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Releases: orbingol/NURBS-Python

geomdl v5.0b6

16 Feb 07:48
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geomdl v5.0b6 Pre-release
  • Added exchange.import_obj function
  • Added knot removal, degree elevation and degree reduction algorithms
  • Simplified evaluator API to make implementations easier
  • Added knotvector module
  • Added surface trimming algorithm
  • Minor bug fixes and compatibility updates
  • Documentation updates

Install via pip: pip install geomdl==5.0b6

geomdl 5.0b5

18 Jan 01:58
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geomdl 5.0b5 Pre-release
  • NURBS-Python (geomdl) paper was published on SoftwareX:
  • Minor API updates and fixes
  • Added more convenience methods to spline geometry classes
  • Minor fixes and updates in exchange module
  • Documentation updates
  • Added volume support to dict-based import and exports, i.e. cfg, yaml, json
  • Updated CI configurations
    • Added CircleCI support for automation of deployment to PyPI, Anaconda Cloud and Docker Hub
    • Updated TravisCI support to use tox and tox environments
    • Updated AppVeyor support to generate Cython-compiled versions of geomdl as artifacts
  • Added support for star imports, i.e. from geomdl import *

Anaconda Cloud:

geomdl v5.0b4

31 Dec 21:06
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geomdl v5.0b4 Pre-release
  • Added abstract.Geometry and abstract.SplineGeometry classes
  • Improved multi module reusability
  • Added animate option to visualization component
  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements
  • Documentation updates

Anaconda Cloud:

geomdl v5.0b3

29 Dec 00:37
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geomdl v5.0b3 Pre-release
  • Added Jinja2 template support to JSON, YAML and CFG importers
  • Documentation updates and bug fixes

Anaconda Cloud:

geomdl v5.0b2

27 Dec 03:50
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geomdl v5.0b2 Pre-release
  • Added construct.extract_isosurface function
  • Updated VisVTK module
  • Updated vis.VisAbstract class
  • Minor fixes and updates

Anaconda Cloud:

geomdl v5.0b1

21 Dec 20:46
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geomdl v5.0b1 Pre-release

I am happy to announce the first beta release of NURBS-Python (geomdl) v5. On the user API side, there are minimal changes and you might not even notice them. On the other hand, some modules are refactored and optimized and these changes might affect the developers who use the abstract classes to extend the library.

Moreover, our paper was just accepted from SoftwareX journal and it will be published very soon. I will update the links when it is online.

Changes/improvements for geomdl v5.0b1 release:

B-Spline and NURBS API

  • Simplified abstract module and moved all abstract classes to their relevant modules (developer API change)
  • Removed curvept and surfpt methods. Use evaluate_single instead. (user API change)
  • Added an option to enable/disable knot vector normalization. Initialize the class with normalize_kv=False to disable knot vector normalization.
  • Added B-spline and NURBS volume support with visualization, BSpline.Volume and NURBS.Volume
  • Refactored convert module to improve reusability and add support to volumes (no API change)

Importing and exporting data (Exchange module)

  • Refactored exchange module to improve reusability (no API change)
  • Rhino file export and import options, export_3dm and, import_3dm in exchange module
  • Added exchange.export_vmesh for exporting NURBS volumes
  • Add Jinja2 template support for exchange.import_txt (no API change)

Utilities module

  • Update the name of utilities.check_uv function to utilities.check_params (user API change)
  • Refactored utilities module and moved some functions to linalg module (user API change)


  • VisMPL.VisSurfTriangle is now an alias for VisMPL.VisSurface (no API change)

New modules and features

  • fitting module for curve and surface global interpolation + approximation (fitting)
  • construct module for constructing surfaces and volumes + extracting surfaces and curves
  • linalg module (generated by splitting utilities module)
  • VisVoxel and VisVolume classes for volume visualization
  • VisVTK visualization module

Next steps

  • The class and function references are pretty much complete but the documentation in general still needs some improvement.
  • Refactor evaluators module and complete adding the fundamental algorithms; such as refinement, degree reduction, etc.

I also would like to announce the .3dm importer/exporter module rw3dm. Unfortunately, there are no binary releases for the moment, since I couldn't find time to set up Travis and AppVeyor to generate compiled binaries automatically. However, the module should work fine if you follow the installation steps as described on rw3dm readme file.

Please don't hesitate to open a ticket on the issue tracker if you are having issues with the latest release.

Download & Install

Anaconda Cloud:

NURBS-Python (geomdl) v4.4.2

19 Dec 20:17
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  • Fix bugs in export_csv and export_smesh functions

NURBS-Python (geomdl) v4.4.1

15 Nov 21:20
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NURBS-Python (geomdl) v4.4.1 has been released on November 15th, 2018 with the following updates:

  • Updated Cython-compiled module location for more convenient binary package generation
  • Major documentation update with more examples and API descriptions
  • Added DockerFiles

Please see the documentation for installation and upgrade information.

NURBS-Python (geomdl) v4.4.0

10 Nov 19:10
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NURBS-Python (geomdl) v4.4.0 has been released on November 10th, 2018 with the following updates:

  • Added and updated import and export methods (exchange module)
    • export_cfg, import_cfg
    • export_yaml, import_yaml
    • export_json, import_json
  • exchange module code optimizations

Please see the documentation for installation and upgrade information.

NURBS-Python (geomdl) v4.3.8

08 Nov 00:10
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NURBS-Python (geomdl) v4.3.8 has been released on November 7th, 2018 with the following updates:

  • Fixed a bug in bounding box computation
  • Added bounding box plotting option to the visualization module

Please see the documentation for installation and upgrade information.