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File metadata and controls

221 lines (164 loc) · 7.64 KB


HSZinc is an implementation of the ZINC grid serialisation format used in Project Haystack. Additionally, the module implements code for parsing and dumping grids in the JSON format.

The aim of this project is to provide a simple Python module that allows easy manipulation of Project Haystack grids in both ZINC and JSON formats.



Making a grid

Python 2.7.10 (default, Dec 26 2015, 09:36:51)
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In [1]: import hszinc

In [2]: import datetime

In [3]: g = hszinc.Grid()

In [4]: g.metadata['aMarker'] = hszinc.MARKER

In [5]: g.metadata['today'] =

In [6]: g.column['firstColumn'] = {'metaData':'in no particular order', 'abc': 123}

In [7]: g.column['secondColumn'] = {}

In [8]: g.extend([
  {'firstColumn': hszinc.Quantity(154, 'commits'), 'secondColumn': 'and counting'},
  {'firstColumn': hszinc.MARKER, 'secondColumn': 'supported on Python 2.7 and 3.x'},
  {'firstColumn': hszinc.Coordinate(-27.4725,153.003), 'secondColumn': 'Made in Australia from local and imported ingredients'},

In [9]: print hszinc.dump(g)
ver:"2.0" aMarker today:2016-01-18
firstColumn abc:123 metaData:"in no particular order",secondColumn
154commits,"and counting"
M,"supported on Python 2.7 and 3.x"
C(-27.472500,153.003000),"Made in Australia from local and imported ingredients"

In [10]: print hszinc.dump(g, mode=hszinc.MODE_JSON)
{"rows": [{"secondColumn": "s:and counting", "firstColumn": "n:154.000000 commits"}, {"secondColumn": "s:supported on Python 2.7 and 3.x", "firstColumn": "m:"}, {"secondColumn": "s:Made in Australia from local and imported ingredients", "firstColumn": "c:-27.472500,153.003000"}], "meta": {"ver": "2.0", "aMarker": "m:", "today": "d:2016-01-18"}, "cols": [{"abc": "n:123.000000", "name": "firstColumn", "metaData": "s:in no particular order"}, {"name": "secondColumn"}]}

Parsing a grid in ZINC format

parse returns a list of grids found in the input text. Since there can be more than one grid in a block of text, we process all grids found and return a list.

Python 2.7.10 (default, Dec 26 2015, 09:36:51)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 2.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help      -> Python's own help system.
object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

In [1]: import hszinc

In [2]: grids = hszinc.parse('''ver:"2.0" database:"test" dis:"Site Energy Summary"
siteName dis:"Sites", val dis:"Value" unit:"kW"
"Site 1", 356.214kW
"Site 2", 463.028kW''')

In [3]: grids
Out[3]: [<hszinc.grid.Grid at 0x7fb9eb7ee990>]

In [4]: g = grids.pop(0)

In [5]: g.metadata
Out[5]: MetadataObject{'database'=u'test', 'dis'=u'Site Energy Summary'}

In [6]: g.column
Out[6]: SortableDict{'siteName'=MetadataObject{'dis'=u'Sites'}, 'val'=MetadataObject{'dis'=u'Value', 'unit'=u'kW'}}

In [7]: g[:]
[{'siteName': u'Site 1', 'val': Quantity(356.214, 'kW')},
 {'siteName': u'Site 2', 'val': Quantity(463.028, 'kW')}]

Parsing a grid in JSON format

The Project Haystack site only defines how individual grids are handled, and when given a single grid, we return just that grid. Otherwise if multiple grids are placed in a JSON array, they will be returned as a list:

In [1]: import hszinc

In [2]: grids = hszinc.parse('''{
  "meta": {"ver":"2.0", "projName":"test"},
    {"name":"dis", "dis":"Equip Name"},
    {"dis":"RTU-1", "equip":"m:", "siteRef":"r:153c-699a HQ", "installed":"d:2005-06-01"},
    {"dis":"RTU-2", "equip":"m:", "siteRef":"r:153c-699a HQ", "installed":"d:999-07-12"}
}''', mode=hszinc.MODE_JSON)

In [3]: grids
Out[3]: <hszinc.grid.Grid at 0x7f2ce556f990>

In [4]: grids.metadata
Out[4]: MetadataObject{u'projName'=u'test'}

In [5]: grids.column
Out[5]: SortableDict{u'dis'={u'dis': u'Equip Name'}, u'equip'={}, u'siteRef'={}, u'installed'={}}

In [6]: grids[:]
[{u'dis': u'RTU-1',
  u'equip': MARKER,
  u'installed':, 6, 1),
  u'siteRef': Ref(u'153c-699a', u'HQ', True)},
 {u'dis': u'RTU-2',
  u'equip': MARKER,
  u'installed': u'd:999-07-12',
  u'siteRef': Ref(u'153c-699a', u'HQ', True)}]

Working with grids

The grid itself behaves like a list containing dict objects, one per row. The usual insert/append/extend methods as well as the del, len and [] operators work the way the ones in list do. Iterating over the grid iterates over its rows.

Grid metadata is represented by the MetadataObject class, a subclass of SortableDict. SortableDict behaves like a regular dict, except that it maintains the order of keys. New values can be insert-ed at any point in the SortableDict, or the entire set of keys may be sort()-ed or reverse()-d in-place. MetadataObject supports appending and insertion of strings, which get stored as MARKER objects to create markers.

Data types

hszinc converts the common Python data types:

Null, Boolean, Date, Time, Date/Time and strings.
Standard Python types. In the case of Date/Time, the tzinfo parameter is set to the equivalent timezone provided by the pytz library where possible.
Numbers without a unit are represented as float objects. Numbers with a unit are represented by the hszinc.Quantity custom type which has two attributes: value and unit. If pint is installed, support exists for its unit conversion features.
NA, Marker and Remove
These are singletons, represented by hszinc.NA, hszinc.MARKER and hszinc.REMOVE. They behave and are intended to be used like the None object.
URI and Bin
These are represented as subclasses of unicode type (Python 2.7; str in Python 3.x).
Represented by the custom type hszinc.Ref which has name (str), has_value (bool) and value (any type) attributes.
Represented by the custom type hszinc.Coordinate, which has latitude and longitude types (both float)
Represented using standard Python list objects.


hszinc has been used to implement the core grid parsing logic in pyhaystack and used in production for some time now. Project Haystack 2.0 compatibility is pretty good at this time, with 3.0 being a work-in-progress. (At the moment we support lists, the NA singleton, and both variants of the Remove singleton when using JSON serialisation.)