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90 lines (77 loc) · 6.64 KB


The current repository is an implementation of detection method for low-performance Linux single-board computers. The method is used for detection of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles in city environment. The method is based on analysis of geometrical object features in a foreground mask. The foreground mask is obtained using background subtraction algorithm. Classification is performed using logistic regression classifier. Implementation of the method is based on the publication “Fast Object Detection Using Dimensional Based Features for Public Street Environments”.


The method can be used only when following conditions are satisfied:

  1. Known intrinsic and extrinsic (angle about X axis and height of installation) camera parameters.
  2. The camera is mounted on a static object.
  3. The trained classifier for a particular usage scenario. The training uses 3D object models and camera parameters on input.


usage: [-h] [-c CLF] config

Run the lightweight detection algorithm

positional arguments:
  config             path to the configuration file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -c CLF, --clf CLF  override path to the pickled classifier file given in

If the trained classifier is already existing and the camera has been calibrated, the algorithm can be run via:

python3 path_to_config.yml

Config structure

key type description
log_level int logging level: 10 - debug, 50 - critical
device str path to video device or file
resolution list of ints resolution (width, height) used for processing (1 - set as capturing resolution if it is supported by driver; 2 - resize captured frame to this resolution before processing)
fps int set capturing frame-per-second parameter if it is supported by driver
angle int camera incline towards to ground surface: 0 deg. - the camera is parallel to the ground surface; -90 deg. - camera points perpendicularly down
height int ground surface coordinates in meters relatively to a camera origin (e.g. -5 is 5m of camera height)
focal_length int camera focal length in mm
clf str path to the object containing the trained classifier
out_dir str output data such as logs, detection images, detection csv data will be stored in this directory
save_img bool enable or disable saving detection images with bounding rectangles and probabilities
save_csv bool enable or disable saving per-object detection information
stream dict define streaming parameters by keys: enabled - boolean to enable or disable streaming to rtsp streaming server, server - address:port of a rtsp streaming server
clahe_limit int value of contrast limiting for adaptive histogram equalization (see CLAHE)
bgs_method dict parameters of background subtraction method defined by keys: name - name of the method available in OpenCV (MOG2, KNN or CNT) , parameters - list of parameters passed to method constructor
dilate_it int number of times dilation is applied (dilates an image by using a specific structuring element)
time_window int number of samples defining periodicity of detection information printing (FPS, number of detections)
o_class_mapping dict mapping the integer object class to its string name of the following format: {class(int): class(string)}
sl_conn dict specifies parameters of connection to SL daemon by keys: detect_port - the port on which the detection application receives for messages from SL daemon, sl_port - the port of SL daemon to which the detection application sends messages, notif_interval - interval in seconds defining frequency of notifications sending to SL daemon
lamp_on_criteria list of ints sends signal to switch on lamp when the criteria is satisfied. List [q, N]: On how many N frames out of the last q frames target objects have been detected
lamp_switching_time int time required for a physical lamp to change its state
cont_area_thr float filter out small objects having contour area lower than the threshold (cont_area_thr): object_contour_area / (RES[0] * RES[1]) > cont_area_thr, set 0 to disable
extent_thr float filter out objects having extent lower than the threshold (extent_thr), set 0 to disable
max_distance float filter out objects detected on distances more than the threshold (max_distance), set 0 to disable
margin int filter out objects intersecting frame margin (left, right, up, down), set 0 to disable
base_res list of ints resolution used for calibration
camera_matrix 2D list of floats camera intrinsics obtained via camera calibration
dist_coefs 2D list of floats radial and tangential camera lens distortion coefficients
optimized_res list of ints resolution used for points reprojection after lens distortions removal
optimized_matrix 2D list of floats camera intrinsics for points reprojection after lens distortions removal

Project structure

├── demo                            # Data for testing
│   ├── clf                         # Classifiers
│   │   ├── clf_name_1.pcl          # Pickled dictionary containing sklearn object
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── configs                         # Configuration files examples 
│   │   ├── config.yml                  
│   │   └── ...
├── prepare_img                     # Usefull scripts
└── requirements                    # Python packages lists


  1. Camera calibration
  2. Camera matrix optimization
  3. Classifier training
  4. Bundle into a single executable
  5. Streaming server


I. Matveev, K. Karpov, I. Chmielewski, E. Siemens, and A. Yurchenko, “Fast Object Detection Using Dimensional Based Features for Public Street Environments,” Smart Cities, vol. 3, no. 1, Art. no. 1, Mar. 2020, doi: 10.3390/smartcities3010006.