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WPISuite Troubleshooting & FAQ

Gary Pollice edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 1 revision

For questions and troubleshooting for the Janeway application, see Janeway FAQ.

Q: Where is the server's db4o database file?

A: That is a fantastic question! The db4o database file can be difficult to find -- the location is not consistant between execution methods (Eclipse WTP, Installed Tomcat, JUnit, etc.). The file is consistently named "WPISuite_TNG_local". Below is a list of the locations where the db4o file has been found.

Base of the repository folder : /
The WPISuite Core Server Project : /Core/WPISuite/
TOMCAT_HOME (Location of your Tomcat Installation)
JAVA_HOME (Location of your JDK/JRE)

  1. Windows: Usually: C:/Program Files/Java/ or C:/Java/
  2. OS X: Usually: /Library/Java/Home/ or /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdkx.y.z_aa.jdk/.
    Eclipse Application Folder
  3. Windows : The location of the eclipse.exe
  4. OS X : Within the file. Right-click the .app > Open Package Contents. From here, navigate to Contents/MacOS/.
    Your home directory on Linux : ~, i.e. /home/username

Q: When I try to log in, Janeway is returning an error message of "404 - Not Found". When I try to log in via the WebAdmin Console, I receive a "404" error response next to the login button. WHY CAN'T I LOG IN?!

A: This particular response code and message (404, "Not Found") has been encountered when another process has bound itself to your localhost's port 8080. In simpler terms, your Tomcat server is trying to communicate on a port that is already in use by another application.

The solution is to shutdown/close the application that is using the port. There are a few likely culprits: a pre-existing apache (or any other webserver), MatLab application server, etc. Use your process manager to shut down which ever process is using the port.