My personal website.
Not live yet.
To set up the development environment for this website, you'll need to install the following on your system:
- Node and npm
- Ruby and Bundler, preferably through something like rvm
- Grunt ( $ npm install -g grunt-cli )
After these basic requirements are met, run the following commands in the website's folder:
$ npm install
$ bundle install
$ grunt
Compiles the compass files, javascripts and generates the website which is available at http://localhost:3000/
The system will watch files and execute tasks whenever one of them changes.
The site will automatically refresh since it is bundled with livereload.
Clean the compiled sass, javascript...
$ grunt clean
Compile the compass files and javascripts. Use this instead of grunt
if you just want to render it once:
$ grunt build
Compile the compass files and javascripts prepared for production (minified, uglyfied). Every time changes will be pushed to production, this command needs to be run:
$ grunt prod
Spins up a webserver to serve the website.
$ grunt serve
##License My website is licensed under The MIT License (MIT), see the LICENSE file for more details.