This project is a recreation of the classic Monopoly board game.
The application is written in Java and features a GUI written in JavaFX.
To run the app you need to have installed:
- Java 17
- Maven
Dependencies automatically maintained by Maven:
org.openjfx: javafx-controls: 19
com.github.cliftonlabs: json-simple: 4.0.1
org.junit.jupiter: junit-jupiter: 5.9.2
org.mockito: mockito-core: 5.3.1
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the monopoly-javafx/monopoly directory:
$ cd monopoly-javafx/monopoly
- Start the application:
$ mvn clean javafx:run
Alternatively, use an IDE of your choice and set a run configuration.
- 2-6 players
- Dice rolling
- Bankrupt, Jail time
- Property management
- Collect & pay rent
- Purchase & sell properties
- Jail, Free Parking, Properties, Utilities, Railroads
- Chance deck & Community Chest deck
- Collect money & collect money from each player
- Pay money & pay money to each player
- Advance to a specific square
- Advance to the nearest Utility or Railroad
- Game board with original sprites & animations
- Players' statistics & overview
- Save & load game
Monopoly is a complex game full of rules and exceptions. There is a list of the most important rules that were implemented:
- Player receives $200 after passing the GO square (not if the player is going to Jail)
- During a player's turn, the player can buy and sell Properties.
- If a player rolls doubles, the player have the opportunity to roll the dice again.
- When a player does not have sufficient funds to cover a debt, the game automatically sells off the player's properties to compensate for the shortage.
- When a player goes bankrupt, the player is eliminated from the game.
- There's an automatic roll dice, if player steps on a Utility owned by another Player, in order to determine the rent of the Utility.
- To get out of Jail player needs to roll a double. The player has only one try to roll double.
Note: Hotels & Mortgages game mechanics were not implemented.
The application enables logging.
- basic logging (recommended)FINE
- more detailed loggingALL
- the most comprehensive logging
Firstly, compile the application:
$ mvn compile
Secondly, run the compiled application with a selected <log-level>
$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=cz.cvut.fel.pvj.nejedly.monopoly.Main -Dexec.args="<log-level>"
The logs can be found in monopoly-javafx/monopoly/log.txt
The application enables you save and load a game. An example of saved-game.json
"activePlayer": "Alice",
"players": [
"ownedSquares": [
18, 26
"isInJail": false,
"money": 1250,
"name": "Alice",
"isBankrupt": false,
"boardPosition": 4
"ownedSquares": [
2, 11
"isInJail": true,
"money": 700,
"name": "Bob",
"isBankrupt": false,
"boardPosition": 10
The application follows the MCV architecture for better organization and flexibility.
Note: The JavaFX Monopoly board game was my semester project for the subject "Programming in JAVA" (B0B36PJV) at CTU in Prague.