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Network for Good's Design System for Ruby on Rails

The authoritative resource for the Network for Good front-end UI, empowered by the NFG Design System.

Note: the readme documentation is a little out of date and will be updated with accurate info soon (noted on Aug. 22, 2019)

See changelog for notes on updates.

Jump to development / setting up the gem locally

gem 'nfg_ui'

NFG UX & UI team_ (J&K) are excited to bring you... the Network For Good design system gem or: nfg_ui gem. This bad boy is an all encompassing one-stop shop for everything front-end for Network for Good products.

This gem is an organic, evolving and ongoing work that is the loving result of 4+ years of study, practice, implementation, planning, drafting and good ol' sweat. After a dozen code drafts, a fully realized Sketch design system suite, and the canvas to work on... we're building a robust design system framework.

With this gem, you can stand up a brand new rails app and it will seamlessly, from day 1, look, feel and be a Network for Good product. Huzzah

Accessing Component Code Examples & Documentation:

Visit NFG UI Display App for examples.

To review the documentation for the components, get code samples and browse the library, follow the instructions at the bottom for getting the gem setup locally. It has its own test_app so the documentation is hosted there and the gem doesn't need to be added to a seperate parent app (unless you want to). We intend to get this online in its own dedicated space... until then, that's your best bet for browsing docs.


Include the gem in your Gemfile

gem 'nfg_ui'

Import & Require the gem's assets

NOTE: This gem has not taken over ownership of JS from Evo yet. Some styles have been brought over for documentation visual check purposes (the core styling is in place), but it's not fully brought over yet. This includes javascript plugins, etc. To use nfg_ui images, note the special requirements:

In application.scss add your pertinent stylesheet suite based on whatever context you're building an interface. These are currently two categories: admin and public (and email)

SCSS Application stylesheets

Admin stylesheets should be @imported in your pertinent application.scss file:

@import 'nfg_ui/network_for_good/admin/application';

Public stylesheets should be @imported in your pertinent application.scss file:

@import 'nfg_ui/network_for_good/public/application';

Email stylesheeets should be @imported as above:

@import 'nfg_ui/network_for_good/email/application';


Currently, there is only one javascript library. This will likely change, but the current setup is as follows:

Javascript should be //= required in your pertinent application.js file:

//= require nfg_ui/application


Network for Good design system components

This gem allows you to add any NFG design component to your haml view at command. You can build one line, all inclusive components and build out high level pre-designed and pre-configured context-specific components.

Components also come with traits. Traits are stackable and overwriteable. Traits are meaningful symbols added as the first array of arguments on your component. Read more about traits below. The key value of traits: it provides pre-set and pre-designed components out of the box so that you don't need to go through the monotonous task of adding theme colors, sizes, headlines, etc every time you need to use that component. Handy

All components accept the same attributes when appropriate. This list will expand but here is a sample:

  • All html attributes (id, data, aria, required, if it's an attribute, it's available)
  • body: 'Inserted content into the obvious content space for the component'
  • title: 'For modals and tiles'
  • headline: 'For components with headlines like media objects'
  • :collapsible and :collapsed
  • more to come...
  • tooltip: 'My tooltip text' is available on many components (that would make sense to have tooltips) and will automatically apply a tooltip to the component


// Produce a styled, pre-designed submit button for your form on the fly
= ui.nfg :button, :submit

// Is the traited / predesigned equivalent of...
= ui.nfg :button, as: :button, type: 'submit', icon: 'chevron-right', body: 'Save & Exit', theme: :primary, disable_with: "<i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin mr-1'></i> Saving..."

// Build your own button
= ui.nfg :button, :danger, data: { describe: 'delete-button' } do
  = ui.nfg :icon, 'trash', class: 'mr-1', text: 'Delete Row'

Asset publishing

Depedency Installation

NFG UI assets are published for cross-site usage to a publicly-accessible AWS S3 bucket (s3://nfg-ui/v#.##.#/) using the AWS command-line interface:

  1. Install the AWS command-line interface
  2. Install AWS credentials provided by anyone on the team who has permissions to mint IAM users (such as Mike or Timothy). The credentials are sensitive and should be stored at ~/.aws/credentials. See example below.
  3. (Optional but recommended) Install ~/.aws/config per below to set a default region for S3 operations.
# Example ~/.aws/credentials file

aws_access_key_id = ####################
aws_secret_access_key = ########################################

# Example ~/.aws/config
region = us-east-1
  1. Use the following command to confirm successful installation:
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://nfg-ui/


After rake release successfully completes, the rake publish task will run. This command wraps a separate rake publish task contained within the /publisher subdirectory. /publisher contains a skeleton Rails app. The rake publish task contained within /publisher precompiles the assets that are part of the new nfg_ui release and uploads them to S3.

If necessary, rake publish can be invoked from within the nfg_ui parent directory, separately:

rake publish           # upload assets to S3; fails if files are already exist for the release
rake publish[override] # uploads assets to S3 without checking for existing files

Trait details

Traits are designed to allow you to speedily build components, or pre-design complex components using meaningful symbols.

Traits are pre-designed / pre-created in the gem (the process / system for this is getting an update after some very cool conversations recently, but the implementation on the front end likely won't be changing)

We use two general "kinds" of traits (this is being examined in more detail, but the usage is the same).

The first "kind" of trait is "speedy" versions of options. The second "kind" of trait are more like a combination of options.

We do this, for example, with an error alert, which then pre-supplies a set of options...

= ui.nfg :alert, :error

// is the pre-designed error alert that looks like this:
= ui.nfg :alert, :dismissible, theme: :danger, heading: 'Oops!', body: 'There appears to be someting wrong with your submission! Please take a look...'

The second kind of trait is the speedy version (described above).

Here are some implementation examples of speedy traits:

  • For components that are "themeable" (alerts, buttons, etc) and are designated as such, automatically get a theme trait:
    • ui.nfg :button, :primary is a speedy way to write ui.nfg :button, theme: :primary
    • :primary
    • :secondary
    • :success
    • :danger
    • :warning
    • :info
    • :light
    • :dark
  • For components that are resizable (buttons, modals, etc)
    • ui.nfg :button, :large is the same as ui.nfg :button, size: :large
    • :lg
    • :large
    • :sm
    • :small
  • For components that are collapsible (Tiles for example)
    • ui.nfg :tile, :collapsible is the same as ui.nfg :tile, collapsed: false
    • ui.nfg :tile, :collapsed is the same as ui.nfg :tile, collapsed: true
    • :collapsible
    • :collapsed
  • And more... to be documented

More soon...

NFG Components

Syntax: = ui.nfg :component_name, optional_traits, options

Components are organized into 4 major groupings. Currently 3 of the groupings are available through this gem.


The basic essentials that form elements

  • :color
  • :icon
  • :image
  • :input
  • :grid
  • :typeface


The main component blocks, made up of foundation components.

  • :activity
  • :alert
  • :badge
  • :breadcrumb
  • :breadcrumb_item
  • :button
  • :chart
  • :dropdown
  • :form_control
  • :input_group
  • :key
  • :list_group_item
  • :loader
  • :media_object
  • :nav
  • :popover
  • :progress_bar
  • :slat
  • :stat
  • :table
  • :task
  • :tooltip


Groupings of elements to create rich interfaces. For example, an :activity_feed (one of the patterns) is made up many :activity

  • :activity_feed
  • :button_group
  • :card
  • :carousel
  • :empty_state
  • :filter_bar
  • :form_group
  • :graph
  • :jumbotron
  • :list_group
  • :media
  • :modal
  • :navbar
  • :task_list
  • Tiles
    • :tile
    • :tile_body
    • :tile_header
    • :tile_section

Component traits for design system components

Coming soon

Bootstrap design system components

Utilize all bootstrap4 components, coded to strict bootstrap standards via a similar method: = ui.bootstrap :my_component, options...

Note: while the names of bootstrap components and network for good components may be similar or identical (ex.: the design system has an :alert as does bootstrap), do not use bootstrap components on the front-end. Only use ui.nfg components for front-end code. Great care has been taken to ensure that any component you'd expect to have from bootstrap4 is made available by an appropriately coded and designed design system component

The bootstrap side of this will eventually be isolated into its own gem. Until then, it lives within the nfg_ui gem.

// An example alert
= ui.nfg :alert, theme: :danger, dismissible: false, headline: 'Oh snap!', body: 'The alert body content'

// Build your own button
= ui.bootstrap :button, theme: :danger, data: { describe: 'delete-button' } do
  = fa_icon 'trash', class: 'mr-1', text: 'Delete Row'

Bootstrap components

Syntax: = ui.bootstrap :component_name, options

  • :alert
  • :badge
  • :breadcrumb
  • :breadcrumb_item
  • :button
  • :button_group
  • :card
  • :carousel
  • :dropdown
  • :form
  • :input_group
  • :jumbotron
  • :list_group
  • :list_group_item
  • :media_object
  • :modal
  • :nav
  • :navbar
  • :pagination
  • :popover
  • :progress
  • :table
  • :tooltip

Local development & accessing documentation

  1. Clone repo:
$ git clone
  1. Bundle gems
$ bundle exec bundle install

To test the gem locally on your host app

See this gist:

All done!

To browse the components:

Browse the components at: http://localhost:3000/

From the gem's root directory (not spec/test_app/):, Begin rails server the normal way.

$ rails s

If you're running other rails apps on port 3000 or 3001 you can run this on another port, for example:

$ rails s -p 3003

Documentation .haml files can be found here:


Within that folder are all of the component code examples found when you click through the navigation. Divided up as Bootstrap, then the grouping names: patterns, elements, foundations.


From the gem's root directory (not spec/test_app/): This gem comes with spring, you can use spring when executing rspec

$ spring rspec

To do's:

  1. Create a generator for adding a new bootstrap component and a new nfg component. perhaps run through a script (or skip) to set it up to have utilities in place... do you want it to be...
$ Collapsible? (Y/n):
  1. Write out a step by step process for manually creating a component of different nesting levels

  2. Trait documentation

  3. RDoc

  4. Userful error library, particularly on any quirky things (also note quirky things as code-smell stuff to fix.).

  5. Look into setting up an installer for allowing configuration options (specifically, initially on whether or not to include simple_form)

  6. Host test_app on heroku for online documentation

  7. Migrate test_app content into the design system CMS app.

  8. Design token integration

  9. API feed for design token for third party sites like wordpress?

  10. Add I18n lookup.

  11. Update browser gem in all NFG apps to 2.5+

  12. Review what's involved in having simple_form "subscribe" to our design system inputs and form controls, particularly the advanced ones (like radio buttons with images) so that the design system is actually hosting the html and not obnoxiously complicated simple_form classes doing that job.

  13. Design tokens

  14. need a better way to define and create / map traits. I am not enjoying the bloat in attr_readers...

  15. Generator for customizable components with commented out class methods (like devise's generated controllers) for easy customization (reference that kicked this off was the modal title ... allowing an icon on the bs version might be what you want to do if you're a gem consumer...)

  16. Consider implementing a universal catch all "content" attribute when there's only one region so that users don't need to guess if a something like the dropdown header uses heading or body or content for passing in the content.

  17. Create a registered list ... for things like tooltippable nfg components (all? some?) -- that way can mass add modules for nfg side as needed.

  18. Look into collapsible toggle / collapse toggle, There are lots of buttons that have their classes removed so they can behave as a "link"

  19. Trait specs

  20. Consider moving component_css_class out of private so it can be manipulated in the component (instead of needing stuff like remove_component_css_classes methods)

  21. Author useful error notifications for missing traits (instead of 'something_trait' method error)

  22. need an overlay_blocker

  23. should form-row be a (nfg?) component? see: Givecorps-site/app/views/bootstrap4/addresses/_address_form.html.haml

  24. card sub title and card title components?

  25. consider typeface for link_to so we can supply our luxuries to link_to.

  26. Add a trait for dropdown items where we pass in a "not_deletable" type of attribute that shows when a can't delete condition is present -- or make it more generic and have it be embedded dropdown text that we conditionalize on the component.

  27. Examine how theme css prefix class is being worked out... looks like we'd be better off having some kind of value that's shared / accessible... somethign like "type of theme" ... :text (text-success). right now, we're doing it by setting the prefix to 'text-'

  28. Slat list sm ...

  29. Render_if doesn't see nil as falsy. Fix that.

  30. Add a generator to supply the bootstrap shared examples for spec writing your own components.

  31. Need to integrate will_paginate rendering into the nfg_ui gem.

Component tooltip/icon auto list for backup FOUNDATION_COMPONENT_NAMES = %i[color icon image input grid typeface].freeze

ELEMENT_COMPONENT_NAMES = %i[activity alert [icon, tooltip] badge [icon, tooltip] breadcrumb breadcrumb_item [icon, tooltip] button [icon, tooltip] chart dropdown_divider dropdown_header [icon, tooltip] dropdown_item [icon, tooltip] dropdown_toggle [icon, tooltip] embed form_control [icon, tooltip] input_group [icon, tooltip] key list_group_item [icon, tooltip] loader [icon] media_body [icon, tooltip] media_object [icon, tooltip] modal_body [icon, tooltip] modal_footer modal_header [icon] nav nav_item [icon, tooltip] nav_link navbar_brand [icon] navbar_text navbar_toggler [icon] popover [icon] progress_bar [tooltip] slat [icon, tooltip] stat [icon, tooltip] tab_pane table [icon, tooltip] task [icon, tooltip]

PATTERN_COMPONENT_NAMES = %i[activity_feed [icon, tooltip] button_group [tooltip] button_toolbar [tooltip] card [icon, tooltip] carousel [icon, tooltip] collapse [icon, tooltip] dropdown [icon, tooltip] dropdown_menu empty_state [icon, tooltip] filter_bar [tooltip] form_group [tooltip] graph jumbotron list_group media [tooltip] modal [icon] navbar navbar_nav page_header tab_content task_list tile [icon, tooltip] tile_body [icon, tooltip] tile_header [icon, tooltip] tile_section [icon]