The analysis results from this paper, including the plots, are reproducible.
If you have installed the joint-crab
bundle as it is described in the
README, you can type in the terminal the following commands to reproduce the analysis and figures.
You may choose to perform the whole analysis with a single command or do it in a step-by-step basis.
$ ./ all
$ ./ --help
all Run all steps. clean Clean out results folder. extract-spectra Extract 1d spectra fit-errorbands Compute flux error bands. fit-spectra Execute spectrum fit. fit-systematics Fit that includes systematics. maps Make and plot sky maps. plot-contours Plot contours. plot-counts Plot counts spectra. plot-errorbands Plot SED error bands. plot-seds Plot SEDs. provenance Write `results/provenance.yaml`. summary-data Write summary for data. summary-results Write summary for results.
1- Let's clean eventual previous results produced.
$ ./ clean
2- We perform the analysis in a procedural way.
$ ./ maps
$ ./ extract-spectra
$ ./ fit-spectra
$ ./ fit-systematics
$ ./ fit-errorbands
3- Then we gather the results in tables.
$ ./ summary-data
$ ./ summary-results
- Table 1: results/summary/ | results/summary/data.tex
- Table 2: results/summary/ | results/summary/results.tex
4- Finally, let's produce the plots.
$ ./ plot-counts
$ ./ plot-seds
$ ./ plot-errorbands
$ ./ plot-contours