Name | Type | Description | Notes |
staff_id | int | The ID of the staff member who is to provide the service being booked. | [optional] |
location_id | int | The ID of the location where the appointment is to take place. | [optional] |
session_type_id | int | The ID of the session type of this appointment. | [optional] |
resources | \Swagger\Client\Model\Resource[] | Contains information about the resources to be used for the appointment. | [optional] |
start_date_time | \DateTime | The date and time that the appointment is to start in the business’ timezone. This value must be passed in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. | [optional] |
end_date_time | \DateTime | The date and time that the appointment is to end in the business’ timezone. This value must be passed in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. | [optional] |
provider_id | string | The National Provider Identifier (NPI) of the staff member who is to provide the service. For an explanation of Provider IDs, see Provider IDs. | [optional] |