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image_based_facial_emotion_estimation module

The image_based_facial_emotion_estimation module contains the FacialEmotionLearner class, which inherits from the abstract class Learner.

Class FacialEmotionLearner

Bases: engine.learners.Learner

The FacialEmotionLearner class is an implementation of the state-of-the-art method ESR [1] for efficient facial feature learning with wide ensemble-based convolutional neural networks. An ESR consists of two building blocks. (1) The base of the network is an array of convolutional layers for low- and middle-level feature learning. (2) These informative features are then shared with independent convolutional branches that constitute the ensemble. From this point, each branch can learn distinctive features while competing for a common resource - the shared layers. The FacialEmotionLearner class has the following public methods:

FacialEmotionLearner constructor

FacialEmotionLearner(self, lr, batch_size, temp_path, device, device_ind, validation_interval,
                     max_training_epoch, momentum, ensemble_size, base_path_experiment, name_experiment, dimensional_finetune, categorical_train,
                     base_path_to_dataset, max_tuning_epoch, diversify)

Constructor parameters:

  • lr: float, default=0.1
    Specifies the initial learning rate to be used during training.
  • batch_size: int, default=32
    Specifies number of samples to be bundled up in a batch during training. This heavily affects memory usage, adjust according to your system.
  • temp_path: str, default='temp'
    Specifies a path where the algorithm saves the checkpoints and onnx optimized model (if needed).
  • device: {'cpu', 'cuda'}, default='cuda'
    Specifies the device to be used.
  • device_ind: list, default=[0]
    List of GPU indices to be used if the device is 'cuda'.
  • validation_interval: int, default=1
    Specifies the validation interval.
  • max_training_epoch: int, default=2
    Specifies the maximum number of epochs the training should run for.
  • momentum: float, default=0.9
    Specifies the momentum value used for optimizer.
  • ensemble_size: int, default=9
    Specifies the number of ensemble branches in the model.
  • base_path_experiment: str, default='./experiments/'
    Specifies the path in which the experimental results will be saved.
  • name_experiment: str, default='esr_9'
    String name for saving checkpoints.
  • dimensional_finetune: bool, default=True
    Specifies if the model should be fine-tuned on dimensional data or not.
  • categorical_train: bool, default=False
    Specifies if the model should be trained on categorical data or not.
  • base_path_to_dataset: str, default=''./data/AffectNet''
    Specifies the dataset path.
  • max_tuning_epoch: int, default=1
    Specifies the maximum number of epochs the model should be finetuned on dimensional data.
  • diversity: bool, default=False
    Specifies if the learner diversifies the features of different branches or not.

This method is used for training the algorithm on a train dataset and validating on a val dataset.


FacialEmotionLearner.eval(self, eval_type, current_branch_on_training)

This method is used to evaluate a trained model on an evaluation dataset. Returns a dictionary containing stats regarding evaluation.


  • eval_type: str, default='categorical'
    Specifies the type of data that model is evaluated on. It can be either categorical or dimensional data.
  • current_branch_on_training: int, default=0
    Specifies the index of trained branch which should be evaluated on validation data.


FacialEmotionLearner.init_model(self, num_branches)

This method is used to initialize the model.


  • num_branches: int
    Specifies the number of ensemble branches in the model. ESR_9 model is built by 9 branches by default.


FacialEmotionLearner.infer(self, input_batch)

This method is used to perform inference on an image or a batch of images. It returns dimensional emotion results and also the categorical emotion results as an object of if a proper input object is given.


  • input_batch: object** Object of type It also can be a list of Image objects, or a Torch tensor which will be converted to Image object., state_dicts, base_path_to_save_model)

This method is used to save a trained model. Provided with the path (absolute or relative), it creates the "path" directory, if it does not already exist. Inside this folder, the model is saved as "" and the metadata file as "model_name.json". If the directory already exists, the "" and "model_name.json" files are overwritten.

If self.optimize was run previously, it saves the optimized ONNX model in a similar fashion with an ".onnx" extension, by copying it from the self.temp_path it was saved previously during conversion.


  • state_dicts: object
    Object of type Python dictionary containing the trained model weights.
  • base_path_to_save_model: str
    Specifies the path in which the model will be saved.


FacialEmotionLearner.load(self, ensemble_size, path_to_saved_network, file_name_base_network,
                        file_name_conv_branch, fix_backbone)

Loads the model from inside the directory of the path provided, using the metadata .json file included.


  • ensemble_size: int, default=9
    Specifies the number of ensemble branches in the model for which the pretrained weights should be loaded.
  • path_to_saved_network: str, default="./trained_models/esr_9"
    Path of the model to be loaded.
  • file_name_base_network: str, default=""
    The file name of the base network to be loaded.
  • file_name_conv_branch: str, default="Net-Branch_{}.pt"
    The file name of the ensemble branch network to be loaded.
  • fix_backbone: bool
    If true, all the model weights except the classifier are fixed so that the last layers' weights are fine-tuned on dimensional data. Otherwise, all the model weights will be trained from scratch.


FacialEmotionLearner.optimize(self, do_constant_folding)

This method is used to optimize a trained model to ONNX format which can be then used for inference.


  • do_constant_folding: bool, default=False
    ONNX format optimization. If True, the constant-folding optimization is applied to the model during export.

@staticmethod, path, mode, url)

Downloads data and saves them in the path provided.


  • path: str, default=None
    Local path to save the files, defaults to self.temp_dir if None.
  • mode: str, default="data"
    What file to download, can be "data".
  • url: str, default=opendr FTP URL
    URL of the FTP server.

Data preparation

Download the AffectNet [2] dataset, and organize it in the following structure:


In order to do that, you need to run the following function:

from opendr.perception.facial_expression_recognition.image_based_facial_emotion_estimation.algorithm.utils import datasets
datasets.pre_process_affect_net(base_path_to_images, base_path_to_annotations, base_destination_path, set_index)

This pre-processes the AffectNet dataset by cropping and resizing the images into 96 x 96 pixels, and organizing them in folders with 500 images each. Each image is renamed to follow the pattern "[id][emotion_idx][valence times 1000]_[arousal times 1000].jpg".

Pre-trained models

The pretrained models on AffectNet Categorical dataset are provided by [1] which can be found here. Please note that the pretrained weights cannot be used for commercial purposes.


  • Train the ensemble model on AffectNet Categorical dataset and then fine-tune it on the AffectNet dimensional dataset The training and evaluation dataset should be present in the path provided. The batch_size argument should be adjusted according to available memory.

    from opendr.perception.facial_expression_recognition import FacialEmotionLearner
    learner = FacialEmotionLearner(device="cpu", temp_path='./tmp',
                                   batch_size=2, max_training_epoch=1, ensemble_size=1,
                                   name_experiment='esr_9', base_path_experiment='./experiments/',
                                   lr=1e-1, categorical_train=True, dimensional_finetune=True,
                                   base_path_to_dataset='./data', max_tuning_epoch=1),
  • Inference on a batch of images

    from opendr.perception.facial_expression_recognition import FacialEmotionLearner
    from import DataLoader
    learner = FacialEmotionLearner(device="cpu", temp_path='./tmp', 
                                   batch_size=2, max_training_epoch=1, ensemble_size=1,
                                   name_experiment='esr_9', base_path_experiment='./experiments/',
                                   lr=1e-1, categorical_train=True, dimensional_finetune=True,
                                   base_path_to_dataset='./data', max_tuning_epoch=1)
    # Download the validation data
    dataset_path ='data')
    val_data = datasets.AffectNetCategorical(idx_set=2,
    val_loader = DataLoader(val_data, batch_size=32, shuffle=False, num_workers=8)
    batch = next(iter(val_loader))[0]
    learner.load(learner.ensemble_size, path_to_saved_network=learner.base_path_experiment, fix_backbone=True)
    ensemble_emotion_results, ensemble_dimension_results = learner.infer(batch[0])
  • Optimization example for a previously trained model Inference can be run with the trained model after running self.optimize.

    from opendr.perception.facial_expression_recognition import FacialEmotionLearner
    learner = FacialEmotionLearner(device="cpu", temp_path='./tmp',
                                 batch_size=2, max_training_epoch=1, ensemble_size=1,
                                 name_experiment='esr_9', base_path_experiment='./experiments/',
                                 lr=1e-1, categorical_train=True, dimensional_finetune=True,
                                 base_path_to_dataset='./data', max_tuning_epoch=1)
    learner.load(learner.ensemble_size, path_to_saved_network=learner.base_path_experiment, fix_backbone=True)
    learner.optimize(do_constant_folding=True)'./parent_dir/optimized_model', model_name='optimized_pstbln')

Performance Evaluation

The tests were conducted on the following computational devices:

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6230R CPU on server
  • Nvidia Jetson TX2
  • Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX
  • Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti GPU on server with Intel Xeon Gold processors

Inference time is measured as the time taken to transfer the input to the model (e.g., from CPU to GPU), run inference using the algorithm, and return results to CPU. The ESR and its extension diversified_ESR denoted as ESR*, which learns diversified feature representations to improve the model generalisation, are implemented in FacialEmotionLearner. The ESR-n and ESR*-n denote the ESR and diversified-ESR models with #n ensemble branches, respectively

The model can receive either single images as input or a video, which can be captured by webcam, and perform the prediction frame-by-frame.

We report speed (single sample per inference) as the mean of 100 runs, and the energy (Joules) on embedded devices. The noted memory is the maximum allocated memory on GPU during inference.

Method Acc. (%) Params (M) Mem. (MB)
ESR-9 87.17 20.35 402.99
ESR-15 88.59 33.67 455.61
ESR*-9 89.15 20.83 406.83
ESR*-15 89.34 34.47 460.73

The inference speed (evaluations/second) of both learners on various computational devices are as follows:

Method CPU Jetson TX2 Jetson Xavier RTX 2080 Ti
ESR-9 22.23 27.08 28.79 117.91
ESR-15 13.86 17.76 18.17 91.78
ESR*-9 5.24 6.60 12.45 33.40
ESR*-15 3.38 4.18 8.47 20.57

Energy (Joules) of both learners’ inference on embedded devices is shown in the following:

Method Jetson TX2 Jetson Xavier
ESR-9 0.96 0.67
ESR-15 1.16 0.93
ESR*-9 3.38 1.41
ESR*-15 6.26 2.51


[1] Siqueira, Henrique, Sven Magg, and Stefan Wermter. "Efficient facial feature learning with wide ensemble-based convolutional neural networks." Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence. Vol. 34. No. 04. 2020.

[2] Mollahosseini, Ali, Behzad Hasani, and Mohammad H. Mahoor. "Affectnet: A database for facial expression, valence, and arousal computing in the wild." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 10.1 (2017): 18-31.