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File metadata and controls

203 lines (183 loc) · 14.6 KB

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A Rom Manager entirely written in Java and released under GPL-2



Your are responsible of the rom that you donwload or that you share using this Software, in other words: if you don't own the original game and the game is not copyleft, then downloading or sharing roms is illegal!!!



Minimal development requirements:

  • Eclipse Oxygen for Java with WindowBuilder feature and Gradle Buildship
  • Java 21
  • Gradle dependencies (via Maven repositories)
    • Apache Commons Codec 1.+
    • Apache Commons CLI 1.+
    • Apache Commons IO 2.+
    • Apache Commons Lang3 3.+
    • Apache Commons Text 1.+
    • Apache Commons Compress 1.+ (used solely to list 7zip content)
    • StreamEx 0.8.+
    • Zip4J
    • SevenZipJBinding 16.02-2.01 (faster than using 7z cmd line)
    • JCommander 1.+
    • Minimal JSON 0.9.5
    • Google GSON
    • Jetty 10.+ (server mode)
    • H2 Database (full server mode)
    • and various others dependencies...
  • Git submodules dependencies

Minimal usage requirements:

  • 1GB Free Ram (2GB or more with Software Lists, MultiCore feature, 7z ultra compression, ...)
  • Any OS with Java 21 runtime if not already bundled (a 64 bits version is required to get more than 1GB)
  • (optional) 7zip or p7zip cmdline program if you need 7z format and only if SevenZipJBinding doesn't work on your platform
  • (optional) trrntzip cmdline program if you want to torrentzip your files (now integrated with Jtrrntzip)

Behavior compared to other Rom managers

  • By default, Split mode may differ from ClrMamePro, it's because JRomManager is by default using "explicit merging" and so will split only according the merge attribute presence (as preconized in logiqx faq), whereas ClrMamePro will split as soon as a rom in parent set as same CRC even if no merge attribute as been set! The difference is especially visible for Software Lists where merge flag does not exist at all in the DTD, so in this case "Split Merged" mode will be the same as using "Non Merged" mode for JRomManager. RomCenter is also known to be respectful of the merge attribute. To reproduce the ClrMamePro behavior you will have to select "implicit merge" option in profile settings

Minimal instructions for cmdline compilation:

If you just want to recompile sources without using an IDE (Eclipse), here are the steps to follow...

  • First, you need OpenJDK 11 installed from your system package manager or from the official installer, or at least take care that all java jdk binaries are accessible from your current $PATH or %PATH%
    • [Optional] If your are on Windows, and you want to build the MSI installer, you'll need
      • the latest WIX Toolset to be installed and its bin/ folder added in your %PATH%
      • OpenJDK 14 installed (for jpackage)
  • Download code using git clone --recursive
  • cd JRomManager
  • run
    • Unix: sh ./gradlew build
    • Windows: .\gradlew.bat build
  • This is the included gradle-wrapper, it will download the right gradle binaries package version, then compile and package all (see build subdirs)

Current Features

  • Mame and Logiqx Dat formats
  • Import from Mame executable
  • Dat manager with stats and mame update check (if imported from mame)
  • Zip support
  • Split Scan/Fix/Rebuild
  • Non-Merged Scan/Fix/Rebuild
  • Merged Scan/Fix/Rebuild (with choice in case of name collision)
  • Full SHA1 scan or on-need SHA1 scan in case of suspicious CRC32
  • Retain SHA1 in cache until zip file change
  • CHD support
  • Software List support
  • Per profile settings (what to fix, how to scan, ...)
  • MultiThreading support (at least for archive manipulation and checksum calculation, fast disks required)
  • MD5 support (for old dats)
  • 7z support via SevenZipJBinding + 7z command line as functional backup
  • TorrentZip support using Jtrrntzip
  • Samples support (with separate Dest dir that may be eventually a subdir of Roms dir)
  • Multiple Source Dir
  • Dat parsing caching via Java Serialization
  • Optimized to permit scan over shared network
  • Dir scan caching via Java Serialization based on FileMDate+FileSize, one cache file per romdir, reusable between different Dat Scans if same dir is used
  • Enhanced Gui with Report
  • Translated to English and French (volunteers needed for other languages)
  • Filtering functionalities (clone, CHDs, systems list, display mode, cabinet type, driver status, ...)
  • Optional Separate Dest dir between Roms, CHDs, Software Roms, Software CHDs
  • Drag&Drop on src/dest dirs controls
  • Double click on game name in profile viewer will launch game if (Mame is linked with profile and item is green)
  • Double click on software name in profile viewer will launch software with a valid machine (if Mame is linked with profile and item is green)
  • Double click on cloneof or romof item in profile viewer will jump to that item definition
  • Advanced filtering functionalities when a nplayers.ini and catver.ini is associated with a mame profile
  • Popup menu in profile viewer to export as dat (dat2dat)... selection mode : all or selected, filtering mode : filtered or unfiltered, format : logiqx/mame/softwarelist/softwarelists (according selection and/or profile context)
  • One-click easy updater (can be manually disabled at launch)
  • Jar installer
  • Extra merging and collision modes to generate PleasureDome compatible Mame sets, as of v0.223 :
    • ROMs split => 100% torrent joining
    • ROMs merged => 99.962% torrent joining (435KB to complete, 4 archives with more files than in PD related to devices)
    • ROMs non-merged => 99.969% torrent joining (7MB to complete, 11 archives with more files than in PD related to devices)
    • BIOS-Devices => 83.351% torrent joining (119MB missed, 152 archives with more files than in PD and 66 extreaneous archives)
    • SoftwareList Machine-BIOS-Devices => 70% torrent joining (10MB missed) since some machines exist with no SoftwareList available
    • SoftwareList ROMs => not tested since it contains some non-supported software lists
  • An advanced progression window taking into account multi-threading operations
  • Backup option (per profile)
  • (De)select Game or Software individually, or upon keywords selection (keywords are terms between parenthesis in description), similar to 1G1R mode
  • Launch mode for multiuser environment and for Linux packaging readiness (see %HOMEPATH%\.jrommanager or $HOME/.jrommanager for working path)
  • Available as installation package for Gentoo Linux JRomManager Overlay, Arch Linux, as .deb for Debian / UBuntu, as RPM for Centos / Fedora / Redhat, as MSI for Windows
  • .exe bootstrap for windows version (with MSI installer) that search for available JRE in the system and adjust right memory parameters according 32 or 64 bits jre, can also work with a possible bundled jre
  • Documented source and javadoc available
  • Dir2Dat
  • Batch Tools
    • Dir Updater : to update many dats files to many dirs. Accept dirs of dats as source (software list mode)
    • Torrent checker : to check many torrent to many dirs. From file name mode to sha1 mode. Include detail viewer to see what is missing and what is wrong (tree view by piece for SHA1 mode)
    • Compressor : to compress many files at a time from any format to Zip, TrntZip, or 7ZIP
  • Simple Server mode.
    • JRomManager can listen to a defined port and serve a web interface instead of the classical Swing gui
    • The initial purpose of the server mode is to run JRomManager on headless server and directly on NAS
    • The Web interface is full feature complete, and very powerful, thanks to SmartGWT from isomorphic
    • This feature is for basic usage, it means that :
      • It has not been tested over the internet => the purpose is to access from intranet
      • It's a simple web server => no encrypted connection (https/wss), no protection against DDOS, no connection limitations, ...
      • There is currently no multiuser support nor access control implemented => you can break your server easily if you don't know what you're doing
  • Full Server mode, include all features from Simple server mode plus the following:
    • Made for a "community or family usage" over the Internet provided that each one own the original games for the shared roms, or that the roms are copyleft (see disclaimer above)
    • Jetty is used
    • Multi-user with access rights, and separated workdir, a shared read-only space, and no access to entire FileSystem
    • Totally secured (separate accounts with login/password, HTTPS with TLS 1.3, server certificate handling and auto reload, ...)
    • HTTP2 support (only with TLS 1.2) which permit long polling request usage in place of websockets without loosing too much network performance
    • This mode is still experimental, work still need to be made on disk/thread quotas, and a firewall with IP filtering may be required to get full control on who is attempting to connect
  • Install as a service (Server mode)
  • RAR4 and RAR5 decompression
  • Multi-volume decompression (RAR and 7Zip)
  • Command Line Mode with access to all functionalities and environment variable support
  • Copy to clipboard and search on the web functions
  • "Single file" compression mode : to store single rom games without directories nor compression, this mode will work correctly only if:
    • There is only 1 rom per game and no relationship between games (parent/clone)
    • The name of the game is the same than the name of the rom (minus the rom file extension)
  • Java 21 as minimal (since 3.0.0)
  • JavaFX 21 for standalone interface (replace Swing since 3.0.0)
  • Use Zip4J which is faster for adding/removing files into existing zip archives (since 3.0.0)

Short Term Planned Features

  • Mode to keep existing container archive format
  • Disk/Threads quotas for "Full Server" mode

Middle Term Planned Features

  • More Translations
  • Headered roms support
  • Auto update option (and show Changes log after auto-update)

Long Term Planned Features and Ideas

  • Emulator-friendly format converter?
  • Interoperability with other managers?
  • Torrent7Z support?

Not planned features

  • Inverted/complemented CRC: obsolete replaced by "status" attribute since Mame 0.68
  • Old ClrMamePro non-xml format: even considered as deprecated by ClrMamePro
  • CHD verification: data won't be verified, only header is read to get md5/sha1, maybe the data size will be verified later but no hashing nor chdman
  • Rom resizing

Known issues

  • JRomManager were made on my free time, it may not be perfect for all usage, please don't complain if it broke your romset, it is your responsability to make backup before using this tool
  • Zip integrated in java can leave useless directory entries in zip central directory, it is by design, and this implementation is the fastest available, this will not disturb Mame or any emulator, but clrmamepro will complain about useless dirs, and trrntzip will remove those entries as expected 😉