Useful utilities I created for the Falcom discord, but anyone can use these ones here that are complete and functioning!
Topic (
): A topic command for presenting the current topic to users, and setting the topic (allowing easier input of emojis and mentions).[p]topic [channel]
: Get channel topic. If omitted, use current channel.- [mod]
[p]topic set <channel> topic
: Set channel topic. - [mod]
[p]topic amend <channel> topic
: Amend to channel topic, placing new text after newline. - [mod]
[p]topic clear [channel]
: Clear channel topic. If omitted, use current channel.
Random Tools (
): Commands for various randomization tasks.[p]rolldice <dice>
[p]pick <item> <item> ...
[p]pickx <n> <item> <item> ...
[p]drawx <n> <item> <item> ...
[p]mix <item> <item> ...
): A command to retrieve detailed, formatted preview content from a FANDOM Wiki page.[p]fandom -w <subdomain> <page name>
: Lookup page. "-w <subdomain>
" part is optional if a default is set for a server.- [mod]
[p]fandomset default <subdomain>
: Sets the default subdomain when "-w <subdomain>
" is not specified for a server. - [mod]
[p]fandomset accentcolor <subdomain> <color>
: Sets the accent color of the subdomain specified for a server.
Role Requests (
): A system for displaying and allowing users to request moderator-whitelisted list of roles.[p]req <role_name>
/[p]req add <role_name>
: Request a role.[p]req rem <role_name>
: Remove requestable role.[p]req clear
: Remove all requestable roles.[p]req list
: List all requestable roles.- [mod]
[p]req addrole <role_name>
: Add a role to requestable. - [mod]
[p]req remrole <role_name>
: Remove a role from requestable. - [mod]
[p]req postlist <channel>
: Posts an automatically updating list of roles to a channel, for example a public one for users to see their selection. - [mod]
[p]req massadd <limit> <channel> <role_name>
: Inspect the last<limit>
messages for participation and add<role_name>
to the found users. - [mod]
[p]reqset channel <channel>
: [default: ] Set the channel that[p]reqset list
and[p]reqset postlist
reference. - [mod]
[p]reqset max_requestable <limit>
: [default: 3] Set the maximum number of requestable roles the bot allows adding to a user. A moderator can still freely apply more than set here. - [mod]
[p]reqset auto_post_list [bool]
: [default: true] Set whether post lists are updated automatically when users change their roles using[p]request
Text Tools (
): Commands for text-related manipulation or information.- [p]echo: Echos the given text.
- [p]fullwidth: Turn the given text into fullwidth characters where able.
- [p]upper: Turn the given text into uppercase characters where able.
- [p]lower: Turn the given text into lowercase characters where able.
- [p]uninormalize: Normalizes the given text using one of the four forms, NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD.
- [p]unicode: Gives Unicode information on the character(s) given. If more than one character, gives a menu to scroll through. Can also take a U+XXXX, \xXXXX, \uXXXXX, or full Unicode name (has to be reasonably exact).
- [p]base64: Converts the input text (UTF-8 data) into base-64.
- [p]hex2str: Converts the input hex to a string, assuming UTF-8 encoded data.
- [p]hex2str: Converts the input hex to a string, given a codec name.
ROT-13 (
): ROT-13 encoding and decoding system, allowing users to use an emoji react to instantly decode privately.[p]rot13 <text>
: Encode/decode the given text.- [mod]
[p]req13set dm_rot13 [bool]
: [default: true] Whether to DM users ROT-13ed text when they react with 🔓. - [mod]
[p]req13set auto_react_to [str]
: [default: ] If set to a non-empty string, the bot auto-reacts to messages containing the string with 🔓. Suggested usage: set it to "rot13" and let users prefix their encoded text with it and the bot allows one-tap decoding.
[p]repo add falcogs
[p]cog list falcogs
[p]cog install falcogs <cog_name>
[p]load <cog_name>
[p]help <cog_name>
- Twentysix26: Twentysix and the other developers of Red made a platform for randoms like me to add features as wanted.
- Gu4n, Twililord, and others: Ideas on how to do Wikia and spoiler cogs.
I'm on Discord as Ribose#1423.