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Cloud Custodian Policies for AWS

powered by GitHub Actions


  • Quotas limit increased to 200 (minimum) for CloudWatch Event Rules, in each region:
    aws service-quotas request-service-quota-increase \
      --service-code events \
      --quota-code L-244521F2 \
      --desired-value 200
  • Alerts policies filenames should start with a-
  • Remediation policies filenames should start with r-

Custodian Policy Structure

  • Ensure Account {account_id} - is present in the description to identify multiple accounts independently.
  • Ensure name is short and sweet. If the name is too long, validation check will fail.
  • Ensure role name is not changed as it deployed via terraform in prerequisites.

Using with GitHub Actions

Ensure validation.yml is being used for sanity

To use the policies with an AWS account, we have to refer the sample workflow file. The below sample workflow is for cloudtrail based policies. Similarly, the workflows can be created for hourly/daily frequencies.

name: sample-workflow
      - main
      - policies/cloudtrail/**

    shell: bash
    working-directory: policies/cloudtrail/

  AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: "123456789012"
  ROLE_NAME: custodian-sample-role

    name: Deploy Lambda for CloudTrail Events
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Install python3.8
        uses: actions/setup-python@v2
          python-version: '3.8'

      - name: Install Custodian
        run: |
          pip install c7n

      - name: Configure AWS credentials from ${{env.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}} account
        run: |
          CREDS=( $(aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::${{env.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}:role/${{env.ROLE_NAME}}" --role-session-name "${{env.ROLE_NAME}}" --query 'Credentials.[AccessKeyId,SecretAccessKey,SessionToken]' --duration-seconds 5400 --output text) )
          unset AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
          unset AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
          unset AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
          echo "::add-mask::$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
          echo "::add-mask::$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
          echo "::add-mask::$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"

      - name: Check Access
        run: |
          aws sts get-caller-identity

      - name: Deploy regional policies
        run: |
            find . \( -iname "*.yml" -o -iname "*.yaml" \) | { grep -v "route53\|cloudfront\|iam\|s3" || true; } | while read POLICY; do
              sed -i 's,REPLACE_WEBHOOK_HERE,${{ secrets.CUSTODIAN_SLACK_WEBHOOK }},g' "$POLICY"
              array=${{ env.REGION_LIST }}
              for REGION in ${array[*]}; do
                custodian run -s /tmp/ -v --cache-period 0 -c "$POLICY" --region "$REGION"

      - name: Deploy global policies
        run: |
            find . \( -iname "*.yml" -o -iname "*.yaml" \) | { grep "route53\|cloudfront\|iam\|s3" || true; } | while read POLICY; do
              sed -i 's,REPLACE_WEBHOOK_HERE,${{ secrets.CUSTODIAN_SLACK_WEBHOOK }},g' "$POLICY"
              custodian run -s /tmp/ -v --cache-period 0 -c "$POLICY" --region us-east-1


  • Ensure to change REGION_LIST inside the workflow file.
  • Individual workflow files for each frequency.
  • Slack Webhook. This repo will use CUSTODIAN_SLACK_WEBHOOK GitHub Secret to replace webhook while deployment.

List of Policies

Policy Name Description Resource Name
r-security-group-ingress-mysql-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress mysql access from replace with VPN IP security-group
route53-domain-has-autorenew-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Route 53 domains have AutoRenew enabled r53domain
r-security-group-ingress-rdp-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress rdp access from replace with VPN IP security-group
r-security-group-ingress-ftp20-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress ftp20 access from replace with VPN IP security-group
r-security-group-ingress-ftp20-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress ftp20 access from replace with VPN IP security-group
r-security-group-ingress-ssh-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress SSH access from replace with VPN IP security-group
a-vpn-tunnels-status-verify Account 123456789012 Both VPN tunnels provided by AWS Site-to-Site VPN should be in UP status aws.vpn-connection
r-security-group-ingress-ahsp-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress ahsp access from replace with VPN IP security-group
r-security-group-ingress-all-tcp-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress TCP access from replace with VPN IP security-group
r-security-group-ingress-all-udp-access-replace-vpn-ip Account 123456789012 - VPC security groups should restrict ingress UDP access from replace with VPN IP security-group
route53-reg-domain-has-transfer-lock Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Route 53 Registered domain has Transfer lock enabled r53domain
iam-access-key1-rotated-90-days-or-less Account 123456789012 - Ensure access key1 is rotated every 90 days or less iam-user
no-cmk-is-marked-for-deletion Account 123456789012 - Ensure CMK KMS is not marked for deletion kms-key
root-account-mfa-enabled-check Account 123456789012 - Ensure MFA is enabled for the root account account
cmk-use-external-key-material Account 123456789012 - Ensure CMK KMS uses external key material kms-key
aws-kms-key-rotation-is-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure rotation for customer created CMKs is enabled aws.kms-key
unencrypted-unattached-ebs-are-deleted Account 123456789012 - Ensure unattached EBS volumes are encrypted ebs
aws-lambda-version-latest-not-custom Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Lambda version is $LATEST and not custom version aws.lambda
a-sagemaker-direct-internet-access Account 123456789012 - Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances Should Not Have Direct Internet Access aws.sagemaker-notebook
iam-45-days-unused-keys Account 123456789012 - Ensure access keys are unused for 45 days are disabled/deleted iam-user
a-secret-manager-no-aws-default-kmsKey-used-check Account 123456789012 - Ensure no AWS default KMS Key is used to protect Secrets aws.secrets-manager
cloudfront-distributions-aws-waf-enabled Account 123456789012 - CloudFront Distributions Should Have AWS WAF Enabled aws.distribution
rds-instance-public-accessibility-enable Account 123456789012 - Ensure that Public Accessibility is set to No for Database Instances rds
elasticache-clusters-data-at-rest-encrypted Account 123456789012 - Ensure that AWS ElastiCache Redis clusters are Data At-Rest encrypted elasticache-group
cloudtrail-log-file-validation-is-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure CloudTrail log file validation is enabled aws.cloudtrail
a-vpc-network-acl-unused Account 123456789012 Unused network access control lists should be removed network-acl
r-sns-encrypted-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Set Encryption On SNS topics aws.sns
list-vpc-in-lambda Account 123456789012 - list vpc in lambda lambda
check-default-vpc-in-lambda Account 123456789012 - check default vpc in lambda vpc
throttle-lambdas-in-default-vpc Account 123456789012 - throttle Lambdas in default VPC lambda
unrestricted-ssh Account 123456789012 - Ensure security group ingress doesn't allow to port 22
redis-are-in-transit-encrypted Account 123456789012 - Ensure that AWS ElastiCache Redis clusters are In-Transit encrypted elasticache-group
iam-policies-attached-to-groups-roles Account 123456789012 - Ensure IAM policies are attached only to groups or roles aws.iam-user
aws-security-group-default-deny Account 123456789012 - Ensure the default security group of every VPC restricts all traffic
es-encryption-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Amazon Elasticsearch Service Domains Should Have Encryption At Rest Enabled aws.elasticsearch
rest-api-gateway-stage-logging-enabled Account 123456789012 - API Gateway Stage Logging Should Be Enabled rest-stage
eip-attached Account 123456789012 - Ensure EIP allocated to VPC are attached to EC2 instances or in-use ENIs network-addr
iam-user-unused-credentials Account 123456789012 - Ensure user credentials unused for 90 days are disabled/deleted aws.iam-user
rds-instance-enhance-monitoring-enable Account 123456789012 - Ensure Enhance monitoring is enabled for RDS Database Instance rds
waf-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure Waf enabled on ALB app-elb
r-unused-ec2-eips-removed Account 123456789012 unused ec2 eip's should be removed aws.elastic-ip
no-managed-policies-attached-iam-users-directly Account 123456789012 - Ensure no Managed Policies are attached to IAM Users directly iam-user
r-redshift-automatic-snapshots-enabled Account 123456789012 - Amazon Redshift Clusters Should Have Automatic Snapshots Enabled redshift
rds-automatic-minor-version-upgrades-enabled Account 123456789012 - RDS Automatic Minor Version Upgrades Should Be Enabled aws.rds
a-elbv2-accesslog-enabled-check Account 123456789012 - ELBv2 Accesslog Enabled Check app-elb
flow-logs-are-enabled-in-all-region Account 123456789012 - Ensure VPC flow logging is enabled in all VPCs vpc
a-security-groups-unused Account 123456789012 - Ensure no unused security groups exists
r-s3-bucket-encryption-set Account 123456789012 - Ensure S3 bucket encryption is enabled s3
redis-has-multi-az-failover-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster with Multi-AZ Automatic Failover feature is set to enabled elasticache-group
vpc-sg-opened-only-to-authorized-ports Account 123456789012 - Ensure security group doesn't have ingress except for port 443
sagemaker-endpoint-configuration-encryption Account 123456789012 - SageMaker Endpoint Configuration Encryption Should Be Enabled aws.sagemaker-endpoint-config
r-redshift-automatic-upgrades-major-versions-enabled Account 123456789012 - Amazon Redshift Should Have Automatic Upgrades To Major Versions Enabled aws.redshift
route53-domain-is-not-expired-high Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Route 53 Registered domain is not expired r53domain
unused-iam-with-password-ak-deleted Account 123456789012 User has no password, User has no ak/sk and User is older than 7 days deleted iam-user
cloudfront-distribution-origin-access-identity-enabled Account 123456789012 - CloudFront distributions should have origin access identity enabled aws.distribution
es-least-three-data-nodes Account 123456789012 - Elasticsearch domains should have at least three data nodes aws.elasticsearch
aws-lambda-env-vars-encrypted-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Lambda env vars encrypted at rest aws.lambda
rds-backup-enabled Account 123456789012 - RDS DB Instance Backup Should Be Enabled aws.rds
es-node-to-node-encryption-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Elasticsearch Service domains are using the latest version of Elasticsearch engine elasticsearch
elasticache-memcache-not-using-default-ports Account 123456789012 - Ensure that AWS ElastiCache Memcached clusters are not using 11211 port cache-cluster
iam-policies-in-use Account 123456789012 - Ensure IAM policy are in use iam-policy
cloudfront-distributions-require-encryption-transit Account 123456789012 - CloudFront distributions should require encryption in transit aws.distribution
s3-account-level-public-access-blocks Account 123456789012 - Ensure Account level S3 public access block is enabled aws.account
es-has-enabled-slow-logs-to-cw-logs Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Elasticsearch Service domains have enabled the support for publishing slow logs to AWS CloudWatch Logs elasticsearch
aws-log-group-missing-retention-days Account 123456789012 - Ensure log groups have retention period set aws.log-group
rds-instance-encryption-enable Account 123456789012 - Ensure Encryption is enabled for the database Instance rds
r-sns-encrypted-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Set Encryption On SNS topics aws.sns
dynamodb-encrypted-aws-kms Account 123456789012 - DynamoDB table should be encrypted with AWS KMS aws.dynamodb-table
r-delete-igw-unattached-vpc Account 123456789012 - Delete internet gateways unattached vpc internet-gateway
no-root-account-access-key-exists Account 123456789012 - Ensure no root account access key exists account
aws-config-is-enabled-in-all-regions Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Config is enabled in all regions account
elasticache-clusters-in-transit-encrypted Account 123456789012 - Ensure that AWS ElastiCache Redis clusters are In-Transit encrypted elasticache-group
rds-instance-deletion-protection-enable Account 123456789012 - Ensure Deletion Protection is enabled for RDS DB Instance rds
iam-policy-no-statements-with-admin-access Account 123456789012 - Ensure IAM policy with no statements with admin access iam-policy
a-elb-classic-connection-draining-check Account 123456789012 - ELB Connection Draining Check elb
cmk-expiry-set-with-ext-key-material Account 123456789012 - Ensure that the key expiry is set for CMK with external key material kms-key
iam-allow-all-policy-alert Account 123456789012 - Ensure IAM policies that allow full administrative privileges are not created iam-policy
cloudtrail-integrated-cloudwatch-logs Account 123456789012 - Ensure CloudTrail trails are integrated with CloudWatch Logs cloudtrail
a-wafv2-logging-enabled Account 123456789012 - Logging should be enabled on AWS WAFv2 regional and global web access control list (ACLs) aws.wafv2
a-sns-encrypted-at-rest Account 123456789012 - SNS topics should be encrypted at rest using AWS KMS aws.sns
cloudtrail-logs-are-encrypted-using-kms-cmk Account 123456789012 - Ensure CloudTrail logs are encrypted at rest using KMS CMKs aws.cloudtrail
a-elb-classic-crosszone-check Account 123456789012 - ELB CrossZone Check elb
aws-lambda-tracing-is-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS lambda tracing is enabled. aws.lambda
rest-api-gateway-stages-ssl-backend-auth Account 123456789012 - API Gateway REST API stages should be configured to use SSL certificates for backend authentication rest-stage
s3-bucket-versioning-medium Account 123456789012 - Ensure versioning is enabled for S3 buckets s3
es-least-three-dedicated-master-nodes Account 123456789012 - Elasticsearch domains should be configured with at least three dedicated master nodes aws.elasticsearch
r-apigateway-caching-verify Account 123456789012 - API Gateway stage caching verify rest-stage
cloudfront-distribution-logging-enabled Account 123456789012 - CloudFront distribution should have logging enabled aws.distribution
elb-custom-security-policy-ssl-check Account 123456789012 - Ensure Classic LB SSL listeners are using custom policy elb
iam-password-policy-best-practices Account 123456789012 - IAM Password Policy Best Practices account
aws-log-group-encryption-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Log group encryption at rest should be enabled aws.log-group
efs-encryption-has-cmk-for-data-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Ensure CMK is used to encrypt data at rest for EFS efs
elasticache-automatic-backup-retention-period-15 Account 123456789012 - ElastiCache Redis Cluster Automatic Backup Should Be Enabled With Retention Period Of 15 days Or Greater elasticache-group
aws-iam-ssl-tls-expired-certs-alert Account 123456789012 - SSL/TLS Certificate that are already expired iam-certificate
dms-instance-not-publicly-accessible Account 123456789012 - DMS replication instances should not be publicly accessible aws.dms-instance
r-redshift-enhanced-vpc-routing-enabled Account 123456789012 - Amazon Redshift Clusters VPC Routing Enabled redshift
ec2-instance-detailed-monitoring-enabled Account 123456789012 - EC2 instance detailed monitoring should be enabled ec2
rest-api-gateway-stage-associated-aws-waf-web-acl Account 123456789012 - API Gateway Should Be Associated With An AWS WAF Web ACL rest-stage
ami-owned-by-an-aws-account-are-encrypted Account 123456789012 - Ensure AMIs owned by an AWS account are encrypted ami
s3-public-rw-prohibited Account 123456789012 - Ensure S3 bucket prohibite public read or write access s3
rds-cluster-deletion-protection-enable Account 123456789012 - Ensure Deletion Protection is enabled for RDS DB Cluster rds-cluster
ec2-instance-ebs-optimization-enabled Account 123456789012 - EC2 instance should have EBS optimization enabled ec2
root-account-hardware-mfa-enabled-check Account 123456789012 - Ensure hardware MFA is enabled for the root account account
cloudFront-distributions-default-root-object Account 123456789012 - CloudFront Distributions Should Have A Default Root Object Configured aws.distribution
iam-access-key1-rotated-45-days-or-less Account 123456789012 - Ensure access key1 is rotated every 45 days or less iam-user
acm-certificate-expiration-check Account 123456789012 - ACM certificates about to expire in 14 days acm-certificate
no-key-pair-present-in-aws-account Account 123456789012 - Ensure no key pair present in aws account. aws.key-pair
password-policy-check-pwd-reuse-prevention Account 123456789012 - Ensure that the IAM Password Policy prevents a new password from being the same as the last 6 passwords. aws.account
aws-log-group-retention-not-less-than-year Account 123456789012 - Ensure log groups have retention period at least a year aws.log-group
unrestricted-common-ports Account 123456789012 - Ensure SG ingress doesn't allow to ports 20,21,22,139,445,3306 or 3389
es-encrypted-tls-1-2 Account 123456789012 - Connections to Elasticsearch domains should be encrypted using TLS 1.2 aws.elasticsearch
aws-log-group-missing-retention-days-remediate Account 123456789012 - Ensure log groups have retention period set aws.log-group
elasticache-redis-not-using-default-ports Account 123456789012 - Ensure that AWS ElastiCache redis clusters are not using 6379 port elasticache-group
iam-90-days-unused-keys Account 123456789012 - Ensure access keys are unused for 90 days are disabled/deleted iam-user
redis-clusters-are-encrypted-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Ensure that AWS ElastiCache Redis clusters are Data At-Rest encrypted elasticache-group
r-redshift-encryption-enabled Account 123456789012 - Redshift cluster audit logging and encryption should be enabled aws.redshift
r-redshift-prohibit-public-access Account 123456789012 - Amazon Redshift Clusters Should Prohibit Public Access aws.redshift
copy-tags-volume-to-ebs-snapshots r-ebs-snapshots-create-encrypted Account 123456789012 - copy tags volume to ebs snapshots
Account 123456789012 - Create encrypted ebs snapshot remove unencrypted ebs ebs-snapshot ebs-snapshot
a-lambda-should-in-vpc Account 123456789012 - Lambda functions should be in a VPC lambda
cloudwatch-alarm-action-should-be-enabled Account 123456789012 - CloudWatch alarm action should be enabled aws.alarm
a-rds-aurora-clusters-backtracking-enabled Account 123456789012 - Amazon Aurora clusters should have backtracking enabled rds-cluster
internet-gateway-authorized-vpc-only Account 123456789012 - Ensure Internet Gateway has authorized VPC internet-gateway
a-elb-accesslog-enabled-check Account 123456789012 - ELB Accesslog Enabled Check elb
rds-cluster-encryption-enable Account 123456789012 - Ensure Encryption is enabled for the RDS cluster rds-cluster
dynamodb-point-in-time-recovery Account 123456789012 - DynamoDB Table Point-In-Time Recovery Should Be Enabled aws.dynamodb-table
redshift-cluster-public-access-check Account 123456789012 - Ensure Redshift Cluster are not publicly accessible redshift
kms-cmk-marked-for-deletion Account 123456789012 - Ensure KMS CMK is not marked for deletion kms-key
vpc-default-security-group-closed Account 123456789012 - Ensure default security group of any VPC does not allow inbound or outbound traffic
s3-mfa-delete-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure MFA Delete Is Enabled On S3 Buckets aws.s3
r-apigateway-stage-cache-data-encrypted Account 123456789012 - API Gateway REST API cache data should be encrypted at rest rest-stage
r-elbv2-enabled-drop-http-headers Account 123456789012 - ELBv2 Enabled Drop HTTP Headers app-elb
efs-encryption-is-enabled-for-data-at-rest Account 123456789012 - Ensure EFS Encryption is enabled for data at rest efs
a-sagemaker-notebook-encryption Account 123456789012 - Sagemaker Notebook Instance Encryption Missing. aws.sagemaker-notebook
elasticsearch-node-to-node-encryption Account 123456789012 - Ensure Elasticsearch has node to node encryption enabled aws.elasticsearch
r-s3-enable-versioning Account 123456789012 - s3 enable versioning s3
r-rest-api-gateway-stages-x-ray-tracing-enabled Account 123456789012 - API Gateway REST API Stages should Have AWS X-Ray Tracing Enabled rest-stage
r-elb-delete-unused Account 123456789012 - Delete unused ELB elb
redshift-cluster-tls-ssl-check Account 123456789012 - Ensure Redshift Cluster require_ssl is not false redshift
es-node-to-node-encryption-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure node-to-node encryption feature is enabled for AWS Elasticsearch Service domains elasticsearch
s3-access-logging-is-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure Server access logging is enabled s3
a-redshift-audit-logging-enabled Account 123456789012 - Redshift Cluster Audit Logging Should Be Enabled aws.redshift
cloudtrail-is-enabled-all-region Account 123456789012 - Ensure CloudTrail is enabled in all regions aws.cloudtrail
r-aws-lambda-tracing-is-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS lambda tracing is enabled. aws.lambda
root-account-hardware-mfa-enabled-check Account 123456789012 - Ensure hardware MFA is enabled for the root account account
a-rds-cluster-snapshot-shared-with-account Account 123456789012 - Ensure RDS cluster snapshot is not shared with any aws account rds-cluster-snapshot
a-elasticache-snapshot-copies-to-s3 Account 123456789012 - Ensure Elasticache snapshot is not copied to S3 Bucket cache-snapshot
a-rds-public-snapshot Account 123456789012 - Ensure RDS Snapshot is not shared with public rds-snapshot
a-rds-instance-access-to-public Account 123456789012 - Ensure RDS instances are not publicly accessible rds
a-s3-bucket-settings-for-public-is-set Account 123456789012 - Ensure bucket settings are proper for public access s3
a-route53-has-autorenew-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Route 53 domains have AutoRenew enabled r53domain
a-s3-deny-bucket-policy-grant-access-to-all Account 123456789012 - S3 Bucket Policy deny Access to Everyone s3
a-ec2-ami-creation-alert Account 123456789012 - AMI Creation alert ami
a-ec2-public-ami Account 123456789012 - Ensure AMIs are not shared with public ami
a-ec2-unattached-ebs-are-encrypted Account 123456789012 - Ensure unattached EBS volumes are encrypted ebs
a-ec2-public-ebs-snapshot Account 123456789012 - Ensure EBS snapshot is not publicly accessible ebs-snapshot
a-s3-server-side-encryption-is-enabled-for-s3-bucket Account 123456789012 - Ensure Server Side Encryption is enabled s3
a-s3-bucket-acl-grant-access-to-all-or-auth-users Account 123456789012 - S3 Bucket Access Control List Grant Access to Everyone or Authenticated Users s3
ami-shared-with-other-account Account 123456789012 - Ensure AMI is not shared with any aws account ami
a-rds-public-cluster-snapshot Account 123456789012 - Ensure RDS Cluster Snapshot is not shared with public rds-cluster-snapshot
a-s3-access-logging-is-enabled-for-s3-buckets Account 123456789012 - Ensure Server access logging is enabled s3
a-s3-versioning-is-enabled-for-s3-buckets Account 123456789012 - Ensure versioning is enabled for S3 buckets s3
a-ec2-ebs-snapshot-shared-with-account Account 123456789012 - Ensure EBS snapshot is not shared with any aws account ebs-snapshot
a-redshift-snapshot-shared-with-account Account 123456789012 - Ensure Redshift Cluster Snapshot is not shared with another account redshift-snapshot
a-route53-reg-domain-has-transfer-lock Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Route 53 Registered domain has Transfer lock enabled r53domain
r-ec2-ami-shared-with-account Ensure public launch permission from AMI are removed ami
a-rds-snapshot-shared-with-account Account 123456789012 - Ensure RDS snapshot is not shared with any aws account rds-snapshot
a-iam-mfa-enable-users-with-console-password Account 123456789012 - Ensure MFA must be enabled for all user accounts that have a console password. aws.iam-user
a-firehose-delivery-stream-encryption-sse-configured Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream with Direct PUT and other sources as source has Server-side encryption configured firehose
a-s3-bucket-settings-for-public-is-set Account 123456789012 - Ensure bucket settings are proper for public access s3
a-redis-clusters-are-encrypted-with-cmk Account 123456789012 - Ensure that AWS ElastiCache Redis clusters are Data At-Rest encrypted with CMK elasticache-group
a-elb-clb-is-not-using-unencrypted-protocol Account 123456789012 - Classic ELB is using unencrypted protocol elb
a-redis-clusters-are-auth-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS ElastiCache Redis cluster with Redis AUTH feature is enabled elasticache-group
r-s3-server-side-encryption-is-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure Server Side Encryption is enabled s3
a-firehose-delivery-stream-encryption-config-has-cmk Account 123456789012 - Ensure AWS Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream with Direct PUT and other sources as source has Server-side encryption configured with KMS Customer Managed Keys firehose
r-security-group-default-sg-remove-permissions Account 123456789012 - Ensure default security group of any VPC does not allow inbound or outbound traffic security-group
a-s3-acl-access-to-all-or-auth-users Account 123456789012 - S3 Bucket Access Control List Grant Access to Everyone or Authenticated Users s3
a-s3-deny-bucket-policy-access-to-all Account 123456789012 - S3 Bucket Policy deny Access to Everyone s3
r-s3-policy-enforces-encryption-in-transit Account 123456789012 - Ensure that bucket policy enforces encryption in transit s3
a-elb-listener-is-not-using-unencrypted-protocol Account 123456789012 - Ensure ELB are not using unencrypted protocol app-elb
r-security-group-unused-sg-remove Account 123456789012 - Ensure remove unused security group security-group
r-enable-vpc-flowlog-on-vpcs Account 123456789012 - Ensure that each VPC has VPC FlowLogs enabled vpc
a-s3-server-side-encryption-is-enabled Account 123456789012 - Ensure Server Side Encryption is enabled s3
r-cloudwatch-set-log-group-retention Account 123456789012 - Set log group retention on cloudwatch log-group