Backup your
, if any:mv -v ~/.zshrc ~/.zshrc.bak
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/ndachj/dotf; cd dotf
Copy the
directory to~/.config
:export ZDOTDIR="$HOME/.config/zsh" mkdir -p $ZDOTDIR cp -rv .config/zsh ~/.config
:ln -sf "$ZDOTDIR/.profile" ~/.zprofile
Change the default login shell:
sudo chsh ${USER} -s /bin/zsh
Now logout and login back for changes to take effect.
~/.config/zsh ├── .p10k.zsh ├── .profile └── .zshrc
To uninstall Ndachj's zsh config
Remove the
:rm -rfv "$ZDOTDIR" ~/.zprofile
Then restore your original
:mv ~/.zshrc.bak ~/.zshrc
Oh My Zsh - an open source, community-driven Zsh framework.