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Create GOOSE Control Blocks

Jakob Vogelsang edited this page Aug 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

Open create wizard

In order to get to the GOOSE Control Block

  1. navigate to the Substation editor
  2. click on the G icon button in the upper left corner
  3. click in GOOSE+
  4. select the IED you want to store the GOOSE in


  1. navigate to the Substation editor
  2. click one of the IEDs in the editor
  3. click on the G action icon
  4. click in GOOSE+

NOTE: The GSEControl element, its child elements and its referenced DataSet element are saved to the first LN0 element in the selected IED.


This create wizard consists of three pages. All pages need to be filled properly to be able to add the GOOSE Control Block and its DataSet to the SCL. You can navigate between the pages using the buttons in the footer.

NOTE: The Save button that adds the GOOSE Control Block to the SCL is on the last page.


GSEControl page


This page contains a set of settings the server needs to have to be able to generate a GOOSE:

  • name: The main identifier for the GOOSE within the SCL. The name must be unique for all GSEControl element in the same parent element. Does influence the GOOSE Control Block reference
  • desc: optional string that is describing the GSEControl element
  • type: Whether this control block is a GOOSE or GSSE type. The later one is deprecated!
  • appID: a unique identifier for the GOOSE.
  • fixedOffs: Allows to specify the type of encoding for the GOOSE. For more information see IEC 61850-8-1
  • securityEnabled: The type of security measures the GOOSE has: encryption or/and signature or non of the two.



Communication page

This page allows do define all communication related setting for the GOOSE. These information is saved to the Communication section.

  1. MAC-Address: The destination MAC address of the GOOSE
  2. APPID: The APPID of the GOOSE. This is recommended to be unique though out the complete project.
  3. VLAN-ID: The virtual LAN ID the GOOSE shall be limited to.
  4. VLAN-PRIORITY: The priority of the GOOSE message. Can be used to priories time critical messages like trip signals over non time critical messages.
  5. MinTime: The minimum time between two occurring GOOSEs when a e.g. a trip occurs
  6. MaxTime: The maximum time between two occurring GOOSEs in case there is not trip.

Data picker

To define the data set a multi-select data picker is used in the last page of the create wizard. This allows you to select multiple data attributes at the same time. The exampled below picked the data attributes general and its quality information q from the data object Op the logical node IP_ PTOC 1 and the logical device ConvSS_DistProt_5051BackUpOC.


NOTE: If no data is picked the DataSet is still created but is empty! You can add data using the edit wizard in a later stage.


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