diff --git a/applications/NXmx.nxdl.xml b/applications/NXmx.nxdl.xml
index c3befb0495..a8eda7a497 100644
--- a/applications/NXmx.nxdl.xml
+++ b/applications/NXmx.nxdl.xml
@@ -142,6 +142,50 @@
+ An optional scaling factor to apply to the values in ``data``.
+ The elements in ``data`` are often stored as integers for efficiency reasons and need
+ further correction, generating floats. The two fields data_scaling_factor and
+ data_offset allow linear corrections using the following convention:
+ .. code-block::
+ corrected_data = (data + offset) * scaling_factor
+ This formula will derive the corrected value, when necessary.
+ data_scaling_factor is sometimes known as gain and data_offset is sometimes
+ known as pedestal or background, depending on the community.
+ Use these fields to specify constants that need to be applied
+ to the data to correct it to physical values. For example, if the detector gain
+ is 10 counts per photon and a constant background of 400 needs to be subtracted
+ off the pixels, specify data_scaling_factor as 0.1 and data_offset as -400 to
+ specify the required conversion from raw counts to corrected photons. It
+ is implied processing software will apply these corrections on-the-fly during processing.
+ The rank of these fields should either be a single value for the full dataset, a
+ single per-pixel array applied to every image (dimensions (i, j) or (i, j, k)),
+ or a per-image correction specified with an array whose slowest rank is nP (dimensions
+ (np, 1), (np, i, j) or (np, i, j, k)).
+ When omitted, the scaling factor is assumed to be 1.
+ An optional offset to apply to the values in data.
+ When omitted, the offset is assumed to be 0.
+ See :ref:`data_scaling_factor </NXmx/ENTRY/DATA/data_scaling_factor-field>` for more information.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
index 67b54a7b0e..9562baa93f 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
@@ -446,21 +446,56 @@
- The elements in data are usually float values really. For
- efficiency reasons these are usually stored as integers
- after scaling with a scale factor. This value is the scale
- factor. It is required to get the actual physical value,
- when necessary.
+ An optional scaling factor to apply to the values in any field named ``FIELDNAME``
+ in this ``NXdata`` group. This can be a :ref:`DATA </NXdata/DATA-field>` field
+ (signal or auxiliary signal) or a :ref:`AXISNAME </NXdata/AXISNAME-field>`
+ field (axis).
+ The elements stored in NXdata datasets are often stored as integers for efficiency
+ reasons and need further correction or conversion, generating floats. For example,
+ raw values could be stored from a device that need to be converted to values that
+ represent the physical values. The two fields FIELDNAME_scaling_factor and
+ FIELDNAME_offset allow linear corrections using the following convention:
+ .. code-block::
+ corrected values = (FIELDNAME + offset) * scaling_factor
+ This formula will derive the values to use in downstream applications, when necessary.
+ When omitted, the scaling factor is assumed to be 1.
- An optional offset to apply to the values in data.
+ An optional offset to apply to the values in FIELDNAME (usually the signal).
+ When omitted, the offset is assumed to be 0.
+ See :ref:`FIELDNAME_scaling_factor </NXdata/FIELDNAME_scaling_factor-field>` for more information.
+ The scaling_factor and FIELDNAME_scaling_factor fields have similar semantics.
+ However, scaling_factor is ambiguous in the case of multiple signals. Therefore
+ scaling_factor is deprecated. Use FIELDNAME_scaling_factor instead, even when
+ only a single signal is present.
+ The offset and FIELDNAME_offset fields have similar semantics.
+ However, offset is ambiguous in the case of multiple signals. Therefore
+ offset is deprecated. Use FIELDNAME_offset instead, even when
+ only a single signal is present.
diff --git a/manual/source/datarules.rst b/manual/source/datarules.rst
index fcbd236a14..2dd703d962 100644
--- a/manual/source/datarules.rst
+++ b/manual/source/datarules.rst
@@ -231,21 +231,26 @@ the following table lists the suffixes reserved by NeXus.
reserved suffixes; mask
reserved suffixes; set
reserved suffixes; weights
-================== ========================================= =================================
-suffix reference meaning
-================== ========================================= =================================
-``_end`` :ref:`NXtransformations` end points of the motions that start with ``DATASET``
-``_errors`` :ref:`NXdata` uncertainties (a.k.a., errors)
-``_increment_set`` :ref:`NXtransformations` intended average range through which the corresponding axis moves during the exposure of a frame
-``_indices`` :ref:`NXdata` Integer array that defines the indices of the signal field which need to be used in the ``DATASET`` in order to reference the corresponding axis value
-``_mask`` .. Field containing a signal mask, where 0 means the pixel is not masked. If required, bit masks are defined in :ref:`NXdetector` ``pixel_mask``.
-``_set`` :ref:`target values ` Target value of ``DATASET``
-``_weights`` .. divide ``DATASET`` by these weights [#]_
-================== ========================================= =================================
-.. [#] If ``DATASET_weights`` exists and has the same shape as the field,
- you are supposed to divide ``DATASET`` by the weights.
+ reserved suffixes; scaling_factor
+ reserved suffixes; offset
+=================== ========================================= =================================
+suffix reference meaning
+=================== ========================================= =================================
+``_end`` :ref:`NXtransformations` end points of the motions that start with ``DATASET``
+``_errors`` :ref:`NXdata` uncertainties (a.k.a., errors)
+``_increment_set`` :ref:`NXtransformations` intended average range through which the corresponding axis moves during the exposure of a frame
+``_indices`` :ref:`NXdata` Integer array that defines the indices of the signal field which need to be used in the ``DATASET`` in order to reference the corresponding axis value
+``_mask`` .. Field containing a signal mask, where 0 means the pixel is not masked. If required, bit masks are defined in :ref:`NXdetector` ``pixel_mask``.
+``_set`` :ref:`target values ` Target value of ``DATASET``
+``_weights`` .. divide ``DATASET`` by these weights [#suffix_note]_
+``_scaling_factor`` :ref:`NXdata` Multiply ``DATASET`` by this factor [#suffix_note]_
+``_offset`` :ref:`NXdata` Add this factor to ``DATASET`` [#suffix_note]_
+=================== ========================================= =================================
+.. [#suffix_note] If ``DATASET_weights`` exists and has the same shape as the field,
+ you are supposed to divide ``DATASET`` by the weights. Similarly, if `DATASET_scaling_factor` and/or
+ `DATASET_offset` exist, apply this equation: (``DATASET`` + ``DATASET_offset``) * ``DATASET_scaling_factor``
.. Note that the following line might be added to the above table pending discussion: