diff --git a/orbitmines.com/src/routes/papers/2024.AUniversalLanguage.tsx b/orbitmines.com/src/routes/papers/2024.AUniversalLanguage.tsx
index b87fd74..8c6a815 100644
--- a/orbitmines.com/src/routes/papers/2024.AUniversalLanguage.tsx
+++ b/orbitmines.com/src/routes/papers/2024.AUniversalLanguage.tsx
@@ -246,6 +246,17 @@ const AUniversalLanguage = () => {
But this introduces a rather hard problem, namely that: .
+ Move elsewhere?
+ A lot of this comes from the realization. That most differences come from the context in which they're applied. But this presents a problem of how one often uses languages: Specific names for specific perspectives. And that makes useful generalization quite hard. [REPHRASE]
+ Essentially the problem becomes. When do you decide that a particular kind of perspective, or switch in perspective should have a different name associated with it. Essentially what we're asking, is: Why is it so important to name this differently? Would it be harder to find if one didn't do that? [REPHRASE]
Part of any task then, becomes this: . This should somewhere be quite intuitive: You can use tools without knowing how to make those tools. Essentially wanting to understand unknowns, might as well be called reverse engineering: How is it done? What aspects of it can be {
Something like: Constantly all the rays as functions are executing (in orbits), then if something causes something else's behavior to change, you get the inconsistencies.
Particles are seemingly temporally stable orbits/modular structures?
"Wrong dynamics" from a particular perspective, often probably still keep traversing - they still work. It's just that from the perspective you wanted, they don't.
- Reprogrammability as foundational?
+ Reprogrammability & inconsistencies as foundational?
+ Invariances at start hence a modular structure might be a necessity physically
@@ -362,7 +374,7 @@ const AUniversalLanguage = () => {
Version control, causal histories, theorem proving, ..., a (programming) language are all rather similar. Always we consider some sort of