Creating index, inserting elements, searching and serialization
#include "../../hnswlib/hnswlib.h"
int main() {
int dim = 16; // Dimension of the elements
int max_elements = 10000; // Maximum number of elements, should be known beforehand
int M = 16; // Tightly connected with internal dimensionality of the data
// strongly affects the memory consumption
int ef_construction = 200; // Controls index search speed/build speed tradeoff
// Initing index
hnswlib::L2Space space(dim);
hnswlib::HierarchicalNSW<float>* alg_hnsw = new hnswlib::HierarchicalNSW<float>(&space, max_elements, M, ef_construction);
// Generate random data
std::mt19937 rng;
std::uniform_real_distribution<> distrib_real;
float* data = new float[dim * max_elements];
for (int i = 0; i < dim * max_elements; i++) {
data[i] = distrib_real(rng);
// Add data to index
for (int i = 0; i < max_elements; i++) {
alg_hnsw->addPoint(data + i * dim, i);
// Query the elements for themselves and measure recall
float correct = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max_elements; i++) {
std::priority_queue<std::pair<float, hnswlib::labeltype>> result = alg_hnsw->searchKnn(data + i * dim, 1);
hnswlib::labeltype label =;
if (label == i) correct++;
float recall = correct / max_elements;
std::cout << "Recall: " << recall << "\n";
// Serialize index
std::string hnsw_path = "hnsw.bin";
delete alg_hnsw;
// Deserialize index and check recall
alg_hnsw = new hnswlib::HierarchicalNSW<float>(&space, hnsw_path);
correct = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max_elements; i++) {
std::priority_queue<std::pair<float, hnswlib::labeltype>> result = alg_hnsw->searchKnn(data + i * dim, 1);
hnswlib::labeltype label =;
if (label == i) correct++;
recall = (float)correct / max_elements;
std::cout << "Recall of deserialized index: " << recall << "\n";
delete[] data;
delete alg_hnsw;
return 0;
An example of filtering with a boolean function during the search:
#include "../../hnswlib/hnswlib.h"
// Filter that allows labels divisible by divisor
class PickDivisibleIds: public hnswlib::BaseFilterFunctor {
unsigned int divisor = 1;
PickDivisibleIds(unsigned int divisor): divisor(divisor) {
assert(divisor != 0);
bool operator()(hnswlib::labeltype label_id) {
return label_id % divisor == 0;
int main() {
int dim = 16; // Dimension of the elements
int max_elements = 10000; // Maximum number of elements, should be known beforehand
int M = 16; // Tightly connected with internal dimensionality of the data
// strongly affects the memory consumption
int ef_construction = 200; // Controls index search speed/build speed tradeoff
// Initing index
hnswlib::L2Space space(dim);
hnswlib::HierarchicalNSW<float>* alg_hnsw = new hnswlib::HierarchicalNSW<float>(&space, max_elements, M, ef_construction);
// Generate random data
std::mt19937 rng;
std::uniform_real_distribution<> distrib_real;
float* data = new float[dim * max_elements];
for (int i = 0; i < dim * max_elements; i++) {
data[i] = distrib_real(rng);
// Add data to index
for (int i = 0; i < max_elements; i++) {
alg_hnsw->addPoint(data + i * dim, i);
// Create filter that allows only even labels
PickDivisibleIds pickIdsDivisibleByTwo(2);
// Query the elements for themselves with filter and check returned labels
int k = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < max_elements; i++) {
std::vector<std::pair<float, hnswlib::labeltype>> result = alg_hnsw->searchKnnCloserFirst(data + i * dim, k, &pickIdsDivisibleByTwo);
for (auto item: result) {
if (item.second % 2 == 1) std::cout << "Error: found odd label\n";
delete[] data;
delete alg_hnsw;
return 0;
An example with reusing the memory of the deleted elements when new elements are being added (via allow_replace_deleted
#include "../../hnswlib/hnswlib.h"
int main() {
int dim = 16; // Dimension of the elements
int max_elements = 10000; // Maximum number of elements, should be known beforehand
int M = 16; // Tightly connected with internal dimensionality of the data
// strongly affects the memory consumption
int ef_construction = 200; // Controls index search speed/build speed tradeoff
// Initing index
hnswlib::L2Space space(dim);
hnswlib::HierarchicalNSW<float>* alg_hnsw = new hnswlib::HierarchicalNSW<float>(&space, max_elements, M, ef_construction, 100, true);
// Generate random data
std::mt19937 rng;
std::uniform_real_distribution<> distrib_real;
float* data = new float[dim * max_elements];
for (int i = 0; i < dim * max_elements; i++) {
data[i] = distrib_real(rng);
// Add data to index
for (int i = 0; i < max_elements; i++) {
alg_hnsw->addPoint(data + i * dim, i);
// Mark first half of elements as deleted
int num_deleted = max_elements / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < num_deleted; i++) {
float* add_data = new float[dim * num_deleted];
for (int i = 0; i < dim * num_deleted; i++) {
add_data[i] = distrib_real(rng);
// Replace deleted data with new elements
// Maximum number of elements is reached therefore we cannot add new items,
// but we can replace the deleted ones by using replace_deleted=true
for (int i = 0; i < num_deleted; i++) {
int label = max_elements + i;
alg_hnsw->addPoint(add_data + i * dim, label, true);
delete[] data;
delete[] add_data;
delete alg_hnsw;
return 0;
Multithreaded examples:
- Creating index, inserting elements, searching example_mt_search.cpp
- Filtering during the search with a boolean function example_mt_filter.cpp
- Reusing the memory of the deleted elements when new elements are being added example_mt_replace_deleted.cpp
More examples:
- Multivector search example_multivector_search.cpp
- Epsilon search example_epsilon_search.cpp