringIdx ctxt mdv addr
(idx, seq, flags, ownerIdx, nameIdx)
// Read Table GenericParamConstraint.
let seekReadGenericParamConstraintRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.GenericParamConstraint idx
- let pidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.GenericParam ctxt mdv &addr
- let constraintIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.GenericParamConstraint idx
+ let pidx = seekReadUntaggedIdx TableNames.GenericParam ctxt mdv addr
+ let constraintIdx = seekReadTypeDefOrRefOrSpecIdx ctxt mdv addr
(pidx, constraintIdx)
/// Read Table ILMethodSpec.
let seekReadMethodSpecRow (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv idx =
- let mutable addr = ctxt.rowAddr TableNames.MethodSpec idx
- let mdorIdx = seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx ctxt mdv &addr
- let instIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv &addr
+ let mutable addr = rowAddr ctxt TableNames.MethodSpec idx
+ let mdorIdx = seekReadMethodDefOrRefIdx ctxt mdv addr
+ let instIdx = seekReadBlobIdx ctxt mdv addr
(mdorIdx, instIdx)
let readUserStringHeapUncached ctxtH idx =
@@ -1797,6 +1820,7 @@ let readNativeResources (pectxt: PEReader) =
let start =
pectxt.anyV2P (pectxt.fileName + ": native resources", pectxt.nativeResourcesAddr)
if pectxt.noFileOnDisk then
let unlinkedResource =
let linkedResource =
@@ -1806,7 +1830,8 @@ let readNativeResources (pectxt: PEReader) =
yield ILNativeResource.Out unlinkedResource
- yield ILNativeResource.In(pectxt.fileName, pectxt.nativeResourcesAddr, start, pectxt.nativeResourcesSize)
+ yield ILNativeResource.In(pectxt.fileName, pectxt.nativeResourcesAddr, start, pectxt.nativeResourcesSize)
let getDataEndPointsDelayed (pectxt: PEReader) ctxtH =
@@ -2971,15 +2996,15 @@ and seekReadMethod (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv numTypars (idx: int) =
and seekReadParams (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (retTy, argTys) pidx1 pidx2 =
- let mutable retRes = mkILReturn retTy
+ let mutable retRes = ref (mkILReturn retTy)
let paramsRes = argTys |> List.toArray |> Array.map mkILParamAnon
for i = pidx1 to pidx2 - 1 do
- seekReadParamExtras ctxt mdv (&retRes, paramsRes) i
+ seekReadParamExtras ctxt mdv (retRes, paramsRes) i
- retRes, List.ofArray paramsRes
+ retRes.Value, List.ofArray paramsRes
-and seekReadParamExtras (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (retRes: byref, paramsRes) (idx: int) =
+and seekReadParamExtras (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (retRes: ref, paramsRes) (idx: int) =
let flags, seq, nameIdx = seekReadParamRow ctxt mdv idx
let inOutMasked = (flags &&& 0x00FF)
let hasMarshal = (flags &&& 0x2000) <> 0x0
@@ -2996,8 +3021,8 @@ and seekReadParamExtras (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) mdv (retRes: byref, p
if seq = 0 then
- retRes <-
- { retRes with
+ retRes.Value <-
+ { retRes.Value with
Marshal =
(if hasMarshal then
Some(fmReader (TaggedIndex(hfm_ParamDef, idx)))
@@ -3212,14 +3237,14 @@ and customAttrsReader ctxtH tag : ILAttributesStored =
let reader =
{ new ISeekReadIndexedRowReader, ILAttribute> with
member _.GetRow(i, row) =
- seekReadCustomAttributeRow ctxt mdv i &row
+ seekReadCustomAttributeRow ctxt mdv i row
- member _.GetKey(attrRow) = attrRow.parentIndex
+ member _.GetKey(attrRow) = attrRow.Value.parentIndex
member _.CompareKey(key) = hcaCompare (TaggedIndex(tag, idx)) key
member _.ConvertRow(attrRow) =
- seekReadCustomAttr ctxt (attrRow.typeIndex, attrRow.valueIndex)
+ seekReadCustomAttr ctxt (attrRow.Value.typeIndex, attrRow.Value.valueIndex)
seekReadIndexedRowsByInterface (ctxt.getNumRows TableNames.CustomAttribute) (isSorted ctxt TableNames.CustomAttribute) reader)
@@ -3991,7 +4016,12 @@ and seekReadManifestResources (ctxt: ILMetadataReader) canReduceMemory (mdv: Bin
let byteStorage =
let bytes = pevEager.Slice(offsetOfBytesFromStartOfPhysicalPEFile, resourceLength)
+ ignore canReduceMemory
+ ByteMemory.FromArray(bytes.ToArray())
ByteStorage.FromByteMemoryAndCopy(bytes, useBackingMemoryMappedFile = canReduceMemory)
@@ -4908,6 +4938,8 @@ type ILModuleReaderImpl(ilModule: ILModuleDef, ilAssemblyRefs: Lazy BinaryFile
let OpenILModuleReaderFromBytes fileName assemblyContents options =
let pefile = ByteFile(fileName, assemblyContents) :> BinaryFile
@@ -4981,6 +5015,8 @@ let OpenILModuleReaderFromBytes fileName assemblyContents options =
new ILModuleReaderImpl(ilModule, ilAssemblyRefs) :> ILModuleReader
let OpenILModuleReaderFromStream fileName (peStream: Stream) options =
let peReader =
new System.Reflection.PortableExecutable.PEReader(peStream, PEStreamOptions.PrefetchEntireImage)
@@ -5142,3 +5178,5 @@ module Shim =
OpenILModuleReader fileName readerOptions
let mutable AssemblyReader = DefaultAssemblyReader() :> IAssemblyReader
diff --git a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fsi b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fsi
index f2b86266063..6332e6af451 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/AbstractIL/ilread.fsi
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ type public ILModuleReader =
// ILModuleReader objects only need to be explicitly disposed if memory mapping is used, i.e. reduceMemoryUsage = false
inherit System.IDisposable
/// Open a binary reader, except first copy the entire contents of the binary into
/// memory, close the file and ensure any subsequent reads happen from the in-memory store.
/// PDB files may not be read with this option.
@@ -76,15 +76,18 @@ type public ILModuleReader =
val internal OpenILModuleReader: string -> ILReaderOptions -> ILModuleReader
val internal ClearAllILModuleReaderCache : unit -> unit
/// Open a binary reader based on the given bytes.
/// This binary reader is not internally cached.
val internal OpenILModuleReaderFromBytes: fileName:string -> assemblyContents: byte[] -> options: ILReaderOptions -> ILModuleReader
/// Open a binary reader based on the given stream.
/// This binary reader is not internally cached.
/// The binary reader will own the given stream and the stream will be disposed when there are no references to the binary reader.
val internal OpenILModuleReaderFromStream: fileName:string -> peStream: Stream -> options: ILReaderOptions -> ILModuleReader
type internal Statistics =
{ mutable rawMemoryFileCount : int
@@ -95,6 +98,8 @@ type internal Statistics =
val internal GetStatistics : unit -> Statistics
/// The public API hook for changing the IL assembly reader, used by Resharper
module public Shim =
@@ -103,3 +108,5 @@ module public Shim =
abstract GetILModuleReader: fileName: string * readerOptions: ILReaderOptions -> ILModuleReader
val mutable AssemblyReader: IAssemblyReader
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/AttributeChecking.fs b/src/Compiler/Checking/AttributeChecking.fs
index de1aadfc803..41cc5372e6c 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/AttributeChecking.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/AttributeChecking.fs
@@ -271,7 +271,11 @@ let CheckFSharpAttributes (g:TcGlobals) attribs m =
if g.compilingFSharpCore then
+ g.langVersion.IsPreviewEnabled && (s.ToLowerInvariant().IndexOf(langVersionPrefix) >= 0)
g.langVersion.IsPreviewEnabled && (s.IndexOf(langVersionPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
if isNil attribs then CompleteD
@@ -434,7 +438,7 @@ let CheckMethInfoAttributes g m tyargsOpt (minfo: MethInfo) =
Some res)
- (fun provAttribs -> Some (CheckProvidedAttributes g m provAttribs))
+ (fun provAttribs -> Some (CheckProvidedAttributes g m provAttribs))
(fun _provAttribs -> None)
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/ConstraintSolver.fs b/src/Compiler/Checking/ConstraintSolver.fs
index 751e71bff5c..28cd13def3f 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/ConstraintSolver.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/ConstraintSolver.fs
@@ -2621,7 +2621,7 @@ and CanMemberSigsMatchUpToCheck
match calledMeth.ParamArrayCallerArgs with
| Some args ->
args |> MapCombineTDCD (fun callerArg ->
- subsumeOrConvertArg (CalledArg((0, 0), false, NotOptional, NoCallerInfo, false, false, None, reflArgInfo, paramArrayElemTy)) callerArg
+ subsumeOrConvertArg (GetCalledArg((0, 0), false, NotOptional, NoCallerInfo, false, false, None, reflArgInfo, paramArrayElemTy)) callerArg
@@ -2653,7 +2653,7 @@ and CanMemberSigsMatchUpToCheck
let calledArgTy = rfinfo.FieldType
rfinfo.LogicalName, calledArgTy
- subsumeOrConvertArg (CalledArg((-1, 0), false, NotOptional, NoCallerInfo, false, false, Some (mkSynId m name), ReflectedArgInfo.None, calledArgTy)) caller
+ subsumeOrConvertArg (GetCalledArg((-1, 0), false, NotOptional, NoCallerInfo, false, false, Some (mkSynId m name), ReflectedArgInfo.None, calledArgTy)) caller
// - Always take the return type into account for resolving overloading of
// -- op_Explicit, op_Implicit
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fs b/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fs
index 1536277c506..e11d4be6ca7 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fs
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ type CalledArg =
NameOpt: Ident option
CalledArgumentType : TType }
-let CalledArg (pos, isParamArray, optArgInfo, callerInfo, isInArg, isOutArg, nameOpt, reflArgInfo, calledArgTy) =
+let GetCalledArg (pos, isParamArray, optArgInfo, callerInfo, isInArg, isOutArg, nameOpt, reflArgInfo, calledArgTy) =
{ Position=pos
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fsi b/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fsi
index a70827d8fec..803a51b36f5 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/MethodCalls.fsi
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ type CalledArg =
NameOpt: Ident option
CalledArgumentType: TType }
-val CalledArg:
+val GetCalledArg:
pos: struct (int * int) *
isParamArray: bool *
optArgInfo: OptionalArgInfo *
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs b/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 6f2bcb62f80..0fe38c80dad
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs
@@ -2121,8 +2121,10 @@ module TastDefinitionPrinting =
| _ when isNil allDecls ->
| TProvidedNamespaceRepr _
| TProvidedTypeRepr _
| TNoRepr ->
|> applyMaxMembers denv.maxMembers
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs b/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs
index 80c7e52e7bf..b7e74e08d2b 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs
@@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ open System.Collections.Generic
module QP = QuotationPickler
+let verboseCReflect = false
let verboseCReflect = condition "VERBOSE_CREFLECT"
type IsReflectedDefinition =
@@ -713,9 +717,13 @@ and private ConvExprCore cenv (env : QuotationTranslationEnv) (expr: Expr) : QP.
let witnessArgInfo =
if g.generateWitnesses && inWitnessPassingScope then
let witnessInfo = traitInfo.GetWitnessInfo()
+ env.witnessesInScope.TryFind witnessInfo
match env.witnessesInScope.TryGetValue witnessInfo with
| true, storage -> Some storage
| _ -> None
diff --git a/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fs b/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fs
index a5dad6c8907..72af44c18a8 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fs
@@ -211,9 +211,13 @@ let ReportStatistics (oc: TextWriter) = reports oc
let NewCounter nm =
let mutable count = 0
+ ignore nm
AddReport(fun oc ->
if count <> 0 then
oc.WriteLine(string count + " " + nm))
(fun () -> count <- count + 1)
@@ -1262,6 +1266,7 @@ let AddSignatureRemapInfo _msg (rpi, mhi) eenv =
sigToImplRemapInfo = (mkRepackageRemapping rpi, mhi) :: eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo
let OutputStorage (pps: TextWriter) s =
match s with
| StaticPropertyWithField _ -> pps.Write "(top)"
@@ -1271,6 +1276,7 @@ let OutputStorage (pps: TextWriter) s =
| Arg _ -> pps.Write "(arg)"
| Env _ -> pps.Write "(env)"
| Null -> pps.Write "(null)"
// Augment eenv with values
@@ -1321,7 +1327,11 @@ let AddTemplateReplacement eenv (tcref, ftyvs, ilTy, inst) =
let AddStorageForLocalWitness eenv (w, s) =
{ eenv with
+ witnessesInScope = eenv.witnessesInScope.Add (w, s)
witnessesInScope = eenv.witnessesInScope.SetItem(w, s)
let AddStorageForLocalWitnesses witnesses eenv =
@@ -1350,9 +1360,13 @@ let ComputeGenerateWitnesses (g: TcGlobals) eenv =
&& not eenv.suppressWitnesses
let TryStorageForWitness (_g: TcGlobals) eenv (w: TraitWitnessInfo) =
+ eenv.witnessesInScope.TryFind w
match eenv.witnessesInScope.TryGetValue w with
| true, storage -> Some storage
| _ -> None
let IsValRefIsDllImport g (vref: ValRef) =
vref.Attribs |> HasFSharpAttributeOpt g g.attrib_DllImportAttribute
@@ -1859,7 +1873,11 @@ let GenPossibleILDebugRange (cenv: cenv) m =
// Helpers for merging property definitions
+let HashRangeSorted (ht: IEnumerable>) =
let HashRangeSorted (ht: IDictionary<_, int * _>) =
[ for KeyValue (_k, v) in ht -> v ] |> List.sortBy fst |> List.map snd
let MergeOptions m o1 o2 =
@@ -2681,7 +2699,11 @@ let GenConstArray cenv (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) eenv ilElementType (data: 'a[]) (w
let g = cenv.g
use buf = ByteBuffer.Create data.Length
data |> Array.iter (write buf)
+ let bytes = buf.Close()
let bytes = buf.AsMemory().ToArray()
let ilArrayType = mkILArr1DTy ilElementType
if data.Length = 0 then
@@ -11730,6 +11752,8 @@ type ExecutionContext =
LookupType: ILType -> Type
// A helper to generate a default value for any System.Type. I couldn't find a System.Reflection
// method to do this.
let defaultOf =
@@ -11838,6 +11862,8 @@ let ClearGeneratedValue (ctxt: ExecutionContext) eenv (v: Val) =
/// The published API from the ILX code generator
type IlxAssemblyGenerator(amap: ImportMap, tcGlobals: TcGlobals, tcVal: ConstraintSolver.TcValF, ccu: CcuThunk) =
@@ -11914,6 +11940,7 @@ type IlxAssemblyGenerator(amap: ImportMap, tcGlobals: TcGlobals, tcVal: Constrai
GenerateCode(cenv, anonTypeTable, ilxGenEnv, typedAssembly, assemAttribs, moduleAttribs)
/// Invert the compilation of the given value and clear the storage of the value
member _.ClearGeneratedValue(ctxt, v) = ClearGeneratedValue ctxt ilxGenEnv v
@@ -11924,3 +11951,4 @@ type IlxAssemblyGenerator(amap: ImportMap, tcGlobals: TcGlobals, tcVal: Constrai
/// Invert the compilation of the given value and return its current dynamic value and its compiled System.Type
member _.LookupGeneratedValue(ctxt, v) =
LookupGeneratedValue cenv ctxt ilxGenEnv v
diff --git a/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fsi b/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fsi
index d68463e9ca7..30cdab9d26e 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/CodeGen/IlxGen.fsi
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ type public IlxAssemblyGenerator =
/// Generate ILX code for an assembly fragment
member GenerateCode: IlxGenOptions * CheckedAssemblyAfterOptimization * Attribs * Attribs -> IlxGenResults
/// Invert the compilation of the given value and clear the storage of the value
member ClearGeneratedValue: ExecutionContext * Val -> unit
@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ type public IlxAssemblyGenerator =
/// Invert the compilation of the given value and return its current dynamic value and its compiled System.Type
member LookupGeneratedValue: ExecutionContext * Val -> (obj * Type) option
val ReportStatistics: TextWriter -> unit
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fs
index 91a2e9fde3d..a1274bea0df 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fs
@@ -7,14 +7,18 @@ open System
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open System.IO
open Internal.Utilities
open Internal.Utilities.FSharpEnvironment
open Internal.Utilities.Library
open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILBinaryReader
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILPdbWriter
open FSharp.Compiler.DependencyManager
open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
@@ -55,6 +59,14 @@ exception FileNameNotResolved of searchedLocations: string * fileName: string *
exception LoadedSourceNotFoundIgnoring of fileName: string * range: range
+type HashAlgorithm =
+ | Sha1
+ | Sha256
/// Will return None if the fileName is not found.
let TryResolveFileUsingPaths (paths, m, fileName) =
let () =
@@ -85,6 +97,8 @@ let ResolveFileUsingPaths (paths, m, fileName) =
let searchMessage = String.concat "\n " paths
raise (FileNameNotResolved(fileName, searchMessage, m))
let GetWarningNumber (m, warningNumber: string) =
// Okay so ...
@@ -156,6 +170,10 @@ type VersionFlag =
parseILVersion ""
member x.GetVersionString implicitIncludeDir =
+ ignore implicitIncludeDir
+ ""
match x with
| VersionString s -> s
| VersionFile s ->
@@ -173,6 +191,7 @@ type VersionFlag =
use is = new StreamReader(fs)
| VersionNone -> ""
/// Represents a reference to an assembly. May be backed by a real assembly on disk, or a cross-project
/// reference backed by information generated by the the compiler service.
@@ -224,9 +243,11 @@ type TimeStampCache(defaultTimeStamp: DateTime) =
let v =
FileSystem.GetLastWriteTimeShim fileName
with :? FileNotFoundException ->
files[fileName] <- v
@@ -737,7 +758,11 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
emitMetadataAssembly = MetadataAssemblyGeneration.None
preferredUiLang = None
lcid = None
+ productNameForBannerText = "Microsoft (R) F# Compiler"
productNameForBannerText = FSharpProductName
showBanner = true
showTimes = false
showLoadedAssemblies = false
@@ -782,6 +807,9 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
// which may be later adjusted.
match tcConfigB.fxResolver with
| None ->
+ FxResolver()
let useDotNetFramework = (tcConfigB.primaryAssembly = PrimaryAssembly.Mscorlib)
let fxResolver =
@@ -796,6 +824,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
tcConfigB.fxResolver <- Some fxResolver
| Some fxResolver -> fxResolver
member tcConfigB.SetPrimaryAssembly primaryAssembly =
@@ -806,6 +835,8 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
tcConfigB.useSdkRefs <- useSdkRefs
tcConfigB.fxResolver <- None // this needs to be recreated when the primary assembly changes
member tcConfigB.ResolveSourceFile(m, nm, pathLoadedFrom) =
use _ = UseBuildPhase BuildPhase.Parameter
@@ -869,6 +900,8 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
tcConfigB.outputFile <- Some outfile
outfile, pdbfile, assemblyName
member tcConfigB.TurnWarningOff(m, s: string) =
use _ = UseBuildPhase BuildPhase.Parameter
@@ -900,6 +933,10 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
member tcConfigB.AddIncludePath(m, path, pathIncludedFrom) =
+ ignore (m, path, pathIncludedFrom)
+ ()
let absolutePath = ComputeMakePathAbsolute pathIncludedFrom path
let ok =
@@ -920,8 +957,13 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
if ok && not (List.contains absolutePath tcConfigB.includes) then
tcConfigB.includes <- tcConfigB.includes ++ absolutePath
member tcConfigB.AddLoadedSource(m, originalPath, pathLoadedFrom) =
+ ignore (m, originalPath, pathLoadedFrom)
+ ()
if FileSystem.IsInvalidPathShim originalPath then
warning (Error(FSComp.SR.buildInvalidFilename originalPath, m))
@@ -940,6 +982,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
if not (List.contains path (List.map (fun (_, _, path) -> path) tcConfigB.loadedSources)) then
tcConfigB.loadedSources <- tcConfigB.loadedSources ++ (m, originalPath, path)
member tcConfigB.AddEmbeddedSourceFile fileName =
tcConfigB.embedSourceList <- tcConfigB.embedSourceList ++ fileName
@@ -971,6 +1014,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
tcConfigB.referencedDLLs <- tcConfigB.referencedDLLs ++ AssemblyReference(m, path, projectReference)
member tcConfigB.AddDependencyManagerText(packageManager: IDependencyManagerProvider, lt, m, path: string) =
tcConfigB.packageManagerLines <- PackageManagerLine.AddLineWithKey packageManager.Key lt path m tcConfigB.packageManagerLines
@@ -1001,6 +1045,7 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
| Null, Null when directive = Directive.Include -> errorR (Error(FSComp.SR.poundiNotSupportedByRegisteredDependencyManagers (), m))
| Null, Null -> errorR (Error(FSComp.SR.buildInvalidHashrDirective (), m))
member tcConfigB.RemoveReferencedAssemblyByPath(m, path) =
tcConfigB.referencedDLLs <-
@@ -1041,6 +1086,12 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
type TcConfig private (data: TcConfigBuilder, validate: bool) =
+ let _ = validate
+ let clrRootValue, targetFrameworkVersionValue = None, ""
// Validate the inputs - this helps ensure errors in options are shown in visual studio rather than only when built
// However we only validate a minimal number of options at the moment
@@ -1331,11 +1382,13 @@ type TcConfig private (data: TcConfigBuilder, validate: bool) =
conditionalDefines = data.conditionalDefines
member tcConfig.ComputeCanContainEntryPoint(sourceFiles: string list) =
let n = sourceFiles.Length in (sourceFiles |> List.mapi (fun i _ -> (i = n - 1)), tcConfig.target.IsExe)
// This call can fail if no CLR is found (this is the path to mscorlib)
member _.GetTargetFrameworkDirectories() = targetFrameworkDirectories
member tcConfig.ComputeIndentationAwareSyntaxInitialStatus fileName =
use _unwindBuildPhase = UseBuildPhase BuildPhase.Parameter
@@ -1348,6 +1401,8 @@ type TcConfig private (data: TcConfigBuilder, validate: bool) =
(tcConfig.indentationAwareSyntax = Some true)
member tcConfig.GetAvailableLoadedSources() =
use _unwindBuildPhase = UseBuildPhase BuildPhase.Parameter
@@ -1439,4 +1494,10 @@ type TcConfigProvider =
static member BasedOnMutableBuilder tcConfigB =
TcConfigProvider(fun _ctok -> TcConfig.Create(tcConfigB, validate = false))
+let GetFSharpCoreLibraryName () = "FSharp.Core"
let GetFSharpCoreLibraryName () = getFSharpCoreLibraryName
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fsi b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fsi
index 70abf7beb63..2c099c207e3 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerConfig.fsi
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.Xml
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILBinaryReader
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILPdbWriter
open FSharp.Compiler.DependencyManager
open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Features
@@ -24,6 +26,12 @@ exception FileNameNotResolved of searchedLocations: string * fileName: string *
exception LoadedSourceNotFoundIgnoring of fileName: string * range: range
+type HashAlgorithm =
+ | Sha1
+ | Sha256
/// Represents a reference to an F# assembly. May be backed by a real assembly on disk (read by Abstract IL), or a cross-project
/// reference in FSharp.Compiler.Service.
type IRawFSharpAssemblyData =
@@ -504,7 +512,9 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
rangeForErrors: range ->
member DecideNames: string list -> string * string option * string
member TurnWarningOff: range * string -> unit
@@ -529,8 +539,10 @@ type TcConfigBuilder =
// Directories to start probing in for native DLLs for FSI dynamic loading
member GetNativeProbingRoots: unit -> seq
member AddReferenceDirective:
dependencyProvider: DependencyProvider * m: range * path: string * directive: Directive -> unit
member AddLoadedSource: m: range * originalPath: string * pathLoadedFrom: string -> unit
@@ -780,6 +792,8 @@ type TcConfig =
member ComputeIndentationAwareSyntaxInitialStatus: string -> bool
member GetTargetFrameworkDirectories: unit -> string list
/// Get the loaded sources that exist and issue a warning for the ones that don't
@@ -793,6 +807,8 @@ type TcConfig =
/// File system query based on TcConfig settings
member MakePathAbsolute: string -> string
member resolutionEnvironment: LegacyResolutionEnvironment
member copyFSharpCore: CopyFSharpCoreFlag
@@ -830,6 +846,8 @@ type TcConfig =
/// if true - 'let mutable x = Span.Empty', the value 'x' is a stack referring span. Used for internal testing purposes only until we get true stack spans.
member internalTestSpanStackReferring: bool
member GetSearchPathsForLibraryFiles: unit -> string list
member IsSystemAssembly: string -> bool
@@ -872,6 +890,8 @@ val TryResolveFileUsingPaths: paths: string seq * m: range * fileName: string ->
val ResolveFileUsingPaths: paths: string seq * m: range * fileName: string -> string
val GetWarningNumber: m: range * warningNumber: string -> int option
/// Get the name used for FSharp.Core
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fs
index 4b78aa9b9f9..d1d23765e73 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fs
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ module internal FSharp.Compiler.CompilerDiagnostics
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.IO
open System.Reflection
open System.Text
open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
@@ -201,8 +203,10 @@ type Exception with
| AssemblyNotResolved (_, m)
| HashLoadedSourceHasIssues (_, _, _, m)
| HashLoadedScriptConsideredSource m -> Some m
// Strip TargetInvocationException wrappers
| :? System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException as e -> e.InnerException.DiagnosticRange
| :? TypeProviderError as e -> e.Range |> Some
@@ -325,8 +329,10 @@ type Exception with
| PatternMatchCompilation.EnumMatchIncomplete _ -> 104
// Strip TargetInvocationException wrappers
| :? TargetInvocationException as e -> e.InnerException.DiagnosticNumber
| WrappedError (e, _) -> e.DiagnosticNumber
| DiagnosticWithText (n, _, _) -> n
| DiagnosticWithSuggestions (n, _, _, _, _) -> n
@@ -430,7 +436,9 @@ type PhasedDiagnostic with
module OldStyleMessages =
let Message (name, format) = DeclareResourceString(name, format)
do FSComp.SR.RunStartupValidation()
let SeeAlsoE () = Message("SeeAlso", "%s")
let ConstraintSolverTupleDiffLengthsE () = Message("ConstraintSolverTupleDiffLengths", "%d%d")
let ConstraintSolverInfiniteTypesE () = Message("ConstraintSolverInfiniteTypes", "%s%s")
@@ -601,6 +609,13 @@ let (|InvalidArgument|_|) (exn: exn) =
| :? ArgumentException as e -> Some e.Message
| _ -> None
+module Printf =
+ let bprintf (sb: StringBuilder) =
+ let f (s: string) = sb.AppendString(s)
+ Printf.kprintf f
let OutputNameSuggestions (os: StringBuilder) suggestNames suggestionsF idText =
if suggestNames then
let buffer = DiagnosticResolutionHints.SuggestionBuffer idText
@@ -1856,6 +1871,7 @@ type Exception with
| MSBuildReferenceResolutionError (code, message, _) -> os.AppendString(MSBuildReferenceResolutionErrorE().Format message code)
// Strip TargetInvocationException wrappers
| :? TargetInvocationException as exn -> exn.InnerException.Output(os, suggestNames)
@@ -1870,6 +1886,7 @@ type Exception with
| :? IOException as exn -> Printf.bprintf os "%s" exn.Message
| :? UnauthorizedAccessException as exn -> Printf.bprintf os "%s" exn.Message
| exn ->
os.AppendString(TargetInvocationExceptionWrapperE().Format exn.Message)
@@ -1931,6 +1948,8 @@ let SanitizeFileName fileName implicitIncludeDir =
with _ ->
type FormattedDiagnosticLocation =
@@ -2136,6 +2155,8 @@ type PhasedDiagnostic with
diagnostic.OutputContext(buf, prefix, fileLineFunction)
diagnostic.Output(buf, tcConfig, severity))
// Scoped #nowarn pragmas
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fsi b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fsi
index 8e0890d4418..44d303b0c46 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerDiagnostics.fsi
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ val GetDiagnosticsLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas:
/// Remove 'implicitIncludeDir' from a file name before output
val SanitizeFileName: fileName: string -> implicitIncludeDir: string -> string
/// Used internally and in LegacyHostedCompilerForTesting
type FormattedDiagnosticLocation =
@@ -125,3 +127,5 @@ type FormattedDiagnostic =
val CollectFormattedDiagnostics:
tcConfig: TcConfig * severity: FSharpDiagnosticSeverity * PhasedDiagnostic * suggestNames: bool ->
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fs
index 22162611f0c..2a425d79206 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fs
@@ -6,15 +6,21 @@ module internal FSharp.Compiler.CompilerImports
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Collections.Immutable
open System.Diagnostics
open System.IO
open System.IO.Compression
open System.Reflection
open Internal.Utilities
open Internal.Utilities.Collections
open Internal.Utilities.FSharpEnvironment
open Internal.Utilities.Library
open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
@@ -25,7 +31,9 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.Diagnostics
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckDeclarations
open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerGlobalState
open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerConfig
open FSharp.Compiler.DependencyManager
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Import
open FSharp.Compiler.IO
@@ -64,12 +72,16 @@ let IsOptimizationDataResource (r: ILResource) =
|| r.Name.StartsWithOrdinal FSharpOptimizationDataResourceName2
let decompressResource (r: ILResource) =
+ r.GetBytes() // no support for gunzip
use raw = r.GetBytes().AsStream()
use decompressed = new MemoryStream()
use deflator = new DeflateStream(raw, CompressionMode.Decompress)
deflator.CopyTo decompressed
let GetResourceNameAndSignatureDataFunc (r: ILResource) =
let resourceType, ccuName =
@@ -106,6 +118,8 @@ let GetResourceNameAndOptimizationDataFunc (r: ILResource) =
let IsReflectedDefinitionsResource (r: ILResource) =
let MakeILResource rName bytes =
Name = rName
@@ -225,12 +239,16 @@ let EncodeOptimizationData (tcGlobals, tcConfig: TcConfig, outfile, exportRemapp
exception AssemblyNotResolved of originalName: string * range: range
exception MSBuildReferenceResolutionWarning of message: string * warningCode: string * range: range
exception MSBuildReferenceResolutionError of message: string * warningCode: string * range: range
let OpenILBinary (fileName, reduceMemoryUsage, pdbDirPath, shadowCopyReferences, tryGetMetadataSnapshot) =
let opts: ILReaderOptions =
@@ -253,6 +271,8 @@ let OpenILBinary (fileName, reduceMemoryUsage, pdbDirPath, shadowCopyReferences,
AssemblyReader.GetILModuleReader(location, opts)
type ResolveAssemblyReferenceMode =
| Speculative
@@ -286,6 +306,8 @@ type AssemblyResolution =
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "%s%s" (if this.sysdir then "[sys]" else "") this.resolvedPath
member this.ProjectReference = this.originalReference.ProjectReference
/// Compute the ILAssemblyRef for a resolved assembly. This is done by reading the binary if necessary. The result
@@ -315,6 +337,8 @@ type AssemblyResolution =
this.ilAssemblyRef <- Some assemblyRef
type ImportedBinary =
FileName: string
@@ -352,6 +376,8 @@ type CcuLoadFailureAction =
type TcImportsLockToken() =
interface LockToken
type TcImportsLock = Lock
let RequireTcImportsLock (_tcitok: TcImportsLockToken, _thingProtected: 'T) = ()
@@ -978,10 +1004,57 @@ type RawFSharpAssemblyData(ilModule: ILModuleDef, ilAssemblyRefs) =
let attrs = GetCustomAttributesOfILModule ilModule
List.exists (IsMatchingSignatureDataVersionAttr(parseILVersion FSharpBinaryMetadataFormatRevision)) attrs
// TcImports
+// trimmed-down version of TcImports
+type TcImports() =
+ let mutable tcGlobalsOpt = None
+ let mutable ccuMap = Map([])
+ // This is the main "assembly reference --> assembly" resolution routine.
+ let FindCcuInfo (_m, assemblyName) =
+ match ccuMap |> Map.tryFind assemblyName with
+ | Some ccuInfo -> ResolvedCcu(ccuInfo.FSharpViewOfMetadata)
+ | None -> UnresolvedCcu(assemblyName)
+ member x.FindCcu (_m: range, assemblyName) =
+ match ccuMap |> Map.tryFind assemblyName with
+ | Some ccuInfo -> Some ccuInfo.FSharpViewOfMetadata
+ | None -> None
+ member x.SetTcGlobals g =
+ tcGlobalsOpt <- Some g
+ member x.GetTcGlobals() =
+ tcGlobalsOpt.Value
+ member x.SetCcuMap m =
+ ccuMap <- m
+ member x.GetImportedAssemblies() =
+ ccuMap.Values |> Seq.toList
+ member x.GetImportMap() =
+ let loaderInterface =
+ { new Import.AssemblyLoader with
+ member _.FindCcuFromAssemblyRef (_ctok, m, ilAssemblyRef) =
+ FindCcuInfo(m, ilAssemblyRef.Name)
+ member _.TryFindXmlDocumentationInfo (_assemblyName) =
+ None
+ }
+ new Import.ImportMap (tcGlobalsOpt.Value, loaderInterface)
+ member x.GetCcusExcludingBase() =
+ //TODO: excludes any framework imports (which may be shared between multiple builds)
+ x.GetImportedAssemblies()
+ |> List.map (fun x -> x.FSharpViewOfMetadata)
type TcImportsSafeDisposal
@@ -2594,3 +2667,5 @@ let RequireReferences (ctok, tcImports: TcImports, tcEnv, thisAssemblyName, reso
let asms = asms |> List.map fst
tcEnv, asms
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fsi b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fsi
index 30bb4333f77..1598a6dcbb0 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/CompilerImports.fsi
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckBasics
open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerConfig
open FSharp.Compiler.DependencyManager
open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Optimizer
open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTree
@@ -44,6 +46,9 @@ val IsOptimizationDataResource: ILResource -> bool
val IsReflectedDefinitionsResource: ILResource -> bool
val GetResourceNameAndSignatureDataFunc: ILResource -> string * (unit -> ReadOnlyByteMemory)
+val GetResourceNameAndOptimizationDataFunc: ILResource -> string * (unit -> ReadOnlyByteMemory)
/// Encode the F# interface data into a set of IL attributes and resources
val EncodeSignatureData:
@@ -64,6 +69,8 @@ val EncodeOptimizationData:
isIncrementalBuild: bool ->
ILResource list
type ResolveAssemblyReferenceMode =
| Speculative
@@ -118,6 +125,22 @@ type ImportedAssembly =
FSharpOptimizationData: Lazy