NostrTools implements the core Nostr protocol primitives and other useful functions needed to develop a variety of different Nostr applications in Elixir.
NostrTools deals with events, filters and protocol messages and provides helper functions to manage these. It does not try to solve application specific issues such as event storage or websocket connections.
There is a lot of NIPs functionality that still needs to be implemented. If you use this library and expand its functionality, please share the changes.
Credit to sgiath for the crypto library and the initial implementation.
The package can be installed by adding nostr_tools
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
[{:nostr_tools, git: ""}]
The package is not on since the crypto library used is not on
During compilation, the crypto library needs to compile some C code. Please refer to the crypto library documentation if you have issues.
iex> seckey = NostrTools.Crypto.generate_seckey()
iex> pubkey = NostrTools.Crypto.pubkey(seckey)
iex> seckey = NostrTools.Crypto.generate_seckey()
iex> {:ok, event} = NostrTools.Event.create("content", seckey, 1, [])
iex> seckey = NostrTools.Crypto.generate_seckey()
iex> {:ok, event} = NostrTools.Event.create("content", seckey, 1, [])
iex> {:ok, json_event} = Jason.encode(event)
iex> {:ok, decoded_event} = NostrTools.Event.create(Jason.decode!(json_event))
iex> event == decoded_event
iex> seckey = NostrTools.Crypto.generate_seckey()
iex> {:ok, event} = NostrTools.Event.create("content", seckey, 1, [])
iex> NostrTools.Event.valid?(event)
iex> seckey = NostrTools.Crypto.generate_seckey()
iex> {:ok, event} = NostrTools.Event.create("content", seckey, 1, [])
iex> NostrTools.Event.valid?(%NostrTools.Event{event | content: "wrong content"})
iex> filter = %NostrTools.Filter{since: 1673380970}
iex> Jason.encode!(NostrTools.Message.req("sub id", filter))
~s<[\"REQ\",\"sub id\",{\"since\":1673380970}]>