Jianfei Wang, Yutao Zhang, Yaohui Ye 2013/09/23
Replace AMiner's current DataCenter.
Provide a fast (both in terms of startup speed and serving speed), memory-efficient (require little preloading), and elegant (easy to use and modify) backend server for AMiner.
- Act as a general purpose graph database, providing CRUD+Search for the frontend?
- Yutao Zhang
- Yaohui Ye, chief programmer
- Jianfei Wang, chief architect
- make a concrete plan--before 23rd
- Core read-only services (2 weeks) -- before Oct. 14th
- Advanced search and apps (2 weeks) -- before Nov. 1st
- Data updates (2 weeks) -- before Nov. 15th
- Testing (2 weeks) -- before Dec. 1st
Simple data import (from MySQL and existing ACT model and Redis and so on), index building
ACT (load model, infer new doc, ACT services for AMiner)
- ACTService getParameter
- ACTService getTopicDistributionGivenAuthorNAid
- ACTService getTopicDistributionGivenAuthorName
- ACTService getTopicDistributionGivenConfId
- ACTService getTopicDistributionGivenConfName
- ACTService getTopicDistributionGivenPub
- ACTService getTopicDistributionGivenQuery
- ACTService getAuthorDistributionGivenTopic
- ACTService getConfDistributionGivenTopic
- ACTService getPubDistributionGivenTopic
- ACTService getWordDistributionGivenTopic
Author Features (like Redis zset)
- getScore(author, feature, topic)
- getRank(author, feature, topic)
- topAuthors(feature, topic, from, to)
- count(feature, topic)
- getMinValue/getMaxValue(feature, topic)
- getAuthorFeature(author, topic)
Basic search
- AuthorService searchAuthors
- merge: getAuthorsBy{Id, Name}
- merge: getAuthorsWithSameNameBy{Id,Name}
- ConfService searchConferences
- merge: getConferenceBy{Id,Name,Prefix}
- PubService searchPublications
- merge: searchPublicationsWithScore
- merge: getPublicationsBy{Id, NaId, ConfId}
- merge: getCitedByPulicataions
- merge: getCitePublications
- OrgService searchOrganizations
- merge: getOrganizationsBy{Id,Name,Prefix}
- Suggestion services
- AuthorService authorSearchSuggest
- Modify services
- AuthorService updateAuthorProfile
- AuthorService searchAuthors
- Advanced search (advanced query parsing, result filtering)
- Graph search (http://arnetminer.org/association-home)
- Reviewer recommendation (?) -- Wanlin Hong
- Collaborator recommendation
- Paper recommendation (?)
- PubService recommendRelatedPaper
- Add/update/remove publications
- Add/merge/remove authors
- ACT model update
- Author features update (remove Redis dependency)
- Detailed smoke testing plan and workflow
- Performance testing plan and results
Those getters are merged into search services, by special queries like: “naid:[10000, 10001]”.
// merged into searchConferences
- ConfService getConferenceById
- ConfService getConferenceByName
- ConfService getConferenceByPrefix
// merged into searchOrganizations
- OrgService getOrgnizationById
- OrgService getOrganizationByPrefix
// merged into searchAuthors AuthorService getAuthorsByName AuthorService getAuthorsById AuthorService getAuthorsWithSameNameById AuthorService getAuthorsWithSameNameByName
// merged into searchPublications
- PubService getPublicationsById
- PubService getPublicationsByNaId
- PubService getPublicationsByConfId
- PubService getCitedByPulicataions
- PubService getCitePublications
Most the removed services are relatedcd .. to graph/content modifications.
// Various ranking services, should be moved to Redis? Or?
- OrgService getTopHindexAuthors
- OrgService getTopicTrend
- OrgService getHotTopics
// How do we implement these features?
AuthorService addUpdateAuthor
AuthorService movePublication
AuthorService searchAuthorProfile
AuthorService reloadAuthors
AuthorService removeAuthor
AuthorService recalcuFeatures
PubService addPublication
PubService reviseAuthorIdNameMatches
PubService inferAuthorIdsOfPublication
PubService removePublications
PubService reloadPublications
PubService updatePublication
// how about other search services?--jie
- a. search filtering (like the func in SAE-HR)
- b. geographic search