For mdpicgen.
flowchart TD
A([INPUT \nMarkdown])
subgraph Extract Sequences 'seqs' from Markdown
B{Read text in \nfirst column \nof each table}
D[Split text into \nsequences of commands: \n'seqs']
P[INPUT \nPattern file. \nDefines Separators, \nRecognizers, \nand Layer Names.]
A --> B
B -- Has a #60;br>: --> D
B -- No #60;br>: ----> B
P --> D
M[Seqs, \nand corresponding \nLayer Names \n#40;used for \nfilenames#41;]
subgraph Generate Images of seqs
ARGI[INPUT \nArguments for \nimage processing: \nGIF, height, etc.]
E[Composite images]
IS[INPUT \nImage set folder]
ISV[INPUT \nImage set CSV]
ISV --> E
IS --> E
ARGI --> E
D --> M
E --> OIS
subgraph Generate image links
IL[Insert image links \nafter #60;br> \nfor each seq]
M --> E
M --> IL
F[Format each line]
A --> F
IL --> OM
F --> OFM
subgraph OUTPUT
OIS[OUTPUT \nImages to out folder]
OM[OUTPUT \nUpdated Markdown \nwith image links]
OFM[OUTPUT \nFormatted Markdown]