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ITN1 Cluster

The Guide

This guide builds upon, extends, and supersedes the Not Another Cardano Guide. NACG focused on a single Jormungandr node. ITN1 Cluster helps you install, configure, automate and manage a three nodes cluster pool on the same server.

Depending on your server resources, you may want to run less (or more) nodes. Three nodes are used here, because it's what INSL runs, and have been tested in production. Better still, you could run each node on its own dedicated VPS instance, and scale up to as much as you can afford. That would require modifications to this guide and to the scripts. You are free to experiment. As much as I would love to expand the guide to multiple VPS or Docker, I can't afford to test those scenarios.

Having said that, running a three-Jormungandr-nodes cluster does not mean that you'd have three leaders running at all times. That would cause a number of issues to the network. Since you want to avoid forks, a single leader candidate node will be active at any given time. Each node starts as leader, and it's demoted on some conditions. This multi-leader strategy is used by many operators and, as of now, it's the best way to run multi-nodes. At least until the passive strategy is possible.

Lastly, both this guide and installing, configuring, and managing a cluster requires a certain degree of Linux skills. And familiarity with its shell, and its commands. And that you have, at least, some experience in managing a a Linux distro.


This guide focuses on the latest Debian stable, and assumes you already have a server installed with a vanilla Debian 10 (Buster), that you can already ssh into on port 22. Only official repositories are used, with the exception for jormungandr, jcli, and a few other tools. This guide adheres to best practices as well, e.g: backports vs unstable.


Insalada Stake Pool runs on a hosted bare metal with the following specs, and handles three nodes, configured as illustrated in this guide, quite solidly. You could use the specs as a reference, to choose the number of nodes you may want to run.

Resource Specs
CPU Intel Xeon W3520 (4c/8t - 2,66GHz)
RAM 16GB DDR3 ECC 1333 MHz
SSD SoftRaid 2x2TB
Network 100Mpbs
Traffic Unlimited


It would be impossible to cover every single scenario that a user could come up with, therefore this guide makes some assumptions during the process of installation and in the provided set of scripts. Examples and default values are provided, both in the guide and in the configuration files. It would still be possible for you to change the values of course. However, if unsure, sticking with the provided defaults is a safe choice. Should you decide to make changes, they should adhere to the same underlying logic of the default values. Otherwise the installation could fail or be troublesome.


Updates are implemented only after they have been tested on my pool. Sections are added to the guide as needed. The same goes for useful features in the pool management scripts. Follow insaladaPool for updates.


If you have comments, issues, changes, and suggestions, please file an issue on Github. Any insight is valuable and will be considered for integration and improvements. If these resources help you in any way, consider buying me a beer.


This guide is licensed under the terms of a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. If you are not familiar with Creative Commons licenses, here's a bit I wrote about them that clarify what Creative Commons licenses are about.

Register Your Pool

Before you can proceed with the cluster installation and configuration, it is necessary to register your pool ticker with the Cardano Foundation Registry. Follow IOHK's guide and use their QA Team scripts, to do that. The resulting node-secret.yaml and a registered pool ticker are requirements to proceed with the installation of the cluster. Make sure to backup the generated files and keys when the IOHK guide instructs you to do so. They are vital to run a pool and to get your rewards, in due time.

Mind that you need to have enough tADA - meaning ADA that were in your wallet before the November 2019 snapshot - otherwise you won't be able to proceed with the pool registration, and with this guide.

Come back after you have successfully completed all the necessary steps, and have registered your pool with the Cardano Foundation Registry. Once your pool is available on Daedalus and Yoroi (testnet versions), you can discard the IOHK installation to proceed with this guide and set up your cluster.

Should you need help at any stage of your pool operator journey, join the 'Cardano Shelley Testnet & StakePool Best Practice Workgroup' group on Telegram; it is packed with knowledge, and great and helpful people.

IMPORTANT: if you have already successfully created and registered your pool, you don't need to do it all over again. Just have the node-secret.yaml file handy for later.

Should you have a node-secret.json, convert it to node-secret.yaml with this tool:

ITN1 Scripts Intro

The following scripts are provided to take care of the pool installation, configuration and management. With the exception of itn1_prepare and itn1_cluster, these run from root's crontab. These scripts will be elaborated later in the guide.

  • itn1_prepare: will help you setup the cluster while you follow the guide.
  • itn1_failover: will manage the cluster leadership failover between all of the nodes.
  • itn1_blocksbackup: backs up the blocks files in case of need. Consider it a safety net.
  • itn1_stuckrestart: restarts a stuck node based on some conditions.
  • itn1_synccache: will force a cache sync and dump, if conditions are met.
  • itn1_sendmytip: will send your pool tip to Pooltool from the highest node only.
  • itn1_sendslots: will send the allocated slots to Pooltool from the highest node only.
  • itn1_cluster: once your pool is set and running, this will be your Swiss Army Knife.

itn1 prepare

While you follow this guide, itn1_prepare will help you setup your cluster. It comes with solid default settings, and requires minimal configuration. Whenever you see the following tag, you must run itn1_prepare with the provided commands.


Preliminary Steps

IMPORTANT: any command and action in this guide needs to run as root. sudo is fine too, in most of the cases, but you must prepend it to commands where it's needed. Debian doesn't come with sudo preinstalled, install it now with root:

apt update
apt install sudo

clone repo

First things first. You need to clone this very repository in order to use itn1_prepare to set up your cluster. And, upon successful configuration, to use the scripts to help you manage it. Debian doesn't come with git preinstalled, install it now:

apt update
apt install git

Now clone the repository (it is crucial to this guide procedures and tools to clone the repo exactly like this!!!):

git clone /root/itn1_cluster_repo


Copy the node-secret.yaml file that you have obtained when creating your pool with IOHK's guide, to a location where itn1_prepare expects it to be. The following command expects node-secret.yaml to be in the same directory where the command is run, and the repository correctly cloned in /root/itn1_cluster_repo/:

cp node-secret.yaml /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/files/node-secret.yaml

itn1 config

IMPORTANT: You must configure the variables in itn1_config. The guide, itn1_prepare and all of the other scripts, rely on this configuration. Should you omit configuration, the cluster will neither install nor run correctly.

Edit /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/itn1_config with your favorite editor.

At the very least you need to change:

  1. RECEIVER_ACCOUNT: this is the address (created here) associated with your pool.
  2. POOL_TICKER: the pool ticker as registered on the Cardano Foundation Registry.
  3. ITN1_PUBLIC_IP_ADDR: the server public IP address, associated with your pool in the network.
  4. MY_POOL_ID: the pool ID as on the Shelley explorer. E.g: INSL. Your HASH value would be it.
  5. MY_USER_ID: the user ID from our Pooltool account profile. Your API ID would be it.

IMPORTANT: create a Pooltool account now if you don't have it, claim your pool on Pooltool, and fill the above variables. Once you have configured the above, you can proceed with the guide.

Depending on the number of nodes you want to run, you may want to change the following (leave defaults for three nodes):

  1. ITN1_NODES_COUNT: the number of nodes to install, configure, and run.
  2. ITN1_PUBLIC_PORT: the public ports of your nodes to which the network will communicate.
  3. ITN1_REST_API_PORT: the private REST API ports of your nodes to which you issue your jcli.

IMPORTANT: do not use port 3000 for any of your ports. It will be used by Grafana in the monitoring section of the guide.

IMPORTANT: the numerical relationship between ITN1_PUBLIC_PORT (x001) and ITN1_REST_API_PORT (x101), should be kept in place. It will make sense when configuring Prometheus in the monitoring section of the guide. I strongly suggest you leave the default values in place, and use the provided examples to adjust the nodes count.


## CHANGE THIS TO YOUR POOL TICKER  #####################


## EXAMPLE 2 nodes: ITN1_NODES_COUNT="2"
## EXAMPLE 3 nodes: ITN1_NODES_COUNT="3"

## EXAMPLE 2 nodes: declare -a ITN1_PUBLIC_PORT=("3001" "3002")
## EXAMPLE 3 nodes: declare -a ITN1_PUBLIC_PORT=("3001" "3002" "3003")
declare -a ITN1_PUBLIC_PORT=("3001" "3002" "3003")

## EXAMPLE 2 nodes: declare -a ITN1_REST_API_PORT=("3101" "3102")
## EXAMPLE 3 nodes: declare -a ITN1_REST_API_PORT=("3101" "3102" "3103")
declare -a ITN1_REST_API_PORT=("3101" "3102" "3103")

########## !!!!! DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING !!!!! ################
########## !!!!! DO NOT CHANGE THE FOLLOWING !!!!! ################


JCLI="$(command -v jcli 2>/dev/null)"
[ -z "$JCLI" ] && JCLI="/usr/local/bin/jcli"

JORM="$(command -v jormungandr 2>/dev/null)"
[ -z "$JCLI" ] && JCLI="/usr/local/bin/jormungandr"

IMPORTANT: make a backup of your newly modified itn1_config somewhere safe, if you don't want to accidentally overwrite it or lose your changes.

For example:

cp /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/itn1_config /root/itn1_config_backup

change directory

Change directory to where itn1_prepare is located. You will be running itn1_prepare from its location until completion and successful installation of the cluster. It may seem convoluted, but the directory structure will make sense later, when you will copy the script over to /root for normal usage once your cluster will be installed and configured.

cd /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/itn1_helpers/

Prepare Your System

The guides assumes that the system will be managed with root. Don't worry, to ssh and sudo, there will be a dedicated non-root user. To run the pool, yet another service user, with neither a shell nor privileges. So, if you are wondering if the pool will run as root, the answer is no way. Systemd will take care of running the pool as the service user. A service user without a shell or a password, means less surface attack for an hacker trying to exploit testing quality software.

ssh-users group

Firstly, you need to create a group for a finer ssh login control and for an added layer of security. If you want to understand how this works and improves security, it is simple: it adds a restriction that will allow ssh connections from users who are in the ssh-users group only. Later in the guide, you'll also find a sshd_config file with more enhancements and restrictions.

groupadd ssh-users

Make sure that the ssh-users group was successfully created:

grep "ssh-users" /etc/group

It should return something like the following (the gid will likely be different for your system):


non-root login user

This is your main non-root user that you will be using to ssh into the server and to sudo to root, and to manage your system. Make sure to replace <YOUR_SYSTEM_USER> with your user name of choice.

If you already have such user that you actively ssh and sudo with, you can skip creating one, but make sure you add <YOUR_EXISTING_USER> to sudo and ssh-users groups.

For a new user run:

useradd -c "user to ssh and sudo" -m -d /home/<YOUR_SYSTEM_USER> -s /bin/bash -G sudo,ssh-users <YOUR_SYSTEM_USER>

For an existing user run:

usermod -aG sudo,ssh-users <YOUR_EXISTING_USER>

Double-check that your user (either <YOUR_SYSTEM_USER> or <YOUR_EXISTING_USER>) is in both the sudo and ssh-users groups. This step is important, don't skip it. Later will be setting up sshd to only allow ssh from this group only. You risk of locking yourself out.


It should show the following:


set password and keys

Set a password for <YOUR_SYSTEM_USER>, and enable your public ssh keys in the <YOUR_SYSTEM_USER>'s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, or you will lock yourself out.

non-root service user

Running a service exposed to the Internet, with a user who has a shell it is not a wise choice, to use an euphemism. This is why you are creating a dedicated user to run the service. This is also standard practice for services in Linux. Think of nginx, for example. It has both a user and a group, directories, configurations, and some permissions; but it doesn't need neither a shell nor password. Because exposing a shell to the outside world is a security risk. This reduces the attack surface.


If you have accidentally changed directory, run:

cd /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/itn1_helpers/

Let's create the non-root service user with itn1_prepare:

./itn1_prepare --create-pool-user

install extra packages

This guide assumes that you are familiar with compilation, and that you know why and when compilation is necessary or useful, and that you are capable of compiling. Therefore, during this guide you won't be compiling neither jormungandr nor jcli. If you reckon that compiling gives you more, knock yourself out. If unsure, don't compile (you don't really need to).

install software

Some of the installed tools are used in my scripts, some others serve system administration purposes:

  • bc is used for calculations in my scripts
  • cbm is a nice real-time bandwidth monitor for the terminal
  • chrony is used for better time sync
  • ccze is for coloring commands output
  • dateutils is used for date related calculations in my scripts
  • fail2ban to keep script kiddies at bay
  • firewalld is used for nftables configuration
  • htop is a must have top on steroids
  • jq used in my scripts and if you want to send your stats to
  • ripgrep is used in my scripts
  • speedtest-cli in case you need a good speed test for your server
  • musl is a C library, in case you want to run the musl version of jormungandr

Make sure that the backports repository is enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list. Here's a complete sources.list file:

deb buster main
deb-src buster main

deb buster/updates main
deb-src buster/updates main
deb buster-updates main
deb-src buster-updates main

deb buster-backports main
deb-src buster-backports main


If you have accidentally changed directory, run:

cd /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/itn1_helpers/

Once you have enabled backports in your /etc/apt/sources.list file, you can run:

./itn1_prepare --install-software

install jormungandr and jcli

You should stick to the latest stable release, unless it introduces regressions. The following works for the current release for a x86_64 architecture (PC/Mac - Intel/AMD Server) and GNU glibc.

curl -sLOJ
tar xzvf jormungandr-v0.8.18-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-generic.tar.gz
mv jcli /usr/local/bin/
mv jormungandr /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jcli
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jormungandr
chown -R root\: /usr/local/bin/

Configure Your System

To configure your system, you'll be using a mix of configuration files and itn1_prepare. Some files were originally used in other great guides, credits and links provided. Always remember to adapt them to your system, where it's needed.

When it comes to the firewall, this guide focuses on nftables and firewalld instead of iptables and ufw. For two simple reasons: nftables is the successor of iptables, and it is the default on Debian. As far the firewall front-end goes, firewall-cmd supports nftables. This is why it is used in this guide, and ufw just doesn't support nftables yet.

configure backend

By default Debian doesn't have any front-end installed nor a firewall configured, and the underlying settings for iptables should already be pointing to the nft backend. To make sure that your system does point to /usr/sbin/iptables-nft; run the following, and select "/usr/sbin/iptables-nft 20 auto mode".

update-alternatives --config iptables

configure firewalld

Believe it or not, if your server is only running sshd and jormungandr a firewall is not really necessary. Both services need an open port, the jcli REST API runs locally, and there's not other running service to externally attack. You could skip the firewall configuration, change the sshd port and install fail2ban; that would be good enough.

Having said that, setting up a firewall is something this guide will help you do. First things first, let's make firewalld use the nftables backend, instead of iptables. You only need to change the backend to nftables and turn logging for drops on. Everything else must stay untouched.

Edit /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf


sshd port

It is now time to decide the port for your sshd server. This guide will bind sshd to 5269 as an example, and to provide a default settings that you may want to keep. Since you haven't configured sshd yet, make sure to add it to the enabled services! Once you custom ssh port (hereby 5269) is configured in the sshd_config file and sshd restarted, you will remove the default ssh port (22) from the firewalld rules.

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=ssh
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=5269/tcp

itn1 cluster ports


Because the ports of the ITN1 Cluster vary based on users' configurations, itn1_prepare will take care of them in a consistent way. Issue the following command to open the ITN1 Cluster public ports you have setup in itn1_config:

./itn1_prepare --set-firewall

make sure

Once the itn1_prepare command has configured your firewall, it will run the following and present you the new ruleset.

firewall-cmd --list-all

If you left the defaults values in itn1_config for the number of nodes and their public ports, it should show the following:

  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  services: dhcpv6-client ssh
  ports: 5269/tcp 3001/tcp 3002/tcp 3003/tcp
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:


To ditch iptables and switch to nftables completely, you need to reboot the server. If sshd still runs on port 22 as this guide assumes, you'll be fine.



ssh back in and confirm that every rule is still in place for your public zone, before you continue with ssh configuration:

firewall-cmd --list-all

The following should return your new nftables rules:

nft list ruleset

configure sshd

You'll be enabling some additional restrictions, and disabling some features that are enabled by default. Like tunneling and forwarding. Read why it is bad to leave SSH tunneling on. Some guides suggest to tunnel into your remote server for monitoring purposes. This is bad practice, and a security risk. Make sure you have the following configured in /etc/ssh/sshd_config; everything else can be commented out.

IMPORTANT: your Port value must match whatever port you have picked up in firewalld, this guide uses 5269.

Port 5269
Protocol 2

LoginGraceTime 2m
PermitRootLogin no
StrictModes yes
MaxAuthTries 6
MaxSessions 10

PubkeyAuthentication yes
IgnoreRhosts yes
PasswordAuthentication no
PermitEmptyPasswords no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
UsePAM yes

X11Forwarding no
PrintMotd no

ClientAliveInterval 300
ClientAliveCountMax 2

AllowTcpForwarding no
AllowStreamLocalForwarding no
GatewayPorts no
PermitTunnel no

AllowGroups ssh-users

AcceptEnv LANG LC_*

Subsystem       sftp    /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

Restart the sshd server, and ssh into the server from another terminal to test the new configuration..

systemctl restart sshd.service

Make sure you can ssh into your server with the new configuration, disable the ssh service, and reload firewalld:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --remove-service=ssh
firewall-cmd --complete-reload

configure fail2ban

While fail2ban doesn't offer perfect security - security is a process, not a product - it serves its purpose. The default configuration is generally good enough. Usually, one would copy the jail configuration file, add the server IP to ignoreip, change the ban time-related parameters if he wants to, enable the sshd jail, restart the service, and be good to go.

However, since this guide use firewalld, fail2ban has to use that too. Copy the provided jail.conf file:

cp /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/files/jail.local /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

Edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.local to add your IP address to the existing ignoreip entry:

ignoreip = ::1 <YOUR_SERVER_PUBLIC_IP>

That's it. Now restart and make sure that fail2ban is properly running, with these two commands:

systemctl restart fail2ban.service
fail2ban-client status

It should return:

|- Number of jail:      1
`- Jail list:   sshd

configure chrony

This is the first of three files configurations that are borrowed from other great guides. There's no need to reinvent the wheel here, so I'm pointing you to LovelyPool's chronysettings guide instead, but conveniently provide the configuration.

Make sure to read Lovelypool's Chrony Settings guide, to understand it fully, and to know why to use chrony.

Place this in /etc/chrony/chrony.conf:

pool       iburst minpoll 1 maxpoll 2 maxsources 3

# This directive specify the location of the file containing ID/key pairs for
# NTP authentication.
keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys

# This directive specify the file into which chronyd will store the rate
# information.
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift

# Uncomment the following line to turn logging on.
#log tracking measurements statistics

# Log files location.
logdir /var/log/chrony

# Stop bad estimates upsetting machine clock.
maxupdateskew 5.0

# This directive enables kernel synchronisation (every 11 minutes) of the
# real-time clock. Note that it can’t be used along with the 'rtcfile' directive.

# Step the system clock instead of slewing it if the adjustment is larger than
# one second, but only in the first three clock updates.
makestep 0.1 -1

# Get TAI-UTC offset and leap seconds from the system tz database.
leapsectz right/UTC

# Serve time even if not synchronized to a time source.
local stratum 10

Restart Chrony:

systemctl restart chronyd.service

configure limits

These are the other two, and last, files that I borrowed from other great guides. This time I borrowed from Ilap's guide. For convenience, I do provide the configuration for these too. Again, read his reasoning here, and check often for his updates.

Place these at the bottom of your /etc/security/limits.conf:

root soft nofile 32768
pooldozer soft nofile 32768
pooldozer hard nofile 1048577

Place these at the bottom of your /etc/sysctl.conf:

fs.file-max = 10000000
fs.nr_open = 10000000

net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 100000
net.core.somaxconn = 100000
net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 10
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 300
net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans = 262144
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 100000
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets = 262144
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 786432 1697152 1945728
net.ipv4.tcp_reordering = 3
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
net.ipv4.tcp_sack = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syn_retries = 5
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 16777216

net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max = 10485760
net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_fin_wait = 30
net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_time_wait = 15

vm.swappiness = 10

Load your newly configured variables:

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

configure cluster


Please run the following to create the necessary directories and files (don't copy the example configurations...):

./itn1_prepare --set-cluster

Your system is now ready to generate the cluster configuration. itn1_prepare will take care of creating and configuring the needed directory structure, and the two files: node-config.yaml (generated by the script according to variables) and node-secret.yaml (generated by the script, stems from your original secret file). These reside in your non-root service user (defaults to pooldozer) home directory and will have this structure:

├── itn1_node_1
│   ├── itn1_node_1_config.yaml
│   ├── itn1_node_1_secret.yaml
│   └── storage
├── itn1_node_2
│   ├── itn1_node_2_config.yaml
│   ├── itn1_node_2_secret.yaml
│   └── storage
└── itn1_node_3
    ├── itn1_node_3_config.yaml
    ├── itn1_node_3_secret.yaml
    └── storage

Here is an example of the generated itn1_node_1_config.yaml:

- output: stderr
  format: "plain"
  level: "info"
  listen_address: "/ip4/"
  public_address: "/ip4/"
  public_id: 24c09ad96217a8ae3ddbaacca753d3466729d6f6d9b6e454
    blocks: high
    messages: high
  max_connections: 512
  max_inbound_connections: 256
  max_unreachable_nodes_to_connect_per_event: 32
  max_bootstrap_attempts: 3
  gossip_interval: 4s
    quarantine_duration: 15m
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: cb20e4eda3eda2c6738e94f4134295a44faf148645479444
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: da24978fd12d10551293de47f0520a8fbd57c305c0f6070d
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: 7ddf203c86a012e8863ef19d96aabba23d2445c492d86267
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: df02383863ae5e14fea5d51a092585da34e689a73f704613
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: fcdf302895236d012635052725a0cdfc2e8ee394a1935b63
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: fc89bff08ec4e054b4f03106f5300034abdf2fcb444610e9
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: 35bead7d45b3b8bda5e74aa12126d871069e7617b7f4fe62
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: 8529e334a39a5b6033b698be2040b1089d8f67e0102e2575
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: 06aa98b0ab6589f464d08911717115ef354161f0dc727858
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: 8f9ff09765684199b351d520defac463b1282a63d3cc99ca
    - address: "/ip4/"
      id: 9d15a9e2f1336c7acda8ced34e929f697dc24ea0910c3e67
storage: "/home/pooldozer/itn1_node_1/storage"
    pool_max_entries: 10000
    log_max_entries: 100000
    logs_capacity: 4096
- ""
skip_bootstrap: false
bootstrap_from_trusted_peers: false

Layers & Preferred List

IMPORTANT: this guide setup doesn't take into account the features introduced with the 0.8.17 release. It would be impossible to know which Layers and Preferred List one would want to use, if at all. However, the above configured cluster has been tested and it will work just fine without those settings. Feel free to add your own favorite peers to the preferred list, to ALL of the generated itn1_node_X_config.yaml files.

configure systemd


It is time to manage itn1_cluster as you would manage any other service on your server: with root and systemd. Because itn1_cluster run multiple jormungandr instances, creating a unit file for each node would be cumbersome and a pain to manage. Luckily systemd has the concept of targets that can manage unit files pertaining multiple services (like your cluster jormungandr instances), while still enabling single-unit-like behavior. Allowing you the best of both worlds.

Please run the following to create the systemd configurations for your cluster (don't copy the example configurations...):

./itn1_prepare --set-systemd

Running the above command, will generate two files:

  • /etc/systemd/system/itn1_cluster@.service
  • /etc/systemd/system/

/etc/systemd/system/itn1_cluster@.service content:

Description="ITN1 Cluster Instance #%i"

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/jormungandr --config itn1_node_%i_config.yaml --secret itn1_node_%i_secret.yaml --genesis-block-hash 8e4d2a343f3dcf9330ad9035b3e8d168e6728904262f2c434a4f8f934ec7b676
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/jcli rest v0 shutdown get -h






Let's unpack the /etc/systemd/system/itn1_cluster@.service file:

  1. it is part of a target that can manage every instance as one.
  2. it is a unit that can still operate on single instances.
  3. it runs jormungandr instances as pooldozer.
  4. it looks for node-*.yaml files in each pooldozer node directory.
  5. it provides for systemctl start, stop and restart.
  6. it restarts each jormungandr instance (individually) on failures.
  7. it logs to journald.
  8. it sets the user limits accordingly.

Whenever you need to start, stop, and restart a specific node, example for node 1, do it with:

systemctl start itn1_cluster@1.service
systemctl stop itn1_cluster@1.service
systemctl restart itn1_cluster@1.service

/etc/systemd/system/ content is simpler:

Description="ITN1 Cluster Target"
Wants=itn1_cluster@1.service itn1_cluster@2.service itn1_cluster@3.service


As you may have already guessed, if you want to act on the entire cluster, you'd do it with:

systemctl start
systemctl stop
systemctl restart

If the above it's a lot to process, don't worry. The itn1_cluster script is here to help you. More on scripts later.

configure logging

Now that itn1_cluster is a systemd service, it's time to configure system level logging with rsyslog and logrotate.


Please run the following to create the rsyslog and logrotate configurations (don't copy the example configurations...):

./itn1_prepare --set-logging

it will generate two files:

  • /etc/rsyslog.d/90-itn1_cluster.conf
  • /etc/logrotate.d/itn1_cluster

With the following content, respectively:

if $programname == 'itn1_cluster' then /var/log/itn1_cluster.log
& stop
/var/log/itn1_cluster.log {
    rotate 30

Now you can check your logs as for any other service with (example for node 1):

journalctl -f -u itn1_cluster@1.service

Management Scripts

Installing and configuring a server, is only the beginning. Running it and administering it, is the rest of it. And when it comes to server administration, troubleshooting and solving an issue, the administrator has to step in. No matter how automated you server is (unless you run IaaC, and a highly available and orchestrated infrastructure, of course), at some point manual action is required. ITN1 Cluster provides scripts to help you with that. Most are set-and-forget, and will take care of important aspects of the cluster, like leadership failover for example. itn1_cluster is your day to day Swiss Army Knife.


If you have accidentally changed directory, run:

cd /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/itn1_helpers/

Please run the following to create copy the scripts in /root/ and to setup crontab (don't run it more than once):

./itn1_prepare --set-scripts

Run the following to check if the cronjobs were correctly set:

crontab -l -u root | grep -v "^#"

It should return the following (besides any other cronjob you had already set up):

* * * * * /root/itn1_helpers/itn1_sendmytip
* * * * * /root/itn1_helpers/itn1_failover
*/3 * * * * /root/itn1_helpers/itn1_synccache
*/5 * * * * /root/itn1_helpers/itn1_stuckrestart
0 */1 * * * /root/itn1_helpers/itn1_blocksbackup
15 19 * * * /root/itn1_helpers/itn1_sendslots

These are the resulting crontab added lines from the above itn1_prepare command. The last job (to send the slots to Pooltool) assumes your server time to be UTC time (like the Cardano ITN1 network does).


The itn1_helpers directory is comprised of a number of scripts that take care of a number of tasks.

  • itn1_failover: will manage the cluster leadership failover between all of the nodes.
  • itn1_blocksbackup: backs up the blocks files in case of need. Consider it a safety net.
  • itn1_stuckrestart: restarts a stuck node based on some conditions.
  • itn1_synccache: will force a cache sync and dump, if conditions are met.
  • itn1_sendmytip: will send your pool tip to Pooltool from the highest node only.
  • itn1_sendslots: will send the allocated slots to Pooltool from the highest node only.


Nodes failover is the most important aspect of the ITN1 Cluster. Failing to manage nodes leadership would result in a number of issues for both your cluster and the network. It is a fairly simple process though: failover does nothing more than checking the nodes health, and picking the best to be promoted to leader. The logic behind it is a little more complex than that, and has to take into account a number of factors to make decisions:

  • is the node running? no? move onto the next node
  • is the node running? yes? is epoch change approaching? (regardless of schedule) then promote exactly 1 leader for ALL of the available leader candidates nodes (unless it has a leader already).
  • is the node running? yes? is the pool scheduled for blocks? no? are we right after epoch change or any other epoch date? then demote ALL leaders from ALL available leader candidates nodes.
  • is the node running? yes? is the pool scheduled for blocks? yes? then promote best leader node and demote ALL OTHERS (based on: lastBlockHeight and peerConnectedCnt)

Depending on how frequently you want to run itn1_faiover you have two mutually exclusive options:

  1. keep using the crontab that was set up earlier, to run it every minute.
  2. adjust the timing and enable the systemd timer that was created (but not enabled) during installation.

Beware that running itn1_failover too often can cause all sorts of performance issues. If unsure, keep using the cronjob that was set up for you and ignore the timer.


Having to restart your node is a nuisance. Although since the 0.8.12 jormungandr release bottstrapping got incredibly fast, and a bootstrap block is now provided, to have a safety net is always a good idea. Backing up your blocks.sqlite with itn1_blocksbackup at a regular interval, via cron, can offer a safety net from where to recover in case of need.

The script has a data retention of 24h, and it removes older backups automatically. You won't need anything older than a day. Just be mindful of your disk space when setting this up. At the time of this writing, bzipped blocks.sqlite files backup take around 100MB each. So if you backup every hour, 100MB times the number of files (24), constantly takes 2.4GB of your disk space.


At times, a node could lag behind by a significant margin or be stuck. When this happens, the node sync goes bananas and it's time to restart it. itn1_stuckrestart monitors the nodes sync against two conditions, and restarts the node if those are met. The first condition is a blocks date delta and, if this is met, it goes onto check the second one. The second condition is to check when lastReceivedBlockTime was last modified. If that lags behind for more than 5 minutes, the script restarts the node.


At the time of this writing, I noticed that keeping the system cache under control and forcing a sync at a threshold, helps with the node health. The script will check the system cache usage and intervene with a forced sync after the threshold (it defaults to 4GB). If your server only runs jormungandr, the system cache would 100% reflect jormungandr cache. Adjust the values to suit your system, if it runs anything else. Be mindful that anything more aggressive than the default threshold value could break your node.


IMPORTANT: this requires a Pooltool account and user ID. Make sure you configure itn1 config as well.

Essentially, itn1_sendmytip sends your pool tip statistics every minute to Pooltool. This data, send by as many pools as possible, is used by Pooltool to inform us all (on the site) of the latest height and make statistics about the whole network health. The itn1_sendmytip functions exactly as the Pooltool's repo version, and it is modified to reflect ITN1 Cluster configuration. Don't worry, I'm the maintainer of the script for Pooltool, so this would always be up to date and perfectly fine.


IMPORTANT: this requires a Pooltool account and user ID. Make sure you configure itn1 config as well.

This amazing feature was created by Michael at VIBE, and it will provide your scheduled and minted blocks count to Pooltool, for statistics and the 100% stars we all love to obtain each epoch. The original version work with a single node/instance. The hereby provided version, was adapted to work with ITN1 Cluster, and it's kept up to date.


The itn1_cluster script comes with a number of useful commands for pool operators. It has all sort of checks, stats, and more commands, to help you manage your node. As said earlier, it is the Swiss Army Knife for your pool management.

IMPORTANT: itn1_cluster needs to always be run against a running node. Example for node 1:

./itn1_cluster --node-stats 1

Quick Examples


As an example of what itn1_cluster can help you with, is that you can check the pool logs in four different ways:

  • --live-logs: it will show live logs scrolling on your terminal
  • --last-logs: it will dump the last #N lines of logs on your terminal
  • --problems: it will search for serious problems (cannot|stuck|exit|unavailable) for the last #N lines of logs
  • --issues: it will search for issues (WARN|ERRO) for the last #N lines of logs

Another quick example is about stats:

  • --node-stats: it will show the pool node stats get from the jcli REST API
  • --pool-stats: it will show the pool stake-pool get from the jcli REST API
  • --net-stats: it will show the pool network stats get from the jcli REST API
  • --date-stats: it will show the count of received block announcement from network for the last #N lines of logs
  • --sys-stats: it will show a quick top snapshot of system resources used by jormungandr
more stats

The following two commands can return some more quick stats about itn1_cluster: when was a node instance last started? How long did the bootstrap take?

./itn1_cluster --last --all
./itn1_cluster --bstrap-time --all

To get a bird-eye overview, the script offers --snapshot; this will show the some stats. Let it be clear: this is to help you have a quick glance at your node, it does not substitute proper monitoring whatsoever.

snapshot overview

continuous output

Some of the itn1_cluster commands are best experienced when they run continuously. For example, --snapshot is best run in a tmux panel to keep you constantly informed about a number of statistics. To achieve that, prepend them with watch.

Example for node 1:

watch -c './itn1_cluster --snapshot 1 | ccze -A'

watch -c option is to format the output for ANSI color. Pipe that to ccze to actually colorize the command output.

You can continuously run any itn1_cluster command (or any system command for that matter), but do not abuse this functionality, as it could tax your REST API to the point of crashing your node.

Some more example commands to use such methods are listed below. Example for node 1:

watch -n5 './itn1_cluster --date-stats 1 5000 30'
watch -t -c 'ls -l /home/pooldozer/itn1_node_*/storage/ | ccze -A'

available commands

The above-mentioned are only the most relatable examples of what itn1_cluster offers and can help you with. For a full list of the available commands and their options, run:

./itn1_cluster --help

It will return the following:

Usage: 'itn1_cluster command [options]'

        COMMANDS                                OPTIONS                             DESCRIPTION

        -h | --help                     ('int1' for node, e.g: 1)                   show this help message and exit

        --start-cluster                                                             start all 3 itn1_cluster nodes
        --stop-cluster                                                              stop all 3 itn1_cluster nodes
        --restart-cluster                                                           restart all 3 itn1_cluster nodes
        --status-cluster                                                            show all 3 itn1_cluster nodes status
        --enable-cluster                                                            make itn1_cluster persistent on reboot
        --disable-cluster                                                           remove itn1_cluster reboot persistance

        --start-node                            int1                                start a single node
        --stop-node                             int1                                stop a single node
        --restart-node                          int1                                restart a single node
        --status-node                           int1                                status of a single node
        --settings                              int1                                show settings of a single node

        --get-leader                            int1 || --all                       get the leader(s) ID(s) of a single node; '--all' for all nodes
        --promote-leader                        int1 || --all                       add next progressive leader ID to a node; use '--all' at your own risk....
        --demote-leader                         int1 int2 || --all                  remove the 'int2' leader ID from a single node; '--all' for all nodes
        --swap-leader                           int1 int2                           swap leadership from node 'int1' to node 'int2'; be very careful with this one....

        --account-balance                       int1                                check INSL account balance
        --current-stakes                        int1                                check INSL current stakes balance
        --live-stakes                           int1                                check INSL live stakes balance
        --epoch-stakes                          int1 int2                           check INSL specific epoch 'int2' stakes balance
        --epoch-rewards                         int1 int2                           check INSL specific epoch 'int2' rewards balance
        --rewards-balance                       int1                                check INSL rewards balance
        --rewards-history                       int1 int2                           check INSL rewards history 'int2' of the length last epoch(s) from tip

        --leader-logs                           int1                                show the full leader logs for INSL
        --scheduled-slots                       int1                                check how many slots is INSL node scheduled for
        --scheduled-dates                       int1                                show which scheduled DATEs in this epoch for INSL
        --scheduled-times                       int1                                show which scheduled TIMEs in this epoch for INSL
        --scheduled-next                        int1                                show when is the NEXT scheduled block for INSL node

        --live-logs                             int1                                show logs of a single node
        --last-logs                             int1 int2                           show last 'int2' lines of logs for a single node
        --problems                              int1 int2                           search for 'cannot|stuck|exit|unavailable' in 'int2' lines of logs for a single node
        --issues                                int1 int2                           search for 'WARN|ERRO' in 'int2' lines of logs for a single node

        --snapshot                              int1                                show a brief overview of a single node
        --bstrap-time                           int1 || --all                       calculate how long the 'int1' node bootstrap took; '--all' for all nodes
        --last                                  int1 || --all                       show when 'int1' node was last restarted; '--all' for all nodes

        --node-stats                            int1                                show 'int1' NODE stats
        --pool-stats                            int1                                show INSL pool stats
        --net-stats                             int1                                show 'int1' NETWORK stats
        --sys-stats                             int1                                show a TOP snapshot of 'int1' node
        --date-stats                            int1 int2 int3                      show 'int3' received block announcement in 'int2' lines of logs for 'int1' node

        --current-tip                           int1                                show the current tip for 'int1' node
        --next-epoch                                                                show a countdown to NEXT EPOCH
        --block-now                                                                 show SHELLEY current block
        --block-delta                           itn1                                show a single node block delta (as in how far behind it is)
        --block-valid                           int1 <blockid>                      check a block against the REST API to verify its validity

        --check-peers                                                               check ping to trusted peers with tcpping
        --connected-ips                         int1 int2                           count how many 'int2' connections to a specific IP
        --is-quarantined                        int1                                check if INSL public IP is quarantined (or was quarantined recently)
        --quarantined-ips                       int1                                show all quarantined IPs
        --quarantined-ips-count                 int1                                count of all quarantined IPs

        --fragments                             int1                                list all fragments_id from 'int1' node logs
        --fragments-count                       int1                                show the fragmented_id count from 'int1' node logs
        --fragment-status                       int1 <fragment_id>                  check a fragment_id/transaction status from 'int1' node logs


If you have suggestions on how to improve these scripts, please file an issue on Github. Constructive feedback welcomed.

Scripts License

Both itn1_cluster and the itn1_helpers scripts are licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.

Upgrading Scripts

Both this guide and the scripts are constantly improved and updated for fixes. To upgrade the scripts to the latest version you need to run, in order, a few steps. Note: removing the repository and cloning it again is necessary because you have modified itn1_config during the guide instructions. Of course, if you are comfortable with git, you can revert the changes and pull. For everyone else, these steps are necessary.

Remove the old repository first:

rm -rf /root/itn1_cluster_repo

Clone again:

git clone /root/itn1_cluster_repo

Change directory to:

cd /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/

Lastly, copy the scripts over to your /root/ directory (backslash included):

\cp -af itn1_cluster itn1_funcs itn1_helpers /root/

Monitor Your System

Monitoring is indispensable for any given service. Monitoring, in layman's terms, provides and automates real-time services health history, and alerts you whenever something goes wrong. So that you don't have to be constantly connected to your server. Mind that monitoring doesn't substitute server administration. It is only a tool that informs the administrator about the health of the server and its services, and that lets one know it's time to connect and act upon alerts. It is still the administrator responsibility to fix any issue, and to keep the server healthy. Moreover, the history aspect that monitoring provides, can help you look into the big picture to understand what went wrong, even when you were not connected.

In this section you will configure and automate Prometheus and Grafana to be there for you. In a future revision of this guide, you will configure alerting to send you messages or emails, to let you know about issues when they happen. With alerting, if you don't receive any alerts, "no news is good news". If you do receive them, it's time connect and troubleshoot the issues.

IMPORTANT: this guide assumes a remote server with a working domain. DNS needs to be configured to access your monitoring, remotely.

Install Monitoring

You need to install Prometheus from the official Debian repository, and Grafana from the repository they provide. You'll also install and configure Nginx and EFF's Certbot to automate the process of creating and managing Let's Encrypt certificates. Nginx is used to reverse-proxy to Grafana, and the SSL encryption is necessary to securely connect to and peruse your remote monitoring, while keeping safe from prying eyes. To install the needed software, use the following commands:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list
apt update
apt install prometheus prometheus-alertmanager prometheus-node-exporter nginx certbot python3-pip python3-certbot-nginx grafana


At the fundamental level, Prometheus collects data and generates metrics. The resulting metrics can be fed into a tool, like Grafana, to depict the big picture for you. Learn more about Prometheus here. Prometheus works with exporters to collect data from several services. You'll be using two: the official Node Exporter (installed above), and the Jormungandr Exporter.

Jormungandr Exporter

This Python script, based on the IOHK one, improves to use the latest peerConnectedCnt, and will collect a number of Jormungandr metrics using jcli and the REST API. Let's install the necessary Python dependencies:

pip3 install prometheus_client python-dateutil systemd-python ipython


If you have accidentally changed directory, run:

cd /root/itn1_cluster_repo/itn1_cluster/scripts/itn1_helpers/

Because you need to run as many instance as the number of your ITN1 Cluster nodes, it is time to generate as many files. For completeness of information, the only needed differences between all the scripts, are:

  • the instances names (for logging and metrics)
  • the nodes REST API ports (for metrics)
  • the associated Prometheus jobs ports (for metrics)

Please run the following to create the needed scripts and configurations (don't copy the example configurations...):

./itn1_prepare --set-monitorpy

All of the scripts will be managed with systemd as a target as well.

Here's an example /etc/systemd/system/itn1_monitor@.service:

Description="ITN1 Monitoring #%i"

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /etc/prometheus/jormungandr-monitor/




Here's an example /etc/systemd/system/

Description="ITN1 Monitoring Target"
Wants=itn1_monitor@1.service itn1_monitor@2.service itn1_monitor@3.service


Prometheus Configuration


Please run the following to create the needed Prometheus configuration (don't copy the example configurations...):

./itn1_prepare --set-prometheus

Prometheus configuration is pretty straight-forward, and for the same cluster-related reasons, it was generated by the above itn1_prepare command. Here's an example /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml (for three nodes):

# ITN1 Cluster Config for Prometheus.

  scrape_interval:     15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.

  # Attach these labels to any time series or alerts when communicating with
  # external systems (federation, remote storage, Alertmanager).
      monitor: 'ITN1 Cluster Monitor'

# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
  - job_name: 'prometheus'
    scrape_interval: 5s
    scrape_timeout: 5s
      - targets: ['localhost:9090']

  - job_name: 'node_exporter'
      - targets: ['localhost:9100']

  - job_name: 'itn1_node1'
      - targets: ['localhost:9101']

  - job_name: 'itn1_node2'
      - targets: ['localhost:9102']

  - job_name: 'itn1_node3'
      - targets: ['localhost:9103']

That's all its needed for Prometheus to be collecting data from the Node and Jormungandr exporters, and to generate metrics that will be later fed to Grafana.

IMPORTANT: give Prometheus and the two exporters some time to collect data and generate metrics. Don't panic if your Grafana dashboards will be empty at first. As long as the are no errors.

Prometheus Alerting

Alerting with Prometheus will be implemented in a future revision of this guide. Follow insaladaPool for future updates.


Grafana is a graphing software that provides dashboards that give you a complete view of what's going on with your server and with your pool. It can show backward history, as long there is data to graph on. This is your main point of entry to monitoring. Grafana can talk to a number of data sources that feed data to it. You are using and have configured Prometheus to be our source of data, now it's time to bring it all together.

Grafana Configuration

The Grafana configuration has pretty solid default values. You only need to change a handful to successfully configure it. Here, is used as an example, you can use whatever suits you to replace the grafana. bit (for instance monitoring.). However, the domain has to match your actual domain.

Edit /etc/grafana/grafana.ini. Here's what needs changing (look for the respective [blocks]):

domain =
root_url =
allow_sign_up = false
enabled = false

Restart Grafana to reload the new configuration:

systemctl restart grafana-server.service

DNS Configuration

Now that you have chosen your preferred monitoring URL, you need to configure it on your DNS with an A record that points to your server. Follow your DNS provider's guide to do so. For example, if your server IP address is, and your URL is, you will need an A record similar to the following:

Type: A, Host: grafana, Value:

Here's Namecheap guide as a pointer: How do I set up host records for a domain?

Make sure that your A record is working correctly and that is has propagated, before proceeding with the rest of the guide. The following should return your server IP address, if it doesn't your record hasn't propagated yet.

dig +short a

Firewalld Configuration

In order for the next steps to work, and to be able to remotely connect to your monitoring, the firewall need to be open for both port 80 and 443. Issue these commands to do so:

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp
firewall-cmd --complete-reload

To verify that everything has worked, issue the following and check for the added ports: 80/tcp and 443/tcp.

firewall-cmd --list-all

Nginx Reverse Proxy

Nginx is a modern and reliable web server, in this case you'll be using it to reverse-proxy to Grafana. The main reason to be using a web server, rather than the Grafana built-in, is to take advantage of the SSL encryption to securely connect to and peruse your remote monitoring, while keeping safe from prying eyes.

Configuring it is very easy, and it involves three simple steps:

  1. disabling the default server.
  2. configuring the reverse proxy.
  3. implementing SSL.

To disable the default Nginx server, simply remove it from sites-enabled:

rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

To configure the reverse-proxy, add this configuration to /etc/nginx/sites-available/grafana

server {
  listen 80;
  return 301$request_uri;

server {
  listen 443 ssl http2;

  location / {
    rewrite /(.*) /$1 break;
    proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

Enable it by linking it to sites-available:

cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
ln -sf ../sites-available/grafana
systemctl restart nginx.service

Let's Encrypt

Let's Encrypt is an amazing initiative that aims to bring SSL to everyone, for free. Bigger companies and institutions may still need an higher grade certificates. Let's Encrypt is perfect for small sites, blogs, indie websites, and of course your pool. It is also very smart and easy to configure, with EFF's Certbot. Certbot automates the process of creating, managing, and keeping Let's Encrypt certificates up to date for you. All it takes is this simple command:

certbot --nginx -d

Certbot will also set and run a systemd-timer to renew the SSL certificate when necessary. If you need a more detailed guide to help you with certbot, Digital Ocean has a great guide that can help.

When you get to this point:

Please choose whether or not to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, removing HTTP access.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1: No redirect - Make no further changes to the webserver configuration.
2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. Choose this for
new sites, or if you're confident your site works on HTTPS. You can undo this
change by editing your web server's configuration.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Select the appropriate number [1-2] then [enter] (press 'c' to cancel):

Choose option 1, since your /etc/nginx/sites-available/grafana already includes a proper redirection. If you accidentally chose option 2, remove these lines from your configuration:

if ($host = {
  return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
} # managed by Certbot

Now, restart Nginx:

systemctl restart nginx.service

Prometheus Data Source

It's time to tell Grafana to use Prometheus. Connect to Grafana by browsing to Login with the default credentials (user: admin, password: admin). Upon a successful login, you will be asked to create a new password for the admin user.

Now browse to, and search and install the Prometheus datasource. If you need help, refer to the official documentation. Make it the default data source, and add the localhost information as well.



Installing Dashboards

Once your datasource is set, install the following dashboards to make use of Node Exporter and Jormungandr Exporter:

No need to reinvent the wheel here, please follow the official documentation if you need guidance: Grafana Export/Import.

IMPORTANT: give Prometheus and the two exporters some time to collect data and generate metrics. Don't panic if your Grafana dashboards will be empty at first. As long as the are no errors.

Here's Insalada dashboards examples:

node exporter

itn cluster

More Tools

The following tools are optional and just a suggestion for you, and will help you in your system administration. They were installed with itn1_prepare --install-software earlier in this guide.


Most people, even seasoned system administrators, are more familiar with screen when it comes to convenience. tmux is a modern screen on steroids. It's more recent, it offers more in terms of malleability and it does a lot more than screen.

If you are not familiar with either, they are tools that allow you to run multiple terminal sessions in background. This is particularly useful in server administration, because it allows you to run sessions that won't terminate your processes when you logout of the server (unless rebooted). You can ssh into your server, and reconnect to your sessions, at any time, and have it readily available for your administration needs. Learn more about tmux on its official GitHub, and how to use it on the precious tmux cheatsheet website. If you need a guide, this is a good one.


. htop is a must have top on steroids. Run it with the -u flag to monitor your pool service user. Alternatively, run htop and filter by users by pressing u once it's open.

htop -u pooldozer


. cbm is an old piece of software, but it still serves its purpose quite well. It is a simple real-time bandwidth monitor that runs in a terminal. Useful to quickly check if your node traffic, from which you can deduce its status. Here's a guide showing cbm usage.


With my repo, you also get a number of dotfiles that are useful if you do use the tools I suggest above. Feel free to use them to make the most of them. Or come up with your own. It's up to you.


The following shows a tmux window with some itn1_cluster going on for each node:

tmux example 1

The following shows a tmux window with htop, cbm, and some network stats:

tmux example 2


You may have noticed that some of the commands in the above images have colors. htop and cbm offer colors by default. To colorize itn1_cluster and system commands, they are pipe'd to ccze.

What's Next

Congratulations!!! If you made it this far, you are running a multi-node cluster for your pool, and you know its state and have an history thanks to monitoring. This is only the beginning, though. Running a successful pool takes more than having a good uptime. The pool needs to participate in the network, and crunch blocks. To do so, it needs delegations, a lot of them, and to be scheduled to participate into the blocks generation, and win them too.

Operator Resources

There a number of useful community created resources, that can be very helpful for a pool operator. Hereby you find a constantly updated collection of what can be useful to a pool operator. If you are aware of more useful pool operators tools, please be kind and suggest them in an issue on Github, for inclusion.

Pool Tool

One very useful site, is PoolTool by papacarp. It has all sort of network and pools statistics, and offers a number of useful tools for pool operators. One of them is about one's own pool health and status. By following this guide, you have already set up your pool with Pooltool. Here's Insalada Stake Pool as an example.

Bootstrap Initiative

A must have community resource for who's just starting their pool operator journey, where we all help each others grow, is The Cardano Stake Pool Bootstrap Initiative. It is a Telegram group, where it is possible to participate if you follow some simple rules, where to stake with each others in turn, to give small pools a chance.

Anyone can join the party, as long as their pool meets these simple requirements to be eligible:

  1. Delegate to other pools in the list.
  2. Have a ticker (registered on CF GitHub).
  3. Have less than 5M ADA already delegated to the pool.

Join us, and make sure to read the pinned message for all of the nitty gritty details.

Organic Design

Organic Design has a great deal of useful information on Cardano, Staking Pool FAQ, and Cardano terminology. Familiarize with these, and your pool operator journey will improve a lot.

ADA Stat

ADA Stat offers a minimalistic and elegant approach to stats for the explorer and pools. It is accurate and a pleasure to use and look at. Here's INSL as an example: Insalada Stake Pool statistics.


Adatainement is one of the oldest community driven, informative site about Cardano. It also offers graphs, and statistics. Moreover it offers mobile apps, a calculator and a number of other useful tools. Be sure to check them out.


In the same fashion to the above-mentioned Pool Tool, Adapools offers a number of useful network statistics and pool operators' tools. You can find tools that check against the explorer to understand if you are forked; info on what peers are currently best for your bootstrap, blocks statistics, and more.

Pegasus App

Pegasus App is a mobile application that provides statistics like the above sites, for pools and the explorer, and it can be with you at all times.


Last but not least, should you need help at any stage of your pool operator journey, join the 'Cardano Shelley Testnet & StakePool Best Practice Workgroup' group on Telegram; it is packed with knowledge, and great and helpful people.

Insalada Stake Pool also has a Telegram chat, should you want to follow us and ask anything about INSL :)