From 6a88987487e92c7cc19d3d93406b3f5fe1793a9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ncave <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 13:55:57 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Added service_slim
.vscode/launch.json | 12 +-
buildtools/buildtools.targets | 4 +-
fcs/ | 4 +
fcs/fcs-test/NuGet.config | 10 +
fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs | 124 +++++++
fcs/fcs-test/ast_print.fs | 101 ++++++
fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj | 26 ++
fcs/fcs-test/test_script.fsx | 8 +
fcs/service_slim.fs | 303 ++++++++++++++++++
src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs | 2 +
src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj | 2 +
src/Compiler/Service/FSharpCheckerResults.fsi | 36 +++
src/Compiler/Symbols/Exprs.fs | 1 +
13 files changed, 630 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 fcs/
create mode 100644 fcs/fcs-test/NuGet.config
create mode 100644 fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
create mode 100644 fcs/fcs-test/ast_print.fs
create mode 100644 fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
create mode 100644 fcs/fcs-test/test_script.fsx
create mode 100644 fcs/service_slim.fs
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
index b93e358bbc1..d90f91a1c52 100644
--- a/.vscode/launch.json
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -92,6 +92,16 @@
"enableStepFiltering": false,
"requireExactSource": false,
"allowFastEvaluate": true
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "FCS Test",
+ "type": "coreclr",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/artifacts/bin/fcs-test/Debug/net6.0/fcs-test.dll",
+ "args": [],
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/fcs/fcs-test",
+ "console": "internalConsole",
+ "stopAtEntry": false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/buildtools/buildtools.targets b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
index 86346fc2a15..4cc7fe7a3a4 100644
--- a/buildtools/buildtools.targets
+++ b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\Bootstrap\fslex\fslex.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net5.0\fslex.dll
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\Bootstrap\fsyacc\fsyacc.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net5.0\fsyacc.dll
diff --git a/fcs/ b/fcs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d027a7f7acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+dotnet build -c Release src/buildtools/buildtools.proj
+dotnet build -c Release src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/NuGet.config b/fcs/fcs-test/NuGet.config
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..273c7d2db75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/NuGet.config
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..83c6ab67ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+open System.IO
+open FSharp.Compiler
+open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
+open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices
+let getProjectOptions (folder: string) (projectFile: string) =
+ let runProcess (workingDir: string) (exePath: string) (args: string) =
+ let psi = System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo()
+ psi.FileName <- exePath
+ psi.WorkingDirectory <- workingDir
+ psi.RedirectStandardOutput <- false
+ psi.RedirectStandardError <- false
+ psi.Arguments <- args
+ psi.CreateNoWindow <- true
+ psi.UseShellExecute <- false
+ use p = new System.Diagnostics.Process()
+ p.StartInfo <- psi
+ p.Start() |> ignore
+ p.WaitForExit()
+ let exitCode = p.ExitCode
+ exitCode, ()
+ let runCmd exePath args = runProcess folder exePath (args |> String.concat " ")
+ let msbuildExec = Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.dotnetMsbuild runCmd
+ let result = Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.getProjectInfo ignore msbuildExec Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.getFscArgs projectFile
+ match result with
+ | Ok (Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.GetResult.FscArgs x) -> x
+ | _ -> []
+let mkStandardProjectReferences () =
+ let projFile = "fcs-test.fsproj"
+ let projDir = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
+ getProjectOptions projDir projFile
+ |> List.filter (fun s -> s.StartsWith("-r:"))
+ |> (fun s -> s.Replace("-r:", ""))
+let mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, fileNames) =
+ [| yield "--simpleresolution"
+ yield "--noframework"
+ yield "--debug:full"
+ yield "--define:DEBUG"
+ yield "--optimize-"
+ yield "--out:" + dllName
+ yield "--doc:test.xml"
+ yield "--warn:3"
+ yield "--fullpaths"
+ yield "--flaterrors"
+ yield "--target:library"
+ for x in fileNames do
+ yield x
+ let references = mkStandardProjectReferences ()
+ for r in references do
+ yield "-r:" + r
+ |]
+let getProjectOptionsFromCommandLineArgs(projName, argv): FSharpProjectOptions =
+ { ProjectFileName = projName
+ ProjectId = None
+ SourceFiles = [| |]
+ OtherOptions = argv
+ ReferencedProjects = [| |]
+ IsIncompleteTypeCheckEnvironment = false
+ UseScriptResolutionRules = false
+ LoadTime = System.DateTime.MaxValue
+ UnresolvedReferences = None
+ OriginalLoadReferences = []
+ Stamp = None }
+let printAst title (projectResults: FSharpCheckProjectResults) =
+ let implFiles = projectResults.AssemblyContents.ImplementationFiles
+ let decls = implFiles
+ |> Seq.collect (fun file -> AstPrint.printFSharpDecls "" file.Declarations)
+ |> String.concat "\n"
+ printfn "%s Typed AST:" title
+ decls |> printfn "%s"
+let main argv =
+ let projName = "Project.fsproj"
+ let fileName = "test_script.fsx"
+ let fileNames = [| fileName |]
+ let source = File.ReadAllText (fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
+ let sources = [| source |]
+ let dllName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".dll")
+ let args = mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, fileNames)
+ // for arg in args do printfn "%s" arg
+ let projectOptions = getProjectOptionsFromCommandLineArgs (projName, args)
+ let checker = InteractiveChecker.Create(projectOptions)
+ // parse and typecheck a project
+ let sourceReader _key = (1, lazy source)
+ let projectResults = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projName, fileNames, sourceReader)
+ projectResults.Diagnostics |> Array.iter (fun e -> printfn "%A: %A" (e.Severity) e)
+ printAst "ParseAndCheckProject" projectResults
+ // or just parse and typecheck a file in project
+ let parseResults, typeCheckResults, projectResults =
+ checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(fileName, projName, fileNames, sources)
+ projectResults.Diagnostics |> Array.iter (fun e -> printfn "%A: %A" (e.Severity) e)
+ printAst "ParseAndCheckFileInProject" projectResults
+ let inputLines = source.Split('\n')
+ // Get tool tip at the specified location
+ let tip = typeCheckResults.GetToolTip(4, 7, inputLines.[3], ["foo"], Tokenization.FSharpTokenTag.IDENT)
+ (sprintf "%A" tip).Replace("\n","") |> printfn "\n---> ToolTip Text = %A" // should print "FSharpToolTipText [...]"
+ // Get declarations (autocomplete) for msg
+ let partialName = { QualifyingIdents = []; PartialIdent = "msg"; EndColumn = 17; LastDotPos = None }
+ let decls = typeCheckResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, 6, inputLines.[5], partialName, (fun _ -> []))
+ [ for item in decls.Items -> item.Name ] |> printfn "\n---> msg AutoComplete = %A" // should print string methods
+ // Get declarations (autocomplete) for canvas
+ let partialName = { QualifyingIdents = []; PartialIdent = "canvas"; EndColumn = 10; LastDotPos = None }
+ let decls = typeCheckResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, 8, inputLines.[7], partialName, (fun _ -> []))
+ [ for item in decls.Items -> item.Name ] |> printfn "\n---> canvas AutoComplete = %A"
+ 0
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/ast_print.fs b/fcs/fcs-test/ast_print.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..747860e55b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/ast_print.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+module AstPrint
+open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
+// AstPrint
+let attribsOfSymbol (s: FSharpSymbol) =
+ [ match s with
+ | :? FSharpField as v ->
+ yield "field"
+ if v.IsCompilerGenerated then yield "compgen"
+ if v.IsDefaultValue then yield "default"
+ if v.IsMutable then yield "mutable"
+ if v.IsVolatile then yield "volatile"
+ if v.IsStatic then yield "static"
+ if v.IsLiteral then yield sprintf "%A" v.LiteralValue.Value
+ | :? FSharpEntity as v ->
+ v.TryFullName |> ignore // check there is no failure here
+ match v.BaseType with
+ | Some t when t.HasTypeDefinition && t.TypeDefinition.TryFullName.IsSome ->
+ yield sprintf "inherits %s" t.TypeDefinition.FullName
+ | _ -> ()
+ if v.IsNamespace then yield "namespace"
+ if v.IsFSharpModule then yield "module"
+ if v.IsByRef then yield "byref"
+ if v.IsClass then yield "class"
+ if v.IsDelegate then yield "delegate"
+ if v.IsEnum then yield "enum"
+ if v.IsFSharpAbbreviation then yield "abbrev"
+ if v.IsFSharpExceptionDeclaration then yield "exception"
+ if v.IsFSharpRecord then yield "record"
+ if v.IsFSharpUnion then yield "union"
+ if v.IsInterface then yield "interface"
+ if v.IsMeasure then yield "measure"
+ if v.IsProvided then yield "provided"
+ if v.IsStaticInstantiation then yield "static_inst"
+ if v.IsProvidedAndErased then yield "erased"
+ if v.IsProvidedAndGenerated then yield "generated"
+ if v.IsUnresolved then yield "unresolved"
+ if v.IsValueType then yield "valuetype"
+ | :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as v ->
+ yield "owner: " + match v.DeclaringEntity with | Some e -> e.CompiledName | _ -> ""
+ if v.IsActivePattern then yield "active_pattern"
+ if v.IsDispatchSlot then yield "dispatch_slot"
+ if v.IsModuleValueOrMember && not v.IsMember then yield "val"
+ if v.IsMember then yield "member"
+ if v.IsProperty then yield "property"
+ if v.IsExtensionMember then yield "extension_member"
+ if v.IsPropertyGetterMethod then yield "property_getter"
+ if v.IsPropertySetterMethod then yield "property_setter"
+ if v.IsEvent then yield "event"
+ if v.EventForFSharpProperty.IsSome then yield "property_event"
+ if v.IsEventAddMethod then yield "event_add"
+ if v.IsEventRemoveMethod then yield "event_remove"
+ if v.IsTypeFunction then yield "type_func"
+ if v.IsCompilerGenerated then yield "compiler_gen"
+ if v.IsImplicitConstructor then yield "implicit_ctor"
+ if v.IsMutable then yield "mutable"
+ if v.IsOverrideOrExplicitInterfaceImplementation then yield "override_impl"
+ if not v.IsInstanceMember then yield "static"
+ if v.IsInstanceMember && not v.IsInstanceMemberInCompiledCode && not v.IsExtensionMember then yield "funky"
+ if v.IsExplicitInterfaceImplementation then yield "interface_impl"
+ yield sprintf "%A" v.InlineAnnotation
+ // if v.IsConstructorThisValue then yield "ctorthis"
+ // if v.IsMemberThisValue then yield "this"
+ // if v.LiteralValue.IsSome then yield "literal"
+ | _ -> () ]
+let rec printFSharpDecls prefix decls = seq {
+ let mutable i = 0
+ for decl in decls do
+ i <- i + 1
+ match decl with
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.Entity (e, sub) ->
+ yield sprintf "%s%i) ENTITY: %s %A" prefix i e.CompiledName (attribsOfSymbol e)
+ if not (Seq.isEmpty e.Attributes) then
+ yield sprintf "%sattributes: %A" prefix (Seq.toList e.Attributes)
+ if not (Seq.isEmpty e.DeclaredInterfaces) then
+ yield sprintf "%sinterfaces: %A" prefix (Seq.toList e.DeclaredInterfaces)
+ yield ""
+ yield! printFSharpDecls (prefix + "\t") sub
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.MemberOrFunctionOrValue (meth, args, body) ->
+ yield sprintf "%s%i) METHOD: %s %A" prefix i meth.CompiledName (attribsOfSymbol meth)
+ yield sprintf "%stype: %A" prefix meth.FullType
+ yield sprintf "%sargs: %A" prefix args
+ // if not meth.IsCompilerGenerated then
+ yield sprintf "%sbody: %A" prefix body
+ yield ""
+ | FSharpImplementationFileDeclaration.InitAction (expr) ->
+ yield sprintf "%s%i) ACTION" prefix i
+ yield sprintf "%s%A" prefix expr
+ yield ""
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72ab6dba64e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Exe
+ net6.0
+ true
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/test_script.fsx b/fcs/fcs-test/test_script.fsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1bbe729ab75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/test_script.fsx
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+open System
+open Fable.Import
+let foo() =
+ let msg = String.Concat("Hello"," ","world")
+ let len = msg.Length
+ let canvas = Browser.document.createElement_canvas ()
+ canvas.width <- 1000.
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef29396dbe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+namespace FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open System
+open System.Collections.Concurrent
+open System.IO
+open System.Threading
+open Internal.Utilities.Collections
+open Internal.Utilities.Library
+open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
+open FSharp.Compiler
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILBinaryReader
+open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
+open FSharp.Compiler.CheckExpressions
+open FSharp.Compiler.CheckDeclarations
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerConfig
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerDiagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerGlobalState
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerImports
+open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerOptions
+open FSharp.Compiler.DependencyManager
+open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.Driver
+open FSharp.Compiler.ErrorLogger
+open FSharp.Compiler.NameResolution
+open FSharp.Compiler.ParseAndCheckInputs
+open FSharp.Compiler.ScriptClosure
+open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
+open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
+open FSharp.Compiler.TcGlobals
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text
+open FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range
+open FSharp.Compiler.Tokenization
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTree
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeBasics
+open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeOps
+// InteractiveChecker
+type internal TcResult = TcEnv * TopAttribs * TypedImplFile option * ModuleOrNamespaceType
+type internal TcErrors = FSharpDiagnostic[]
+type internal CompilerState = {
+ tcConfig: TcConfig
+ tcGlobals: TcGlobals
+ tcImports: TcImports
+ tcInitialState: TcState
+ projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions
+ parseCache: ConcurrentDictionary
+ checkCache: ConcurrentDictionary
+// Cache to store current compiler state.
+// In the case of type provider invalidation,
+// compiler state needs to be reset to recognize TP changes.
+type internal CompilerStateCache(projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) as this =
+ let initializeCompilerState() =
+ let tcConfig =
+ let tcConfigB =
+ TcConfigBuilder.CreateNew(SimulatedMSBuildReferenceResolver.getResolver(),
+ defaultFSharpBinariesDir=FSharpCheckerResultsSettings.defaultFSharpBinariesDir,
+ reduceMemoryUsage=ReduceMemoryFlag.Yes,
+ implicitIncludeDir=Path.GetDirectoryName(projectOptions.ProjectFileName),
+ isInteractive=false,
+ isInvalidationSupported=true,
+ defaultCopyFSharpCore=CopyFSharpCoreFlag.No,
+ tryGetMetadataSnapshot=(fun _ -> None),
+ sdkDirOverride=None,
+ rangeForErrors=range0)
+ let sourceFiles = projectOptions.SourceFiles |> Array.toList
+ let argv = projectOptions.OtherOptions |> Array.toList
+ let _sourceFiles = ApplyCommandLineArgs(tcConfigB, sourceFiles, argv)
+ TcConfig.Create(tcConfigB, validate=false)
+ let tcConfigP = TcConfigProvider.Constant(tcConfig)
+ let ctok = CompilationThreadToken()
+ let dependencyProvider = new DependencyProvider()
+ let tcGlobals, tcImports =
+ TcImports.BuildTcImports (ctok, tcConfigP, dependencyProvider)
+ |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
+ // Handle type provider invalidation by resetting compiler state
+ tcImports.GetCcusExcludingBase()
+ |> Seq.iter (fun ccu ->
+ ccu.Deref.InvalidateEvent.Add(fun _ -> this.Reset())
+ )
+ let niceNameGen = NiceNameGenerator()
+ let assemblyName = projectOptions.ProjectFileName |> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
+ let tcInitialEnv = GetInitialTcEnv (assemblyName, rangeStartup, tcConfig, tcImports, tcGlobals)
+ let tcInitialState = GetInitialTcState (rangeStartup, assemblyName, tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcImports, niceNameGen, tcInitialEnv)
+ // parse cache, keyed on file name and source hash
+ let parseCache = ConcurrentDictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
+ // type check cache, keyed on file name
+ let checkCache = ConcurrentDictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
+ {
+ tcConfig = tcConfig
+ tcGlobals = tcGlobals
+ tcImports = tcImports
+ tcInitialState = tcInitialState
+ projectOptions = projectOptions
+ parseCache = parseCache
+ checkCache = checkCache
+ }
+ // Lazily evaluated in case multiple TP invalidations are triggered before next compilation requested
+ let mutable compilerStateLazy = lazy initializeCompilerState()
+ let lockObj = obj()
+ member x.Get() =
+ lock lockObj (fun () -> compilerStateLazy.Value)
+ member x.Reset() =
+ lock lockObj (fun () -> compilerStateLazy <- lazy initializeCompilerState())
+module internal ParseAndCheck =
+ let userOpName = "Unknown"
+ let suggestNamesForErrors = true
+ let MakeProjectResults (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState: TcState, errors: FSharpDiagnostic[],
+ symbolUses: TcSymbolUses list, topAttrsOpt: TopAttribs option, tcImplFilesOpt: TypedImplFile list option,
+ compilerState) =
+ let assemblyRef = mkSimpleAssemblyRef "stdin"
+ let assemblyDataOpt = None
+ let access = tcState.TcEnvFromImpls.AccessRights
+ let dependencyFiles = parseResults |> (fun x -> x.DependencyFiles) |> Array.concat
+ let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, symbolUses, topAttrsOpt,
+ assemblyDataOpt, assemblyRef, access, tcImplFilesOpt, dependencyFiles, compilerState.projectOptions)
+ let keepAssemblyContents = true
+ FSharpCheckProjectResults (projectFileName, Some compilerState.tcConfig, keepAssemblyContents, errors, Some details)
+ let ClearStaleCache (fileName: string, parsingOptions: FSharpParsingOptions, compilerState) =
+ let fileIndex = parsingOptions.SourceFiles |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
+ let filesAbove = parsingOptions.SourceFiles |> Array.take fileIndex
+ // backup all cached typecheck entries above file
+ let cachedAbove = filesAbove |> Array.choose (fun key ->
+ match compilerState.checkCache.TryGetValue(key) with
+ | true, value -> Some (key, value)
+ | false, _ -> None)
+ // remove all parse cache entries with the same file name
+ let staleParseKeys = compilerState.parseCache.Keys |> Seq.filter (fun (n,_) -> n = fileName) |> Seq.toArray
+ staleParseKeys |> Array.iter (fun key -> compilerState.parseCache.TryRemove(key) |> ignore)
+ compilerState.checkCache.Clear(); // clear all typecheck cache
+ // restore all cached typecheck entries above file
+ cachedAbove |> Array.iter (fun (key, value) -> compilerState.checkCache.TryAdd(key, value) |> ignore)
+ let ParseFile (fileName: string, sourceHash: int, source: Lazy, parsingOptions: FSharpParsingOptions, compilerState) =
+ let parseCacheKey = fileName, sourceHash
+ compilerState.parseCache.GetOrAdd(parseCacheKey, fun _ ->
+ ClearStaleCache(fileName, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ let sourceText = SourceText.ofString source.Value
+ let parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors = ParseAndCheckFile.parseFile (sourceText, fileName, parsingOptions, userOpName, suggestNamesForErrors)
+ let dependencyFiles = [||] // interactions have no dependencies
+ FSharpParseFileResults (parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors, dependencyFiles) )
+ let TypeCheckOneInput (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcSink: TcResultsSink, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
+ let input = parseResults.ParseTree
+ let capturingErrorLogger = CompilationErrorLogger("TypeCheckFile", compilerState.tcConfig.errorSeverityOptions)
+ let errorLogger = GetErrorLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas(false, GetScopedPragmasForInput(input), capturingErrorLogger)
+ use _errorScope = new CompilationGlobalsScope (errorLogger, BuildPhase.TypeCheck)
+ let checkForErrors () = parseResults.ParseHadErrors || errorLogger.ErrorCount > 0
+ let prefixPathOpt = None
+ let input, moduleNamesDict = input |> DeduplicateParsedInputModuleName moduleNamesDict
+ let tcResult, tcState =
+ TypeCheckOneInputEventually (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input, false)
+ |> Eventually.force CancellationToken.None
+ |> function
+ | ValueOrCancelled.Value v -> v
+ | ValueOrCancelled.Cancelled ce -> raise ce // this condition is unexpected, since CancellationToken.None was passed
+ let fileName = parseResults.FileName
+ let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (compilerState.tcConfig.errorSeverityOptions, false, fileName, (capturingErrorLogger.GetDiagnostics()), suggestNamesForErrors)
+ (tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict)
+ let CheckFile (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
+ let sink = TcResultsSinkImpl(compilerState.tcGlobals)
+ let tcSink = TcResultsSink.WithSink sink
+ let (tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
+ TypeCheckOneInput (parseResults, tcSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ let fileName = parseResults.FileName
+ compilerState.checkCache.[fileName] <- ((tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict))
+ let loadClosure = None
+ let keepAssemblyContents = true
+ let tcEnvAtEnd, _topAttrs, implFile, ccuSigForFile = tcResult
+ let errors = Array.append parseResults.Diagnostics tcErrors
+ let scope = TypeCheckInfo (compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcGlobals, ccuSigForFile, tcState.Ccu, compilerState.tcImports, tcEnvAtEnd.AccessRights,
+ projectFileName, fileName, compilerState.projectOptions, sink.GetResolutions(), sink.GetSymbolUses(), tcEnvAtEnd.NameEnv,
+ loadClosure, implFile, sink.GetOpenDeclarations())
+ FSharpCheckFileResults (fileName, errors, Some scope, parseResults.DependencyFiles, None, keepAssemblyContents)
+ let TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState, compilerState) =
+ let cachedTypeCheck (tcState, moduleNamesDict) (parseRes: FSharpParseFileResults) =
+ let checkCacheKey = parseRes.FileName
+ let typeCheckOneInput _fileName =
+ TypeCheckOneInput (parseRes, TcResultsSink.NoSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ compilerState.checkCache.GetOrAdd(checkCacheKey, typeCheckOneInput)
+ let results, (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
+ ((tcState, Map.empty), parseResults) ||> Array.mapFold cachedTypeCheck
+ let tcResults, tcErrors = Array.unzip results
+ let (tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, topAttrs, implFiles, _ccuSigsForFiles), tcState =
+ TypeCheckMultipleInputsFinish(tcResults |> Array.toList, tcState)
+ let tcState, declaredImpls = TypeCheckClosedInputSetFinish (implFiles, tcState)
+ tcState, topAttrs, declaredImpls, tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors
+ /// Errors grouped by file, sorted by line, column
+ let ErrorsByFile (fileNames: string[], errorList: FSharpDiagnostic[] list) =
+ let errorMap = errorList |> Array.concat |> Array.groupBy (fun x -> x.FileName) |> Map.ofArray
+ let errors = fileNames |> Array.choose errorMap.TryFind
+ errors |> Array.iter (Array.sortInPlaceBy (fun x -> x.StartLine, x.StartColumn))
+ errors |> Array.concat
+type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
+ static member Create(projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) =
+ InteractiveChecker(CompilerStateCache(projectOptions))
+ /// Clears parse and typecheck caches.
+ member _.ClearCache () =
+ let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ compilerState.parseCache.Clear()
+ compilerState.checkCache.Clear()
+ /// Parses and checks the whole project, good for compilers (Fable etc.)
+ /// Does not retain name resolutions and symbol uses which are quite memory hungry (so no intellisense etc.).
+ /// Already parsed files will be cached so subsequent compilations will be faster.
+ member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string->int*Lazy) =
+ let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ // parse files
+ let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
+ let parseResults = fileNames |> (fun fileName ->
+ let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
+ ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState))
+ // type check files
+ let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ // make project results
+ let parseErrors = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
+ let typedErrors = tcErrors |> Array.concat
+ let errors = ErrorsByFile (fileNames, [ parseErrors; typedErrors ])
+ let symbolUses = [] //TODO:
+ let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, symbolUses, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
+ projectResults
+ /// Parses and checks file in project, will compile and cache all the files up to this one
+ /// (if not already done before), or fetch them from cache. Returns partial project results,
+ /// up to and including the file requested. Returns parse and typecheck results containing
+ /// name resolutions and symbol uses for the file requested only, so intellisense etc. works.
+ member _.ParseAndCheckFileInProject (fileName: string, projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sources: string[]) =
+ let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ // get files before file
+ let fileIndex = fileNames |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
+ let fileNamesBeforeFile = fileNames |> Array.take fileIndex
+ let sourcesBeforeFile = sources |> Array.take fileIndex
+ // parse files before file
+ let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
+ let parseFile (fileName, source) = ParseFile (fileName, hash source, lazy source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ let parseResults = fileNamesBeforeFile sourcesBeforeFile |> parseFile
+ // type check files before file
+ let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ // parse and type check file
+ let parseFileResults = parseFile (fileName, sources.[fileIndex])
+ let checkFileResults = CheckFile (projectFileName, parseFileResults, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ let (tcResult, _tcErrors), (tcState, _moduleNamesDict) = compilerState.checkCache.[fileName]
+ let _tcEnvAtEndFile, topAttrsFile, implFile, _ccuSigForFile = tcResult
+ // collect errors
+ let parseErrorsBefore = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
+ let typedErrorsBefore = tcErrors |> Array.concat
+ let newErrors = checkFileResults.Diagnostics
+ let errors = ErrorsByFile (fileNames, [ parseErrorsBefore; typedErrorsBefore; newErrors ])
+ // make partial project results
+ let parseResults = Array.append parseResults [| parseFileResults |]
+ let tcImplFiles = List.append tcImplFiles (Option.toList implFile)
+ let topAttrs = CombineTopAttrs topAttrsFile topAttrs
+ let symbolUses = [] //TODO:
+ let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, symbolUses, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
+ parseFileResults, checkFileResults, projectResults
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs b/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs
index d5daa377540..c51383419cd 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/QuotationTranslator.fs
@@ -248,8 +248,10 @@ and GetWitnessArgs cenv (env : QuotationTranslationEnv) m tps tyargs =
let g = cenv.g
if g.generateWitnesses && not env.suppressWitnesses then
let witnessExprs =
+ try
ConstraintSolver.CodegenWitnessesForTyparInst cenv.tcVal g cenv.amap m tps tyargs
|> CommitOperationResult
+ with _ -> []
let env = { env with suppressWitnesses = true }
witnessExprs |> (fun arg ->
match arg with
diff --git a/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj b/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
index 419746af6c0..7104a85b578 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
+++ b/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
@@ -554,6 +554,8 @@
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Service/FSharpCheckerResults.fsi b/src/Compiler/Service/FSharpCheckerResults.fsi
index 6b0a7f49135..4f597407f35 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Service/FSharpCheckerResults.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Service/FSharpCheckerResults.fsi
@@ -245,9 +245,45 @@ type public FSharpParsingOptions =
static member internal FromTcConfigBuilder:
tcConfigB: TcConfigBuilder * sourceFiles: string[] * isInteractive: bool -> FSharpParsingOptions
+type internal TypeCheckInfo =
+ internal new :
+ _sTcConfig: TcConfig *
+ g: TcGlobals *
+ ccuSigForFile: ModuleOrNamespaceType *
+ thisCcu: CcuThunk *
+ tcImports: TcImports *
+ tcAccessRights: AccessorDomain *
+ projectFileName: string *
+ mainInputFileName: string *
+ projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions *
+ sResolutions: TcResolutions *
+ sSymbolUses: TcSymbolUses *
+ sFallback: NameResolutionEnv *
+ loadClosure: LoadClosure option *
+ implFileOpt: TypedImplFile option *
+ openDeclarations: OpenDeclaration[]
+ -> TypeCheckInfo
+ member ScopeResolutions: TcResolutions
+ member ScopeSymbolUses: TcSymbolUses
+ member TcGlobals: TcGlobals
+ member TcImports: TcImports
+ member CcuSigForFile: ModuleOrNamespaceType
+ member ThisCcu: CcuThunk
+ member ImplementationFile: TypedImplFile option
/// A handle to the results of CheckFileInProject.
type public FSharpCheckFileResults =
+ internal new :
+ filename: string *
+ errors: FSharpDiagnostic[] *
+ scopeOptX: TypeCheckInfo option *
+ dependencyFiles: string[] *
+ builderX: IncrementalBuilder option *
+ keepAssemblyContents: bool
+ -> FSharpCheckFileResults
/// The errors returned by parsing a source file.
member Diagnostics: FSharpDiagnostic[]
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Symbols/Exprs.fs b/src/Compiler/Symbols/Exprs.fs
index 91480597cc2..45586677de5 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Symbols/Exprs.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Symbols/Exprs.fs
@@ -515,6 +515,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
// let inline HashChar (x:char) = (# "or" (# "shl" x 16 : int #) x : int #)
// in FSharp.Core.
| ErrorResult _ when vref.LogicalName = "op_LeftShift" && List.isSingleton tyargs -> []
+ | ErrorResult (warns, err) -> ReportWarnings (err::warns); [] // temporary, ignores the error
| res -> CommitOperationResult res
let env = { env with suppressWitnesses = true }
witnessExprs |> (fun arg ->
From 5fd19d4da3ff900e898c318e9bcb993ab61bfad0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ncave <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:35:48 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Async ParseAndCheckProject by Alfonso
fcs/ | 1 +
fcs/service_slim.fs | 207 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
2 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fcs/ b/fcs/
index d027a7f7acb..98855758986 100644
--- a/fcs/
+++ b/fcs/
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
dotnet build -c Release src/buildtools/buildtools.proj
dotnet build -c Release src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service
+#dotnet /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/5.0.402/MSBuild.dll /p:Configuration=Release /p:FscToolExe=fsc src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service/
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index ef29396dbe5..ffeac9b08f4 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Tokenization
open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTree
open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeBasics
open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeOps
+open FSharp.Compiler.BuildGraph
// InteractiveChecker
@@ -56,12 +57,56 @@ type internal CompilerState = {
checkCache: ConcurrentDictionary
-// Cache to store current compiler state.
-// In the case of type provider invalidation,
-// compiler state needs to be reset to recognize TP changes.
-type internal CompilerStateCache(projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) as this =
+type internal CacheMsg<'T> =
+ | Get of AsyncReplyChannel<'T>
+ | Reset
+type internal Cache<'T>(init: (unit -> unit) -> Async<'T>) =
+ let agent =
+ MailboxProcessor>.Start(fun agent ->
+ let rec loop cached = async {
+ match! agent.Receive() with
+ | Get channel ->
+ match cached with
+ | Some cached ->
+ channel.Reply(cached)
+ return! Some cached |> loop
+ | None ->
+ let reset() = agent.Post Reset
+ let! cached = init reset
+ channel.Reply cached
+ return! Some cached |> loop
+ | Reset ->
+ return! loop None
+ }
+ loop None)
+ member _.Get() = agent.PostAndAsyncReply(Get)
+ member _.Reset() = agent.Post Reset
- let initializeCompilerState() =
+module internal ParseAndCheck =
+ let userOpName = "Unknown"
+ let suggestNamesForErrors = true
+ let measureTime (f: unit -> 'a) =
+ let sw = Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
+ let res = f()
+ sw.Stop()
+ res, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
+ let measureTimeAsync (f: unit -> Async<'a>) = async {
+ let sw = Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
+ let! res = f()
+ sw.Stop()
+ return res, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
+ }
+ // Cache to store current compiler state.
+ // In the case of type provider invalidation,
+ // compiler state needs to be reset to recognize TP changes.
+ let initializeCompilerState projectOptions reset = async {
let tcConfig =
let tcConfigB =
@@ -81,29 +126,28 @@ type internal CompilerStateCache(projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) as this =
let tcConfigP = TcConfigProvider.Constant(tcConfig)
- let ctok = CompilationThreadToken()
let dependencyProvider = new DependencyProvider()
- let tcGlobals, tcImports =
- TcImports.BuildTcImports (ctok, tcConfigP, dependencyProvider)
- |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
+ let! tcGlobals, tcImports =
+ TcImports.BuildTcImports (tcConfigP, dependencyProvider)
+ |> Async.AwaitNodeCode
// Handle type provider invalidation by resetting compiler state
|> Seq.iter (fun ccu ->
- ccu.Deref.InvalidateEvent.Add(fun _ -> this.Reset())
+ ccu.Deref.InvalidateEvent.Add(fun _ -> reset())
let niceNameGen = NiceNameGenerator()
let assemblyName = projectOptions.ProjectFileName |> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
- let tcInitialEnv = GetInitialTcEnv (assemblyName, rangeStartup, tcConfig, tcImports, tcGlobals)
- let tcInitialState = GetInitialTcState (rangeStartup, assemblyName, tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcImports, niceNameGen, tcInitialEnv)
+ let tcInitial, openDecls0 = GetInitialTcEnv (assemblyName, rangeStartup, tcConfig, tcImports, tcGlobals)
+ let tcInitialState = GetInitialTcState (rangeStartup, assemblyName, tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcImports, niceNameGen, tcInitial, openDecls0)
// parse cache, keyed on file name and source hash
let parseCache = ConcurrentDictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
// type check cache, keyed on file name
let checkCache = ConcurrentDictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
- {
+ return {
tcConfig = tcConfig
tcGlobals = tcGlobals
tcImports = tcImports
@@ -112,31 +156,16 @@ type internal CompilerStateCache(projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) as this =
parseCache = parseCache
checkCache = checkCache
- // Lazily evaluated in case multiple TP invalidations are triggered before next compilation requested
- let mutable compilerStateLazy = lazy initializeCompilerState()
- let lockObj = obj()
- member x.Get() =
- lock lockObj (fun () -> compilerStateLazy.Value)
- member x.Reset() =
- lock lockObj (fun () -> compilerStateLazy <- lazy initializeCompilerState())
-module internal ParseAndCheck =
- let userOpName = "Unknown"
- let suggestNamesForErrors = true
+ }
let MakeProjectResults (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState: TcState, errors: FSharpDiagnostic[],
- symbolUses: TcSymbolUses list, topAttrsOpt: TopAttribs option, tcImplFilesOpt: TypedImplFile list option,
+ topAttrsOpt: TopAttribs option, tcImplFilesOpt: TypedImplFile list option,
compilerState) =
let assemblyRef = mkSimpleAssemblyRef "stdin"
- let assemblyDataOpt = None
let access = tcState.TcEnvFromImpls.AccessRights
let dependencyFiles = parseResults |> (fun x -> x.DependencyFiles) |> Array.concat
- let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, symbolUses, topAttrsOpt,
- assemblyDataOpt, assemblyRef, access, tcImplFilesOpt, dependencyFiles, compilerState.projectOptions)
+ let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, (Choice2Of2 TcSymbolUses.Empty), topAttrsOpt,
+ assemblyRef, access, tcImplFilesOpt, dependencyFiles, compilerState.projectOptions)
let keepAssemblyContents = true
FSharpCheckProjectResults (projectFileName, Some compilerState.tcConfig, keepAssemblyContents, errors, Some details)
@@ -164,7 +193,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let dependencyFiles = [||] // interactions have no dependencies
FSharpParseFileResults (parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors, dependencyFiles) )
- let TypeCheckOneInput (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcSink: TcResultsSink, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
+ let TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcSink: TcResultsSink, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
let input = parseResults.ParseTree
let capturingErrorLogger = CompilationErrorLogger("TypeCheckFile", compilerState.tcConfig.errorSeverityOptions)
let errorLogger = GetErrorLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas(false, GetScopedPragmasForInput(input), capturingErrorLogger)
@@ -175,47 +204,29 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let input, moduleNamesDict = input |> DeduplicateParsedInputModuleName moduleNamesDict
let tcResult, tcState =
- TypeCheckOneInputEventually (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input, false)
- |> Eventually.force CancellationToken.None
- |> function
- | ValueOrCancelled.Value v -> v
- | ValueOrCancelled.Cancelled ce -> raise ce // this condition is unexpected, since CancellationToken.None was passed
+ TypeCheckOneInput (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input, false)
+ |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
let fileName = parseResults.FileName
let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (compilerState.tcConfig.errorSeverityOptions, false, fileName, (capturingErrorLogger.GetDiagnostics()), suggestNamesForErrors)
(tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict)
- let CheckFile (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
- let sink = TcResultsSinkImpl(compilerState.tcGlobals)
- let tcSink = TcResultsSink.WithSink sink
- let (tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
- TypeCheckOneInput (parseResults, tcSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
- let fileName = parseResults.FileName
- compilerState.checkCache.[fileName] <- ((tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict))
- let loadClosure = None
- let keepAssemblyContents = true
- let tcEnvAtEnd, _topAttrs, implFile, ccuSigForFile = tcResult
- let errors = Array.append parseResults.Diagnostics tcErrors
- let scope = TypeCheckInfo (compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcGlobals, ccuSigForFile, tcState.Ccu, compilerState.tcImports, tcEnvAtEnd.AccessRights,
- projectFileName, fileName, compilerState.projectOptions, sink.GetResolutions(), sink.GetSymbolUses(), tcEnvAtEnd.NameEnv,
- loadClosure, implFile, sink.GetOpenDeclarations())
- FSharpCheckFileResults (fileName, errors, Some scope, parseResults.DependencyFiles, None, keepAssemblyContents)
let TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState, compilerState) =
let cachedTypeCheck (tcState, moduleNamesDict) (parseRes: FSharpParseFileResults) =
let checkCacheKey = parseRes.FileName
let typeCheckOneInput _fileName =
- TypeCheckOneInput (parseRes, TcResultsSink.NoSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseRes, TcResultsSink.NoSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
compilerState.checkCache.GetOrAdd(checkCacheKey, typeCheckOneInput)
let results, (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
((tcState, Map.empty), parseResults) ||> Array.mapFold cachedTypeCheck
let tcResults, tcErrors = Array.unzip results
let (tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, topAttrs, implFiles, _ccuSigsForFiles), tcState =
TypeCheckMultipleInputsFinish(tcResults |> Array.toList, tcState)
- let tcState, declaredImpls = TypeCheckClosedInputSetFinish (implFiles, tcState)
+ let tcState, declaredImpls, ccuContents = TypeCheckClosedInputSetFinish (implFiles, tcState)
+ tcState.Ccu.Deref.Contents <- ccuContents
tcState, topAttrs, declaredImpls, tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors
/// Errors grouped by file, sorted by line, column
@@ -229,75 +240,47 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
static member Create(projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) =
- InteractiveChecker(CompilerStateCache(projectOptions))
+ Cache(initializeCompilerState projectOptions) |> InteractiveChecker
/// Clears parse and typecheck caches.
- member _.ClearCache () =
- let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ member _.ClearCache () = async {
+ let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ }
/// Parses and checks the whole project, good for compilers (Fable etc.)
/// Does not retain name resolutions and symbol uses which are quite memory hungry (so no intellisense etc.).
/// Already parsed files will be cached so subsequent compilations will be faster.
- member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string->int*Lazy) =
- let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string->int*Lazy, ?lastFile: string) = async {
+ let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
// parse files
let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
- let parseResults = fileNames |> (fun fileName ->
- let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
- ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState))
+ // We can paralellize this, but only in the first compilation because later it causes issues when invalidating the cache
+ let parseResults = // measureTime <| fun _ ->
+ let fileNames =
+ match lastFile with
+ | None -> fileNames
+ | Some fileName ->
+ let fileIndex = fileNames |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
+ fileNames |> Array.take (fileIndex + 1)
+ fileNames |> (fun fileName ->
+ let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
+ ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ )
+ // printfn "FCS: Parsing finished in %ims" ms
// type check files
- let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
+ let (tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, tcErrors) = // measureTime <| fun _ ->
TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ // printfn "FCS: Checking finished in %ims" ms
// make project results
let parseErrors = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
let typedErrors = tcErrors |> Array.concat
let errors = ErrorsByFile (fileNames, [ parseErrors; typedErrors ])
- let symbolUses = [] //TODO:
- let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, symbolUses, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
- projectResults
- /// Parses and checks file in project, will compile and cache all the files up to this one
- /// (if not already done before), or fetch them from cache. Returns partial project results,
- /// up to and including the file requested. Returns parse and typecheck results containing
- /// name resolutions and symbol uses for the file requested only, so intellisense etc. works.
- member _.ParseAndCheckFileInProject (fileName: string, projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sources: string[]) =
- let compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
- // get files before file
- let fileIndex = fileNames |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
- let fileNamesBeforeFile = fileNames |> Array.take fileIndex
- let sourcesBeforeFile = sources |> Array.take fileIndex
- // parse files before file
- let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
- let parseFile (fileName, source) = ParseFile (fileName, hash source, lazy source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
- let parseResults = fileNamesBeforeFile sourcesBeforeFile |> parseFile
- // type check files before file
- let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
- TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
- // parse and type check file
- let parseFileResults = parseFile (fileName, sources.[fileIndex])
- let checkFileResults = CheckFile (projectFileName, parseFileResults, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
- let (tcResult, _tcErrors), (tcState, _moduleNamesDict) = compilerState.checkCache.[fileName]
- let _tcEnvAtEndFile, topAttrsFile, implFile, _ccuSigForFile = tcResult
- // collect errors
- let parseErrorsBefore = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
- let typedErrorsBefore = tcErrors |> Array.concat
- let newErrors = checkFileResults.Diagnostics
- let errors = ErrorsByFile (fileNames, [ parseErrorsBefore; typedErrorsBefore; newErrors ])
- // make partial project results
- let parseResults = Array.append parseResults [| parseFileResults |]
- let tcImplFiles = List.append tcImplFiles (Option.toList implFile)
- let topAttrs = CombineTopAttrs topAttrsFile topAttrs
- let symbolUses = [] //TODO:
- let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, symbolUses, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
- parseFileResults, checkFileResults, projectResults
+ return projectResults
+ }
From 2bf82a8e3122e356afcc2b7e3bc8ac54ac8429ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ncave <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:51:59 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 03/13] Added ParseAndCheckFileInProject
fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs | 12 +++++---
fcs/service_slim.fs | 67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
2 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
index 83c6ab67ee2..2cada0cbbd6 100644
--- a/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ let main argv =
let fileName = "test_script.fsx"
let fileNames = [| fileName |]
let source = File.ReadAllText (fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
- let sources = [| source |]
let dllName = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".dll")
let args = mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, fileNames)
@@ -91,16 +90,19 @@ let main argv =
let projectOptions = getProjectOptionsFromCommandLineArgs (projName, args)
let checker = InteractiveChecker.Create(projectOptions)
+ let sourceReader _fileName = (hash source, lazy source)
// parse and typecheck a project
- let sourceReader _key = (1, lazy source)
- let projectResults = checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projName, fileNames, sourceReader)
+ let projectResults =
+ checker.ParseAndCheckProject(projName, fileNames, sourceReader)
+ |> Async.RunSynchronously
projectResults.Diagnostics |> Array.iter (fun e -> printfn "%A: %A" (e.Severity) e)
printAst "ParseAndCheckProject" projectResults
// or just parse and typecheck a file in project
- let parseResults, typeCheckResults, projectResults =
- checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(fileName, projName, fileNames, sources)
+ let (parseResults, typeCheckResults, projectResults) =
+ checker.ParseAndCheckFileInProject(projName, fileNames, sourceReader, fileName)
+ |> Async.RunSynchronously
projectResults.Diagnostics |> Array.iter (fun e -> printfn "%A: %A" (e.Severity) e)
printAst "ParseAndCheckFileInProject" projectResults
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index ffeac9b08f4..b4159adc790 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -163,8 +163,9 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
compilerState) =
let assemblyRef = mkSimpleAssemblyRef "stdin"
let access = tcState.TcEnvFromImpls.AccessRights
+ let symbolUses = Choice2Of2 TcSymbolUses.Empty
let dependencyFiles = parseResults |> (fun x -> x.DependencyFiles) |> Array.concat
- let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, (Choice2Of2 TcSymbolUses.Empty), topAttrsOpt,
+ let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, symbolUses, topAttrsOpt,
assemblyRef, access, tcImplFilesOpt, dependencyFiles, compilerState.projectOptions)
let keepAssemblyContents = true
FSharpCheckProjectResults (projectFileName, Some compilerState.tcConfig, keepAssemblyContents, errors, Some details)
@@ -211,6 +212,25 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (compilerState.tcConfig.errorSeverityOptions, false, fileName, (capturingErrorLogger.GetDiagnostics()), suggestNamesForErrors)
(tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict)
+ let CheckFile (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
+ let sink = TcResultsSinkImpl(compilerState.tcGlobals)
+ let tcSink = TcResultsSink.WithSink sink
+ let (tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
+ TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseResults, tcSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ let fileName = parseResults.FileName
+ compilerState.checkCache.[fileName] <- ((tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict))
+ let loadClosure = None
+ let keepAssemblyContents = true
+ let tcEnvAtEnd, _topAttrs, implFile, ccuSigForFile = tcResult
+ let errors = Array.append parseResults.Diagnostics tcErrors
+ let scope = TypeCheckInfo (compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcGlobals, ccuSigForFile, tcState.Ccu, compilerState.tcImports, tcEnvAtEnd.AccessRights,
+ projectFileName, fileName, compilerState.projectOptions, sink.GetResolutions(), sink.GetSymbolUses(), tcEnvAtEnd.NameEnv,
+ loadClosure, implFile, sink.GetOpenDeclarations())
+ FSharpCheckFileResults (fileName, errors, Some scope, parseResults.DependencyFiles, None, keepAssemblyContents)
let TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState, compilerState) =
let cachedTypeCheck (tcState, moduleNamesDict) (parseRes: FSharpParseFileResults) =
let checkCacheKey = parseRes.FileName
@@ -252,7 +272,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
/// Parses and checks the whole project, good for compilers (Fable etc.)
/// Does not retain name resolutions and symbol uses which are quite memory hungry (so no intellisense etc.).
/// Already parsed files will be cached so subsequent compilations will be faster.
- member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string->int*Lazy, ?lastFile: string) = async {
+ member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy, ?lastFile: string) = async {
let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
// parse files
let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
@@ -284,3 +304,46 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
return projectResults
+ /// Parses and checks file in project, will compile and cache all the files up to this one
+ /// (if not already done before), or fetch them from cache. Returns partial project results,
+ /// up to and including the file requested. Returns parse and typecheck results containing
+ /// name resolutions and symbol uses for the file requested only, so intellisense etc. works.
+ member _.ParseAndCheckFileInProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy, fileName: string) = async {
+ let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ // get files before file
+ let fileIndex = fileNames |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
+ let fileNamesBeforeFile = fileNames |> Array.take fileIndex
+ // parse files before file
+ let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
+ let parseFile fileName =
+ let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
+ ParseFile (fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ let parseResults = fileNamesBeforeFile |> parseFile
+ // type check files before file
+ let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ // parse and type check file
+ let parseFileResults = parseFile fileName
+ let checkFileResults = CheckFile (projectFileName, parseFileResults, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ let (tcResult, _tcErrors), (tcState, _moduleNamesDict) = compilerState.checkCache.[fileName]
+ let _tcEnvAtEndFile, topAttrsFile, implFile, _ccuSigForFile = tcResult
+ // collect errors
+ let parseErrorsBefore = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
+ let typedErrorsBefore = tcErrors |> Array.concat
+ let newErrors = checkFileResults.Diagnostics
+ let errors = ErrorsByFile (fileNames, [ parseErrorsBefore; typedErrorsBefore; newErrors ])
+ // make partial project results
+ let parseResults = Array.append parseResults [| parseFileResults |]
+ let tcImplFiles = List.append tcImplFiles (Option.toList implFile)
+ let topAttrs = CombineTopAttrs topAttrsFile topAttrs
+ let projectResults = MakeProjectResults (projectFileName, parseResults, tcState, errors, Some topAttrs, Some tcImplFiles, compilerState)
+ return (parseFileResults, checkFileResults, projectResults)
+ }
From 64069195727882528ecba4ae60e187ff09ce6146 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alfonso Garcia-Caro
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2021 23:59:13 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 04/13] Add Compile to service_slim and pub-sub pattern
fcs/service_slim.fs | 71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs | 17 ++++++++
src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi | 6 +++
3 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index b4159adc790..2d6c2bc86a0 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let tcConfig =
let tcConfigB =
+ includewin32manifest=false,
+ framework=false,
+ portablePDB=false,
@@ -231,12 +234,23 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
loadClosure, implFile, sink.GetOpenDeclarations())
FSharpCheckFileResults (fileName, errors, Some scope, parseResults.DependencyFiles, None, keepAssemblyContents)
- let TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState, compilerState) =
+ let TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState, compilerState, subscriber) =
let cachedTypeCheck (tcState, moduleNamesDict) (parseRes: FSharpParseFileResults) =
let checkCacheKey = parseRes.FileName
let typeCheckOneInput _fileName =
TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseRes, TcResultsSink.NoSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
- compilerState.checkCache.GetOrAdd(checkCacheKey, typeCheckOneInput)
+ let (result, errors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict) = compilerState.checkCache.GetOrAdd(checkCacheKey, typeCheckOneInput)
+ let _, _, implFile, _ = result
+ match subscriber, implFile with
+ | Some subscriber, Some implFile ->
+ let cenv = SymbolEnv(compilerState.tcGlobals, tcState.Ccu, Some tcState.CcuSig, compilerState.tcImports)
+ FSharpImplementationFileContents(cenv, implFile) |> subscriber
+ | _ -> ()
+ (result, errors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict)
let results, (tcState, moduleNamesDict) =
((tcState, Map.empty), parseResults) ||> Array.mapFold cachedTypeCheck
@@ -256,7 +270,6 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
errors |> Array.iter (Array.sortInPlaceBy (fun x -> x.StartLine, x.StartColumn))
errors |> Array.concat
type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
static member Create(projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions) =
@@ -269,15 +282,46 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
+ member _.GetImportedAssemblies() = async {
+ let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ let tcImports = compilerState.tcImports
+ let tcGlobals = compilerState.tcGlobals
+ return
+ tcImports.GetImportedAssemblies()
+ |> (fun x -> FSharpAssembly(tcGlobals, tcImports, x.FSharpViewOfMetadata))
+ }
+ /// Compile project to file. If project has already been type checked,
+ /// check results will be taken from the cache.
+ member _.Compile(fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy, outFile: string) = async {
+ let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
+ let parseResults = fileNames |> (fun fileName ->
+ let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
+ ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState))
+ let (tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, _tcErrors) =
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState, None)
+ let ctok = CompilationThreadToken()
+ let errors, errorLogger, _loggerProvider = CompileHelpers.mkCompilationErrorHandlers()
+ let exitCode =
+ CompileHelpers.tryCompile errorLogger (fun exiter ->
+ compileOfTypedAst (ctok, compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu,
+ tcImplFiles, topAttrs, compilerState.tcConfig, outFile, errorLogger, exiter))
+ return errors.ToArray(), exitCode
+ }
/// Parses and checks the whole project, good for compilers (Fable etc.)
/// Does not retain name resolutions and symbol uses which are quite memory hungry (so no intellisense etc.).
/// Already parsed files will be cached so subsequent compilations will be faster.
- member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy, ?lastFile: string) = async {
+ member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy,
+ ?lastFile: string, ?subscriber: FSharpImplementationFileContents -> unit) = async {
let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
// parse files
let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
- // We can paralellize this, but only in the first compilation because later it causes issues when invalidating the cache
- let parseResults = // measureTime <| fun _ ->
+ let parseResults =
let fileNames =
match lastFile with
| None -> fileNames
@@ -285,16 +329,19 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
let fileIndex = fileNames |> Array.findIndex ((=) fileName)
fileNames |> Array.take (fileIndex + 1)
- fileNames |> (fun fileName ->
+ let parseFile fileName =
let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
- )
- // printfn "FCS: Parsing finished in %ims" ms
+ // Don't parallelize if we have cached files, as it would create issues with invalidation
+ if compilerState.parseCache.Count = 0 then
+ fileNames |> parseFile
+ else
+ fileNames |> parseFile
// type check files
let (tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, tcErrors) = // measureTime <| fun _ ->
- TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
- // printfn "FCS: Checking finished in %ims" ms
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState, subscriber)
// make project results
let parseErrors = parseResults |> Array.collect (fun p -> p.Diagnostics)
@@ -325,7 +372,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
// type check files before file
let tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors =
- TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState)
+ TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState, None)
// parse and type check file
let parseFileResults = parseFile fileName
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
index 1d17950a9ac..e443595f4ff 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
@@ -1263,3 +1263,20 @@ let CompileFromCommandLineArguments
|> main4 (tcImportsCapture, dynamicAssemblyCreator)
|> main5
|> main6 dynamicAssemblyCreator
+let compileOfTypedAst
+ (ctok, tcGlobals, tcImports: TcImports, generatedCcu: CcuThunk, typedImplFiles,
+ topAttrs, tcConfig: TcConfig, outfile, errorLogger, exiter: Exiter) =
+ let tcImportsCapture = None
+ let dynamicAssemblyCreator = None
+ let assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outfile)
+ // Doubling here tcImports as frameworkTcImports, seems to work...
+ let frameworkTcImports = tcImports
+ Args (ctok, tcGlobals, tcImports, frameworkTcImports, generatedCcu, typedImplFiles, topAttrs, tcConfig, outfile, None, assemblyName, errorLogger, exiter)
+ |> main2
+ |> main3
+ |> main4 (tcImportsCapture, dynamicAssemblyCreator)
+ |> main5
+ |> main6 dynamicAssemblyCreator
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi b/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
index 3e4fde2229c..114e384bef0 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
open FSharp.Compiler.Tokenization
+open FSharp.Compiler.ErrorLogger
+open FSharp.Compiler.Driver
+module internal CompileHelpers =
+ val mkCompilationErrorHandlers: unit -> ResizeArray * ErrorLogger * ErrorLoggerProvider
+ val tryCompile: ErrorLogger -> (Exiter -> unit) -> int
/// Used to parse and check F# source code.
From a1517819b58b2a347eb2e1a506e43d188c84bdf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alfonso Garcia-Caro
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 11:46:11 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Disable CheckInlineValueIsComplete for Fable (#10)
src/Compiler/Optimize/Optimizer.fs | 8 ++++++++
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Optimize/Optimizer.fs b/src/Compiler/Optimize/Optimizer.fs
index 51d889f5691..8d22f3af4f4 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Optimize/Optimizer.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Optimize/Optimizer.fs
@@ -499,10 +499,18 @@ let rec IsPartialExprVal x =
| ValValue (_, a)
| SizeValue (_, a) -> IsPartialExprVal a
+// Many Fable packages inline functions that access internal values to resolve generics, this is not an issue
+// in "normal" Fable compilations but it raises errors when generating an assembly por precompilation. Disable
+// for Fable as it's not an actual error (and if is, we assume it's already been raised during type chedking).
+let CheckInlineValueIsComplete (_v: Val) _res =
+ ()
let CheckInlineValueIsComplete (v: Val) res =
if v.ShouldInline && IsPartialExprVal res then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.optValueMarkedInlineButIncomplete(v.DisplayName), v.Range))
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, sprintf "Break for incomplete inline value %s" v.DisplayName)
let check (vref: ValRef) (res: ValInfo) =
CheckInlineValueIsComplete vref.Deref res.ValExprInfo
From 43c1bfd6cb7b9c7dc79ac49112f7c6f43cb88584 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ncave <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2022 14:22:23 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Fixed merge issues
Fixed merge
buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj | 2 +
buildtools/buildtools.targets | 4 +-
buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj | 4 ++
buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj | 4 ++
fcs/ | 9 +--
fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs | 11 +--
fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj | 9 +--
fcs/service_slim.fs | 72 +++++++++----------
src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs | 59 ++++++++++-----
src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fsi | 13 ++++
src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj | 1 +
src/Compiler/Service/FSharpCheckerResults.fsi | 6 +-
src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi | 6 +-
13 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
diff --git a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
index 78d24349889..bc7d7a52718 100644
--- a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
+ net8.0
+ net6.0
diff --git a/buildtools/buildtools.targets b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
index 4cc7fe7a3a4..8332b53a237 100644
--- a/buildtools/buildtools.targets
+++ b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net5.0\fslex.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net6.0\fslex.dll
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net5.0\fsyacc.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net6.0\fsyacc.dll
diff --git a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
index b450de1668d..98d2c0a301d 100644
--- a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
+ net8.0
+ net7.0
+ net6.0
diff --git a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
index 5f97b762e03..374b89687f3 100644
--- a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
+ net8.0
+ net7.0
+ net6.0
diff --git a/fcs/ b/fcs/
index 98855758986..c571b3de4a1 100644
--- a/fcs/
+++ b/fcs/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
-dotnet build -c Release src/buildtools/buildtools.proj
-dotnet build -c Release src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service
-#dotnet /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/5.0.402/MSBuild.dll /p:Configuration=Release /p:FscToolExe=fsc src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Service/
+dotnet build -c Release buildtools
+dotnet build -c Release src/Compiler
+dotnet run -c Release --project fcs/fcs-test
+echo "Binaries can be found here: /artifacts/bin/FSharp.Compiler.Service/Release/netstandard2.0/"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
index 2cada0cbbd6..edb6522a71a 100644
--- a/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-open System.IO
+open System.IO
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ let printAst title (projectResults: FSharpCheckProjectResults) =
|> String.concat "\n"
printfn "%s Typed AST:" title
decls |> printfn "%s"
let main argv =
let projName = "Project.fsproj"
- let fileName = "test_script.fsx"
+ let fileName = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/test_script.fsx"
let fileNames = [| fileName |]
let source = File.ReadAllText (fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
@@ -116,11 +116,12 @@ let main argv =
// Get declarations (autocomplete) for msg
let partialName = { QualifyingIdents = []; PartialIdent = "msg"; EndColumn = 17; LastDotPos = None }
let decls = typeCheckResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, 6, inputLines.[5], partialName, (fun _ -> []))
- [ for item in decls.Items -> item.Name ] |> printfn "\n---> msg AutoComplete = %A" // should print string methods
+ [ for item in decls.Items -> item.NameInList ] |> printfn "\n---> msg AutoComplete = %A" // should print string methods
// Get declarations (autocomplete) for canvas
let partialName = { QualifyingIdents = []; PartialIdent = "canvas"; EndColumn = 10; LastDotPos = None }
let decls = typeCheckResults.GetDeclarationListInfo(Some parseResults, 8, inputLines.[7], partialName, (fun _ -> []))
- [ for item in decls.Items -> item.Name ] |> printfn "\n---> canvas AutoComplete = %A"
+ [ for item in decls.Items -> item.NameInList ] |> printfn "\n---> canvas AutoComplete = %A"
+ printfn "Done."
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
index 72ab6dba64e..839638d2551 100644
--- a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index 2d6c2bc86a0..7de2cc8dd78 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ open System.Threading
open Internal.Utilities.Collections
open Internal.Utilities.Library
open Internal.Utilities.Library.Extras
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.IL
open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL.ILBinaryReader
open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
-open FSharp.Compiler.CheckExpressions
+open FSharp.Compiler.CheckBasics
open FSharp.Compiler.CheckDeclarations
open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerConfig
open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerDiagnostics
@@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerImports
open FSharp.Compiler.CompilerOptions
open FSharp.Compiler.DependencyManager
open FSharp.Compiler.Diagnostics
+open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Driver
-open FSharp.Compiler.ErrorLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.NameResolution
open FSharp.Compiler.ParseAndCheckInputs
open FSharp.Compiler.ScriptClosure
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.BuildGraph
// InteractiveChecker
-type internal TcResult = TcEnv * TopAttribs * TypedImplFile option * ModuleOrNamespaceType
+type internal TcResult = TcEnv * TopAttribs * CheckedImplFile option * ModuleOrNamespaceType
type internal TcErrors = FSharpDiagnostic[]
type internal CompilerState = {
@@ -109,19 +110,18 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let initializeCompilerState projectOptions reset = async {
let tcConfig =
let tcConfigB =
- TcConfigBuilder.CreateNew(SimulatedMSBuildReferenceResolver.getResolver(),
- includewin32manifest=false,
- framework=false,
- portablePDB=false,
- defaultFSharpBinariesDir=FSharpCheckerResultsSettings.defaultFSharpBinariesDir,
- reduceMemoryUsage=ReduceMemoryFlag.Yes,
- implicitIncludeDir=Path.GetDirectoryName(projectOptions.ProjectFileName),
- isInteractive=false,
- isInvalidationSupported=true,
- defaultCopyFSharpCore=CopyFSharpCoreFlag.No,
- tryGetMetadataSnapshot=(fun _ -> None),
- sdkDirOverride=None,
- rangeForErrors=range0)
+ TcConfigBuilder.CreateNew(
+ SimulatedMSBuildReferenceResolver.getResolver(),
+ defaultFSharpBinariesDir = FSharpCheckerResultsSettings.defaultFSharpBinariesDir,
+ reduceMemoryUsage = ReduceMemoryFlag.Yes,
+ implicitIncludeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectOptions.ProjectFileName),
+ isInteractive = false,
+ isInvalidationSupported = true,
+ defaultCopyFSharpCore = CopyFSharpCoreFlag.No,
+ tryGetMetadataSnapshot = (fun _ -> None),
+ sdkDirOverride = None,
+ rangeForErrors = range0
+ )
let sourceFiles = projectOptions.SourceFiles |> Array.toList
let argv = projectOptions.OtherOptions |> Array.toList
let _sourceFiles = ApplyCommandLineArgs(tcConfigB, sourceFiles, argv)
@@ -140,10 +140,9 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
ccu.Deref.InvalidateEvent.Add(fun _ -> reset())
- let niceNameGen = NiceNameGenerator()
let assemblyName = projectOptions.ProjectFileName |> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
let tcInitial, openDecls0 = GetInitialTcEnv (assemblyName, rangeStartup, tcConfig, tcImports, tcGlobals)
- let tcInitialState = GetInitialTcState (rangeStartup, assemblyName, tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcImports, niceNameGen, tcInitial, openDecls0)
+ let tcInitialState = GetInitialTcState (rangeStartup, assemblyName, tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcImports, tcInitial, openDecls0)
// parse cache, keyed on file name and source hash
let parseCache = ConcurrentDictionary(HashIdentity.Structural)
@@ -162,14 +161,14 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let MakeProjectResults (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults[], tcState: TcState, errors: FSharpDiagnostic[],
- topAttrsOpt: TopAttribs option, tcImplFilesOpt: TypedImplFile list option,
- compilerState) =
+ topAttrsOpt: TopAttribs option, tcImplFilesOpt: CheckedImplFile list option, compilerState) =
let assemblyRef = mkSimpleAssemblyRef "stdin"
let access = tcState.TcEnvFromImpls.AccessRights
let symbolUses = Choice2Of2 TcSymbolUses.Empty
let dependencyFiles = parseResults |> (fun x -> x.DependencyFiles) |> Array.concat
+ let getAssemblyData () = None
let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, symbolUses, topAttrsOpt,
- assemblyRef, access, tcImplFilesOpt, dependencyFiles, compilerState.projectOptions)
+ getAssemblyData, assemblyRef, access, tcImplFilesOpt, dependencyFiles, compilerState.projectOptions)
let keepAssemblyContents = true
FSharpCheckProjectResults (projectFileName, Some compilerState.tcConfig, keepAssemblyContents, errors, Some details)
@@ -199,20 +198,21 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcSink: TcResultsSink, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
let input = parseResults.ParseTree
- let capturingErrorLogger = CompilationErrorLogger("TypeCheckFile", compilerState.tcConfig.errorSeverityOptions)
- let errorLogger = GetErrorLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas(false, GetScopedPragmasForInput(input), capturingErrorLogger)
- use _errorScope = new CompilationGlobalsScope (errorLogger, BuildPhase.TypeCheck)
+ let diagnosticsOptions = compilerState.tcConfig.diagnosticsOptions
+ let capturingLogger = CompilationDiagnosticLogger("TypeCheckFile", diagnosticsOptions)
+ let diagnosticsLogger = GetDiagnosticsLoggerFilteringByScopedPragmas(false, input.ScopedPragmas, diagnosticsOptions, capturingLogger)
+ use _scope = new CompilationGlobalsScope (diagnosticsLogger, BuildPhase.TypeCheck)
- let checkForErrors () = parseResults.ParseHadErrors || errorLogger.ErrorCount > 0
+ let checkForErrors () = parseResults.ParseHadErrors || diagnosticsLogger.ErrorCount > 0
let prefixPathOpt = None
let input, moduleNamesDict = input |> DeduplicateParsedInputModuleName moduleNamesDict
let tcResult, tcState =
- TypeCheckOneInput (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input, false)
- |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
+ CheckOneInput (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input, false)
+ |> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
let fileName = parseResults.FileName
- let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (compilerState.tcConfig.errorSeverityOptions, false, fileName, (capturingErrorLogger.GetDiagnostics()), suggestNamesForErrors)
+ let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (diagnosticsOptions, false, fileName, (capturingLogger.GetDiagnostics()), suggestNamesForErrors)
(tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict)
let CheckFile (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let checkCacheKey = parseRes.FileName
let typeCheckOneInput _fileName =
- TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseRes, TcResultsSink.NoSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
+ TypeCheckOneInputEntry (parseRes, TcResultsSink.NoSink, tcState, moduleNamesDict, compilerState)
let (result, errors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict) = compilerState.checkCache.GetOrAdd(checkCacheKey, typeCheckOneInput)
@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let tcResults, tcErrors = Array.unzip results
let (tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, topAttrs, implFiles, _ccuSigsForFiles), tcState =
- TypeCheckMultipleInputsFinish(tcResults |> Array.toList, tcState)
+ CheckMultipleInputsFinish(tcResults |> Array.toList, tcState)
- let tcState, declaredImpls, ccuContents = TypeCheckClosedInputSetFinish (implFiles, tcState)
+ let tcState, declaredImpls, ccuContents = CheckClosedInputSetFinish (implFiles, tcState)
tcState.Ccu.Deref.Contents <- ccuContents
tcState, topAttrs, declaredImpls, tcEnvAtEndOfLastFile, moduleNamesDict, tcErrors
@@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState, None)
let ctok = CompilationThreadToken()
- let errors, errorLogger, _loggerProvider = CompileHelpers.mkCompilationErrorHandlers()
+ let errors, diagnosticsLogger, _loggerProvider = CompileHelpers.mkCompilationDiagnosticsHandlers()
let exitCode =
- CompileHelpers.tryCompile errorLogger (fun exiter ->
- compileOfTypedAst (ctok, compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu,
- tcImplFiles, topAttrs, compilerState.tcConfig, outFile, errorLogger, exiter))
+ CompileHelpers.tryCompile diagnosticsLogger (fun exiter ->
+ CompileFromTypedAst (ctok, compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu,
+ tcImplFiles, topAttrs, compilerState.tcConfig, outFile, diagnosticsLogger, exiter))
return errors.ToArray(), exitCode
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
fileNames |> parseFile
// type check files
- let (tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, tcErrors) = // measureTime <| fun _ ->
+ let (tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, tcErrors) =
TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState, subscriber)
// make project results
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
index e443595f4ff..c9407a98174 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
@@ -1264,19 +1264,46 @@ let CompileFromCommandLineArguments
|> main5
|> main6 dynamicAssemblyCreator
-let compileOfTypedAst
- (ctok, tcGlobals, tcImports: TcImports, generatedCcu: CcuThunk, typedImplFiles,
- topAttrs, tcConfig: TcConfig, outfile, errorLogger, exiter: Exiter) =
- let tcImportsCapture = None
- let dynamicAssemblyCreator = None
- let assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outfile)
- // Doubling here tcImports as frameworkTcImports, seems to work...
- let frameworkTcImports = tcImports
- Args (ctok, tcGlobals, tcImports, frameworkTcImports, generatedCcu, typedImplFiles, topAttrs, tcConfig, outfile, None, assemblyName, errorLogger, exiter)
- |> main2
- |> main3
- |> main4 (tcImportsCapture, dynamicAssemblyCreator)
- |> main5
- |> main6 dynamicAssemblyCreator
+let CompileFromTypedAst
+ (
+ ctok,
+ tcGlobals,
+ tcImports: TcImports,
+ generatedCcu: CcuThunk,
+ typedImplFiles,
+ topAttrs,
+ tcConfig: TcConfig,
+ outfile,
+ diagnosticsLogger,
+ exiter: Exiter
+ ) =
+ let tcImportsCapture = None
+ let dynamicAssemblyCreator = None
+ let assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outfile)
+ // Doubling here tcImports as frameworkTcImports, seems to work...
+ let frameworkTcImports = tcImports
+ let pdbfile = None
+ let ilSourceDocs = []
+ Args (
+ ctok,
+ tcGlobals,
+ tcImports,
+ frameworkTcImports,
+ generatedCcu,
+ typedImplFiles,
+ topAttrs,
+ tcConfig,
+ outfile,
+ pdbfile,
+ assemblyName,
+ diagnosticsLogger,
+ exiter,
+ ilSourceDocs
+ )
+ |> main2
+ |> main3
+ |> main4 (tcImportsCapture, dynamicAssemblyCreator)
+ |> main5
+ |> main6 dynamicAssemblyCreator
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fsi b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fsi
index 8731b5fae0c..ab4af0b6e8b 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fsi
@@ -58,3 +58,16 @@ val CompileFromCommandLineArguments:
/// Read the parallelReferenceResolution flag from environment variables
val internal getParallelReferenceResolutionFromEnvironment: unit -> ParallelReferenceResolution option
+val CompileFromTypedAst:
+ ctok: CompilationThreadToken *
+ tcGlobals: TcGlobals *
+ tcImports: TcImports *
+ generatedCcu: TypedTree.CcuThunk *
+ typedImplFiles: TypedTree.CheckedImplFile list *
+ topAttrs: CheckDeclarations.TopAttribs *
+ tcConfig: TcConfig *
+ outfile: string *
+ diagnosticsLogger: DiagnosticsLogger *
+ exiter: Exiter
+ -> unit
diff --git a/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj b/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
index 7104a85b578..e3b92cef3ce 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
+++ b/src/Compiler/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
$(OtherFlags) --warnaserror-:1182
+ $(DefineConstants);FABLE_CLI
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net6.0\fsyacc.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net7.0\fsyacc.dll
diff --git a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
index 98d2c0a301d..26f6d26ee49 100644
--- a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
- net6.0
diff --git a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
index 374b89687f3..d538e5bd163 100644
--- a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
- net6.0
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
index edb6522a71a..fdefd83d449 100644
--- a/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/Program.fs
@@ -1,41 +1,92 @@
open System.IO
+open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open FSharp.Compiler
open FSharp.Compiler.CodeAnalysis
open FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices
-let getProjectOptions (folder: string) (projectFile: string) =
- let runProcess (workingDir: string) (exePath: string) (args: string) =
- let psi = System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo()
- psi.FileName <- exePath
- psi.WorkingDirectory <- workingDir
- psi.RedirectStandardOutput <- false
- psi.RedirectStandardError <- false
- psi.Arguments <- args
- psi.CreateNoWindow <- true
- psi.UseShellExecute <- false
- use p = new System.Diagnostics.Process()
- p.StartInfo <- psi
- p.Start() |> ignore
- p.WaitForExit()
- let exitCode = p.ExitCode
- exitCode, ()
- let runCmd exePath args = runProcess folder exePath (args |> String.concat " ")
- let msbuildExec = Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.dotnetMsbuild runCmd
- let result = Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.getProjectInfo ignore msbuildExec Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.getFscArgs projectFile
- match result with
- | Ok (Dotnet.ProjInfo.Inspect.GetResult.FscArgs x) -> x
- | _ -> []
+open Buildalyzer
+let getProjectOptionsFromProjectFile (isMain: bool) (projFile: string) =
+ let tryGetResult (isMain: bool) (manager: AnalyzerManager) (maybeCsprojFile: string) =
+ let analyzer = manager.GetProject(maybeCsprojFile)
+ let env = analyzer.EnvironmentFactory.GetBuildEnvironment(Environment.EnvironmentOptions(DesignTime=true,Restore=false))
+ // If System.the project targets multiple frameworks, multiple results will be returned
+ // For now we just take the first one with non-empty command
+ let results = analyzer.Build(env)
+ results
+ |> Seq.tryFind (fun r -> System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Command) |> not)
+ let manager =
+ let log = new StringWriter()
+ let options = AnalyzerManagerOptions(LogWriter = log)
+ let m = AnalyzerManager(options)
+ m
+ // Because Buildalyzer works better with .csproj, we first "dress up" the project as if it were a C# one
+ // and try to adapt the results. If it doesn't work, we try again to analyze the .fsproj directly
+ let csprojResult =
+ let csprojFile = projFile.Replace(".fsproj", ".csproj")
+ if File.Exists(csprojFile) then
+ None
+ else
+ try
+ File.Copy(projFile, csprojFile)
+ tryGetResult isMain manager csprojFile
+ |> (fun (r: IAnalyzerResult) ->
+ // Careful, options for .csproj start with / but so do root paths in unix
+ let reg = Regex(@"^\/[^\/]+?(:?:|$)")
+ let comArgs =
+ r.CompilerArguments
+ |> (fun line ->
+ if reg.IsMatch(line) then
+ if line.StartsWith("/reference") then "-r" + line.Substring(10)
+ else "--" + line.Substring(1)
+ else line)
+ let comArgs =
+ match r.Properties.TryGetValue("OtherFlags") with
+ | false, _ -> comArgs
+ | true, otherFlags ->
+ let otherFlags = otherFlags.Split(' ', System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
+ Array.append otherFlags comArgs
+ comArgs, r)
+ finally
+ File.Delete(csprojFile)
+ let compilerArgs, result =
+ csprojResult
+ |> Option.orElseWith (fun () ->
+ tryGetResult isMain manager projFile
+ |> (fun r ->
+ // result.CompilerArguments doesn't seem to work well in Linux
+ let comArgs = Regex.Split(r.Command, @"\r?\n")
+ comArgs, r))
+ |> function
+ | Some result -> result
+ // TODO: Get Buildalyzer errors from the log
+ | None -> failwith $"Cannot parse {projFile}"
+ let projDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projFile)
+ let projOpts =
+ compilerArgs
+ |> Array.skipWhile (fun line -> not(line.StartsWith("-")))
+ |> (fun f ->
+ if f.EndsWith(".fs") || f.EndsWith(".fsi") then
+ if Path.IsPathRooted f then f else Path.Combine(projDir, f)
+ else f)
+ projOpts,
+ Seq.toArray result.ProjectReferences,
+ result.Properties,
+ result.TargetFramework
let mkStandardProjectReferences () =
- let projFile = "fcs-test.fsproj"
+ let fileName = "fcs-test.fsproj"
let projDir = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
- getProjectOptions projDir projFile
- |> List.filter (fun s -> s.StartsWith("-r:"))
- |> (fun s -> s.Replace("-r:", ""))
+ let projFile = Path.Combine(projDir, fileName)
+ let (args, _, _, _) = getProjectOptionsFromProjectFile true projFile
+ args
+ |> Array.filter (fun s -> s.StartsWith("-r:"))
let mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, fileNames) =
[| yield "--simpleresolution"
@@ -53,7 +104,7 @@ let mkProjectCommandLineArgsForScript (dllName, fileNames) =
yield x
let references = mkStandardProjectReferences ()
for r in references do
- yield "-r:" + r
+ yield r
let getProjectOptionsFromCommandLineArgs(projName, argv): FSharpProjectOptions =
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
index 839638d2551..3a8c1940791 100644
--- a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
- net6.0
+ net7.0
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index 7de2cc8dd78..f7c5b9b2343 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let userOpName = "Unknown"
let suggestNamesForErrors = true
+ let captureIdentifiersWhenParsing = false
let measureTime (f: unit -> 'a) =
let sw = Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
compilerState.parseCache.GetOrAdd(parseCacheKey, fun _ ->
ClearStaleCache(fileName, parsingOptions, compilerState)
let sourceText = SourceText.ofString source.Value
- let parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors = ParseAndCheckFile.parseFile (sourceText, fileName, parsingOptions, userOpName, suggestNamesForErrors)
+ let parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors = ParseAndCheckFile.parseFile (sourceText, fileName, parsingOptions, userOpName, suggestNamesForErrors, captureIdentifiersWhenParsing)
let dependencyFiles = [||] // interactions have no dependencies
FSharpParseFileResults (parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors, dependencyFiles) )
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let input, moduleNamesDict = input |> DeduplicateParsedInputModuleName moduleNamesDict
let tcResult, tcState =
- CheckOneInput (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input, false)
+ CheckOneInput (checkForErrors, compilerState.tcConfig, compilerState.tcImports, compilerState.tcGlobals, prefixPathOpt, tcSink, tcState, input)
|> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
let fileName = parseResults.FileName
From f16fd5f2fa702c46f0042a2599a1894a56f52703 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ncave <>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 14:27:59 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Fixed merge
.vscode/launch.json | 2 +-
buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj | 2 --
buildtools/buildtools.targets | 4 ++--
buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj | 2 --
buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj | 2 --
fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj | 8 +++----
fcs/service_slim.fs | 22 +++++++++++++------
src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi | 2 +-
8 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
index 3af8de8dc67..e424c366f12 100644
--- a/.vscode/launch.json
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"name": "FCS Test",
"type": "coreclr",
"request": "launch",
- "program": "${workspaceFolder}/artifacts/bin/fcs-test/Debug/net7.0/fcs-test.dll",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/artifacts/bin/fcs-test/Debug/net8.0/fcs-test.dll",
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/fcs/fcs-test",
"console": "internalConsole",
diff --git a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
index 000c7044114..9c5a5b11e14 100644
--- a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
- net6.0
- net7.0
diff --git a/buildtools/buildtools.targets b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
index 3b2fa489c66..b4160b714f2 100644
--- a/buildtools/buildtools.targets
+++ b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net7.0\fslex.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net8.0\fslex.dll
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net7.0\fsyacc.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net8.0\fsyacc.dll
diff --git a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
index 26f6d26ee49..b2b744c4a92 100644
--- a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
- net7.0
diff --git a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
index d538e5bd163..cf4e599e25c 100644
--- a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
- net7.0
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
index 3a8c1940791..fd951e954ea 100644
--- a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- net7.0
+ net8.0
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index f7c5b9b2343..7cccc9f4168 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -188,12 +188,14 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
// restore all cached typecheck entries above file
cachedAbove |> Array.iter (fun (key, value) -> compilerState.checkCache.TryAdd(key, value) |> ignore)
- let ParseFile (fileName: string, sourceHash: int, source: Lazy, parsingOptions: FSharpParsingOptions, compilerState) =
+ let ParseFile (fileName: string, sourceHash: int, source: Lazy, parsingOptions: FSharpParsingOptions, compilerState, ct) =
let parseCacheKey = fileName, sourceHash
compilerState.parseCache.GetOrAdd(parseCacheKey, fun _ ->
ClearStaleCache(fileName, parsingOptions, compilerState)
let sourceText = SourceText.ofString source.Value
- let parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors = ParseAndCheckFile.parseFile (sourceText, fileName, parsingOptions, userOpName, suggestNamesForErrors, captureIdentifiersWhenParsing)
+ let flatErrors = compilerState.tcConfig.flatErrors
+ let parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors =
+ ParseAndCheckFile.parseFile (sourceText, fileName, parsingOptions, userOpName, suggestNamesForErrors, flatErrors, captureIdentifiersWhenParsing, ct)
let dependencyFiles = [||] // interactions have no dependencies
FSharpParseFileResults (parseErrors, parseTreeOpt, anyErrors, dependencyFiles) )
@@ -213,7 +215,9 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
|> Cancellable.runWithoutCancellation
let fileName = parseResults.FileName
- let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (diagnosticsOptions, false, fileName, (capturingLogger.GetDiagnostics()), suggestNamesForErrors)
+ let flatErrors = compilerState.tcConfig.flatErrors
+ let parseDiagnostics = capturingLogger.GetDiagnostics()
+ let tcErrors = DiagnosticHelpers.CreateDiagnostics (diagnosticsOptions, false, fileName, parseDiagnostics, suggestNamesForErrors, flatErrors, None)
(tcResult, tcErrors), (tcState, moduleNamesDict)
let CheckFile (projectFileName: string, parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults, tcState: TcState, moduleNamesDict: ModuleNamesDict, compilerState) =
@@ -295,17 +299,19 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
/// Compile project to file. If project has already been type checked,
/// check results will be taken from the cache.
member _.Compile(fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy, outFile: string) = async {
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
let parseResults = fileNames |> (fun fileName ->
let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
- ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState))
+ ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState, ct))
let (tcState, topAttrs, tcImplFiles, _tcEnvAtEnd, _moduleNamesDict, _tcErrors) =
TypeCheckClosedInputSet (parseResults, compilerState.tcInitialState, compilerState, None)
let ctok = CompilationThreadToken()
- let errors, diagnosticsLogger, _loggerProvider = CompileHelpers.mkCompilationDiagnosticsHandlers()
+ let flatErrors = compilerState.tcConfig.flatErrors
+ let errors, diagnosticsLogger, _loggerProvider = CompileHelpers.mkCompilationDiagnosticsHandlers(flatErrors)
let exitCode =
CompileHelpers.tryCompile diagnosticsLogger (fun exiter ->
CompileFromTypedAst (ctok, compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu,
@@ -319,6 +325,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
/// Already parsed files will be cached so subsequent compilations will be faster.
member _.ParseAndCheckProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy,
?lastFile: string, ?subscriber: FSharpImplementationFileContents -> unit) = async {
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
// parse files
let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
@@ -332,7 +339,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
let parseFile fileName =
let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
- ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ ParseFile(fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState, ct)
// Don't parallelize if we have cached files, as it would create issues with invalidation
if compilerState.parseCache.Count = 0 then
@@ -358,6 +365,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
/// up to and including the file requested. Returns parse and typecheck results containing
/// name resolutions and symbol uses for the file requested only, so intellisense etc. works.
member _.ParseAndCheckFileInProject (projectFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy, fileName: string) = async {
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
// get files before file
@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
let parseFile fileName =
let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
- ParseFile (fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState)
+ ParseFile (fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState, ct)
let parseResults = fileNamesBeforeFile |> parseFile
// type check files before file
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi b/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
index de53fec08dc..e98f74a6029 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.DiagnosticsLogger
open FSharp.Compiler.Driver
module internal CompileHelpers =
- val mkCompilationDiagnosticsHandlers: unit -> ResizeArray * DiagnosticsLogger * IDiagnosticsLoggerProvider
+ val mkCompilationDiagnosticsHandlers: bool -> ResizeArray * DiagnosticsLogger * IDiagnosticsLoggerProvider
val tryCompile: DiagnosticsLogger -> (StopProcessingExiter -> unit) -> int
/// Used to parse and check F# source code.
From 8df5055d2ce3d1a73c9cff68230d8aac6ce987c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Verdonck
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2023 11:47:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Add GetDependentFiles to slim service. (#14)
fcs/service_slim.fs | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 48 insertions(+)
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index 7cccc9f4168..dd15de27d58 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTree
open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeBasics
open FSharp.Compiler.TypedTreeOps
open FSharp.Compiler.BuildGraph
+open FSharp.Compiler.GraphChecking
// InteractiveChecker
@@ -403,3 +404,50 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
return (parseFileResults, checkFileResults, projectResults)
+ /// Find the dependent files of the current file based on the untyped syntax tree
+ member _.GetDependentFiles(currentFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy) = async {
+ // parse files
+ let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
+ let! compilerState = compilerStateCache.Get()
+ // parse files
+ let parsingOptions = FSharpParsingOptions.FromTcConfig(compilerState.tcConfig, fileNames, false)
+ let parseFile fileName =
+ let sourceHash, source = sourceReader fileName
+ ParseFile (fileName, sourceHash, source, parsingOptions, compilerState, ct)
+ // TODO: not sure if parse cache issues still applies
+ let parseResults = fileNames |> parseFile
+ let sourceFiles: FileInProject array =
+ parseResults
+ |> Array.mapi (fun idx (parseResults: FSharpParseFileResults) ->
+ let input = parseResults.ParseTree
+ {
+ Idx = idx
+ FileName = input.FileName
+ ParsedInput = input
+ })
+ let currentFileIdx = Array.IndexOf(fileNames, currentFileName)
+ let filePairs = FilePairMap(sourceFiles)
+ let graph, _trie = DependencyResolution.mkGraph filePairs sourceFiles
+ let dependentFiles =
+ graph.Keys
+ |> Seq.choose (fun fileIndex ->
+ let isDependency =
+ // Only files that came after the current file are relevant
+ fileIndex > currentFileIdx
+ &&
+ // The current file is listed as a dependency
+ Array.contains currentFileIdx graph.[fileIndex]
+ if not isDependency then
+ None
+ else
+ Some(Array.item fileIndex fileNames)
+ )
+ |> Seq.toArray
+ return dependentFiles
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
From d2207db8f145e862df666df8887ab402fe5013fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Verdonck
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 18:26:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Find all transitive dependent files. (#15)
fcs/service_slim.fs | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index dd15de27d58..1ea3ecab5df 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
return (parseFileResults, checkFileResults, projectResults)
- /// Find the dependent files of the current file based on the untyped syntax tree
+ /// Find the transitive dependent files of the current file based on the untyped syntax tree.
member _.GetDependentFiles(currentFileName: string, fileNames: string[], sourceReader: string -> int * Lazy) = async {
// parse files
let! ct = Async.CancellationToken
@@ -431,23 +431,27 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
let currentFileIdx = Array.IndexOf(fileNames, currentFileName)
let filePairs = FilePairMap(sourceFiles)
- let graph, _trie = DependencyResolution.mkGraph filePairs sourceFiles
- let dependentFiles =
- graph.Keys
- |> Seq.choose (fun fileIndex ->
- let isDependency =
- // Only files that came after the current file are relevant
- fileIndex > currentFileIdx
- &&
- // The current file is listed as a dependency
- Array.contains currentFileIdx graph.[fileIndex]
- if not isDependency then
- None
+ let graph, _trie = DependencyResolution.mkGraph filePairs sourceFiles
+ let findTransitiveDependencies (startNode : FileIndex) : FileIndex array =
+ let rec dfs (node : FileIndex) (visited : Set) (acc : FileIndex array) : FileIndex array =
+ if (Set.contains node visited) then
+ acc
- Some(Array.item fileIndex fileNames)
- )
- |> Seq.toArray
+ let neighbors = graph.[node]
+ let visited' = Set.add node visited
+ let acc' =
+ Array.fold (fun innerAcc neighbor -> dfs neighbor visited' innerAcc) acc neighbors
+ [| yield! acc' ; yield node |]
+ dfs startNode Set.empty Array.empty
+ |> Array.sort
+ let dependentFiles =
+ findTransitiveDependencies currentFileIdx
+ |> Array.sort
+ |> (fun idx -> Array.item idx fileNames)
return dependentFiles
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ }
From ecf3eeb1e01db51adc04ad3450b6a59a5b5e617e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Florian Verdonck
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 21:02:12 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Correct algorithm to find dependent files. (#16)
fcs/service_slim.fs | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index 1ea3ecab5df..53a4a32ba9a 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -432,24 +432,35 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
let filePairs = FilePairMap(sourceFiles)
let graph, _trie = DependencyResolution.mkGraph filePairs sourceFiles
- let findTransitiveDependencies (startNode : FileIndex) : FileIndex array =
+ let findTransitiveDependentFiles (startNode : FileIndex) : FileIndex array =
let rec dfs (node : FileIndex) (visited : Set) (acc : FileIndex array) : FileIndex array =
if (Set.contains node visited) then
- let neighbors = graph.[node]
- let visited' = Set.add node visited
- let acc' =
- Array.fold (fun innerAcc neighbor -> dfs neighbor visited' innerAcc) acc neighbors
- [| yield! acc' ; yield node |]
+ let newVisited = Set.add node visited
+ let consumers =
+ // Last node in the project cannot have
+ if node = graph.Count - 1 then
+ acc
+ else
+ // Look if the next nodes depend on the current node
+ [| (node + 1) .. (graph.Count - 1) |]
+ |> Array.fold
+ (fun innerAcc nextIdx ->
+ if not (Array.contains node graph.[nextIdx]) then
+ innerAcc
+ else
+ dfs nextIdx newVisited innerAcc)
+ acc
+ [| yield node; yield! consumers |]
dfs startNode Set.empty Array.empty
|> Array.sort
let dependentFiles =
- findTransitiveDependencies currentFileIdx
+ findTransitiveDependentFiles currentFileIdx
|> Array.sort
|> (fun idx -> Array.item idx fileNames)
From a5434777843b080c440c71d6f311a1824cd79790 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ncave <>
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 17:01:26 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 13/13] Fixed merge issues
buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj | 1 -
buildtools/buildtools.targets | 4 ++--
buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj | 1 -
buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj | 1 -
fcs/ | 3 ++-
fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj | 10 +++++-----
fcs/service_slim.fs | 11 +++++------
src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs | 1 +
src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs | 4 ++--
src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi | 2 +-
10 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
index 9c5a5b11e14..78d24349889 100644
--- a/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/AssemblyCheck/AssemblyCheck.fsproj
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
- net8.0
diff --git a/buildtools/buildtools.targets b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
index b4160b714f2..ed0259f01c7 100644
--- a/buildtools/buildtools.targets
+++ b/buildtools/buildtools.targets
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net8.0\fslex.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fslex\Release\net9.0\linux-x64\fslex.dll
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net8.0\fsyacc.dll
+ $(ArtifactsDir)\bin\fsyacc\Release\net9.0\linux-x64\fsyacc.dll
diff --git a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
index b2b744c4a92..b450de1668d 100644
--- a/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fslex/fslex.fsproj
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
- net8.0
diff --git a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
index cf4e599e25c..5f97b762e03 100644
--- a/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
+++ b/buildtools/fsyacc/fsyacc.fsproj
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
- net8.0
diff --git a/fcs/ b/fcs/
index c571b3de4a1..99848aa8ffa 100644
--- a/fcs/
+++ b/fcs/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-dotnet build -c Release buildtools
+dotnet build -c Release buildtools/fslex
+dotnet build -c Release buildtools/fsyacc
dotnet build -c Release src/Compiler
dotnet run -c Release --project fcs/fcs-test
echo "Binaries can be found here: /artifacts/bin/FSharp.Compiler.Service/Release/netstandard2.0/"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
index fd951e954ea..d401fb31e84 100644
--- a/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
+++ b/fcs/fcs-test/fcs-test.fsproj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- net8.0
+ net9.0
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
diff --git a/fcs/service_slim.fs b/fcs/service_slim.fs
index 53a4a32ba9a..d80132171a8 100644
--- a/fcs/service_slim.fs
+++ b/fcs/service_slim.fs
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
defaultFSharpBinariesDir = FSharpCheckerResultsSettings.defaultFSharpBinariesDir,
reduceMemoryUsage = ReduceMemoryFlag.Yes,
- implicitIncludeDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectOptions.ProjectFileName),
+ implicitIncludeDir = !! Path.GetDirectoryName(projectOptions.ProjectFileName),
isInteractive = false,
isInvalidationSupported = true,
defaultCopyFSharpCore = CopyFSharpCoreFlag.No,
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
let dependencyProvider = new DependencyProvider()
let! tcGlobals, tcImports =
TcImports.BuildTcImports (tcConfigP, dependencyProvider)
- |> Async.AwaitNodeCode
// Handle type provider invalidation by resetting compiler state
@@ -142,7 +141,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
ccu.Deref.InvalidateEvent.Add(fun _ -> reset())
- let assemblyName = projectOptions.ProjectFileName |> Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension
+ let assemblyName = !! Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(projectOptions.ProjectFileName)
let tcInitial, openDecls0 = GetInitialTcEnv (assemblyName, rangeStartup, tcConfig, tcImports, tcGlobals)
let tcInitialState = GetInitialTcState (rangeStartup, assemblyName, tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcImports, tcInitial, openDecls0)
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ module internal ParseAndCheck =
topAttrsOpt: TopAttribs option, tcImplFilesOpt: CheckedImplFile list option, compilerState) =
let assemblyRef = mkSimpleAssemblyRef "stdin"
let access = tcState.TcEnvFromImpls.AccessRights
- let symbolUses = Choice2Of2 TcSymbolUses.Empty
+ let symbolUses = Choice2Of2 (async { return seq { } })
let dependencyFiles = parseResults |> (fun x -> x.DependencyFiles) |> Array.concat
let getAssemblyData () = None
let details = (compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu, tcState.CcuSig, symbolUses, topAttrsOpt,
@@ -313,12 +312,12 @@ type InteractiveChecker internal (compilerStateCache) =
let ctok = CompilationThreadToken()
let flatErrors = compilerState.tcConfig.flatErrors
let errors, diagnosticsLogger, _loggerProvider = CompileHelpers.mkCompilationDiagnosticsHandlers(flatErrors)
- let exitCode =
+ let exnOpt =
CompileHelpers.tryCompile diagnosticsLogger (fun exiter ->
CompileFromTypedAst (ctok, compilerState.tcGlobals, compilerState.tcImports, tcState.Ccu,
tcImplFiles, topAttrs, compilerState.tcConfig, outFile, diagnosticsLogger, exiter))
- return errors.ToArray(), exitCode
+ return errors.ToArray(), exnOpt
/// Parses and checks the whole project, good for compilers (Fable etc.)
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs b/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs
index 949eba27895..85bf6fd9f9d 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Checking/NicePrint.fs
@@ -1694,6 +1694,7 @@ module InfoMemberPrinting =
|> PrintTypes.layoutCsharpCodeAnalysisIlAttributes denv (mi.RawMetadata.Return.CustomAttrs) (squareAngleReturn >> (@@))
let paramLayouts =
minfo.GetParamDatas (amap, m, minst)
+ |> ( fst)
|> List.head
|> (mi.ParamMetadata)
|> (ilParams,paramData) ->
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
index c9407a98174..bf6fa877173 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/fsc.fs
@@ -1273,14 +1273,14 @@ let CompileFromTypedAst
tcConfig: TcConfig,
- outfile,
+ outfile: string,
exiter: Exiter
) =
let tcImportsCapture = None
let dynamicAssemblyCreator = None
- let assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outfile)
+ let assemblyName = !! Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outfile)
// Doubling here tcImports as frameworkTcImports, seems to work...
let frameworkTcImports = tcImports
let pdbfile = None
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi b/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
index e98f74a6029..244ab7483f6 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Service/service.fsi
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.Driver
module internal CompileHelpers =
val mkCompilationDiagnosticsHandlers: bool -> ResizeArray * DiagnosticsLogger * IDiagnosticsLoggerProvider
- val tryCompile: DiagnosticsLogger -> (StopProcessingExiter -> unit) -> int
+ val tryCompile: DiagnosticsLogger -> (StopProcessingExiter -> unit) -> exn option
/// Used to parse and check F# source code.