diff --git a/docs/chat.md b/docs/chat.md
index 3c9fe3bbe14..b9ad01e7213 100644
--- a/docs/chat.md
+++ b/docs/chat.md
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ See [OCP\RichObjectStrings\Definitions](https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob
| `messageType` | string | A message type to show the message in different styles. Currently known: `voice-message` and `comment` |
| `caption` | string | A caption message that should be shown together with the shared file (only available with `media-caption` capability) |
+| `replyTo` | int | The message ID this caption message is a reply to (only allowed for messages from the same conversation and when the message type is not `system` or `command`) |
| `silent` | bool | If sent silent the message will not create chat notifications even for mentions (only available with `media-caption` capability, yes `media-caption` not `silent-send`) |
* Response: [See official OCS Share API docs](https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/client_apis/OCS/ocs-share-api.html?highlight=sharing#create-a-new-share)
diff --git a/lib/Chat/ChatManager.php b/lib/Chat/ChatManager.php
index 6ef082b4e46..eef6972066d 100644
--- a/lib/Chat/ChatManager.php
+++ b/lib/Chat/ChatManager.php
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public function addSystemMessage(
\DateTime $creationDateTime,
bool $sendNotifications,
?string $referenceId = null,
- ?int $parentId = null,
+ ?IComment $replyTo = null,
bool $shouldSkipLastMessageUpdate = false,
bool $silent = false,
): IComment {
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ public function addSystemMessage(
- if ($parentId !== null) {
- $comment->setParentId((string) $parentId);
+ if ($replyTo !== null) {
+ $comment->setParentId($replyTo->getId());
$messageDecoded = json_decode($message, true);
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ public function addSystemMessage(
$this->setMessageExpiration($chat, $comment);
+ $shouldFlush = $this->notificationManager->defer();
$event = new BeforeSystemMessageSentEvent($chat, $comment, silent: $silent, skipLastActivityUpdate: $shouldSkipLastMessageUpdate);
$event = new ChatEvent($chat, $comment, $shouldSkipLastMessageUpdate, $silent);
@@ -182,6 +184,29 @@ public function addSystemMessage(
if ($sendNotifications) {
+ /** @var ?IComment $captionComment */
+ $captionComment = null;
+ $alreadyNotifiedUsers = $usersDirectlyMentioned = [];
+ if ($messageType === 'file_shared') {
+ if (isset($messageDecoded['parameters']['metaData']['caption'])) {
+ $captionComment = clone $comment;
+ $captionComment->setMessage($messageDecoded['parameters']['metaData']['caption'], self::MAX_CHAT_LENGTH);
+ $usersDirectlyMentioned = $this->notifier->getMentionedUserIds($captionComment);
+ }
+ if ($replyTo instanceof IComment) {
+ $alreadyNotifiedUsers = $this->notifier->notifyReplyToAuthor($chat, $comment, $replyTo, $silent);
+ if ($replyTo->getActorType() === Attendee::ACTOR_USERS) {
+ $usersDirectlyMentioned[] = $replyTo->getActorId();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $alreadyNotifiedUsers = $this->notifier->notifyMentionedUsers($chat, $captionComment ?? $comment, $alreadyNotifiedUsers, $silent);
+ if (!empty($alreadyNotifiedUsers)) {
+ $userIds = array_column($alreadyNotifiedUsers, 'id');
+ $this->participantService->markUsersAsMentioned($chat, $userIds, (int) $comment->getId(), $usersDirectlyMentioned);
+ }
$this->notifier->notifyOtherParticipant($chat, $comment, [], $silent);
@@ -203,6 +228,10 @@ public function addSystemMessage(
+ if ($shouldFlush) {
+ $this->notificationManager->flush();
+ }
if ($messageType === 'object_shared' || $messageType === 'file_shared') {
$this->attachmentService->createAttachmentEntry($chat, $comment, $messageType, $messageDecoded['parameters'] ?? []);
@@ -466,7 +495,7 @@ public function deleteMessage(Room $chat, IComment $comment, Participant $partic
- (int) $comment->getId(),
+ $comment,
diff --git a/lib/Chat/ReactionManager.php b/lib/Chat/ReactionManager.php
index e825d7ec6ab..b1f174b6e8e 100644
--- a/lib/Chat/ReactionManager.php
+++ b/lib/Chat/ReactionManager.php
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public function addReactionMessage(Room $chat, string $actorType, string $actorI
public function deleteReactionMessage(Room $chat, string $actorType, string $actorId, int $messageId, string $reaction): IComment {
// Just to verify that messageId is part of the room and throw error if not.
- $this->getCommentToReact($chat, (string) $messageId);
+ $parentComment = $this->getCommentToReact($chat, (string) $messageId);
$comment = $this->commentsManager->getReactionComment(
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public function deleteReactionMessage(Room $chat, string $actorType, string $act
- $messageId,
+ $parentComment,
diff --git a/lib/Chat/SystemMessage/Listener.php b/lib/Chat/SystemMessage/Listener.php
index f671dff8a72..80af7f69b64 100644
--- a/lib/Chat/SystemMessage/Listener.php
+++ b/lib/Chat/SystemMessage/Listener.php
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
use DateInterval;
use OCA\Talk\Chat\ChatManager;
+use OCA\Talk\Chat\MessageParser;
use OCA\Talk\Events\AAttendeeRemovedEvent;
use OCA\Talk\Events\AParticipantModifiedEvent;
use OCA\Talk\Events\ARoomModifiedEvent;
@@ -51,8 +52,10 @@
use OCA\Talk\Webinary;
use OCP\AppFramework\Utility\ITimeFactory;
use OCP\Comments\IComment;
+use OCP\Comments\NotFoundException;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\Event;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventListener;
+use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\ISession;
use OCP\IUser;
@@ -75,6 +78,8 @@ public function __construct(
protected ITimeFactory $timeFactory,
protected Manager $manager,
protected ParticipantService $participantService,
+ protected MessageParser $messageParser,
+ protected IL10N $l,
) {
@@ -455,12 +460,28 @@ protected function sendSystemMessage(Room $room, string $message, array $paramet
$referenceId = (string) $referenceId;
+ $parent = null;
+ $replyTo = $parameters['metaData']['replyTo'] ?? null;
+ if ($replyTo !== null) {
+ try {
+ $parentComment = $this->chatManager->getParentComment($room, (string) $replyTo);
+ $parentMessage = $this->messageParser->createMessage($room, $participant, $parentComment, $this->l);
+ $this->messageParser->parseMessage($parentMessage);
+ if ($parentMessage->isReplyable()) {
+ $parent = $parentComment;
+ }
+ } catch (NotFoundException) {
+ }
+ }
return $this->chatManager->addSystemMessage(
$room, $actorType, $actorId,
json_encode(['message' => $message, 'parameters' => $parameters]),
- $this->timeFactory->getDateTime(), $message === 'file_shared',
+ $this->timeFactory->getDateTime(),
+ $message === 'file_shared',
- null,
+ $parent,
diff --git a/src/components/NewMessage/NewMessage.vue b/src/components/NewMessage/NewMessage.vue
index eeead3bcd09..79f1801e55d 100644
--- a/src/components/NewMessage/NewMessage.vue
+++ b/src/components/NewMessage/NewMessage.vue
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
@@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ export default {
if (this.upload) {
// Clear input content from store
this.$store.dispatch('setCurrentMessageInput', { token: this.token, text: '' })
+ this.$store.dispatch('removeMessageToBeReplied', this.token)
if (this.$store.getters.getInitialisedUploads(this.$store.getters.currentUploadId).length) {
// If dialog contains files to upload, delegate sending
diff --git a/src/store/fileUploadStore.js b/src/store/fileUploadStore.js
index 5478be2f588..11fc99477e4 100644
--- a/src/store/fileUploadStore.js
+++ b/src/store/fileUploadStore.js
@@ -375,6 +375,9 @@ const actions = {
if (options?.silent) {
Object.assign(rawMetadata, { silent: options.silent })
+ if (temporaryMessage.parent) {
+ Object.assign(rawMetadata, { replyTo: temporaryMessage.parent.id })
+ }
const metadata = JSON.stringify(rawMetadata)
try {
diff --git a/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php b/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php
index 126e152587f..1a4bc71f26b 100644
--- a/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php
+++ b/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php
@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ public static function getTokenForIdentifier(string $identifier) {
return self::$identifierToToken[$identifier];
+ public static function getMessageIdForText(string $text): int {
+ return self::$textToMessageId[$text];
+ }
public static function getActorIdForPhoneNumber(string $phoneNumber): string {
return self::$phoneNumberToActorId[$phoneNumber];
diff --git a/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/SharingContext.php b/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/SharingContext.php
index 151c25b6296..70b47abd69e 100644
--- a/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/SharingContext.php
+++ b/tests/integration/features/bootstrap/SharingContext.php
@@ -775,15 +775,28 @@ private function userSharesWith(string $user, string $path, string $shareType, s
$parameters[] = 'shareType=' . $shareType;
$parameters[] = 'shareWith=' . $shareWith;
+ $talkMetaData = [];
if ($body instanceof TableNode) {
foreach ($body->getRowsHash() as $key => $value) {
if ($key === 'expireDate' && $value !== 'invalid date') {
$value = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value));
- $parameters[] = $key . '=' . $value;
+ if ($key === 'talkMetaData.replyTo') {
+ $value = FeatureContext::getMessageIdForText($value);
+ }
+ if (str_starts_with($key, 'talkMetaData.')) {
+ $talkMetaData[substr($key, 13)] = $value;
+ } else {
+ $parameters[] = $key . '=' . $value;
+ }
+ if (!empty($talkMetaData)) {
+ $parameters[] = 'talkMetaData=' . json_encode($talkMetaData);
+ }
$url .= '?' . implode('&', $parameters);
$this->sendingTo('POST', $url);
diff --git a/tests/integration/features/chat-1/file-share.feature b/tests/integration/features/chat-1/file-share.feature
index 96f4237ee57..0b8b01d001e 100644
--- a/tests/integration/features/chat-1/file-share.feature
+++ b/tests/integration/features/chat-1/file-share.feature
@@ -42,6 +42,45 @@ Feature: chat/file-share
| room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters |
| public room | users | participant1 | participant1-displayname | {mention-user1} | "IGNORE" |
+ Scenario: Captioned message as a reply
+ Given user "participant1" creates room "public room" (v4)
+ | roomType | 3 |
+ | roomName | room |
+ And user "participant1" adds user "participant2" to room "public room" with 200 (v4)
+ And user "participant2" sends message "Message 1" to room "public room" with 201
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "public room" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | public room | users | participant2 | participant2-displayname | Message 1 | [] | |
+ When user "participant1" shares "welcome.txt" with room "public room"
+ | talkMetaData.caption | @participant2 |
+ | talkMetaData.replyTo | Message 1 |
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "public room" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | public room | users | participant1 | participant1-displayname | {mention-user1} | "IGNORE" | Message 1 |
+ | public room | users | participant2 | participant2-displayname | Message 1 | [] | |
+ Scenario: Captioned message can not reply cross chats
+ Given user "participant1" creates room "room1" (v4)
+ | roomType | 3 |
+ | roomName | room |
+ Given user "participant1" creates room "room2" (v4)
+ | roomType | 3 |
+ | roomName | room |
+ And user "participant1" adds user "participant2" to room "room1" with 200 (v4)
+ And user "participant2" sends message "Message 1" to room "room1" with 201
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "room1" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | room1 | users | participant2 | participant2-displayname | Message 1 | [] | |
+ When user "participant1" shares "welcome.txt" with room "room2"
+ | talkMetaData.caption | @participant2 |
+ | talkMetaData.replyTo | Message 1 |
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "room1" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | room1 | users | participant2 | participant2-displayname | Message 1 | [] | |
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "room2" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | room2 | users | participant1 | participant1-displayname | {mention-user1} | "IGNORE" | |
Scenario: Can not share a file without chat permission
Given user "participant1" creates room "public room" (v4)
| roomType | 3 |
diff --git a/tests/integration/features/chat-1/notifications.feature b/tests/integration/features/chat-1/notifications.feature
index 0549f2b4df9..8d66570e29a 100644
--- a/tests/integration/features/chat-1/notifications.feature
+++ b/tests/integration/features/chat-1/notifications.feature
@@ -373,6 +373,48 @@ Feature: chat/notifications
| app | object_type | object_id | subject |
| spreed | chat | room/Hi @all @participant2 @"group/attendees1" bye | participant1-displayname replied to your message in conversation room |
+ Scenario: Replying with a captioned file gives a reply notification
+ When user "participant1" creates room "room" (v4)
+ | roomType | 2 |
+ | roomName | room |
+ And user "participant1" adds user "participant2" to room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ And user "participant1" adds group "attendees1" to room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ # Join and leave to clear the invite notification
+ Given user "participant2" joins room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ Given user "participant2" leaves room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ When user "participant2" sends message "Message 1" to room "room" with 201
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "room" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | room | users | participant2 | participant2-displayname | Message 1 | [] | |
+ When user "participant1" shares "welcome.txt" with room "room"
+ | talkMetaData.caption | Caption 1-1 |
+ | talkMetaData.replyTo | Message 1 |
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "room" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | room | users | participant1 | participant1-displayname | Caption 1-1 | "IGNORE" | Message 1 |
+ | room | users | participant2 | participant2-displayname | Message 1 | [] | |
+ Then user "participant2" has the following notifications
+ | app | object_type | object_id | subject |
+ | spreed | chat | room/Caption 1-1 | participant1-displayname replied to your message in conversation room |
+ Scenario: Mentions in captions trigger normal mention notifications
+ When user "participant1" creates room "room" (v4)
+ | roomType | 2 |
+ | roomName | room |
+ And user "participant1" adds user "participant2" to room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ And user "participant1" adds group "attendees1" to room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ # Join and leave to clear the invite notification
+ Given user "participant2" joins room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ Given user "participant2" leaves room "room" with 200 (v4)
+ When user "participant1" shares "welcome.txt" with room "room"
+ | talkMetaData.caption | @participant2 |
+ Then user "participant1" sees the following messages in room "room" with 200
+ | room | actorType | actorId | actorDisplayName | message | messageParameters | parentMessage |
+ | room | users | participant1 | participant1-displayname | {mention-user1} | "IGNORE" | |
+ Then user "participant2" has the following notifications
+ | app | object_type | object_id | subject |
+ | spreed | chat | room/{mention-user1} | participant1-displayname mentioned you in conversation room |
Scenario: Delete notification when the message is deleted
When user "participant1" creates room "one-to-one room" (v4)
| roomType | 1 |
diff --git a/tests/php/Chat/ChatManagerTest.php b/tests/php/Chat/ChatManagerTest.php
index 99fd88e2bb0..cd05ddaaa48 100644
--- a/tests/php/Chat/ChatManagerTest.php
+++ b/tests/php/Chat/ChatManagerTest.php
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ public function testDeleteMessage(): void {
$chatManager = $this->getManager(['addSystemMessage']);
- ->with($chat, Attendee::ACTOR_USERS, 'user', $this->anything(), $this->anything(), false, null, 123456)
+ ->with($chat, Attendee::ACTOR_USERS, 'user', $this->anything(), $this->anything(), false, null, $comment)
$this->assertSame($systemMessage, $chatManager->deleteMessage($chat, $comment, $participant, $date));
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ public function testDeleteMessageFileShare(): void {
$chatManager = $this->getManager(['addSystemMessage']);
- ->with($chat, Attendee::ACTOR_USERS, 'user', $this->anything(), $this->anything(), false, null, 123456)
+ ->with($chat, Attendee::ACTOR_USERS, 'user', $this->anything(), $this->anything(), false, null, $comment)
$this->assertSame($systemMessage, $chatManager->deleteMessage($chat, $comment, $participant, $date));
diff --git a/tests/php/Chat/SystemMessage/ListenerTest.php b/tests/php/Chat/SystemMessage/ListenerTest.php
index e859ca24297..8667ce3e6bf 100644
--- a/tests/php/Chat/SystemMessage/ListenerTest.php
+++ b/tests/php/Chat/SystemMessage/ListenerTest.php
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
namespace OCA\Talk\Tests\php\Chat\SystemMessage;
use OCA\Talk\Chat\ChatManager;
+use OCA\Talk\Chat\MessageParser;
use OCA\Talk\Chat\SystemMessage\Listener;
use OCA\Talk\Events\AParticipantModifiedEvent;
use OCA\Talk\Events\ARoomModifiedEvent;
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
use OCP\AppFramework\Utility\ITimeFactory;
use OCP\Comments\IComment;
use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher;
+use OCP\IL10N;
use OCP\IRequest;
use OCP\ISession;
use OCP\IUser;
@@ -71,6 +73,8 @@ class ListenerTest extends TestCase {
protected $manager;
/** @var ParticipantService|MockObject */
protected $participantService;
+ /** @var MessageParser|MockObject */
+ protected $messageParser;
protected ?array $handlers = null;
protected ?\DateTime $dummyTime = null;
@@ -94,6 +98,13 @@ protected function setUp(): void {
$this->eventDispatcher = $this->createMock(IEventDispatcher::class);
$this->manager = $this->createMock(Manager::class);
$this->participantService = $this->createMock(ParticipantService::class);
+ $this->messageParser = $this->createMock(MessageParser::class);
+ $l = $this->createMock(IL10N::class);
+ $l->expects($this->any())
+ ->method('t')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function ($string, $args) {
+ return vsprintf($string, $args);
+ });
$this->handlers = [];
@@ -112,6 +123,8 @@ protected function setUp(): void {
+ $this->messageParser,
+ $l,