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B1.1 ‐ Prompt Structures

Devin Pellegrino edited this page Jan 28, 2024 · 6 revisions

Prompt Structures

Mastering the art of prompt structuring is a critical skill for harnessing the capabilities of LLMs. This guide focuses on effective techniques for creating prompts that elicit precise and contextually relevant responses.

Anatomy of a Prompt

A well-crafted prompt is essential for eliciting precise and relevant responses from LLMs.

Components of a Prompt

A proficient prompt is composed of several elements, each serving a distinct purpose:

  • Context: Provides the necessary background, setting the stage for the query.
  • Query: The direct question or instruction to the LLM.
  • Constraints: Guide the LLM's response, specifying focus areas or specific angles.

Example: Astrophysics Exploration

  Context: "Given the extensive research in astrophysics, particularly in the realm of black holes, let's focus on a fundamental aspect that intrigues both scientists and laypeople."
  Query: "Can you elucidate the concept of an event horizon in black holes? Explain its significance in the broader context of black hole research."
    - "Discuss the event horizon in relation to the theory of general relativity."
    - "Describe how event horizons contribute to our understanding of black holes, avoiding speculations and sticking to established scientific theories."
    - "Provide examples of recent discoveries or studies that have shed light on the properties of event horizons."

Crafting Effective Prompts

Effective prompt construction is key to eliciting detailed and contextually appropriate responses.

Contextual Framing

  • Purpose: Anchors the LLM's response within a relevant domain.
  • Technique: Embed up-to-date, domain-specific information.

Contextual Framing Example

Context: "In the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence, particularly with the development of neural networks..."

Formulating the Query

  • Strategy: Craft a query that is precise and concise.
  • Focus: Ensure natural extension from the context.

Query Formulation Example

Query: "...assess the impact of deep learning techniques on improving neural network efficiency, particularly in image recognition tasks."

Setting Constraints

  • Objective: Direct and fine-tune the LLM's response.
  • Application: Focus the LLM on specific aspects relevant to the query.

Constraint Setting Example

Constraints: "...highlighting advancements in algorithm optimization and data processing, excluding general machine learning applications."

Advanced Prompt Structuring Techniques

Enhancing prompts with advanced techniques enables handling of complex inquiries.

Multi-Part Prompts

  • Concept: Break down a broad subject into interconnected prompts.
  • Advantage: Allows thorough exploration of each facet.
  • Structure: Context, query, and constraints tailored to each subtopic.
  • Crafting Multi-Part Prompts
    1. Identify Key Themes: Determine main aspects for exploration.
    2. Develop Focused Segments: Create a prompt segment for each theme.
    3. Ensure Logical Flow: Maintain a clear narrative.

Example: Renewable Energy Exploration

Part 1:
  Context: "With the growing global challenge of electronic waste management..."
  Query: "...explore the current state of e-waste recycling technologies."
  Constraints: "...emphasizing innovations in material recovery and environmental impact."

Part 2:
  Context: "Considering the economic aspects of e-waste recycling..."
  Query: "...analyze the viability and challenges of implementing large-scale e-waste recycling solutions."
  Constraints: "...focusing on cost-effectiveness, scalability, and regulatory hurdles."

Part 3:
  Context: "Addressing the social implications of e-waste..."
  Query: "...evaluate the impact of e-waste on communities and potential social entrepreneurship opportunities."
  Constraints: "...considering health impacts, job creation, and community engagement."

Hierarchical Prompt Design

  • Methodology: Start broad, then narrow down to specifics.
  • Advantages: Enables thorough, structured exploration.
  • Structuring Hierarchical Prompts
    1. Top-Level Prompt: Sets the broad stage.
    2. Mid-Level Prompts: Delve into specifics.
    3. Bottom-Level Prompts: Focus on detailed inquiry.

Hierarchical Prompt Example: Environmental Science Study

flowchart TD
    A[Top-Level: Global Impact of Climate Change] --> B[Mid-Level: Ecosystem Changes]
    A --> C[Mid-Level: Atmospheric Alterations]
    B --> D[Bottom-Level: Oceanic Ecosystems - Coral Reefs]
    B --> E[Bottom-Level: Terrestrial Ecosystems - Rainforests]
    C --> F[Bottom-Level: Greenhouse Gas Concentrations]
    C --> G[Bottom-Level: Ozone Layer Depletion]
    D --> H[Specific Inquiry: Coral Bleaching Events]
    E --> I[Specific Inquiry: Deforestation Rates]
    F --> J[Specific Inquiry: Carbon Emission Trends]
    G --> K[Specific Inquiry: UV Radiation Increase]

Example: Ocean Currents Analysis

  Context: "Assessing the broad impact of climate change on our planet."
  Query: "What are the most significant changes induced by climate change globally?"

  - Ecosystem Changes: 
      Query: "How has climate change altered various ecosystems around the world?"
  - Atmospheric Alterations: 
      Query: "What are the key changes in the Earth's atmosphere due to climate change?"

  - Oceanic Ecosystems:
      Query: "Discuss the impact of climate change on oceanic ecosystems, with a focus on coral reefs."
  - Terrestrial Ecosystems:
      Query: "Evaluate the effects of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems, particularly rainforests."

Specific Inquiry:
  - Coral Bleaching Events:
      Query: "Analyze the frequency and severity of coral bleaching events in recent decades."
  - Deforestation Rates:
      Query: "Examine the trend in deforestation rates in rainforests over the last 50 years."
  - Carbon Emission Trends:
      Query: "Discuss the trends in global carbon emissions and their correlation with climate change."
  - UV Radiation Increase:
      Query: "Investigate the increase in UV radiation levels and its implications for the ozone layer."

Utilizing Visual Aids

  • Purpose: Enrich the prompt with visual context.
  • Method: Incorporate images, charts, or graphs.
  • Application: Ideal for complex data analysis.
  • Visual Aid Integration Techniques
    1. Direct Reference: Attach visual in the prompt.
    2. Descriptive Reference: Describe the visual.
    3. Hybrid Approach: Combine direct and descriptive references.

Example: Climate Data Analysis


    Description: "Attached is a graph showing the trends in global CO2 emissions over the last 50 years."
    Prompt: "Analyze the graph and identify key periods of significant increase or decrease in emissions. Discuss the potential factors contributing to these trends."

    Description: "Consider a hypothetical graph depicting the rise in average global sea levels since 1900."
    Prompt: "Based on this imagined graph, hypothesize the impacts of this rise on coastal ecosystems and human settlements."

    Description: "Attached is a pie chart representing the current global energy mix. Now imagine if the share of solar energy were to double."
    Prompt: "Discuss how such a change could influence global energy policies and the dynamics of the energy market, referencing both the actual pie chart and the imagined scenario."


Mastering advanced structuring techniques enables sophisticated interactions with LLMs. Multi-part prompts, hierarchical designs, and visual aids are instrumental in eliciting richly layered and insightful responses, catering to complex and nuanced inquiries.

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