- Introduction
- Installation
- File Format
- 3.1 Topography File
- 3.2 2D Velocity File
- 3.3 3D Velocity File
- 3.4 2D Observation File
- 3.5 3D Observation File
- 3.5 Inverse Problem File
- Usage
- Advanced Options
- 5.1 OpenMP
- 5.2 Empirical Relation
- 5.3 Random Seed
- 5.4 Warnings
- 5.5 L-curve Analysis
- 5.6 Tips for Topography
- Appendix
is a package to conduct 2-D surface wave tomography with topography by using shortest path method. In this method, surface wave is propagating along the (curved) surface.
This manual provides guidance on using the SPMST
package to perform 2D/3D surface wave ray-based tomography of shear wave velocities. These package includes 3 programs:
- Synthesize phase velocity travel time for a given 2-D phase velocity map, and a given topography.
- 2-D phase velocity tomography (from dispersion to phase maps).
- 3-D direct inversion of both phase/group dispersion curves.
It should be noted that this package has been tested by a limited number of users under similar computational conditions, so it may contain some bugs. I would appreciate any bug reports submitted on the GitHub page.
For further details, please refer to here.
name | version |
GCC | >=7.5 |
Eigen | >=3.4.0 |
CMAKE | >=3.12.0 |
name | version |
Paraview | >= 5.0 |
After you have downloaded the code from Github, you can compile it by using:
mkdir build;
cd build;
cmake .. -DCXX=g++ -DFC=gfortran -DEIGEN_INC=/path/to/EIGEN
make -j8
Then all the programs will be put under the directory bin
All 3 programs are highly dependent on several input files: topography file, source/receivers file, and the 2D/3D velocity file. Before we go through details in each program, we talk a little bit about the file format:
One template of the topography file is like:
51 51
-5.000000 5.000000
-5.000000 5.000000
- The first two numbers are number of points in
dimension, respectively - The 2nd/3rd line are minimum/maximum coordinates for
direction (in km or degree). - The following lines are the topography at each point (in meters), it should be written as:
for iy in range(ny):
for ix in range(nx):
f.write("%f\n" %(topo[iy,ix]))
If you want to use spherical coordinates in your project, you should make sure all coordiantes are in degree, and remember the notation duality: x -> longitude, y -> latitude
here is the template:
40 40
89.200000 90.300000
38.900000 39.300000
- The first two numbers are number of points in
dimension, respectively - The 2nd/3rd line are minimum/maximum coordinates for
direction (in km or degree). - The fourth line is a flag that enables the spherical coordinate system; if set to 1, spherical coordinates will be used.
- The following lines are the velocities at each point (in km/s). The order of for loop is same as the topography file.
here is the template:
33 36 27
99.700000 110.200000
25.700000 35.300000
0 0
0.000000 0.400000 0.800000 1.200000 1.600000 2.000000 2.400000 2.800000 3.200000 3.600000 4.000000 4.400000 4.800000 5.200000 5.600000 6.000000 6.400000 6.800000 7.200000 7.600000 8.000000 8.400000 8.800000 9.200000 9.600000 15.000000 35.000000
- The first two numbers are number of points in
dimension, respectively - The 2nd/3rd line are minimum/maximum coordinates for
direction. - The two numbers in fourth line:
Spherical coordinates flag
, same as 2D caseShift interface flag
. If it is set to 0, the topography will be processed as the thickening/thinning of the first layer. Otherwise the location of all interface will be shifted up/downward but the relative location is not changed. Istrongly recommend
you to set this flag to 0 unless you really know what you are doing.
- The 5-th line are the depth for each point (in km).
- The following lines are the velocities at each point (in km/s), it should be written as:
for iz in range(nz):
for iy in range(ny):
for ix in range(nx):
f.write("%f\n" % (veloc[iz,iy,ix]))
here is the one block (source-receiver pair) in this file:
# 89.488540 39.099072 4
89.987624 39.057909 2.45
89.948282 38.922526 2.54
89.306624 39.269530 2.60
89.425898 39.152494 2.676753
This file contains the source/receiver location and phase velocity observations at a single period:
- The first line (must start with
) contains the x and y coordinates (in km/deg) for source, and the following number is how may receivers related to this source. - The following lines are receiver coordiantes (in km/deg) and the observed phase velocity (in km/s).
You should list all the blocks you required in this file. Another point you should note that this program cannot
handle group velocity observations.
This file contains the period used for each type of surface wave and the source/receiver location and phase velocity observations at a each period, each wave type. Here is the template:
19 # ntRc (followed by periods)
0.2 0.6 1. 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3. 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6.2 6.6 7. 7.4
19 # ntRg (followed by periods)
0.2 0.6 1. 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3. 3.4 3.8 4.2 4.6 5. 5.4 5.8 6.2 6.6 7 7.4
0 # ntLc (followed by periods)
0 # ntLg
# 108.646000 31.962600 6 0 2 0
105.764100 33.732800 3.082300
106.020600 34.342500 3.114000
104.991700 33.357400 3.048400
106.139500 33.356800 3.080200
107.817000 34.128300 3.125100
106.800200 33.229300 3.057500
Obviously this file contains a header and data blocks. The header parameters are:
- The first line contains the size of the period array for Rayleigh wave phase velocity. If this number is not 0, the following line should be the period vector (in s).
- The following several lines contain the same for Rayleigh wave group velocity, Love wave's phase velocity and Love wave's group velocity, respectively.
The rest of this file is the description for each source receiver pair at a given period of a single wave type. The source is started with a #
# x y nsta pid wave-type disp-type
x y
coordinates, in km/degnsta
number of stations for this pairpid
is the index of the period in the period array, start from 0.wave-type
Rayleigh wave (=2) or Love wave (=1)disp-type
phase velocity (=0) or group velocity (=1). For the template, the source line means: this block has6
receivers, related toRayleigh phase velocity
Then the following nsta
lines contains the receiver coordinates (same units with source) and the observed dispersion (in km/s).
# SPMST2D/3D inversion Parameters
# # of iterations
ITER_CURRENT = 0 # current iteration
# minimum velocity, maximum velocity in km/s
# synthetic test
SYN_TEST = 1 # synthetic flag(0:real data,1:synthetic)
NOISE_LEVEL = 0.1 # noise level, std value of gaussian noise
# for LSQR-based inversion
SMOOTH = 2.0 # 2-nd Tikhonov regularization parameter
DAMP = 0.01 # damping parameter for LSQR
NTHREADS = 2 # # of threads used in LSQR solver
This is a self-explanatory file, you can add any comments in it (start with #
). To modify it, you should leave at least one space
in the left/right side of =
This program is to synthesize frequency-dependent phase velocity travel time for a given 2-D velocity, topography and source-receiver pair.
Usage: ./syn2d veloc2d.txt surfdata.txt topo.txt
Input files:
2D velocity file.surfdata.txt
source receiver pair. This program only support1
source/receiver pair.topo.txt
Topography file.
Output files:
ray-paths for this source/receiver pair. It can be used directly bygmt plot
travel time field with shape(npts,4)
, it's a binary file and can be read by-bi4f
option in GMT.time.homo.out
travel time field (by using average velocity) with shape(npts,4)
, it's a binary file and can be read by-bi4f
option in GMT.topo.vtk
VTK file of topography, it can be displayed byparamview
./this paramfile datafile topofile initmod (truemod)
Input files:
file with inversion parameters.datafile
source receiver pair.topofile
Topography file.initmod
Initial model, belong to 2D velocity filetruemod
True model (2D velocity file). This file is only used whenSYN_TEST
is set to1
Output files:
models for each iteration, the index is started fromITER_CURRENT
.The columns are[x,y,phase_velocity]
dispersions for each iteration. The columns are :[xs,ys, xr,yr, distance, synthetic_time]
observed dispersions The columns are :[xs,ys, xr,yr, distance, obs_time]
./this paramfile datafile topofile initmod (truemod)
Input files:
file with inversion parameters.datafile
source receiver pair.topofile
Topography file.initmod
Initial model, belong to 3D velocity filetruemod
True model (3D velocity file). This file is only used whenSYN_TEST
is set to1
Output files:
models for each iteration, the index is started fromITER_CURRENT
. The columns are[x,y,Vs]
dispersions for each iteration. The columns are :[xs,ys, xr,yr, distance, synthetic_time]
observed dispersions The columns are :[xs,ys, xr,yr, distance, obs_time]
and tomo3d
can be executed on a single node with OpenMP
support. To choose the number of threads used, you can set this environment variable before running:
The maximum number can be half of the following output:
cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep cores |wc −l
Empirical relations are utilized to connect density and
velocity of rocks in our program. If you have better relations
in your study area, you can change this relation
in src/spmst3D/compute_swd.cpp
void empirical_relation(float vsz,float &vpz,float &rhoz)
vpz = 0.9409 + 2.0947*vsz - 0.8206*pow(vsz,2)+
0.2683*pow(vsz,3) - 0.0251*pow(vsz,4);
rhoz = 1.6612 * vpz - 0.4721 * pow(vpz,2) +
0.0671 * pow(vpz,3) - 0.0043 * pow(vpz,4) +
0.000106 * pow(vpz,5);
To make sure we obtain same results for checkerboard test, we fix the random seed in src/shared/gaussian.cpp
static default_random_engine e(11);
You could change 11
to other integer if required.
There might be several warnings/erros raised during inversion, and this information may help you debug:
The most common warning is WARNING:improper initial value in disper-no zero found
on the screen. Then a fort.66
file will
be generated in the running directory. This error is due to
a strange 1-D model that the dispersion module cannot find
dispersion curves for this model.
There are some possible reasons for this warning. If you find this problem for the first iteration, this problem may from that the format of your initial model is different from the required one. You could check the model in file fort.66
and compare that with your model.
Another possible reason is that you choose inappropriate (too small
Tikhonov regularization parameters (i.e. damping and smooth factors) which lead to abrupt change of previous model.
I've provided a script utils/lcurve.py
python lcurve.py MOD.init model
where MOD.init
is your initial model and model
is a directory generated by tomo2d/tomo3d
. It will compute
This package assumes the surface wave is propagating along a curved manifold. So you should use a smooth version of topography in each program. Please try the script utils/smooth_topo.py
to smooth your topography, and also have a look at topo.vtk
from syn2d
Here is some implementation details: this package is trying to minimize the frequency-dependent phase velocity related travel time:
For group velocity, it should be:
where the path same path
as obtained in corresponding phase velocity case.