description |
Create a query using overpass turbo to generate a list of street names from the city you're working on. |
Ask a technical lead to fork the project from here. If you don’t have a technical lead, please email and we will do our best to help you.
In order to know how many streets you’ll be working on, you need to do a query on and export it as .CSV.
The query can be found here or as followed:
[out:csv(::type, ::id, name, "name:fr", "name:nl", wikidata, "name:etymology:wikidata")][timeout:120];
// Mons: Code INS 53053
( area["admin_level"="8"]["ref:INS"="53053"]; )->.a;
out body;
- INS"="53053: Statistic code used for Belgium. This code will differ abroad.
- Way["highway"]["name"]["highway"!="bus_stop"]["highway"!="service" : asking the street names expect from buses or services (example: a very small way used privately for a garage)
- Relation: Attention, you need to query for both ways & relations as it’s two different ways to record streets in OpenStreetMaps.
Once this is done:
- Export the document in .CSV
- Delete all the doubles. OpenStreetMap streets are sometimes recorded into different ways (different fractions of the streets), meaning that it can appear multiple times on your CSV document.