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File metadata and controls

54 lines (38 loc) · 2.51 KB


Your team has been tasked with creating pinterest. If you live under a rock and have never used pinterest before go figure out what it does. TLDR; users create boards and can pin urls to the boards


  • Clean code - single responsibility principle
  • ES6 Modules bundled with webpack
  • No errors - linters should be clean
  • Jquery for any DOM manipulation (selectors, modifying css classes, events)
  • SASS and Bootstrap for styling
  • Completely planned out - before each section you should be making new cards before you code. You should have wireframes and an ERD

HW Parts

Part 1: ERDs and Authentication

  • Create an ERD for pinterest (do this in studygroup)
  • Create a new githup repo called pinterest
  • Create a setup branch and setup webpack (make a ticket for this first)
  • Create a new firebase project and enable google authentication
  • Create an authentication branch and add in all authentication that we did in class (navbar with logout button, google login button)
  • When your user is logged out they should see the navbar with only a brand. And an h1 on the page that says PINTERST (make a home component for this)
  • When your user is logged in they should see a navbar with a brand and a logout button and an H1 on the page that says Boards (make a boards component for this)

Part 2: READ


  • Create some json data
  • Import that data into firebase

User Stories

  • As a user, when I am logged in and the page loads, I should see all the boards that belong to me.

  • As a user, when I click on one of my boards, I should see a single board view that shows all pins for that board.

  • As a user, when I am on the single board view, there should be some way to go back to all my boards.

Part 3: DELETE

  • As a user, I should be able to delete a pin from one of my boards.

  • As a user, I should be able to delete one of my boards.

  • As a user, when I delete one of my boards all pins that were on that board should be deleted as well.

Part 4: CREATE

  • As a user, I should be able to create a new pin.

  • As a user, I should be able to create a new board.

Part 5: UPDATE

  • As a user, I should be able to change which board a pin belongs to.

Part 6: Deploy and Readme

  • As a user I should be able to use your app on the internet - it should be deployed using firebase.

  • As a developer, I want to see an amazing README for this project.