In this lab you will learn about building and deploying a microservice based on Java/Maven on OpenShift. The Catalog Service is part of the Cool Store architecture to provide a list of products for the CoolStore online shop.
Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that makes it easy to create stand-alone Spring based applications with embedded web containers such as Tomcat (or JBoss Web Server), Jetty and Undertow that you can run directly on the JVM using java -jar. Spring Boot also allows producing a war file that can be deployed on stand-alone web containers.
The opinionated approach means many choices about Spring platform and third-party libraries are already made by Spring Boot so that you can get started with minimum effort and configuration.
The catalog-spring-boot project has the following structure which shows the components of the Spring Boot project laid out in different subdirectories according to Maven best practices:
Once loaded, you should see the following files and be able to navigate amongst the files. The components of the Spring Boot project are laid out in different subdirectories according to Maven best practices:
Now it’s time to build and deploy our service on OpenShift.
OpenShift {{OPENSHIFT_DOCS_BASE}}/architecture/core_concepts/builds_and_image_streams.html#source-build[Source-to-Image (S2I)^] feature can be used to build a container image from your project. OpenShift S2I uses the supported OpenJDK container image to build the final container image of the Catalog Service by uploading the Spring Boot uber-jar from the target/ folder to the OpenShift platform.
Maven projects can use the Fabric8 Maven Plugin in order to use OpenShift S2I for building the container image of the application from within the project. This maven plugin is a Kubernetes/OpenShift client able to communicate with the OpenShift platform using the REST endpoints in order to issue the commands allowing to build a project, deploy it and finally launch a docker process as a pod.
To build and deploy the Catalog Service on OpenShift using the fabric8 maven plugin,
which is already configured in CodeReady Workspaces, right click on catalog-spring-boot
project in the project explorer then, click on Commands > Deploy > fabric8:deploy
It will cause the following to happen:
Once this completes, your project should be up and running. You can see the expose DNS url for the Catalog Service in the {{OPENSHIFT_CONSOLE_URL}}[OpenShift Web Console^] or using OpenShift CLI.
$ oc get routes NAME HOST/PORT PATH SERVICES PORT TERMINATION catalog catalog-{{COOLSTORE_PROJECT}}.{{APPS_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX}} catalog 8080 None inventory inventory-{{COOLSTORE_PROJECT}}.{{APPS_HOSTNAME_SUFFIX}} inventory 8080 None
Click on the OpenShift Route of 'Catalog Service'
from the {{OPENSHIFT_CONSOLE_URL}}[OpenShift Web Console^].
Then click on 'Test it'
. You should have the following output:
[{"itemId":"329299","name":"Red Fedora","desc":"Official Red Hat Fedora","price":34.99},...]
Well done! You are ready to move on to the next lab.