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File metadata and controls

140 lines (114 loc) · 21.1 KB


  • Mobile-compatible drag and drop
  • Handles to drag events to make them longer or shorter
  • Add month name to the 1st of the month when viewing multiple months

3.0.0 (2018-05-05)

  • Added dateClasses prop to allow easy dynamic styling of specific dates (#55, thanks @LTroya!)
  • Massive CSS reorganization to rely less on complex cascading for easier theming (#45, #52)
  • Removed need for complex z-index on week and event elements (zIndex no longer passed in event slot)
  • Removed need for eventRowX class. Top position CSS is now computed dynamically based on the row and passed to the event slot as "top".
  • Removed limitation of 20 event rows per week
  • Default header buttons no longer use CSS content for their labels
  • The dayContent slot now does not contain the cv-date-number div, making it easier to provide your own content without having to duplicate the day number.
  • The content element within each day has been removed, as it is no longer needed. The default theme now uses box-shadow rather than border to highlight the date when dragging an event.
  • Fixed drag and drop issue in Firefox (#57)
  • Implemented new custom header capability, and refactored the default header as a separate component with the same interface
  • Upgraded to webpack 4.7
  • Refactored periodLabel from CSS logic into a reusable function
  • Transpilation to ES5 appears to be functioning properly
  • Activating the default theme now requires a class ("theme-default") (#45)
  • Fixed and tested polyfill in the same application in IE11
  • Fixed flexbox rendering issue in IE11

Migration guide for 3.0.0

  • IE11 support has been fixed! However, you will need to include babel-polyfill in your app's entry point, webpack config, or via a script tag, if you aren't already doing so.
  • Any custom themes or other CSS overrides will need to be modified for the upgraded classes and structure.
  • If you use the dayContent slot, you no longer need to render the day number, it's outside the slot now.
  • There was a problem in the default height of the calendar (it wasn't 100% of the parent), that has been resolved.
  • Webpack 4 is required to build the component or sample app. If you're just installing and using the component, this won't impact you.
  • Creating and slotting a custom header is now very simple.
  • To activate the default theme, your <calendar-view> element will need the theme-default class (in addition to importing the CSS file, of course).

2.2.1 (2018.03.19)

  • Fix where babel was not transpiling appropriately for IE11 (#46)
  • Fix where "sticky" content was causing issues for IE11, which doesn't support sticky
  • Never published on npm due to continued IE11 issues

2.2.0 (2018.03.18)

  • Removed the events deprecated in 2.1.0
  • Upgraded to Webpack 4
  • Moved version history to this CHANGELOG file
  • Moved some opinionated styles from the baseline (SFC) to the default theme.
  • Fixed event slot issue reported in #42 and #50 (thanks @lexuzieel!).
  • Added zIndex prop to event scoped slot properties.
  • Formatted to meet newer eslint rules.
  • Corrected some minor positioning issues with events (including removing remaining em-based borders)
  • The click-event and drag-* events events now passes the normalized event (same as the "event" named slot). You can access your original event (which is the one you should modify) using the originalEvent attribute. While this is a minor breaking change, I wasn't quite ready to move up to 3.0, and this does make the API more consistent in how it passes events back to the caller.
  • Known issue: Babel is not currently transpiling correctly to provide IE11 support. Looking for assistance.

2.1.2 / 2.1.3 (2018.01.27)

  • Prevent click-date events for future dates when disableFuture is true (feature parity with disablePast). Fixes #40.

2.1.0 / 2.1.1 (2018.01.25)

The events below were renamed to make them kebab-case (for DOM template compatibility) and to refine the wording. The old event names, shown here, were deprecated in this version and removed in 2.2:

  • clickDay
  • clickEvent
  • setShowDate
  • dragEventStart
  • dragEventEnterDate
  • dragEventLeaveDate
  • dragEventOverDate
  • dropEventOnDate

2.0.1 (2018.01.23)

  • Fixed outsideOfMonth logic bug, #38

2.0.0 (2018.01.01)

Version 2.0 includes some major upgrades! Here are the new features:

  • Dates passed as strings are interpreted using browser local time, not UTC, which prevents the event from showing up on an unexpected date.
  • Optional display of start and/or end times of events, with options for formatting
  • Ability to view more than one month at a time
  • Week view (including multi-week)
  • Year view (including, but not necessarily sanely, multi-year support)
  • New named slot for event
  • All slots now pass back useful properties the caller can bring into their scope
  • The main grid is scrollable if it is too tall for the component
  • Each week is scrollable if its events are too tall for the week's row in the component

This means there are some breaking changes:

  • The component is now called calendar-view rather than calendar-month, to better reflect the flexibility of the period shown. (The package is still vue-simple-calendar.)
  • Because of the above, the CSS class of the root element has also changed to calendar-view.
  • The CSS class of the element containing the body of the view has changed from month to weeks, since periods other than a single month can be shown.
  • If you pass dates as strings, they MUST be in ISO form ("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"). The time portion is optional, and within time, the minutes and seconds are also optional.
  • The header has been refactored to take better advantage of flexbox, increase the header text size, and group the buttons. This should make it easier to customize, but if you have a custom theme, it may need some updates.
  • If the calendar is too short to view the entire period, the calendar body is scrollable (scroll bars are hidden, use touch or scroll wheel).
  • If an individual week is too short to view all events in the week, the week's events are scrollable (scroll bars are hidden, use touch or scroll wheel).
  • The minimum cell height is now 3em, to ensure that at least one event shows vertically, and if there are others to scroll to, a small part of the next one is visible.
  • Emitted drag and drop events pass the original calendar event, not just its id.
  • The dragEventDragOverDate event (undocumented) has been renamed as dragEventOverDate. Prior to 2.0, user events emitted the calendar event's id as the first argument rather than the calendar event itself. Since not all calendar events will have an ID and the parent will probably want access to the actual calendar event, I changed these Vue events to emit the original calendar event, not just its id.
  • The dayList slot has been replaced with dayHeader, and slot day has been renamed as dayContent.
  • The word slot in the sense of an event display row has been renamed as eventRow in the code and CSS to avoid confusion with Vue slots.
  • Up to 20 events per day are now supported (up from 10).
  • Some basic colors, borders, etc. have been moved from the default theme into the component's core CSS, allowing the component to have a more appealing look with no theme in place and a better starting point for custom themes.
  • Reversed the circle-arrow labels to return to the current period. These are now clockwise to "go forward" to return to the current period, counter-clockwise to "go back" to return to the current period.

Props Added in 2.0

  • showEventTimes - If true, shows the start and/or end time of an event beside the event title. Midnight is not shown, a midnight time is assumed to indicate an all-day or indeterminate time. (If you want to show midnight, use 00:00:01 and don't choose to show seconds.) The default is false.
  • timeFormatOptions - This takes an object containing Intl.DateTimeFormat options to be used to format the event times. The locale setting is automatically used. This option is ignored for browsers that don't support Intl (they will see the 24-hour, zero-padded time).
  • displayPeriodUom - The period type to show. By default this is month, i.e., it shows a calendar in month-sized chunks. Other allowed values are year and week.
  • displayPeriodCount - The number of periods to show within the view. For example, if displayPeriodUom is week and displayPeriodCount is 2, the view will show a two-week period.

1.8.2 (2017.12.30)

  • A dayList slot was added.
  • A day slot was added.
  • A header slot was added (#32)
  • Fixed display issue (#33)

Older changes

Date Version Notes
2017.05.11 1.0.0 First version
2017.05.15 1.1.0 Better demo styling; refactor code; add basic drag/drop capability; fix display issue when events not sorted by start date
2017.05.20 1.2.0 Redesigned to work around z-index context issue with multi-day events (events now positioned above days, weeks rendered individually). Significant improvements to handling of event slots and clipping when event content exceeds height/width.
2017.05.21 1.3.0 Fixed IE. Bad IE. Fixed CSS references to emoji. Default style adjustments. Clean up some old code. Add previous/next year buttons.
2017.05.22 1.3.1 Improved demo, first published to npm.
2017.05.27 1.4.0 Add new classes, move a few classes up to calendar node, rename a few classes to pascalCase for consistency.
2017.07.16 1.5.0 Clean up code, move date math to a mixin; allow endDate, title, and id to be optional; change so only core CSS (mostly position / metrics) is in the component, a separate CSS file contains the default theme. Reorganized and updated optional US holiday theme CSS file. Tweaked default theme and metrics for consistency and cleaner look. NOTE: the default component name is now calendar-month, as is the primary container's CSS class. This was done for possible future expansion to support other views (such as a week view) and to give the CSS a slightly more unique name without resorting to scoped CSS. The name of the npm package, repository, etc. remains vue-simple-calendar.
2017.10.03 1.5.1 Fix issue where months ending in Saturday did not show their last week. Moved mixin to component folder.
2017.10.04 1.5.2 Fix webpack issue with mixin import and Vue warning about non-primitive keys.
2017.11.11 1.5.3 Fix date differences over DST and toBeContinued logic (thanks @houseoftech and @sean-atomized!)
2017.11.12 1.6.0 Fix future/past classes. Tweaks to CSS to fix border render issue, simplify. Change height from aspect ratio to the height of the container (the reason for the minor version increment).
2017.11.12 1.6.1 Fix issues when events have a time other than midnight (they should be ignored). Add stylelint and vue lint, clean up package.json, other minor tweaks. Set browser compatibility to a minimum of IE10. Prevent issues from caching "today" value.
2017.12.12 1.7.0 Add startingDayOfWeek property to allow the calendar to optionally start on any desired day of the week
2017.12.15 1.7.1 Hopefully resolve reported babel preset error
2017.12.17 1.8.0 Split sample app to another repo, rebuild build/config scripts from scratch
2017.12.17 1.8.1 Add build for mixin