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123 lines (96 loc) · 4.44 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (96 loc) · 4.44 KB


Optimize a static website for hosting in S3, by including a fingerprint into all assets' filenames. The optimized website is uploaded into the specified S3 bucket with the right cache headers.


You can install the stable version using the following pip command:

pip install --upgrade s3-site-cache-optimizer

If you want to keep up with the latest features, install the development version:

pip install --upgrade


The command line tool executes the following steps:

  1. Index the (local) source dir containing the static website, and search for assets and rewritables.
  2. Calculate a hash from the contents of each asset, and rename it with the filehash in the filename.
  3. Search the contents of the rewritables for references to each of the assets, and rewrite the urls if necessary.
  4. (optional) Gzip all text-based files.
  5. (optional) Upload all files to a path in an S3 bucket, and remove all other files from that path. Assets are given a never-expiring cache header in order to optimize browser and proxy caching.

All file operations are executed in a (temporary) output directory, the source directory is not altered.

Assets and rewritables are recognized based on their file extension. Currently, the following file extensions are considered as assets:

  • css
  • svg
  • ttf
  • woff
  • woff2
  • otf
  • eot
  • png
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • gif
  • js
  • xml
  • mp4
  • webm
  • webp

Rewritables are text-based files with one of the following extensions:

  • html
  • htm
  • js
  • css
  • xml
  • json

File a feature request if you want to see other file extensions added.


usage: s3-site-cache-optimizer [-h] [--debug] [--version]
                               [--exclude PATTERN [PATTERN ...]]
                               [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                               [--access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
                               [--secret-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
                               [--region REGION]
                               [--prefix PREFIX]
                               [--domains DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...]]
                               source_dir destination_bucket

positional arguments:
  source_dir            Local directory containing a static website.
  destination_bucket    S3 bucket name.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Enable debug output
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --exclude PATTERN [PATTERN ...]
                        Exclude files and directories matching these patterns.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory in which local files are written.
                        When absent a temporary directory is created and used.
  --access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
                        AWS access key. If this field is not specified,
                        credentials from environment or credentials files will
                        be used.
  --secret-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
                        AWS access secret. If this field is not specified,
                        credentials from environment or credentials files will
                        be used.
  --region REGION       AWS region to connect to.
  --gzip                Gzip text-based files.
  --prefix PREFIX       Subdirectory in which files are stored in the bucket.
                        Stored in the root of the bucket by default.
  --domains DOMAIN [DOMAIN ...]
                        Domain names on which the site will be hosted.
  --skip-s3-upload      Skip uploading to S3.


$ s3-site-cache-optimizer ~/srv/ --exclude ".git/*" ".git*" --region eu-west-1
$ s3-site-cache-optimizer ~/srv/ --output ~/srv/example-optimized/ --skip-s3-upload
$ s3-site-cache-optimizer ~/srv/ my_bucket --domains --prefix "user/sites/"


The s3-site-cache-optimizer is released under the MIT license.