Analyzing and predicting crop data in the Netherlands
I found QGIS extremely handy in exploring datasets, debugging and inspecting errors.
Postgres + PostGIS gdal: brew install gdal --enable-unsupported --with-postgresql
Loading basisregistratie-gewaspercelen-brp from an ESRI file geodatabase (.gdb) using R
Dataset download links can be found in:
SRID 28992
// Converting GDB files to Shape files
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile” destination_data.shp BRP_Gewaspercelen_2009.gdb
// Importing shape files to postgres
shp2pgsql -I -s 28992 2012.shp 2012 | psql -p 5433 -U postgres -d crops
shp2pgsql -I <PATH/TO/SHAPEFILE> <SCHEMA>.<DBTABLE> | psql -U postgres -d <DBNAME>
// fix geometries alter table "2014" add column geom_fixed geometry; update "2014" set geom_fixed = ST_makeValid(geom); CREATE INDEX geom_fixed_2014_gix ON "2014" USING GIST (geom_fixed);
// add centeroid of geoms alter table "2016" add column center geometry; update "2016" set center= ST_SetSRID(ST_Centroid(geom_fixed),28992); CREATE INDEX centroid_2016_gix ON "2016" USING GIST (center);
//create foreign key indexes on each table
alter table "2015" add column next_year_parcel_fk integer REFERENCES "2016" (gid); update "2015" set next_year_parcel_fk="2016".gid from "2016" where ST_CoveredBy("2016".center,"2015".geom_fixed) -- and (st_area(st_intersection("2015".geom_fixed,"2016".geom_fixed))/("2016".shape_area)) > 0.6
A more accurate alternative would probably be:
update "2015" set next_year_parcel_fk="2016".gid
from "2016" where ST_Intersects("2016".geom_fixed,"2015".geom_fixed) and (st_area(st_intersection("2015".geom_fixed,"2016".geom_fixed))/("2016".shape_area)) >0.8
// creating the fishnet
get bounding box of the 2009:
xmin ymin:
12856.7 305608.34,
xmax, ymax
277980.31 613446.06
create fish nets
CREATE TABLE fishnet (gid serial, cell geometry);
insert into fishnet (cell)
ST_Dump(makegrid_2d(ST_GeomFromText('Polygon((12856.7 305608.34, 12856.7 613446.06, 277980.31 613446.06, 277980.31 305608.34, 12856.7 305608.34))',
28992), -- WGS84 SRID
10000) -- cell step in meters
)).geom AS cell) AS q_grid
based on bounding box :
get bounding box of the 2009:
xmin ymin:
12856.7 305608.34,
xmax, ymax
277980.31 613446.06
// assign fishnet id to each parcel in each year
alter table "2009" add column cell_id integer ; update "2009" set cell_id = fishnet.gid from fishnet where ST_CoveredBy("2009".center,fishnet.cell)
// importing soil data
// add soil types to reference table
alter table "2016" add column soil character varying ;
alter table "2016" add column soil_code smallint ;
update "2016"
set soil = soil_map_dump.omschrijvi, soil_code=soil_map_dump.gronds
from soil_map_dump where ST_CoveredBy("2016".center,soil_map_dump.geom)
gunzip -c crops_pgdump_march1.gz | psql your_db_name
vacuum analyze "2010"
fix polygons check if geometries are valid: select gid from soil_map where ST_isvalid(soil_map.geom)=false
update "soil_map" set geom_fixed = ST_MakeValid(geom)