Replies: 1 comment 11 replies
Hm, I'm not getting this at all: library(nlmixr2)
#> Loading required package: nlmixr2data
one.cmt <- function() {
tka <- 0.45 # Log Ka
tcl <- 1 # Log Cl
tv <- 3.45 # Log V
eta.ka ~ fix(0)
add.err <- 0.7
ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
cl <- exp(tcl)
v <- exp(tv)
linCmt() ~ add(add.err)
single <- nlmixr(one.cmt, theo_sd, "focei", list(print=0))
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> ℹ the following etas are removed from the model since their initial estimates are zero: eta.ka
#> → loading into symengine environment...
#> → pruning branches (`if`/`else`) of full model...
#> ✔ done
#> → finding duplicate expressions in EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → optimizing duplicate expressions in EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → compiling EBE model...
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’
#> ✔ done
#> rxode2 using 8 threads (see ?getRxThreads)
#> no cache: create with `rxCreateCache()`
#> calculating covariance matrix
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> done
#> → Calculating residuals/tables
#> ✔ done
#> → compress origData in nlmixr2 object, save 5952
#> → compress parHistData in nlmixr2 object, save 3960
#> ℹ initial model updated with final estimates, some zero etas are excluded from output
#> ── nlmixr² Population Only (outer: nlminb) ──
#> OBJF AIC BIC Log-likelihood Condition#(Cov) Condition#(Cor)
#> Pop 153.8231 404.4229 415.9541 -198.2115 19.97851 8.523242
#> ── Time (sec $time): ──
#> setup optimize covariance table compress other
#> elapsed 0.016396 0.001965 0.001966 0.023 0.009 1.378673
#> ── Population Parameters ($parFixed or $parFixedDf): ──
#> Est. SE %RSE Back-transformed(95%CI) BSV(SD) Shrink(SD)%
#> tka 0.44 0.213 48.3 1.55 (1.02, 2.35)
#> tcl 0.962 0.139 14.4 2.62 (1.99, 3.43)
#> tv 3.49 0.0881 2.52 32.9 (27.6, 39)
#> add.err 1.39 1.39
#> Covariance Type ($covMethod): r
#> No correlations in between subject variability (BSV) matrix
#> Full BSV covariance ($omega) or correlation ($omegaR; diagonals=SDs)
#> Distribution stats (mean/skewness/kurtosis/p-value) available in $shrink
#> Information about run found ($runInfo):
#> • gradient problems with initial estimate and covariance; see $scaleInfo
#> Censoring ($censInformation): No censoring
#> Minimization message ($message):
#> relative convergence (4)
#> ── Fit Data (object is a modified tibble): ──
#> # A tibble: 132 × 11
#> ID TIME DV IPRED IRES IWRES ka cl v tad dosenum
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 0 0.74 0 0.74 0.531 1.55 2.62 32.9 0 1
#> 2 1 0.25 2.84 3.10 -0.260 -0.186 1.55 2.62 32.9 0.25 1
#> 3 1 0.57 6.57 5.57 0.997 0.715 1.55 2.62 32.9 0.57 1
#> # ℹ 129 more rows
single <- nlmixr(one.cmt, theo_sd, "bobyqa", list(print=0))
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> ℹ the following etas are removed from the model since their initial estimates are zero: eta.ka
#> → pruning branches (`if`/`else`) of population log-likelihood model...
#> ✔ done
#> → loading llik model into symengine environment...
#> → finding duplicate expressions in population log-likelihood model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> ✔ done
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’
#> |-----+---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------|
#> → calculating covariance
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> ✔ done
#> → loading into symengine environment...
#> → pruning branches (`if`/`else`) of full model...
#> ✔ done
#> → finding duplicate expressions in EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====
#> → optimizing duplicate expressions in EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → compiling EBE model...
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’
#> ✔ done
#> → loading llik model into symengine environment...
#> → pruning branches (`if`/`else`) of llik full model...
#> ✔ done
#> → finding duplicate expressions in Llik EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → optimizing duplicate expressions in Llik EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → compiling Llik EBE model...
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’
#> ✔ done
#> → Calculating residuals/tables
#> ✔ done
#> → compress origData in nlmixr2 object, save 5952
#> → compress parHistData in nlmixr2 object, save 22064
#> ℹ initial model updated with final estimates, some zero etas are excluded from output
#> ── nlmixr² bobyqa ──
#> OBJF AIC BIC Log-likelihood Condition#(Cov) Condition#(Cor)
#> lPop 216.1508 466.7505 478.2818 -229.3753 19.98372 8.522614
#> ── Time (sec $time): ──
#> setup table compress other
#> elapsed 0.001546 0.022 0.009 2.480454
#> ── Population Parameters ($parFixed or $parFixedDf): ──
#> Est. SE %RSE Back-transformed(95%CI) BSV(SD) Shrink(SD)%
#> tka 0.4403 0.2125 48.26 1.553 (1.024, 2.355)
#> tcl 0.9615 0.1387 14.43 2.616 (1.993, 3.433)
#> tv 3.492 0.08807 2.522 32.86 (27.65, 39.05)
#> add.err 1.375 1.375
#> Covariance Type ($covMethod): r
#> No correlations in between subject variability (BSV) matrix
#> Full BSV covariance ($omega) or correlation ($omegaR; diagonals=SDs)
#> Distribution stats (mean/skewness/kurtosis/p-value) available in $shrink
#> Censoring ($censInformation): No censoring
#> ── Fit Data (object is a modified tibble): ──
#> # A tibble: 132 × 11
#> ID TIME DV IPRED IRES IWRES ka cl v tad dosenum
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 0 0.74 0 0.74 0.538 1.55 2.62 32.9 0 1
#> 2 1 0.25 2.84 3.10 -0.260 -0.189 1.55 2.62 32.9 0.25 1
#> 3 1 0.57 6.57 5.57 0.996 0.724 1.55 2.62 32.9 0.57 1
#> # ℹ 129 more rows
single <- nlmixr(one.cmt, theo_sd, "nls", list(print=0))
#> ℹ parameter labels from comments are typically ignored in non-interactive mode
#> ℹ Need to run with the source intact to parse comments
#> ℹ the following etas are removed from the model since their initial estimates are zero: eta.ka
#> → loading into symengine environment...
#> → pruning branches (`if`/`else`) of nls model...
#> ✔ done
#> → calculate jacobian
#> → calculate ∂(f)/∂(θ)
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → finding duplicate expressions in nls gradient...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → optimizing duplicate expressions in nls gradient...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → finding duplicate expressions in nls pred-only...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’
#> |-----+---------------+-----------+-----------+-----------|
#> → calculating covariance
#> ✔ done
#> → loading into symengine environment...
#> → pruning branches (`if`/`else`) of full model...
#> ✔ done
#> → finding duplicate expressions in EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → optimizing duplicate expressions in EBE model...
#> [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:00
#> → compiling EBE model...
#> using C compiler: ‘gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0’
#> ✔ done
#> → Calculating residuals/tables
#> ✔ done
#> → compress origData in nlmixr2 object, save 5952
#> → compress parHistData in nlmixr2 object, save 2328
#> ℹ initial model updated with final estimates, some zero etas are excluded from output
#> ── nlmixr² nls with LM algorithm ──
#> OBJF AIC BIC Log-likelihood Condition#(Cov) Condition#(Cor)
#> Pop 249.7119 500.3117 511.8429 -246.1558 21.78507 9.136566
#> ── Time (sec $time): ──
#> setup table compress other
#> elapsed 0.001683 0.034 0.008 2.299317
#> ── Population Parameters ($parFixed or $parFixedDf): ──
#> Est. SE %RSE Back-transformed(95%CI) BSV(SD) Shrink(SD)%
#> tka 0.4403 0.1616 36.7 1.553 (1.132, 2.132)
#> tcl 0.9615 0.102 10.61 2.616 (2.141, 3.195)
#> tv 3.492 0.06569 1.881 32.86 (28.89, 37.38)
#> add.err 1.381 1.381
#> Covariance Type ($covMethod): r (LM)
#> No correlations in between subject variability (BSV) matrix
#> Full BSV covariance ($omega) or correlation ($omegaR; diagonals=SDs)
#> Distribution stats (mean/skewness/kurtosis/p-value) available in $shrink
#> Censoring ($censInformation): No censoring
#> Minimization message ($message):
#> Relative error in the sum of squares is at most `ftol'.
#> ── Fit Data (object is a modified tibble): ──
#> # A tibble: 132 × 11
#> ID TIME DV IPRED IRES IWRES ka cl v tad dosenum
#> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1 0 0.74 0 0.74 0.536 1.55 2.62 32.9 0 1
#> 2 1 0.25 2.84 3.10 -0.260 -0.189 1.55 2.62 32.9 0.25 1
#> 3 1 0.57 6.57 5.57 0.996 0.722 1.55 2.62 32.9 0.57 1
#> # ℹ 129 more rows Created on 2024-11-11 with reprex v2.1.1 |
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I understand that the same question has been posted previously ( ), however, the solution provided does not seem to work with nlmixr2. So, what's the right way to fit data with N of 1?
I got the following error message
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