Make sure all prerequisites are satisfied as specified in README.md
Download TPC-H data
- Clone the dbgen repository
cd data/tpch git clone https://github.com/electrum/tpch-dbgen.git cd ../..
- Build dbgen by running
cd data/tpch/tpch-dbgen make
- Run the
script to generate the TPC-H data at various scale factors
bash SIGMOD_Reproducibility/Fig-5,6,7/tpch-data-gen.sh
- You should see 13 folders in data/tpch/data, corresponding to data generated for 13 scale factors.
Test Gurobi install by running
Run the experiments
bash SIGMOD_Reproducibility/Fig-5,6,7/run_experiments.sh
4(b). Optionally just run the experiments for Fig 5 and 7 for smaller sizes (takes <3 hours to terminate)
bash SIGMOD_Reproducibility/Fig-5,6,7/run_experiments_small.sh
4(c). Optionally just run the experiments for Fig 6 on tpch data (takes <30min to terminate)
bash SIGMOD_Reproducibility/Fig-5,6,7/run_experiments_tpch.sh
Visualize the output: We have a Jupyter notebook sigmod_expts.ipynb code to read the experimental output and generate the plots by calling methods from ../../src/resilience_responsibility_solver/plot/.
(Optional) The code generates some intermeadiate files, like pickle files storing various data instances that are tested, log files, linear program files. To delete this, you can run
bash SIGMOD_Reproducibility/Fig-5,6,7/clean_intermediate_data.sh
The default notebook uses the reference experimental data to start with, but this can be toggled by setting use_reference_data = False
To use the data generated in smaller sized experiments set use_small_expt = True