John Gaebler, 2015
These instructions have been tested on Windows 7 64bit
Note: It may be worth trying PythonXY, which comes with the vtk, mayavi, and cvxopt packages, however pythonxy seems more apt to become confused with multiple versions of python. Also, PythonXY is only available with 32 bit Python.
Obtain BEM code:
- Download and install Git for Windows
- Now you should be able to open a Git shell and type "git clone
Obtain Electrode code:
- Go to
- Click the Clone in Desktop button
Install Anaconda version 2.7 (64 bit)
Install Microsoft Visual Studio
Install Python Packages
- Open a Windows command prompt
- Install vtk - Type "conda install vtk"
- Install mayavi - Type "conda install mayavi"
- Install cvxopt for electrode - Doesn't seem to work in conda64 - need to
- retest in conda32
Install bem package
- Open an ipython command prompt from anaconda
- Navigate to bem folder (use cd .. to move up dir, ls to see folders, and
- cd "foldername" to go to folder)
- type !python develop
Install Electrode Package
- In ipython command prompt Navigate to electrode folder
- type !python develop
Run Something:
- Open Spyder from Anaconda Startup Folder
- Run simple trap example from BEM code (Electrode part will fail)
- Note, the example needs to be changed so that you do not pass analyze
- static the u parameter
After setting up git and installing numpy, scipy, myavi2 (for tvtk) and electrode if desiered , do the usual:
git clone cd bem python3 test pip3 install --user -e . examples/SimpleTrap/