New Structure of Messaging, reading and sending each message
latestVersion is 1.1.b
repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { implementation 'com.romellfudi.ussdlibrary:ussd-library:{latestVersion}' }
Upload on Maven Central
repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { compile 'com.romellfudi.ussdlibrary:ussd-library:{latestVersion}' }
Upgrade con.romellfudi for Android Library.
- Import ussdlibrary-1.0.b.aar
- put ussd_service.xml into res/xml folder
or import into project:
maven { url '' } dependencies { compile 'com.romellfudi.ussdlibrary:ussd-library:{latestVersion}' }
Remember import the internal xml into aar or replace with xml similar to ussd_service.xml