InfoBook is an Android application designed to provide users with information about various topics such as countries, leaders, museums, and wonders of the world. It offers a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation to explore different categories of information.
Home Screen: The main screen of the app displays different categories like countries, leaders, museums, and wonders of the world using a RecyclerView with a grid layout. Each category is represented by an image and a title.
Category Details: Upon clicking on a category card, users are directed to a specific activity or fragment corresponding to that category.
Countries Section: The Countries section features a ViewPager2 with tabs for different countries such as the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. Each tab displays information about a specific country, including relevant images and descriptions.
Wonders Section: The Wonders section utilizes a ViewPager2 to showcase different wonders of the world.
Leaders & Museums Section: Those sections enable exploration of notable leaders and significant museums from around the world, offering insights into historical figures and cultural institutions.
Reusable Adapters: The app employs reusable RecyclerView adapters to efficiently manage the display of data for different categories.
- Java: The primary programming language used for Android app development.
- Android SDK: Leveraging various Android components and libraries for UI design and functionality.
- Picasso: A powerful image loading library for handling image resources within the app.
- ViewPager2 and TabLayout: Utilized for creating swipeable tabs and managing fragments for the Countries and Wonders sections.
- RecyclerView: Employed for displaying a grid layout of category cards on the home screen.
- Additional Categories: Expand the app's functionality by adding more categories such as historical events, famous landmarks, or natural wonders.
- Improved UI/UX: Enhance the user interface with custom animations, transitions, and polished designs for a more engaging experience.
- Backend Integration: Integrate with backend services or APIs to fetch real-time data for categories like current world leaders, trending museums, etc.
- Localization: Support multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base and enhance accessibility.