The following commands are available through npm run
(or, if configured
Command | Purpose |
build | Runs code through build process via Angular compiler (ngc) |
g | Generate code files (see above) |
lint | Verify code matches linting rules |
start | Run Webpack's dev-server on project (can be run as npm start ) |
test | Execute unit tests (can be run as npm test <type> ) |
tagVersion | Creates tag for new version and publishes |
To add an external script, add it with a script-loader!
prefix to the
array of entry
in webpack/
(for the dev server)
and add it to the files array of karma.conf.js
(for testing).
An example, adding the file at node_modules/ext-dep/dist/dep.min.js
/** **/
module.exports = {
// other config
entry: {
app: [ path.resolve(rootDir, 'examples', 'example.main') ],
scripts: [
// this is the external script line
'script-loader!' + path.resolve(rootDir, 'node_modules/ext-dep/dep.min')
vendor: [ path.resolve(rootDir, 'src', 'vendor')],
styles: [ path.resolve(rootDir, 'examples', 'styles.scss') ]
// rest of config
/** karma.conf.js **/
module.exports = function (config) {
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [
// this is the external script line
{ pattern: './src/test.js', watched: false }
// rest of config
Unit testing is done using Karma and Webpack. The setup is all done during the initialize
The provided testing commands will watch your files for changes.
The two following command is provided by default:
npm test <type>
This command calls the script at tasks/test.js
and runs the Karma test runner to execute the tests.
Prior to running Karma, the test
command looks for a command line argument, if the argument is known,
it will run the associated configuration, otherwise it will run the default configuration.
Type | Testing TypeScript |
default | Run through PhantomJS one time with no file watching |
all | Run through Chrome & PhantomJS with files being watched & tests automatically re-run |
headless | Run through PhantomJS with files being watched & tests automatically re-run |
watch | Run through Chrome with files being watched & tests automatically re-run |
Note that Chrome still requires a manual refresh on the Debug tab to see updated test results.
Packaging is as simple as publishing to NPM by doing
npm run tagVersion
To test your packages output before publishing, you can run
npm pack
Which will generate a compressed file containing your library as it will look when packaged up and published to NPM. The basic structure of a published library is:
As you can see, the packaging removes any files specific to developing your library. It, more importantly, creates distribution files for usage with many different module systems.