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ROS node for ROS-REST interface
As an example, the node registers and publishes to several ROS topics while exposing a REST API to interact with these topics

How to use

  1. install ros and catkin workspace:

    if not already installed, install ros from here

  2. Clone this repo.

    git clone
  3. Install the package

  • Option 1: Enter to the directory and run (you might run to enter you password to install the requirements):

    source <path_of_catkin_workspace>
  • Option 2:

    • a. copy 'ros_rest_interface' directory to <path_of_catkin_workspace>/src.
    • b. install requirement:
      sudo apt-get install libcpprest-dev
    • c. source setup:
      cd <path_of_catkin_workspace>
      source devel/setup.bash
    • d. catkin_make
  1. Run the node using:
  roslaunch ros_rest_interface ros_rest_interface.launch

Design & Architecture

In this section, I will explain the design and architecture of the project. The classes have been designed with the principles of clean code, SOLID, and KISS in mind. The goal was to keep the classes focused on a single responsibility while keeping the design simple and avoiding unnecessary complexity.

Main Class: ros_rest_relay_node

The ros_rest_relay_node class serves as the entry point for the functionality and is responsible for initializing the other classes.

  • web_server: This class is responsible for managing everything related to the network. It has a field of type controller_interface, which it utilizes to handle the requests.

  • The PointController class is an implementation of the controller_interface specifically tailored to manage requests pertaining to points. The PointController does not directly send or retrieve data to or from topics. Instead, it interacts with a RosMessageGateway to handle this process. The RosMessageGateway acts as an intermediary for data transmission and retrieval in the PointController system.

  • By separating the server from the controller and data transmission, the code gains advantages in terms of scalability, flexibility, modularity, and testability. This design choice allows for easy adaptation of the server to different projects since ROS and the server are independent of each other. It also facilitates seamless modification of message types by offering alternative implementations of the controller_interface.

Challenges and Solutions

During the development process, certain challenges were encountered, and corresponding solutions were implemented. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Challenge: Handling the concurrent nature of the server using Casablanca (cpprestsdk) posed a challenge in keeping track of incoming publishers and receivers while ensuring thread-safety in the data structure used. To address this, a concurrent_unordered_map was implemented, which combines an unordered_map with mutexes to restrict access and ensure thread-safety. Additionally, the shared_mutex feature of C++17 was utilized to allow multiple readers without restricting access.

  • Challenge: Reducing the complexity of thread synchronization was a priority, and it was decided to use a single main thread for both ROS and the server. However, a potential problem arose when it was discovered that ROS's thread would sleep for 100ms when there was no job to do. To mitigate this, a thorough investigation was conducted by examining the source code, revealing that both frameworks utilize boost's threads. Testing confirmed that the threads did not interfere with each other adversely.

Assumptions & Decisions

During the development process, certain assumptions were made, and decisions were taken to ensure the effectiveness of the implementation. These include:

  • The URLs and names of the default topics to subscribe to are kept in a YAML configuration file. This allows for easy modification without the need to change the code directly. The configuration file provides a centralized location for finding and modifying these values.

  • If a GET request is made for data from a topic that has not received any data yet, the server will return a 'not exists' message. This message contains points with values set to minus infinity, indicating that the requested data does not exist.

  • Before publishing a message, the publisher checks if there are any subscribers. If there are no subscribers, the message is not sent. This approach follows a recommendation from ROS.

  • In the case of an error, the server sends an appropriate status code and corresponding message to indicate the error to the client.