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add aws capi cases
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huali9 committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent e00c559 commit 99b6f8d
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Showing 7 changed files with 377 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ build-e2e:

.PHONY: test-e2e
test-e2e: ## Run openshift specific e2e test
hack/ $(GINKGO_ARGS) --label-filter='!periodic' -p
hack/ $(GINKGO_ARGS) --label-filter='!periodic&&!qe-account-only' -p

.PHONY: test-e2e-periodic
test-e2e-periodic: ## Run openshift specific periodic e2e test
hack/ $(GINKGO_ARGS) --label-filter=periodic -p
hack/ $(GINKGO_ARGS) --label-filter='periodic&&!qe-account-only' -p

.PHONY: help
Expand Down
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions pkg/capi/aws.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
package capi

import (

. ""
. ""
configv1 ""
mapiv1 ""
capiinfrastructurev1beta2resourcebuilder ""
corev1 ""
awsv1 ""
clusterv1 ""


yaml ""

const (
awsMachineTemplateName = "aws-machine-template"
infrastructureName = "cluster"
infraAPIVersion = ""

var _ = Describe("Cluster API AWS MachineSet", framework.LabelCAPI, framework.LabelDisruptive, func() {
var (
cl client.Client
ctx = context.Background()
platform configv1.PlatformType
clusterName string
oc *gatherer.CLI
awsMachineTemplate *awsv1.AWSMachineTemplate
machineSetParams framework.CAPIMachineSetParams
machineSet *clusterv1.MachineSet
mapiDefaultProviderSpec *mapiv1.AWSMachineProviderConfig
err error

BeforeEach(func() {
cfg, err := config.GetConfig()
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to GetConfig")

cl, err = client.New(cfg, client.Options{})
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to create Kubernetes client for test")

infra := &configv1.Infrastructure{}
infraName := client.ObjectKey{
Name: infrastructureName,
Expect(cl.Get(ctx, infraName, infra)).To(Succeed(), "Failed to get cluster infrastructure object")
Expect(infra.Status.PlatformStatus).ToNot(BeNil(), "expected the infrastructure Status.PlatformStatus to not be nil")
clusterName = infra.Status.InfrastructureName
platform = infra.Status.PlatformStatus.Type
if platform != configv1.AWSPlatformType {
Skip("Skipping AWS E2E tests")
oc, err = framework.NewCLI()
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to new CLI")
framework.SkipIfNotTechPreviewNoUpgrade(oc, cl)
_, mapiDefaultProviderSpec = getDefaultAWSMAPIProviderSpec(cl)
machineSetParams = framework.NewCAPIMachineSetParams(
Kind: "AWSMachineTemplate",
APIVersion: infraAPIVersion,
Name: awsMachineTemplateName,
framework.CreateCoreCluster(ctx, cl, clusterName, "AWSCluster")

AfterEach(func() {
framework.DeleteCAPIMachineSets(ctx, cl, machineSet)
framework.WaitForCAPIMachineSetsDeleted(ctx, cl, machineSet)
framework.DeleteObjects(ctx, cl, awsMachineTemplate)

//huliu-OCP-51071 - [CAPI] Create machineset with CAPI on aws
It("should be able to run a machine with a default provider spec", func() {
awsMachineTemplate = newAWSMachineTemplate(mapiDefaultProviderSpec)
Expect(cl.Create(ctx, awsMachineTemplate)).To(Succeed(), "Failed to create awsmachinetemplate")
machineSetParams = framework.UpdateCAPIMachineSetName("aws-machineset-51071", machineSetParams)
machineSet, err = framework.CreateCAPIMachineSet(ctx, cl, machineSetParams)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to create CAPI machineset")
framework.WaitForCAPIMachinesRunning(ctx, cl, machineSet.Name)

//huliu-OCP-75395 - [CAPI] AWS Placement group support.
It("should be able to run a machine with cluster placement group", func() {
awsClient := framework.NewAwsClient(framework.GetCredentialsFromCluster(oc))
placementGroupName := clusterName + "pgcluster"
placementGroupID, err := awsClient.CreatePlacementGroup(placementGroupName, "cluster")
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to create placementgroup")
Expect(placementGroupID).ToNot(Equal(""), "expected the placementGroupID to not be empty string")
DeferCleanup(func() {
_, err = awsClient.DeletePlacementGroup(placementGroupName)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to delete placementgroup")

awsMachineTemplate = newAWSMachineTemplate(mapiDefaultProviderSpec)
awsMachineTemplate.Spec.Template.Spec.PlacementGroupName = placementGroupName
Expect(cl.Create(ctx, awsMachineTemplate)).To(Succeed(), "Failed to create awsmachinetemplate")
machineSetParams = framework.UpdateCAPIMachineSetName("aws-machineset-75395", machineSetParams)
machineSet, err = framework.CreateCAPIMachineSet(ctx, cl, machineSetParams)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to create CAPI machineset")
framework.WaitForCAPIMachinesRunning(ctx, cl, machineSet.Name)

//huliu-OCP-75396 - [CAPI] Creating machines using KMS keys from AWS.
It("should be able to run a machine using KMS keys", framework.LabelQeAccountOnly, func() {
awsMachineTemplate = newAWSMachineTemplate(mapiDefaultProviderSpec)
region := mapiDefaultProviderSpec.Placement.Region
if region != "us-east-1" && region != "us-east-2" {
Skip("Region is " + region + ", skip this test scenario because we only created kms key in us-east-1/us-east-2 region")
var key string
switch region {
case "us-east-1":
key = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:301721915996:key/c471ec83-cfaf-41a2-9241-d9e99c4da344"
case "us-east-2":
key = "arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:301721915996:key/c228ef83-df2c-4151-84c4-d9f39f39a972"
awskmsClient := framework.NewAwsKmsClient(framework.GetCredentialsFromCluster(oc))
_, err = awskmsClient.DescribeKeyByID(key)
if err != nil {
Skip(fmt.Sprintf("Skip because cannot get the key %v", err))
encryptBool := true
awsMachineTemplate.Spec.Template.Spec.NonRootVolumes = []awsv1.Volume{
DeviceName: "/dev/xvda",
Size: 140,
Type: awsv1.VolumeTypeIO1,
IOPS: 5000,
Encrypted: &encryptBool,
EncryptionKey: key,
Expect(cl.Create(ctx, awsMachineTemplate)).To(Succeed(), "Failed to create awsmachinetemplate")
machineSetParams = framework.UpdateCAPIMachineSetName("aws-machineset-75396", machineSetParams)
machineSet, err = framework.CreateCAPIMachineSet(ctx, cl, machineSetParams)
Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred(), "Failed to create CAPI machineset")
framework.WaitForCAPIMachinesRunning(ctx, cl, machineSet.Name)

func getDefaultAWSMAPIProviderSpec(cl client.Client) (*mapiv1.MachineSet, *mapiv1.AWSMachineProviderConfig) {
machineSetList := &mapiv1.MachineSetList{}

Eventually(func() error {
return cl.List(framework.GetContext(), machineSetList, client.InNamespace(framework.MachineAPINamespace))
}, framework.WaitShort, framework.RetryShort).Should(Succeed(), "it should be able to list the MAPI machinesets")
Expect(machineSetList.Items).ToNot(HaveLen(0), "expected the MAPI machinesets to be present")

machineSet := &machineSetList.Items[0]
Expect(machineSet.Spec.Template.Spec.ProviderSpec.Value).ToNot(BeNil(), "expected the MAPI machinesets ProviderSpec value to not be nil")

providerSpec := &mapiv1.AWSMachineProviderConfig{}
Expect(yaml.Unmarshal(machineSet.Spec.Template.Spec.ProviderSpec.Value.Raw, providerSpec)).To(Succeed(), "it should be able to unmarshal the raw yaml into providerSpec")

return machineSet, providerSpec

func newAWSMachineTemplate(mapiProviderSpec *mapiv1.AWSMachineProviderConfig) *awsv1.AWSMachineTemplate {
By("Creating AWS machine template")

Expect(mapiProviderSpec).ToNot(BeNil(), "expected the mapi ProviderSpec to not be nil")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.IAMInstanceProfile).ToNot(BeNil(), "expected the mapi IAMInstanceProfile to not be nil")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.IAMInstanceProfile.ID).ToNot(BeNil(), "expected the mapi IAMInstanceProfile.ID to not be nil")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.InstanceType).ToNot(BeEmpty(), "expected the mapi InstanceType to not be empty")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.Placement.AvailabilityZone).ToNot(BeEmpty(), "expected the mapi Placement.AvailabilityZone to not be empty")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.AMI.ID).ToNot(BeNil(), "expected the mapi AMI.ID to not be nil")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.SecurityGroups).ToNot(HaveLen(0), "expected the mapi SecurityGroups to be present")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.SecurityGroups[0].Filters).ToNot(HaveLen(0), "expected the mapi SecurityGroups[0].Filters to be present")
Expect(mapiProviderSpec.SecurityGroups[0].Filters[0].Values).ToNot(HaveLen(0), "expected the mapi SecurityGroups[0].Filters[0].Values to be present")

var subnet awsv1.AWSResourceReference

if len(mapiProviderSpec.Subnet.Filters) == 0 {
subnet = awsv1.AWSResourceReference{
ID: mapiProviderSpec.Subnet.ID,
} else {
subnet = awsv1.AWSResourceReference{
Filters: []awsv1.Filter{
Name: "tag:Name",
Values: mapiProviderSpec.Subnet.Filters[0].Values,

uncompressedUserData := true
ami := awsv1.AMIReference{
ID: mapiProviderSpec.AMI.ID,
ignition := &awsv1.Ignition{
Version: "3.4",
StorageType: awsv1.IgnitionStorageTypeOptionUnencryptedUserData,
additionalSecurityGroups := []awsv1.AWSResourceReference{
Filters: []awsv1.Filter{
Name: "tag:Name",
Values: mapiProviderSpec.SecurityGroups[0].Filters[0].Values,
Filters: []awsv1.Filter{
Name: "tag:Name",
Values: mapiProviderSpec.SecurityGroups[1].Filters[0].Values,
awsmt := capiinfrastructurev1beta2resourcebuilder.

return awsmt
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions pkg/e2e_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
machinev1 ""
caov1alpha1 ""
awsv1 ""
azurev1 ""
clusterv1 ""

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ func init() {
if err := azurev1.AddToScheme(scheme.Scheme); err != nil {

if err := awsv1.AddToScheme(scheme.Scheme); err != nil {

func TestE2E(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions pkg/framework/aws_client.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ import (

Expand All @@ -14,6 +17,45 @@ type AwsClient struct {
Svc *ec2.EC2

// Init the aws client.
func NewAwsClient(accessKeyID []byte, secureKey []byte, clusterRegion string) *AwsClient {
awsSession := newAwsSession(accessKeyID, secureKey, clusterRegion)
aClient := &AwsClient{
Svc: ec2.New(awsSession),

return aClient

// AwsKmsClient struct.
type AwsKmsClient struct {
kmssvc *kms.KMS

// Init the aws kms client.
func NewAwsKmsClient(accessKeyID []byte, secureKey []byte, clusterRegion string) *AwsKmsClient {
awsSession := newAwsSession(accessKeyID, secureKey, clusterRegion)
kmsClient := &AwsKmsClient{
kmssvc: kms.New(awsSession),

return kmsClient

// Create aws backend session connection.
func newAwsSession(accessKeyID []byte, secureKey []byte, clusterRegion string) *session.Session {
awsConfig := &aws.Config{
Region: aws.String(clusterRegion),
Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials(

return session.Must(session.NewSession(awsConfig))

// CreateCapacityReservation Create CapacityReservation.
func (a *AwsClient) CreateCapacityReservation(instanceType string, instancePlatform string, availabilityZone string, instanceCount int64) (string, error) {
input := &ec2.CreateCapacityReservationInput{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,3 +87,54 @@ func (a *AwsClient) CancelCapacityReservation(capacityReservationID string) (boo

return ptr.Deref(result.Return, false), err

// CreatePlacementGroup Create a PlacementGroup.
func (a *AwsClient) CreatePlacementGroup(groupName string, strategy string, partitionCount ...int64) (string, error) {
var input *ec2.CreatePlacementGroupInput
if len(partitionCount) > 0 {
input = &ec2.CreatePlacementGroupInput{
GroupName: aws.String(groupName),
PartitionCount: aws.Int64(partitionCount[0]),
Strategy: aws.String(strategy),
} else {
input = &ec2.CreatePlacementGroupInput{
GroupName: aws.String(groupName),
Strategy: aws.String(strategy),

result, err := a.Svc.CreatePlacementGroup(input)

if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error creating placement group: %w", err)

placementGroupID := ptr.Deref(result.PlacementGroup.GroupId, "")
klog.Infof("The created placementGroupID is %s", placementGroupID)

return placementGroupID, nil

// DeletePlacementGroup Delete a PlacementGroup.
func (a *AwsClient) DeletePlacementGroup(groupName string) (string, error) {
input := &ec2.DeletePlacementGroupInput{
GroupName: aws.String(groupName),
result, err := a.Svc.DeletePlacementGroup(input)

if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not delete placement group: %w", err)

return result.String(), nil

// Describes aws customer managed kms key info.
func (akms *AwsKmsClient) DescribeKeyByID(kmsKeyID string) (describeResult *kms.DescribeKeyOutput, err error) {
input := &kms.DescribeKeyInput{
KeyId: aws.String(kmsKeyID),

return akms.kmssvc.DescribeKey(input)

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