(Under construction)
Nick Guimarais, Juhee Kim, Dustin Scroggins, Edward Reyes
I want an application that I can use to build a portfolio of music and offer my services to fans and anyone who wants to learn something for a fee.
As an artist or fan, I open the application and I am presented with a login screen to input my credentials. As an artist, I will be directed to my profile management page. As a fan, I will have the ability to search for an artist and and submit requests or purchase new material.
When we look at an artist’s profile we are presented with a biography of information including contact information (determined by the artist or their management) and a list of songs for sale. We are also presented with the ability to submit a request for a recorded tutorial and/or a live recording from the artist
The artist receives the request from the user at which point they have the ability to negotiate their fee and book a time and date with the artist.
When a fee is determined, the artist will record their tutorial (either with youtube, or another video/production studio) and submit it directly to the user.
The user will be notified that the artist has completed their request and the tutorial will be delivered when the fee has been processed.
This program allows artists to have a direct relationship with their fans without the ability to perform live.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React Bootstrap, React, Parallax, Calendly, React Media Players, Material-UI
Node.js, Express, Mongo, Mongoose, Cloudinary
Juhee Kim, Dustin Scroggins
- Design landing page that allows users to input their login info
- Design the user profiles and artist profiles
- Design checkout area for song purchases/transactions
- Create a search bar that allows a user to search for any profile and navigate to that page.
- Create media player to play demo songs, and songs purchased by the user.
- Create front-end routes to submit forms and send requests to the backend
Nick Guimarais, Edward Reyes
- Create HTML and API routes to visit user profiles, purchase songs, save favorite users, save songs, and create and save requests.
- Create User’s table that stores information for each user
- Create songs table and schema
- Create purchased songs array that stores the purchased songs
- Create table and schema for tutorials
- Create routes and controller functions to allow a user to edit their profile*
To install the necessary dependencies:
npm i
Most recent deployment linK: (site still work in progress) Visit our site
Screenshots below are the current changes yet to be deployed