- Contributions
- Project build
- Testing
- Coding guidelines
- Continuous testing
- Code Coverage
- Clean
- Data mapping plugins
All contributions to this project are welcome. Developers planning to contribute should follow the Contribution Guidelines
The project is managed using npm.
For a list of available task, type
npm run
The following sections show the available options in detail.
A MongoDB 3.2+ instance is required to run tests. You can deploy one by using the commodity
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
To run docker compose you will need docker and docker-compose.
Mocha Test Runner + Should.js Assertion Library.
The test environment is preconfigured to run BDD testing style.
Module mocking during testing can be done with proxyquire
To run tests, type
npm test
There are additional targets starting with test:
prefix to run specific test subsets isolatedly. For instance, the
target runs the subset of tests related with expression language feature:
npm run test:expressions
To debug the code while running run tests, type
npm run test:debug
In the console the link to the debugger will be provided. You can connect to it via Chrome, for example, by opening the
following url: chrome://inspect
Additional debug clients are listed on node.js.
Uses the provided .eslintrc.json
flag file. To check source code style, type
npm run lint
Support for continuous testing by modifying a src file or a test. For continuous testing, type
npm run test:watch
If you want to continuously check also source code style, use instead:
npm run watch
Analyze the code coverage of your tests.
To generate an HTML coverage report under site/coverage/
and to print out a summary, type
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run test:coverage
Removes node_modules
and coverage
folders, and package-lock.json
file so that a fresh copy of the project is
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run clean
Checks the Markdown documentation for consistency
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run lint:md
Uses the provided .textlintrc
flag file. To check the Markdown documentation for spelling and grammar errors, dead
links & etc.
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run lint:text
Removes node_modules
and coverage
folders, and package-lock.json
file so that a fresh copy of the project is
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run clean
Runs the prettier code formatter to ensure consistent code style (whitespacing, parameter placement and breakup of long lines etc.) within the codebase.
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run prettier
To ensure consistent Markdown formatting run the following:
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run prettier:text
The table below shows the information held in the service group provisioning resource. The table also contains the correspondence between the API resource fields and the same fields in the database model.
| Payload Field | DB Field | Definition |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---- |
| service
| service
| Service of the devices of this type |
| subservice
| subservice
| Subservice of the devices of this type. |
| resource
| resource
| string representing the Southbound resource that will be used to assign a type to a device (e.g.: pathname in the southbound port). |
| apikey
| apikey
| API Key string. |
| timestamp
| timestamp
| Optional flag about whether or not to add the TimeInstant
attribute to the device entity created, as well as a TimeInstant
metadata to each attribute, with the current timestamp. With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt
property-of-a-property is created instead. | true |
| entity_type
| entity_type
| name of the Entity type
to assign to the group. |
| trust
| trust
| trust token to use for secured access to the Context Broker for this type of devices (optional; only needed for secured scenarios). |
| cbHost
| cbHost
| Context Broker connection information. This options can be used to override the global ones for specific types of devices. |
| lazy
| lazy
| list of common lazy attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name
and type
must be provided. |
| commands
| commands
| list of common commands attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name
and type
must be provided, additional metadata
is optional. |
| attributes
| attributes
| list of common active attributes of the device. For each attribute, its name
and type
must be provided, additional metadata
is optional. |
| static_attributes
| staticAttributes
| this attributes will be added to all the entities of this group 'as is', additional metadata
is optional. |
| internal_attributes
| internalAttributes
| optional section with free format, to allow specific IoT Agents to store information along with the devices in the Device Registry. |
| expressionLanguage
| expresionLanguage
| optional boolean value, to set expression language used to compute expressions, possible values are: legacy or jexl. When not set or wrongly set, legacy
is used as default value. |
| explicitAttrs
| explicitAttrs
| optional field to support selective ignore of measures so that IOTA doesn’t progress. See details in specific section |
| entityNameExp
| entityNameExp
| optional field to allow use expressions to define entity name, instead default id
and type
| ngsiVersion
| ngsiVersion
| optional string value used in mixed mode to switch between NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD payloads. Possible values are: v2
or ld
. The default is v2
. When not running in mixed mode, this field is ignored. |
| defaultEntityNameConjunction
| defaultEntityNameConjunction
| optional string value to set default conjunction string used to compose a default entity_name
when is not provided at device provisioning time. |
| autoprovision
| autoprovision
| optional boolean: If false
, autoprovisioned devices (i.e. devices that are not created with an explicit provision operation but when the first measure arrives) are not allowed in this group. Default (in the case of omitting the field) is true
. |
The table below shows the information held in the Device resource. The table also contains the correspondence between the API resource fields and the same fields in the database model.
Payload Field | DB Field | Definition | Example of value |
device_id |
id |
Device ID that will be used to identify the device. | UO834IO |
service |
service |
Name of the service the device belongs to (will be used in the fiware-service header). | smartGondor |
service_path |
subservice |
Name of the subservice the device belongs to (used in the fiware-servicepath header). | /gardens |
entity_name |
name |
Name of the entity representing the device in the Context Broker | ParkLamplight12 |
entity_type |
type |
Type of the entity in the Context Broker | Lamplights |
timezone |
timezone |
Time zone of the sensor if it has any | America/Santiago |
timestamp |
timestamp |
Optional flag about whether or not to add the TimeInstant attribute to the device entity created, as well as a TimeInstant metadata to each attribute, with the current timestamp. With NGSI-LD, the Standard observedAt property-of-a-property is created instead. |
true |
apikey |
apikey |
Optional Apikey key string to use instead of group apikey | 9n4hb1vpwbjozzmw9f0flf9c2 |
endpoint |
endpoint |
Endpoint where the device is going to receive commands, if any. | http://theDeviceUrl:1234/commands |
protocol |
protocol |
Name of the device protocol, for its use with an IoT Manager. | IoTA-UL |
transport |
transport |
Name of the device transport protocol, for the IoT Agents with multiple transport protocols. | MQTT |
attributes |
active |
List of active attributes of the device | [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ] |
lazy |
lazy |
List of lazy attributes of the device | [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ] |
commands |
commands |
List of commands of the device | [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ] |
internal_attributes |
internalAttributes |
List of internal attributes with free format for specific IoT Agent configuration | LWM2M mappings from object URIs to attributes |
static_attributes |
staticAttributes |
List of static attributes to append to the entity. All the updateContext requests to the CB will have this set of attributes appended. | [ { "name": "attr_name", "type": "Text" } ] |
expressionLanguage |
expresionLanguage |
optional boolean value, to set expression language used to compute expressions, possible values are: legacy or jexl. When not set or wrongly set, legacy is used as default value. | |
explicitAttrs |
explicitAttrs |
optional field to support selective ignore of measures so that IOTA doesn’t progress. See details in specific section | (see details in specific section) |
ngsiVersion |
ngsiVersion |
optional string value used in mixed mode to switch between NGSI-v2 and NGSI-LD payloads. The default is v2 . When not running in mixed mode, this field is ignored. |
v2/ld |
The IoT Agent Library provides a plugin mechanism in order to facilitate reusing code that makes small transformations
on incoming data (both from the device and from the context consumers). This mechanism is based in the use of
middlewares, i.e.: small pieces of code that receive and return an entity
, making as many changes as they need, but
taking care of returning a valid entity, that can be used as the input for other middlewares; this way, all those pieces
of code can be chained together in order to make all the needed transformations in the target entity.
There are two kinds of middlewares: updateContext middlewares and queryContext middlewares. The updateContext
middlewares are applied before the information is sent to the Context Broker, modifiying the entity before it is sent to
Orion. The queryContext middlewares are applied on the received data, whenever the IoT Agent queries the Context Broker
for information. I.e.: both middlewares will be automatically applied whenever the update()
or query()
functions are
called in the library.
All the middlewares have the opportunity to break the chain of middleware applications by calling the callback()
an error object (the usual convention). If any of the updateContext middlewares raise an error, no request will be sent
to the Context Broker. On the other hand, the queryContext request is always performed, but the call to the query()
function will end up in an error if any of the queryContext middlewares report an error.
All the middlewares have the same signature:
function middlewareName(entity, typeInformation, callback) {}
The arguments for any middleware are the NGSI data over which it can operate:
- An updateContext payload in the case of an updateContext middleware and a queryContext payload otherwise;
- a typeInformation object containing all the information about the device stored during registration.
- and the customary
parameter, with the usual meaning. It's really important for the library user to call this callback, as failing to do so may hang the IoT Agent completely. The callback must be called with the an optional error in the first argument and the same arguments received (potentially modified) as the following.
In order to manage the middlewares to the system, the following functions can be used:
: adds an updateContext middleware to the stack of middlewares. All the middlewares will be applied to every call to theupdate()
function. The final payload of the updateContext request will be the result of applying all this middlewares in the order they have been defined. -
: adds a queryContext middleware to the stack of middlewares. All the middlewares will be applied to every call to thequery()
function. -
: remove all the middlewares from the system.
Usually, the full list of middlewares an IoT Agent will use would be added in the IoTAgent start sequence, so they should not change a lot during the IoT lifetime.
The library provides some plugins out of the box, in the dataPlugins
collection. In order to load any of them, just
use the addQueryMiddleware
and addUpdateMiddleware
functions with the selected plugin, as in the example:
var iotaLib = require('iotagent-node-lib');