uti | id | title | platforms | packages | ||||||
com.xamarin.workbook |
4446e290-ff45-4011-860b-cff651ef9f70 |
Graph |
The original of this workbook is from Small Basic program RQX345-5.
#r "SmallBasicLibrary"
using Microsoft.SmallBasic.Library;
Following code is a header of this program.
/* Graph of y=Power(2,x)
* Version 0.8
* Copyright © 2015-2017 Nonki Takahashi. The MIT License.
* Last update 2017-09-30
public Primitive _gwx, _gwy, _x, _y, continuous, dx, dy, gh, gw, gwvp, gwx, gwx1, gwx2, gwy, gwy1, gwy2, height, k, maxX, minX, num, ox, oy, p, part, sign, textFx, vp, width, x, x1, x2, y, y1, y2;
Following code defines a function y=Math.Abs(x)
to be drawn as a graph.
public void Abs() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
y = Math.Abs(x);
public void Abs_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
textFx = "Math.Abs(x)";
minX[1] = x1;
maxX[1] = x2;
continuous[1] = "True";
part = 1;
Following code defines a function y=ArcTan(x)
to be drawn as a graph.
public void ArcTan() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
y = Math.ArcTan(x);
public void ArcTan_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
textFx = "Math.ArcTan(x)";
minX[1] = x1;
maxX[1] = x2;
continuous[1] = "True";
part = 1;
Follwing code defines a function y=Math.Cos(x)
to be drawn as a graph.
public void Cos() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
y = Math.Cos(x);
public void Cos_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
textFx = "Math.Cos(x)";
minX[1] = x1;
maxX[1] = x2;
continuous[1] = "True";
part = 1;
Following code defines a function y=Math.Power(2,x)
to be drawn as a graph.
public void Power() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
y = Math.Power(2, x);
public void Power_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
textFx = "Math.Power(2,x)";
minX[1] = x1;
maxX[1] = 3;
continuous[1] = "True";
part = 1;
Following code defines a function y=Remainder(x,2) to be drawn as a graph.
public void Remainder() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
y = Math.Remainder(x, 2);
public void Remainder_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
textFx = "Math.Remainder(x,2)";
minX[1] = x1;
maxX[1] = x2;
continuous[1] = "False";
part = 1;
Following code defines a function y=SquareRoot(x)
to be drawn as a graph.
public void SquareRoot() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
y = Math.SquareRoot(x);
public void SquareRoot_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
textFx = "Math.SquareRoot(x)";
minX[1] = 0;
maxX[1] = x2;
continuous[1] = "True";
part = 1;
Following code defines a function y=Math.Tan(x)
to be drawn as a graph.
public void Tan() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
y = Math.Tan(x);
public void Tan_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
textFx = "Math.Tan(x)";
minX[1] = x1;
maxX[1] = x2;
continuous[1] = "True";
part = 1;
Following code defines a function to be draw as a graph.
public void Fx() {
// Function of x | to draw graph
public void Fx_GetProperties() {
// Function of x | Get properties
Following functions (subroutines) are for graph. These names are started with “Graph_”. This means a pseudo class name.
public void Graph_Draw() {
/* Graph | Draw graph
* param part - number of part
* param minX[] - minimum X for each part
* param maxX[] - maximum X for each part
for (p = 1; p <= part; p++) {
for (x = minX[p]; x <= maxX[p]; x += dx) {
_x = x;
_y = y;
public void Graph_SetGWViewPort(Primitive x, Primitive y, Primitive width, Primitive height) {
/* Graph | Set graphics window view port
* param x - left of the view port
* param y - top of the view port
* param width - of the view port
* param height - of the view port
gwvp["x"] = x;
gwvp["y"] = y;
gwvp["width"] = width;
gwvp["height"] = height;
public void Graph_SetLogicalViewPort(Primitive x, Primitive y, Primitive width, Primitive height) {
/* Graph | Set logical view port
* param x - left of the view port
* param y - top of the view port
* param width - of the view port
* param height - of the view port
vp["x"] = x;
vp["y"] = y;
vp["width"] = width;
vp["height"] = height;
public void Graph_ToGWCoordinate() {
/* Graph | Convert to grahics window co-ordinate
* param x, y - logical co-ordinate
* return gwx, gwy - graphics window co-ordinate
gwx = gwvp["x"] + (x - vp["x"]) / vp["width"] * gwvp["width"];
gwy = gwvp["y"] + (y - vp["y"]) / vp["height"] * gwvp["height"];
public void Graph_DrawLine() {
/* Graph | Draw line
* param x, y - logical point to end line
* param _x, _y - logical point to start line
if (x == 0) { // for SB 1.2
sign = 0;
} else {
sign = x / Math.Abs(x);
if ((_gwx != "") && (continuous[p] || (!continuous[p] && (Math.Abs(gwy - _gwy) < 30)))) {
if ((y2 <= _y) && (_y <= y1) && (y2 <= y) && (y <= y1)) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(_gwx, _gwy, gwx, gwy);
} else if ((y2 <= _y) && (_y <= y1)) {
Stack.PushValue("local", x);
Stack.PushValue("local", y);
Stack.PushValue("local", gwx);
Stack.PushValue("local", gwy);
if (y < y2) {
k = (_y - y2) / (_y - y);
x = (1 - k) * _x + k * x;
y = y2;
} else {
k = (y1 - _y) / (y - _y);
x = (1 - k) * _x + k * x;
y = y1;
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(_gwx, _gwy, gwx, gwy);
gwy = Stack.PopValue("local");
gwx = Stack.PopValue("local");
y = Stack.PopValue("local");
x = Stack.PopValue("local");
} else if ((y2 <= y) && (y <= y1)) {
Stack.PushValue("local", x);
Stack.PushValue("local", y);
Stack.PushValue("local", gwx);
Stack.PushValue("local", gwy);
Stack.PushValue("local", _gwx);
Stack.PushValue("local", _gwy);
_gwx = gwx;
_gwy = gwy;
if (_y < y2) {
k = (y - y2) / (y - _y);
x = (1 - k) * x + k * _x;
y = y2;
} else {
k = (y1 - y) / (_y - y);
x = (1 - k) * x + k * _x;
y = y1;
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(_gwx, _gwy, gwx, gwy);
_gwy = Stack.PopValue("local");
_gwx = Stack.PopValue("local");
gwy = Stack.PopValue("local");
gwx = Stack.PopValue("local");
y = Stack.PopValue("local");
x = Stack.PopValue("local");
_gwx = gwx;
_gwy = gwy;
public void Graph_DrawGrid() {
/* Graph | Draw grid
* param x1, y1 - logical left top of the grid
* param x2, y2 - logical right bottom of the grid
* param dx, dy - logical grid pitch
x = x1;
y = y1;
gwx1 = gwx;
gwy1 = gwy;
x = x2;
y = y2;
gwx2 = gwx;
gwy2 = gwy;
x = 0;
for (y = 0; y2 <= y; y -= dy) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(gwx1, gwy, gwx2, gwy);
if (num) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(gwx + 2, gwy, y);
for (y = 0; y <= y1; y += dy) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(gwx1, gwy, gwx2, gwy);
if (num) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(gwx + 2, gwy, y);
y = 0;
for (x = 0; x1 <= x; x -= dx) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(gwx, gwy1, gwx, gwy2);
if (num) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(gwx + 2, gwy, x);
for (x = 0; x <= x2; x += dx) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawLine(gwx, gwy1, gwx, gwy2);
if (num) {
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(gwx + 2, gwy, x);
Form function (subroutine) shows the graphics window with UI for this program.
public void Form() {
// Form - draw UI form
gw = 598;
gh = 428;
GraphicsWindow.Width = gw;
GraphicsWindow.Height = gh;
GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = "LightGray";
GraphicsWindow.FontName = "Arial";
x = 10;
width = gw - 20;
y = 30;
height = gh - 40;
Graph_SetGWViewPort(x, y, width, height);
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "White";
GraphicsWindow.FillRectangle(x, y, width, height);
x1 = -6.5;
x2 = 6.5;
width = x2 - x1;
height = -width / (gw - 20) * (gh - 40);
y1 = -height / 2;
y2 = height / 2;
Graph_SetLogicalViewPort(x1, y1, width, height);
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "Black";
GraphicsWindow.DrawText(10, 10, "y=" + textFx);
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "#99FFFF";
dx = 0.1;
dy = 0.1;
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "#77CCCC";
GraphicsWindow.BrushColor = "#559999";
dx = 1;
dy = 1;
num = "True";
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "Gray";
GraphicsWindow.DrawRectangle(10, 30, gw - 20, gh - 40);
ox = gwx1 + 300;
oy = gwy1 + 300;
Following code is the main routine of this program.
// Main
GraphicsWindow.Title = "Graph 0.8";
GraphicsWindow.PenColor = "DimGray";
dx = 0.01;
for (p = 1; p <= part; p++) {