- [feature] Introduce the
parameter to allow multi researches
- [feature] the toml format is now supported by niet (#77)
- [fix] replace deprecated
- [CI/CD] move away from travis CI and fix existing github actions
- [CI/CD] publish to pypi with github actions
- [CI/CD] introduce black and isort and a couple of new dev tools
- [packaging] rewrite the way we package niet and move away from pbr
- [doc] update the contribution guide
- [fix] return key equal to False and 0 rather than raising an element not found (#72)
- [requirements] bump PyYAML from version 5.1 to version 5.4.1
- [doc] improve documentation and error messages
- fix changelog and integration badges
- Adding a debug mode to niet
- [doc] add more examples for the
- [feature] adding the comma output format
- [fix] improve alignement on the help's format
- [fix] rename unit test module
- [feature] allow niet to work on web resources (distant JSON/YAML file)
- drop support of python 2.7
- fix use newline format on single value
- add download badge
- update changelog
- fix infilename retrieve if input come from stdin
- rename Changelog
- Update Changelog
- [feat #11] Add in-place and output function to print output to a file
- [fix #41] Remove future import
- [doc #10] Add some usecases
- [doc] Improve contributing guide to explain how to run it locally explicitly
- update doc help and options
- add features example
- Introduce some examples with eval
- Introduce eval output
- fix json examples structure
- Handle jmespath lexer errors with path which contains dash
- Disable python3.8 tests on travis
- Support of python 3.8
- remove testing of python 3.5 and 3.6 development versions
- update changelog
- Fix JSON issue when content start with a list
- compatibility with python3.7
- transfer project to openuado organization
- Introduce search by using xpath syntax
- move from devel branch to master branch as the default branch
- fix license typo
- Fixing list of dict extract
- fix pbr setup requirements
- Update Changelog and fix travis automatic deployment
- get the niet version number
- document silent mode
- allow to use silent mode and doesn't display element not found
- Remove duplicate actions
- Explain how to use bandit to contributors
- Scan project code with bandit during CI
- update changelog
- read data from stdin or from file (#25)
- introduce unittest (#7)
- improve documentation and add more examples and fix (#8)
- improve contributing
- Update changelog and authors
- Add possibility to begin search string by a point eg: .project
- Improve multiples output functionnality
- make adequation between examples in doc and functionnal tests
- Add yaml and json output format
- remove python 3.3 support
- Feat. Add capacity to choose between quotes or not
- fix pep8 and check pep8 on travis
- [feat] Add capability to get the whole file using "." as object filter
- Minor cosmetics changes
- doc explain how to update niet
- update changelog
- deploy to test.pypi.org on devel
- add some classifiers and change author email
- add badges and improve documentation
- introduce pipenv and pipfile
- add gitignore rules
- introduce tests
- how to contribute to niet
- Introduce code of conduct
- License MIT
- remove changelog from pypi description
- fix bad behavior that still to occur on not found
- fix bad behavior on element not found
- fix documentation examples
- remove tick from list results
- using readme at markdown format on pypi
- First commit