The idea behind this project is to be able to create a minimum viable product of a real-time messaging web application using websockets technology, deployed in a real production environment.
- Nginx configured proxy pass to Daphne ASGI and Gunicorn WSGI.
- Redis Channel to manage all websockets layers
- All connections over TLS/SSL.
- CSRF token to avoid middleware attacks.
- Wrapped WebSocket connection over the module AuthMiddlewareStack.
- Using JSON files to make messages perisent in sqlite database
Full video on YouTube SpaceChat
Clone repository and after change the name of the folder to app/:
$ git clone
$ ls
$ mv Django-message-app-with-Nginx-Daphne-and-Gunciorn/ app
$ ls
Put the .sock and .service files from the services/
folder in systemd /etc/systemd/system/
and then run:
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl start gunicorn.socket
$ sudo systemctl enable gunicorn.socket
$ sudo systemctl start daphne.service
$ sudo systemctl enable daphne.service
$ sudo reboot
You should also put a script in /etc/init.d
to start Redis after a reboot and also to make sure Daphne and Gunciron are working
#! /bin/bash
service gunicron start
service daphne start
docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:6.2.3
exit 0
Copy the files from nginx_conf/
to configure the Nginx configuration
$ sudo cp app/nginx_conf/sites-available/spacechat /etc/nginx/sites-available/spacechat
$ sudo cp app/nginx_conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/
$ sudo service nginx restart
Now we activate Python virtual enviroment and generate all static files.
$ source app/spacechat/venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ app/spacechat/ collectstatic
Now you can search, this is the default user to access.
User: admin
Password: p4ssword!
- Add support for multiple languages or at least for the most common ones
- Add an complex sistem of levels and permissions
- Add support to send images and videos
- Detect if an user is already logged from another device
- Encrypt messages in the database
- Also encrypt all messages while they are being processed on the server
- Add private chats between users
Im not going to following developing and maintain this project anymore, if you wanna use it be some purpose be free to dot it.
- Django and Django Channels.
- Nginx conf
- Gunicorn repo
- Redis
- Ddaphne
- Digital Ocean
- and a lot more ....