The Strava Activity Data Extractor is a JavaScript bookmarklet designed to extract detailed activity data from a Strava Activity webpage and copy it to the clipboard in JSON format. It also opens a new window displaying the extracted data.
- Extracts activity details, weather data, statistics, and segment efforts from the webpage.
- Copies the extracted data to the clipboard in JSON format.
- Opens a new window displaying the extracted data.
Create a new bookmark in your browser.
Edit the bookmark and paste the following code into the URL field:
javascript:(function(){ function extractData() { function safeGet(selector, property = 'innerText', fallback = 'N/A', context = document) { const element = context.querySelector(selector); return element ? element[property].trim() : fallback; } function getTableData(selector) { const table = document.querySelector(selector); if (!table) return {}; const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tr'); const data = {}; rows.forEach(row => { const th = row.querySelector('th'); const tds = row.querySelectorAll('td'); if (th && tds.length > 0) { const key = th.innerText.trim(); if (tds.length === 1) { data[key] = tds[0].innerText.trim(); } else if (tds.length >= 2) { data[key] = { avg: tds[0].innerText.trim(), max: tds[1].innerText.trim() }; } } }); return data; } const statsData = getTableData('.more-stats table'); const weatherData = { condition: safeGet('.weather-stats .weather-stat:first-child .weather-label', 'innerText', 'N/A'), temperature: safeGet('.weather-stats .weather-stat:nth-child(2) .weather-value', 'innerText', 'N/A'), humidity: safeGet('.weather-stats .weather-stat:nth-child(3) .weather-value', 'innerText', 'N/A'), feelsLike: safeGet('.weather-stats .weather-column:nth-child(2) .weather-stat:nth-child(1) .weather-value', 'innerText', 'N/A'), windSpeed: safeGet('.weather-stats .weather-column:nth-child(2) .weather-stat:nth-child(2) .weather-value', 'innerText', 'N/A'), windDirection: safeGet('.weather-stats .weather-column:nth-child(2) .weather-stat:nth-child(3) .weather-value', 'innerText', 'N/A') }; var data = { activity: { title: safeGet('h1.activity-name'), type: safeGet('h2.text-title3 span.title', 'innerText', '').split('–')[1]?.trim() || 'N/A', athlete: safeGet('h2.text-title3 span.title a'), date: safeGet('time', 'innerText', '').split(' on ')[1] || 'N/A', time: safeGet('time', 'innerText', '').split(' on ')[0] || 'N/A', location: safeGet('span.location'), description: safeGet('.activity-description-container .content'), stats: { distance: safeGet('.inline-stats li:nth-child(1) strong'), movingTime: safeGet('.inline-stats li:nth-child(2) strong'), elapsedTime: typeof statsData['Elapsed Time'] === 'string' ? statsData['Elapsed Time'] : 'N/A', elevationGain: safeGet('.inline-stats li:nth-child(3) strong'), relativeEffort: safeGet('.inline-stats li:nth-child(4) strong'), weightedAveragePower: safeGet('.secondary-stats li:nth-child(1) strong'), energyOutput: safeGet('.secondary-stats li:nth-child(2) strong'), averageSpeed: statsData['Speed']?.avg || 'N/A', maxSpeed: statsData['Speed']?.max || 'N/A', averageHeartRate: statsData['Heart Rate']?.avg || 'N/A', maxHeartRate: statsData['Heart Rate']?.max || 'N/A', averageCadence: statsData['Cadence']?.avg || 'N/A', maxCadence: statsData['Cadence']?.max || 'N/A', averagePower: statsData['Power']?.avg || 'N/A', maxPower: statsData['Power']?.max || 'N/A', calories: typeof statsData['Calories'] === 'string' ? statsData['Calories'] : 'N/A' }, weather: weatherData, gear: safeGet('.gear-name'), device: safeGet('.device'), kudos: safeGet('[data-testid="kudos_count"]'), comments: safeGet('[data-testid="comments_count"]'), segmentEfforts: Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#segments-container table.segments tbody tr:not(.hidden-segments)')) .map(row => { return { name: safeGet('.name-col .name', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), distance: safeGet('.stats span[title="Distance"]', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), elevation: safeGet('.stats span[title="Elevation difference"]', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), grade: safeGet('.stats span[title="Average grade"]', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), time: safeGet('.time-col', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), speed: safeGet('td:nth-child(7)', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), power: safeGet('td:nth-child(8)', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), intensity: safeGet('.effort-intensity .ei-value', 'innerText', 'N/A', row), heartRate: safeGet('td:nth-last-child(2)', 'innerText', 'N/A', row) }; }) .filter(segment => !== 'N/A') } }; return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); } async function copyToClipboard(text) { try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); console.log('JSON data copied to clipboard'); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to copy text: ', err); } } var jsonData = extractData(); /* Open in new window */ var newWindow =; newWindow.document.write('<pre>' + jsonData + '</pre>'); newWindow.document.close(); // Prevent the spinning icon /* Copy to clipboard */ copyToClipboard(jsonData); })();
Save the bookmark.
Navigate to the desired activity webpage.
Click the bookmark to extract the data.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.