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309 lines (271 loc) · 11.7 KB

Pricing Tier

Consuming the Spec Picker Blade

The spec picker has a three controls (dropdown, infobox, and selector) for getting the data from the spec picker blades. The best way is to use the Spec Picker dropdown in your create blades.

// The spec picker initial data observable.
const initialDataObservable = ko.observable<SpecPicker.InitialData>({
    selectedSpecId: "A0",
    entityId: "",
    recommendedSpecIds: ["small_basic", "large_standard"],
    recentSpecIds: ["large_basic", "medium_basic"],
    selectRecommendedView: false,
    subscriptionId: "subscriptionId",
    regionId: "regionId",
    options: { test: "DirectEA" },
    disabledSpecs: [
            specId: "medium_standard",
            message: ClientResources.robotPricingTierLauncherDisabledSpecMessage,
            helpBalloonMessage: ClientResources.robotPricingTierLauncherDisabledSpecHelpBalloonMessage,
            helpBalloonLinkText: ClientResources.robotPricingTierLauncherDisabledSpecLinkText,
            helpBalloonLinkUri: ClientResources.robotPricingTierLauncherDisabledSpecLinkUri
this.specDropDown = new Specs.DropDown(container, {
    form: this,
    accessor: this.createEditScopeAccessor((data: CreateEngineDataModel) => {
        return data.spec;
    initialData: initialDataObservable,
    // This extender should be the same extender view model used for the spec picker blade.
    // You may need to extend your data context or share your data context between your
    // create area and you spec picker area to use the extender with the current datacontext.
    specPickerExtender: new BillingSpecPickerExtender.BillingSpecPickerV3Extender(container, initialDataObservable(), dataContext),
    pricingBlade: {
        detailBlade: "BillingSpecPickerV3",
        detailBladeInputs: {},
        hotspot: "EngineSpecDropdown1"

Spec Picker Blade

To create a pricing tier blade you'll need to first create the blade in pdl using the SpecPickerV3 template,

<azurefx:SpecPickerBladeV3 Name="RobotSpecPickerV3"
                        PartExtenderViewModel="RobotSpecPickerV3Extender" />

a blade view model,

* The view model that drives the Virtual Machines specific spec picker blade.
export class RobotSpecPickerV3BladeViewModel extends MsPortalFx.ViewModels.Blade {
    * Creates the view model for the spec picker blade.
    * @param container The view model for the blade container.
    * @param initialState The initial state for the blade view model.
    * @param dataContext The data context for the Create area.
   constructor(container: MsPortalFx.ViewModels.ContainerContract, initialState: any, dataContext: HubsArea.DataContext) {

and an extender viewModel,

* The sample extender for the robot spec picker blade.
export class RobotSpecPickerV3Extender implements HubsExtension.Azure.SpecPicker.SpecPickerExtender {
    * See SpecPickerExtender interface.
   public input = ko.observable<SpecPicker.SpecPickerExtenderInput>();

    * See SpecPickerExtender interface.
   public output = ko.observable<SpecPicker.SpecPickerExtenderOutput>();
    * See SpecPickerExtender interface.
   public selectionMode: Lists.ListView.SelectionMode;

    * See SpecPickerExtender interface.
   public filterControls: KnockoutObservableArray<SpecPicker.FilterControl>;

   private _specDataView: MsPortalFx.Data.EntityView<SpecPicker.SpecData, any>;

   private _specData = ko.observable<SpecPicker.SpecData>();

    * Extender constructor.
    * @param container The view model for the part container.
    * @param initialState The initial state for the part.
    * @param dataContext The data context.
   constructor(container: MsPortalFx.ViewModels.ContainerContract, initialState: any, dataContext: HubsArea.DataContext, selectionMode?: Lists.ListView.SelectionMode) {

Inside of the constructor of the extender view model you'll have to setup the input and output observables for the extender.

// The spec picker can return one or many specs. Specify if you want the user to be able to select multiple specs.
this.selectionMode = selectionMode || Lists.ListView.SelectionMode.Single;

// Perform the initial fetch to load data into the view from your own controllers
this._specDataView = dataContext.robotData.specDataEntity.createView(container);
    () => {
        var specData = ko.toJS(this._specDataView.item());
        // Pass the spec data into an observable
    () => {
        // Implement custom error handling logic
        throw new Error("Fetch spec data failed.");

// a computed which returns an array of spec ids which will determine what specs will be shown
var filteredSpecIds = ko.computed(container, () => {
    var input = this.input();
    if (!input) {
        return [];
    // Options is a property passed in as part of the blade inputs. Defaults to any type
    var options = input.options;
    var filterFeatures: string[] = options && options.filterFeatures || [];
    // React to the input availableSpecData observable. This observable is updated
    // when billing information returns from the server and contains specs which have not
    // been filtered out by the billing calls.
    return input.availableSpecData().filter((spec) => {
        // This will filter out any spec which contains the feature in input.options.filterFeatures
        return !spec.features.first((feature) => !!~filterFeatures.indexOf(feature.displayValue));
    }).map((spec) =>
ko.reactor(container, () => {
    // react to inputs and specData observables being updated
    var input = this.input(),
        specData = this._specData();

    if (!input || !specData) {

    var output: SpecPicker.SpecPickerExtenderOutput = {
        specData: specData,
        //disabledSpecs: [],
        //failureMessage: "",
        //recentSpecIds: [],
        filteredSpecIds: filteredSpecIds
    // Update the output observable to give all the spec data back to the spec picker blade

The data fetching part is where you're code will bring all of the spec picker data into the output.

this._specDataView = dataContext.robotData.specDataEntity.createView(container);
    () => {
        var specData = ko.toJS(this._specDataView.item());
        // Pass the spec data into an observable
    () => {
        // Implement custom error handling logic
        throw new Error("Fetch spec data failed.");

The data in here will have the information that will be shown on the specs and as well as the ResourceMap information used to look up pricing from billing.

Sample Spec Data

Sample Spec

    "id": "Standard_D15_v2",
    "colorScheme": "mediumBlue", //available colors: "mediumBlue", "yellowGreen", "darkOrchid", "orange""
    "title": "Standard",
    "specCode": "D15_v2",
    "promotedFeatures": [
            "id": "cores",
            "value": "20",
            "unitDescription": "Cores"
            "id": "ram",
            "value": "140",
            "unitDescription": "GB"
    "features": [
            "id": "disks",
            "displayValue": "40"
            "id": "iops",
            "displayValue": "40x500"
            "id": "ssdCache",
            "displayValue": "1000 GB"
            "id": "loadBalancing",
            "displayValue": ""
            "id": "autoScale",
            "displayValue": ""
    "cost": {
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "caption": "{0}/Month (Estimated)"

Sample Features

    "id": "disks",
    "displayName": "Data disks",
    "iconSvgData": "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 50 50\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-placeholder\" > <path d=\"M50,37.198c0,5.001-11.194,9.054-25,9.054S0,42.199,0,37.198v-4.88h50V37.198z\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c14\"/> <path d=\"M50,32.318c0,5.001-11.194,9.054-25,9.054S0,37.319,0,32.318c0-5,11.193-9.054,25-9.054S50,27.318,50,32.318 \" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c13\"/> <path d=\"M33.013,31.797c0,1.33-3.588,2.407-8.014,2.407s-8.015-1.077-8.015-2.407s3.589-2.407,8.015-2.407 S33.013,30.468,33.013,31.797\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c14\"/> <path opacity=\"0.25\" d=\"M43.071,26.115c-3.502-1.327-8.104-2.269-13.279-2.633l-3.244,6.004 c1.596,0.094,3.023,0.329,4.127,0.662L43.071,26.115z\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c01\"/> <path opacity=\"0.25\" d=\"M5.902,38.208c3.601,1.543,8.598,2.643,14.288,3.045l3.793-7.02 c-1.579-0.06-3.014-0.257-4.168-0.552L5.902,38.208z\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c01\"/> <path d=\"M50,17.682c0,5.001-11.194,9.054-25,9.054S0,22.682,0,17.682v-4.88h50V17.682z\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c19\"/> <path d=\"M50,12.802c0,5.001-11.194,9.054-25,9.054S0,17.802,0,12.802s11.193-9.054,25-9.054S50,7.801,50,12.802\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c15\"/> <path d=\"M33.013,12.281c0,1.33-3.588,2.407-8.014,2.407s-8.015-1.077-8.015-2.407s3.589-2.407,8.015-2.407 S33.013,10.951,33.013,12.281\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c19\"/> <path opacity=\"0.25\" d=\"M43.071,6.549c-3.502-1.327-8.104-2.269-13.279-2.633L26.548,9.92 c1.596,0.094,3.023,0.329,4.127,0.662L43.071,6.549z\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c01\"/> <path opacity=\"0.25\" d=\"M5.902,18.642c3.601,1.543,8.598,2.643,14.288,3.045l3.793-7.02 c-1.579-0.06-3.014-0.257-4.168-0.552L5.902,18.642z\" class=\"msportalfx-svg-c01\"/> </svg>"
    "id": "iops",
    "displayName": "Max IOPS",
    "iconName": "Monitoring"

Sample Resource Map

"default": [ // List of spec cards
        "id": "Standard_D15_v2", // Roundtrip spec card ID of your choice to track request/response
        "firstParty": [ // list of first party
                "id": "STANDARD_D15_V2",
                "resourceId": "4naypwzhqsu7yaeruxj3fpqa5ah5p9ax4nayrti71j3x5pdwtc7y4imyqeyy6a", // resource target key for this spec (you can use GUID now) work with PM if you don’t know this
                "quantity": 744 // quantity based on the unit of measure in the Catalog
        "thirdParty": [ // list of third party resources, this is used for Marketplace, usually not used for Microsoft resource
                "id": "samplecloudconnect:sample:samplebackup",
                "publisherId": "sample",
                "offerId": "samplecloudconnect",
                "planId": "samplebackup",
                "promotionCode": "",
                "meters": [
                        "meterId": "20core",
                        "quantity": 744

For the resourceIds in the resource map, you'll need to cooridanate with billing to add any new resource ids in your spec picker. The default resource map will be used if no region is specified as part of the spec picker blade inputs.